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soLong, Farwell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night ♪♫♪

In summary, Kacey is quitting her job due to a director who has been unfair and has been a stress to her family. She will let a year go by and rejoin after interviewing directors and cluster members to get away from the group.
Kitchen Diva
Gold Member
Hi everyone... I have been MIA for the past couple of months since I started my new job but have checked in a few times to see how everyone was doing- I just didn't post.

I wanted to say goodbye to everyone- since I'm not sure if I can post once I go inactive.

Due to a Director that has continue to betray my trust among other things and due to a terrible, sad and very stressful family emergency that started 2 weeks ago, I have decided to hang up my apron.

My plan is to let a year go by, and re-join after interviewing directors, and cluster members. I belong to a gossipy, unhelpful, lazy, petty cluster of PC consultants (minus one good person, myself and the gal I recruited) and I'm pretty sure PC isn't about what they are about. So I will let a year go by- lose my accrued sales totals all so I can get out from under the person who is my director, and away from the group of selfish, hurtful, gossipy, back biting women in my cluster.

I have missed talking with all of you while I've been away- my husband and I have been going through quite a bit here. He lost his job, and got a new one, he starts the first week of March. I thought I was pregnant, but after 70+ days of thinking that, we found out I wasn't and that my hormone deficiency had just gotten more clever and was messing with my body...

My DH mother slipped into a coma (and after the abuse she shelled out on her kids, no one was really sad, but we went to visit her anyway for a few days in a row until she came out of it, and was back to her evil old self again), and my step son who is over in Iraq has joined the Rangers (with the Army) so he comes back for 30 days in April and then is gone again for training and across enemy lines to scout out the enemy, etc...

My sister and her daughter are living with us- they are part of the terrible family emergency. I can't say much about it, but it is heart breaking and sad, sickening and enough to make me want to spit!

Anyway, aside from joining a crappy cluster, and having a director that does things that she should be clobbered for I just don't have the time for PC right now. I'm working FT, caring for my sister and her daughter, and taking care of the home, pets and DH... This is the first time in quite a while that I've been able to post with all that has been going on. I should have written sooner, I could have used some humor over the past two weeks.

I hope that all of you are doing well! I miss you Linda, Diane, Janet, KG, Ann, and many others!

If I'm still allowed to play with you all after I go inactive, let me know... I sure would like to stick around until I am able to rejoin. Our plans to move to NC have been put on hold until this family emergency clears up...my sister and her daughter have no where to go right now- and my little 3 year old niece may lose her father (to prison) so we are staying put until we know more...

Miss you all, and I'm sorry that I have to hang up my apron under such sad circumstances, and that my first post in almost 2 months is such a joyous one!


(((HUGS))) to you, Kacey!! I'm so sorry life has gotten so complicated for you lately. I don't think anyone will mind if you keep posting here - since this site is not tied to PC at all, I can't think of a reason why you couldn't post! Especially since, like you said, you'll be back after your year is up.I'm sorry you ended up with a rotten cluster. We don't always end up with magical Directors and clusters, unfortunately. I've gotten to the point where I'm just focusing on building my own cluster and not worrying about anyone else. This site definitely helps to keep me motivated without having a director to do that for me. Hang in there and best wishes with all of your family stuff going on right now. Keep us posted and don't be a stranger!!
Oh Kacey, I'm so sorry to hear this. I had wondered what happened to you. You most definately are allowed to be a part of CS if you go inactive so please stay in touch with us.

Life soundls a little bit heavy on you right now so please take care of yourself. We are here for you if you need a prayer or support or whatever.

Take care of yourself!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Thanks, Linda and Cathy. I know that God will help us be vicotious over the awful things that are happening right now- I just need to keep the faith and remain positive. I will do my best to check in a few times a week, to help keep me sane, and maybe help me smile a bit more! :)

I really have missed all of you!!!

As I'm able to, I will share more on the family situation, but please keep my niece who is 3 and 1/2 years old in your prayers. She is not sick or ill-but has had some terrible things happen to her, and that is all I can say right now.

