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Successful Show Last Night: $1,100 in Sales and Counting!

In summary, my friend's show went poorly because only 14 people came to it, and the host was stressed because more people had to cancel at the last minute.
A friend of mine contacted me to see if I would come out and do a show for her. She'd never been to PC show and had wanted to get some friends together, as it had been a while since the all had a get together. So I said, sure, no problem. We set the date for last night.
I called the host on Saturday and she was all upset because only 14 people were coming! LOL. I told her that that was fantastic.
She called me on Monday all apologetic that several people had cancelled last minute. I told her not to sweat it, it's par for the course. So I asked how many people she figured would be there. She told me eight.
Boy am I glad that I packed extra lap packs! 17 people showed up. :eek:
But because they all hadn't seen each other in a while, they were all chatting and not really paying any attention to me. Finally, at 8:15 (the show was supposed to start at 7:30) I got underway. Unfortunately, no one was really paying any attention to me. I have to admit that I did get a little frustrated, but I just rolled with it. I cut my demo a bit and then cleaned up and set up my "check-out" I wasn't too sure what the sales would be like, as really no one listened to me...LOL
Well, the show is sitting at $1,100 and there are still a couple of more orders to come. So the moral of the story is, don't give up when your show seems to be going out of control - the guests are hearing more than you actually think!!:D
Marg said:
Well, the show is sitting at $1,100 and there are still a couple of more orders to come. So the moral of the story is, don't give up when your show seems to be going out of control - the guests are hearing more than you actually think!!:D

I will keep that in mind for tonight's show. My host has already warned me that the crew she has invited are quite the chatter boxes!!!

I had a show like that on Friday night...I was so discouraged when I left because I could not get through my normal show talk. What should have been a $1200 show is sitting at $600. I hate shows like that.
what was it about last night? $1,000 shows everywhere! Good for you!
That's great!! Congrats!
Congratulations! :D
Here's to a $1,000 Tuesday...Here's hoping for a $1,000 Tuesday show as well (for me :eek: )!

Congratulations, and GREAT JOB!
I think I would be beside myself... I am in my 4th month of doing PC and my highest show is $734... which was my first so I was thrilled. I've been very please with each show and had loads of fun but I would LOVE Love LOVE to go over $1000. God keeps surprising me just when I think nothings happening so I knwo one day He will! I have 14 at my show for tonight and they play Bunco every month so I'm hoping they are ready for some extra fun!
  • #10
That's awesome!!! Sometimes when they're talking, they are chatting about PC products!!! You never know. I had a show Fri night that had 15-18 people and they talked the WHOLE time. I had to leave before I even took some of their orders because they were talking so long. Unfortunately they really only came to see each other because they definitely weren't all ordering! The show is only at $416.:( She's working on outside orders, but I'm not holding my breath because she is SOOOOO busy I can barely connect with her. Oh well, we'll see.
  • #11

My Sunday show started about 45 mins late too, and was an $805. You never know!
  • #12
Well I didn't have a $1000 Tuesday. My show is currently at $549 so we'll see how it turns out. With the 3 shows that I"ve done, I'm at $1749!:D I know that I'll make Level 2 but I NEED Level 3 to get that much closer to level 2 in the incentive trip!

How did everyone's tuesday show go?:confused:
  • #13
PampMomof3 said:
Well I didn't have a $1000 Tuesday. My show is currently at $549 so we'll see how it turns out. With the 3 shows that I"ve done, I'm at $1749!:D I know that I'll make Level 2 but I NEED Level 3 to get that much closer to level 2 in the incentive trip!

How did everyone's tuesday show go?:confused:

My Tuesday night wasn't too bad.. its not $1000 show, but at the moment I am sitting at $530.00 and she still has a few more outside orders to pick up. We will close her show next Tuesday evening.

  • #14
Congrats. I think sometimes they just want to visit and shop.
  • #15
I know that you are right Tasha! That's okay with me most of the time BUT I NEED TO EARN THIS TRIP TO SAN FRAN! THEY NEED TO BUY!:D
  • #16
It's like my director says, "If they're chatty, they are still listening. Even if they don't know it, so keep talking!!" You'd be surprised!!! It actually works. I had one lady at a show once that talked the whole time and ordered a lot of products that I used that I would've sworn that she NEVER even heard me mention.
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Related to Successful Show Last Night: $1,100 in Sales and Counting!

1. What is "Great Show Last Night!"?

"Great Show Last Night!" is a virtual cooking show offered by Pampered Chef that showcases our products and demonstrates how to use them to create delicious meals.

2. How do I sign up for "Great Show Last Night!"?

Signing up for "Great Show Last Night!" is easy! Simply visit our website and click on the "Events" tab. From there, you can browse upcoming shows and register for the one that fits your schedule.

3. Is there a cost to attend "Great Show Last Night!"?

No, "Great Show Last Night!" is a free event for anyone to attend. However, you may have the opportunity to purchase Pampered Chef products featured in the show.

4. Can I invite my friends to join me for "Great Show Last Night!"?

Yes, the more the merrier! You can share the event link with your friends and family so they can join in on the fun and learn about Pampered Chef products as well.

5. Will there be a recording of "Great Show Last Night!" available?

Yes, we understand that not everyone can make it to the live event, so we offer a recording of "Great Show Last Night!" on our website for you to watch at your convenience.

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