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Surviving Inactivity/Quitting and Restarting...

In summary, Jae says that if you have been inactive in the past, it is best to start over fresh with a different director. If you have recently quit or are thinking about quitting, Jae advises to contact her or another trainer in your cluster for advice. She says that while the second time around is usually better than the first, it is important to be realistic about your goals and be prepared to receive support.
  • #51
Kitchen Diva said:
nah- skip the collards, I don't think I'd like those. We ate at a place in SC that had these marinated green beans that TASTED like the barnyard part of our state fair smells. Anything that tastes as bad as that smells is not my idea of a good thing.

Anywhoo- looks like we have a battle on our hands! I feel so loved! :) In this corner we have Janet from Cheddarville, WI- and in the other corner we have Beth from Wantstolivebythebeach, NC- and in the third corner we have Diane from JustgotmyownPCoffice, NC....we just have one more corner to fill- so for now it's the other Diane as the REF! :)

May the best team be paired together!:D

  • #52
Shoot...I am not a Director yet but I have a team! I have been almost a Director for SO many years! LOL!! But I do have two fence sitters right now, 2 active personally recruited consultants, two more on my team and a few more I am trying to help get back into business. Hopefully..............I will be able to walk by Leadership!
  • #53
erinyourpclady said:
Shoot...I am not a Director yet but I have a team! I have been almost a Director for SO many years! LOL!! But I do have two fence sitters right now, 2 active personally recruited consultants, two more on my team and a few more I am trying to help get back into business. Hopefully..............I will be able to walk by Leadership!
Erin, call those people who are fence sitting and those that you want back in and tell them about the May promotion. Tell them that all they have to do is hold 4 catalog shows within a month and they get $100 extra in products (if they sign up in May) and no less than $120 in commission (that's with 4 $150 shows) and another $100 in free product (30 day bonus for 4 shows) and... It's no lose for them and they may decide they love it and want more and you would promote JULY 1. You can do it!
  • Thread starter
  • #54
quiverfull7 said:
Can there be a really cute GUY walking the ring with the round cards? Please, pretty please

Ummm, YES!!! And if he's tall, tanned and yummy- even better! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #55
erinyourpclady said:

And in the 4th and final corner we have Erin from Notquiteadirectorbutwillbesoon, NC...Oh, and a yummy piece of eye candy for Miss Quiverfull!
  • #56
I am shocked that your director would say something like that to you!

(That said ... I didn't know there was a "I beat my director" ribbon because I would have earned one in March and so would my clustermate! Little did we know that the director was hanging up her apron!)

You know, sometimes I am amazed at how blessed I am ... I have two wonderful people in my upline and the worst thing I can think of to say about my now ex-director is that she was too busy to be there for me when I wanted to step up ... but she referred me to my AD, and I am now in her first line!

I think your director is somehow "jealous" because of your childhood friendship with her DH ... some people can be SO Junior High!
  • #57
Kitchen Diva said:
And in the 4th and final corner we have Erin from Notquiteadirectorbutwillbesoon, NC...Oh, and a yummy piece of eye candy for Miss Quiverfull!

Oh I am totally getting a shirt that says that...Oh Ann...can you make it?:love:
  • #58
Hey! I wanted the 4th corner. Can you make your ring a pentagon instead? :D With proper email/phone contact and a good hospitality director, you don't have to be in the same state as your director/recruiter. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #59
janetupnorth said:
Awww...shucks...I can hope.

(I never was one to drool over guys or movies...so it wouldn't work for me...)

Strangely enough I'm the same way. DH will ask me if certain people or actors are cute, or if I think they are attractive and I'll say Yeah, they're okay, or NO- they are not...I guess once I found my cutie, I no longer find others good looking in that "yummy" sort of way.
  • Thread starter
  • #60
chefann said:
Hey! I wanted the 4th corner. Can you make your ring a pentagon instead? :D With proper email/phone contact and a good hospitality director, you don't have to be in the same state as your director/recruiter. ;)

Okay, and in the 5th corner is Chefann from IhaveaMACandtwocoolbirds, WI....

I'm not making it into hexigon or octagon, so it's staying at 5. Besides the people I was considering for my new director are ones that are in the ring. Except for Diane's eye candy. He was unexpected. :)
  • #61
Kitchen Diva said:
Okay, and in the 5th corner is Chefann from IhaveaMACandtwocoolbirds, WI....