I need to run, I'll check back a little later.

Oh Kacey, I'm also sorry to hear you have been having such a terrible time. I'm happy for you your husband found a new job. My BIL was looking for a job for almost 2 years before he found one!

I'll keep your niece in my prayers.

Please keep in touch.
You always have a place to come here Kacey. Please take care of yourself.
I'm so sorry to hear about all you've been through recently. I hope that things start getting better for you and your loved ones. I will keep you niece and sister in law in my prayers, and you as well. Take care of yourself while you take care of others...they obviously need you right now, so you need to keep yourself well too.

I'm also sorry you've gotten in with a poor cluster. I'm not always in much contact with my cluster...and my recruiter just promoted to director, and I can tell she's trying. I just focus on doing the best I can...I pray that when you are ready to start back up with the PC you can find a cluster and director that will be a lot of help and support for you.

Keep in touch...even though I am new here, I have enjoyed your posts in the past!
Kasey...BIG {{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS!!}}}}}}}}}}} You certainly have a dark cloud following you and your family right now. You NEED us!! Our silliness will help you forget your troubles at least for a second or so!
We will keep you in our prayers and keep in touch!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
jenne said:
I'm so sorry to hear about all you've been through recently. I hope that things start getting better for you and your loved ones. I will keep you niece and sister in law in my prayers, and you as well. Take care of yourself while you take care of others...they obviously need you right now, so you need to keep yourself well too.

I'm also sorry you've gotten in with a poor cluster. I'm not always in much contact with my cluster...and my recruiter just promoted to director, and I can tell she's trying. I just focus on doing the best I can...I pray that when you are ready to start back up with the PC you can find a cluster and director that will be a lot of help and support for you.

Keep in touch...even though I am new here, I have enjoyed your posts in the past!

THanks for the kind words. It's my sister however :) I appreciate the prayers, too! :)

I thought I was getting into a good cluster, they put on a good show for the first 2 meetings before I joined...but their problems aside it is my director and her lies, and big mouth, and talking bad about other cluster members to other members, etc that was the final straw.
  • #10
So sorry to hear about all of this terrible stuff. Please take care of yourself too as you're taking care of everyone else! Give yourself a big hug and know that you're welcome here all the time. I'm sure we'd all love to hear how you're doing down the road.
  • #11
Kitchen Diva said:
THanks for the kind words. It's my sister however :) I appreciate the prayers, too! :)

OOPS!! Sorry....I read your post twice, and still got it wrong!! Sometimes I can be quite the airhead:balloon: . I will be praying for your sister...and you...and your niece. I truly hope the situation gets better for all very soon.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
jenne said:
OOPS!! Sorry....I read your post twice, and still got it wrong!! Sometimes I can be quite the airhead:balloon: . I will be praying for your sister...and you...and your niece. I truly hope the situation gets better for all very soon.

Don't feel bad, I have sometimers...sometimes I forget and sometimes I don't remember. :) LOL

I really do appreciate the prayers and kind words! I needed them. I'm feeling a little spent these days.
  • #13
Welcome back Kacey...sorry to hear of your challenges (and your cluster frustrations). Even if you're inactive, you're still on the books for a year...so keeping checking in here! By the time you sign-up again, you'll be ready to rock 'n roll!
Will keep your niece in my thoughts.
  • #14

I pray that things in your family calm down soon...sounds like you are being a lifeline there. I am sorry to hear all of the different stresses you are dealing with...I can understand that PC right now may be too much. (Especially from the sounds of your director and cluster.) Thankfully, those types are pretty far between from my experience. Plus, when you come back in a year you will be ready to go and already have a ton of knowledge that will help you choose wisely who you sign underneath.

You certainly need to keep posting here! Keep us updated so that we can lift you and your family up in prayer...

{{{{HUGS}}}} to you, your DH, and your family! God will lead you all through this situation(s) one day at a time!
  • #15

First and foremost, big, big hugs. I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I don't even know what to say - my DH just asked me why I'm crying! This is so much for you to handle; lean on God and those you can trust, and know that He will get you through these trying times!

You are ALWAYS welcome here. No matter what...

Please PM me (or e-mail) anytime you want to talk. You and your family will be in my prayers!
  • #16
My prayers are with you. Sorry to hear of all your issues. Take care and know you are always welcome to check in here.
  • #17
Kacey, I didnt really get to know you on here, but have seen many of your informative posts.

I will be keeping you in my prayers that God has a watchful eye over your family, and brings you a GREAT PC director and group!

Stay strong!! God Bless.
  • #18
Ditto what everyone else said!
  • #19
Kitchen Diva said:
Hi everyone... I have been MIA for the past couple of months since I started my new job but have checked in a few times to see how everyone was doing- I just didn't post.

I wanted to say goodbye to everyone- since I'm not sure if I can post once I go inactive.

Due to a Director that has continue to betray my trust among other things and due to a terrible, sad and very stressful family emergency that started 2 weeks ago, I have decided to hang up my apron.

My plan is to let a year go by, and re-join after interviewing directors, and cluster members. I belong to a gossipy, unhelpful, lazy, petty cluster of PC consultants (minus one good person, myself and the gal I recruited) and I'm pretty sure PC isn't about what they are about. So I will let a year go by- lose my accrued sales totals all so I can get out from under the person who is my director, and away from the group of selfish, hurtful, gossipy, back biting women in my cluster.

I have missed talking with all of you while I've been away- my husband and I have been going through quite a bit here. He lost his job, and got a new one, he starts the first week of March. I thought I was pregnant, but after 70+ days of thinking that, we found out I wasn't and that my hormone deficiency had just gotten more clever and was messing with my body...

My DH mother slipped into a coma (and after the abuse she shelled out on her kids, no one was really sad, but we went to visit her anyway for a few days in a row until she came out of it, and was back to her evil old self again), and my step son who is over in Iraq has joined the Rangers (with the Army) so he comes back for 30 days in April and then is gone again for training and across enemy lines to scout out the enemy, etc...

My sister and her daughter are living with us- they are part of the terrible family emergency. I can't say much about it, but it is heart breaking and sad, sickening and enough to make me want to spit!

Anyway, aside from joining a crappy cluster, and having a director that does things that she should be clobbered for I just don't have the time for PC right now. I'm working FT, caring for my sister and her daughter, and taking care of the home, pets and DH... This is the first time in quite a while that I've been able to post with all that has been going on. I should have written sooner, I could have used some humor over the past two weeks.

I hope that all of you are doing well! I miss you Linda, Diane, Janet, KG, Ann, and many others!

If I'm still allowed to play with you all after I go inactive, let me know... I sure would like to stick around until I am able to rejoin. Our plans to move to NC have been put on hold until this family emergency clears up...my sister and her daughter have no where to go right now- and my little 3 year old niece may lose her father (to prison) so we are staying put until we know more...

Miss you all, and I'm sorry that I have to hang up my apron under such sad circumstances, and that my first post in almost 2 months is such a joyous one!



Awww...shucks... :blushing:

Kacey - sorry you are going through so much! Here I thought we had a rough week or two all having the flu!!!

Keep in touch so we can be praying for your family. It sounds like you were given the full load of what you can handle!!!! Yikes!

...and yes, you can post, CS is not dependent on your consultant status! Many join without even being consultants!

...and sad to hear you ended up in such a crappy cluster. I have one in our town that is like that...pressures sales, enters catalog shows as cooking shows and on and on...

I personally am very thankful for my cluster that supports you fully at WHATEVER level or season of life you are in and reporting to an ED is great - lots of resources - all I have to do is ask!

Kacey - you are doing what is best for you and your family. PC will be here when the time frees up for that and we'll all be around in our same nutty forms! :)

Keep trusting God in each and every step to see you through!
  • #20
I am so sorry your going through all this. I have been under a dark cloud for a while now myself. I am also hanging up my apron. I won't leave here though.
(((HUGS))). When ever you need a lift you know you can come to this site. There are so many wonderful people and directors. You could sign under one of them when your ready and you know you would be getting a great one! I will send prayers your way. Don't be a stranger!