I'm not making it into hexigon or octagon, so it's staying at 5. Besides the people I was considering for my new director are ones that are in the ring. Except for Diane's eye candy. He was unexpected. :)

All I got to say is that will be one brave guy getting in the ring with 5 women! :D

Speaking of getting what you want...anyone read "Go for No" yet? I just started it - my ED gave it to me to read...
  • #62
Um, Casey-- I'm in MI, not WI.And to get back to your original question (imagine that!), I've got a couple of women on my team who haven't re-signed, but have been inactive for long periods and then reactivated. Which really is like starting over, just without purchasing a new kit. My suggestion is to prepare yourself before you start again. Having some experience will be a good thing, because you won't be going in blind. Have your first 3 months booked SOLID and use every bit of positive training you've gotten (and will get between now and then) to get your business off to a big start. Even while inactive, you can access CC and the online training center - take those courses and download the recorded TeleClasses. By having that knowledge ahead of time, you can maximize the impact of your first shows, qualifying faster, and earning more PC$.
  • Thread starter
  • #63
chefann said:
Um, Casey-- I'm in MI, not WI.

And to get back to your original question (imagine that!), I've got a couple of women on my team who haven't re-signed, but have been inactive for long periods and then reactivated. Which really is like starting over, just without purchasing a new kit. My suggestion is to prepare yourself before you start again. Having some experience will be a good thing, because you won't be going in blind.

Have your first 3 months booked SOLID and use every bit of positive training you've gotten (and will get between now and then) to get your business off to a big start. Even while inactive, you can access CC and the online training center - take those courses and download the recorded TeleClasses. By having that knowledge ahead of time, you can maximize the impact of your first shows, qualifying faster, and earning more PC$.

Sorry, then we are even for you spelling my name with a C! :) I was going off memory- when that happens, we just all cross our fingers and hope for the best!:yuck:
  • Thread starter
  • #64
chefann said:
Um, Casey-- I'm in MI, not WI.

And to get back to your original question (imagine that!), I've got a couple of women on my team who haven't re-signed, but have been inactive for long periods and then reactivated. Which really is like starting over, just without purchasing a new kit. My suggestion is to prepare yourself before you start again. Having some experience will be a good thing, because you won't be going in blind.

Have your first 3 months booked SOLID and use every bit of positive training you've gotten (and will get between now and then) to get your business off to a big start. Even while inactive, you can access CC and the online training center - take those courses and download the recorded TeleClasses. By having that knowledge ahead of time, you can maximize the impact of your first shows, qualifying faster, and earning more PC$.

Thanks, Ann- that is really helpful info. I've taken all the online classes so far, but have yet to try the telecourses. I don't know why I haven't...I just haven't. So that will be top on my list before I start over. I agree with the book my first 3 months solid! I figure that won't be hard to do once I move to NC because everyone will want to book a show with the lady that talks like she's from the movie "Fargo" :) There is entertainment value in that!
  • #65
Regardless of what happens...I see an afternoon lunching and whatnot happening after you move down here! I guess we will have to see where you end up before we make those plans!
  • Thread starter
  • #66
erinyourpclady said:
Regardless of what happens...I see an afternoon lunching and whatnot happening after you move down here! I guess we will have to see where you end up before we make those plans!

I'm game! I love food. :)
  • #67
Kitchen Diva: I am inactive right now. I started a new job in January that is tremdously demanding. This is not the first time I have been inactive; however, this is the first time I am not sure I am going back. My director is fine but my heart isn't in it. My cluster is very hyper and my personality is a little more laid back. I am prbobable what you would consider a hobbyist. At any rate I like the product but am not really enjoying the business. Reading your thread makes me think what it would be like to start again.
  • Thread starter
  • #68
koeverson said:
Kitchen Diva: I am inactive right now. I started a new job in January that is tremdously demanding. This is not the first time I have been inactive; however, this is the first time I am not sure I am going back. My director is fine but my heart isn't in it. My cluster is very hyper and my personality is a little more laid back. I am prbobable what you would consider a hobbyist. At any rate I like the product but am not really enjoying the business. Reading your thread makes me think what it would be like to start again.

I can understand about your heart not being in it. With all the cluster and director issues I had- I felt my desire to continue drifting away as well. I hope that you are able to enjoy whatever you decide to do, and if you ever do come back, I hope you find a cluster that is more to your personality!
  • #69
Hey Kacey
I can't stay awake long enough to read this entire thread, but I live a mile from sandy beach. No shells though. You could sign under BeckyD (or me), and we will take turns with the coaching, kicking, encouraging, etc. Nevermind that the beach is only warm about 3 months out of the year. It's pretty cool to see icebergs in the winter.

I wish I had taken time to really "interview" my recruiter before signing. Long story, but I'll share if you PM me. I must sleep now.
  • #70
JAE said:
I must sleep now.

That's EXACTLY what I'm thinking right now but it isn't happening yet! :indif:
  • #71
janetupnorth said:
That's EXACTLY what I'm thinking right now but it isn't happening yet! :indif:

I third that! Ugh! I wish I was feeling better. I also have a house to clean but definitley don't feel like doing that at 5am!!:eek:
  • #72
PampMomof3 said:
I third that! Ugh! I wish I was feeling better. I also have a house to clean but definitley don't feel like doing that at 5am!!:eek:

I guess I missed you by about an hour. I got back in bed at 3:30 and slept until 6 a.m. Still could use those 2 1/2 hours I missed. :(
  • #73
I guess so! I took online courses instead but will be taking a nap later! I promised myself already!
  • Thread starter
  • #74
JAE said:
Hey Kacey
I can't stay awake long enough to read this entire thread, but I live a mile from sandy beach. No shells though. You could sign under BeckyD (or me), and we will take turns with the coaching, kicking, encouraging, etc. Nevermind that the beach is only warm about 3 months out of the year. It's pretty cool to see icebergs in the winter.

I wish I had taken time to really "interview" my recruiter before signing. Long story, but I'll share if you PM me. I must sleep now.

I PM'd you! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #75
I hope that you three got some sleep!!!! Things must be pretty bad if you're reading my threads at 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning! LOL
  • #76
Kitchen Diva said:
I know- it will be hard to choose. A big portion of deciding who will be what city we end up planting ourselves in, and the rest is who makes the best sweet tea, and who can show me how to make smothered pork chops and biscuits.

Oh, and then there's the part about they need to be funny, honest, encouraging, able to train, guide, coach, mentor, be there for me when needed, pick me up when I'm down, smack me when I'm lazy, praise me when I rock...etc. :)
Hmmm, well what do ya know....you are in NC, too! :) how interesting;)

I am only a few hours from NC Kasey and you just described me!!!;)
  • Thread starter
  • #77
chefmeg said:
I am only a few hours from NC Kasey and you just described me!!!;)

Well shoot- I guess it's gone from a pentagon to a hexagon... just too many good people out there- So many wonderful Director possibilities, so little time! :)
  • #78
Kitchen Diva said:
Well shoot- I guess it's gone from a pentagon to a hexagon... just too many good people out there- So many wonderful Director possibilities, so little time! :)

So little time? You still have 9 months - it's like getting ready to give birth! LOL!
  • #79
Ooh, maybe you'll find out you're pregnant too! That would be cool!
  • Thread starter
  • #80
janetupnorth said:
Ooh, maybe you'll find out you're pregnant too! That would be cool!
Yes it would! That would be the hugest answer to prayer EVER in the history of the world.

Okay, maybe not the history of the entire world, just my little corner of the world!


Wow, is that all the time I have left? 9 months before I make a new director decision... Hmmmm
  • #81
Kitchen Diva said:
Yes it would! That would be the hugest answer to prayer EVER in the history of the world.

Okay, maybe not the history of the entire world, just my little corner of the world!


Wow, is that all the time I have left? 9 months before I make a new director decision... Hmmmm

Recruiter decision... ;) Not all of us are Directors YET.
  • Thread starter
  • #82
janetupnorth said:
Recruiter decision... ;) Not all of us are Directors YET.

Sorry, my recruiter WAS my director. :)
  • #83
Kitchen Diva said:
Yes it would! That would be the hugest answer to prayer EVER in the history of the world.

Okay, maybe not the history of the entire world, just my little corner of the world!


Wow, is that all the time I have left? 9 months before I make a new director decision... Hmmmm

Not for nothing....I am a FABULOUS auntie........
  • #84
Kitchen Diva said:
Sorry, my recruiter WAS my director. :)

Some of us still need some really good people to get there. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #85
I know...

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  • #87
I'm the bestest Auntie, too! :)

You guys are making this harder on me than it should be. If you don't stop I'm going to HAVE to insist on food and cash related bribes... :D
  • #88
Hey you win HANDS DOWN in the best Auntie category!Any progress with the new lawyer?
  • Thread starter
  • #89
janetupnorth said:
Hey you win HANDS DOWN in the best Auntie category!

Any progress with the new lawyer?

He's playing phone tag with my sisters hubby's lawyer to settle on a new court date that works for everyone. So far no news on the Guardian Ad Lebim (sp?)
  • #90
Kitchen Diva said:
He's playing phone tag with my sisters hubby's lawyer to settle on a new court date that works for everyone. So far no news on the Guardian Ad Lebim (sp?)

Fun (sarcasm inserted) - keep us posted...and gesundheit on the last part!
  • Thread starter
  • #91
janetupnorth said:
Fun (sarcasm inserted) - keep us posted...and gesundheit on the last part!

Thanks, my allergies are bothering me today. Must be time for more benadryl. That guardian is someone who will sit down and get my niece to tell her story- since the counselor doesn't really want to help her any more since he's going to have to testify.
  • #92
Kitchen Diva said:
I'm the bestest Auntie, too! :)

You guys are making this harder on me than it should be. If you don't stop I'm going to HAVE to insist on food and cash related bribes... :D

Nah....it will all work out for the best and those of us "fighting" over you will be happy when everything is said and done (jobs, sister, niece, move and re-signing). We all want that.....and no pressure.....
  • Thread starter
  • #93
erinyourpclady said:
Nah....it will all work out for the best and those of us "fighting" over you will be happy when everything is said and done (jobs, sister, niece, move and re-signing). We all want that.....and no pressure.....

Aww, I didn't think I could love you more- and then you went and said something so sweet! :)


I'm off to bed now. I think I actually get a bath tonight. I swear I'm always competing for my own tub- the niece and my sister always seem to beat me to it!
  • #94
Oh sure... I finally get my own computer back and you leave... I see how it is! :)
and I HAVE sweet tea too!
<h2>1. What are the benefits of going inactive or quitting Pampered Chef?</h2><p>Going inactive or quitting Pampered Chef can have several benefits, including giving you a break from the business to focus on other priorities in your life, allowing you to switch to a different director or team, and giving you time to reassess your goals and strategies for the business.</p><h2>2. How does inactivity or quitting affect your business once you restart?</h2><p>Inactivity or quitting can have a variety of effects on your business once you restart, depending on how long you were inactive or away from the business. It may take some time to rebuild your customer base and reconnect with past hosts and customers, but you may also have the opportunity to start fresh and implement new ideas and strategies.</p><h2>3. Have you gone inactive or quit Pampered Chef in the past and restarted later on?</h2><p>Yes, there are many consultants who have gone inactive or quit Pampered Chef in the past and restarted at a later time. Everyone's experience may be different, but many have found success in restarting their business after taking a break.</p><h2>4. How do you choose a new director when rejoining Pampered Chef?</h2><p>When choosing a new director, it's important to take your time and do your research. Consider what qualities and characteristics you value in a leader and look for directors who align with those values. You may also want to reach out to other consultants and ask for recommendations or attend team meetings or events to get a sense of the director's style and approach.</p><h2>5. What advice do you have for those considering going inactive or quitting Pampered Chef?</h2><p>My advice would be to carefully consider your reasons for wanting to go inactive or quit, and to communicate openly and honestly with your current director. Take the time to assess your goals and priorities, and don't be afraid to take a break if it's what you need. If you do decide to restart your business, be patient with yourself and be open to trying new strategies and approaches. And most importantly, remember to always prioritize your own well-being and happiness above your business.</p>

Related to Surviving Inactivity/Quitting and Restarting...

1. What are the benefits of going inactive or quitting Pampered Chef?

Going inactive or quitting Pampered Chef can have several benefits, including giving you a break from the business to focus on other priorities in your life, allowing you to switch to a different director or team, and giving you time to reassess your goals and strategies for the business.

2. How does inactivity or quitting affect your business once you restart?

Inactivity or quitting can have a variety of effects on your business once you restart, depending on how long you were inactive or away from the business. It may take some time to rebuild your customer base and reconnect with past hosts and customers, but you may also have the opportunity to start fresh and implement new ideas and strategies.

3. Have you gone inactive or quit Pampered Chef in the past and restarted later on?

Yes, there are many consultants who have gone inactive or quit Pampered Chef in the past and restarted at a later time. Everyone's experience may be different, but many have found success in restarting their business after taking a break.

4. How do you choose a new director when rejoining Pampered Chef?

When choosing a new director, it's important to take your time and do your research. Consider what qualities and characteristics you value in a leader and look for directors who align with those values. You may also want to reach out to other consultants and ask for recommendations or attend team meetings or events to get a sense of the director's style and approach.

5. What advice do you have for those considering going inactive or quitting Pampered Chef?

My advice would be to carefully consider your reasons for wanting to go inactive or quit, and to communicate openly and honestly with your current director. Take the time to assess your goals and priorities, and don't be afraid to take a break if it's what you need. If you do decide to restart your business, be patient with yourself and be open to trying new strategies and approaches. And most importantly, remember to always prioritize your own well-being and happiness above your business.

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