Whenever God closes a door, he opens a window! Don't stop believing.

  • #21
chefann said:
Ditto what everyone else said!
That phrase could get you into a lot of trouble with some people around here.

Oh, what the heck.

Dittos to what she said!
  • #22
You have nothin' to worry about... If the folks on here (the good ones anyway ;)) are willing to keep me around after I resign my directorship to go to another company, they'll certainly keep you! Keep hanging out, this is a good group of folks, no matter where you are in your journey. :D
  • #23
Hey Kasey,
I sure hope things work out okay for you and your family. That's a lot to handle, but please check in once in a while and let us know how you're doing. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  • #24
I just found this thread tonight and read it. I also am sooo very sorry to hear what all you're going thru right now! I agree, you are definitely being used as a lifeline to your sister and niece right now.
My husband lost his job in January, so I can relate to a small part of what you're going thru. He is not going to be working for probably six months now, due to a "compete clause" in his severance contract. We have 3 kids, and PC is just about the only income right now for us, other than his unemployment, which hasn't started yet. I lost my FD status in January, too, (great timing, huh?) though one of my recruits who was inactive did a show today, so hopefully I'll "re-promote" in March.
I've joined Kelly services for now, and they are wonderful! A friend of ours also just opened a bread/sandwich-type store yesterday, an has agreed to hire me as well, with us determining my schedule on a week to week basis. This is because I don't want to work 5 days a week. I don't want to be out working on "show nights", etc. (No disrespect intended for those on here who work FT and do PC, but I've been a stay-at-home mom for almost 21 years now, so I gotta "ease" into this stuff!! lol)

Anyway, enough about me. I am really upset that your niece was hurt! Children are God's gift to us, and we are given a very serious responsibility to watch over them, to protect them! I am so glad you are there for her, to help do that! I hope whoever has hurt her is punished...severely!!

I don't know you personally, but I also think it is sad that your cluster hasn't worked for you. My own cluster, especially my upline director, have all been soo wonderful and supportive of me, especially now. I've always said, they are my friends first!!

I hope all works out in an amazing way for you! If you need a person to talk to, please feel free to post or even email me privately! Heck, send me your phone number if you want, and we can talk sometime!!

I wish you all the best!

Thoughts, hugs and prayers for you and yours!

  • #25
I'm so sorry you've been going through all this. You'll be in my prayers.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
Thanks guys for all the prayers, and kind words. It looks like while I was off from work, they fired my boss, and turned my full time job/position into 3 part time positions and will let me know when I can come back, and what I will be doing when I come back. I think I'll just look for a new job. That was sort of the straw that broke my preverbial back...

Anyway, we are just taking one day at a time. My sister's hubby has gotten a lawyer...and I say if you are innocent, why do you need one, but he has one, and my sister said she doesn't feel the need to get one. I enjoy having them here with us, but holy cow do they go through a lot of napkins, milk, kleenex, toilet paper and food! It's like have a high school football team living with us! LOL

I'm off to finish watching my Hallmark Channel Mystery Woman series. I just wanted to check in and say hello to you guys and thank you for all your support. I really need it! I can handle a lot but this time it's a doozy!

Have a wonderful night and I'll catch you guys later. :) Thanks again for all the love- it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

UPDATE: they decided to stick with one day person and one night person for my job, and I'm no longer the day person...they went with the boss's sister- who can only work there until August as it is, but for some reason they went with her, and not with me, so I have no job. I know I was thinking of leaving any way, but it's different when you are in control, ya know?
Last edited:
  • #27
Pampered Laura said:
You have nothin' to worry about... If the folks on here (the good ones anyway ;)) are willing to keep me around after I resign my directorship to go to another company, they'll certainly keep you! Keep hanging out, this is a good group of folks, no matter where you are in your journey. :D
What was your name again?
  • #28
Oh Kasey... I just found this thread. I was just thinking about you and NC this past week. I am so sorry your life if full of so many challenges right now but I know that I know that I know that I know that GOD IS IN CONTROL! And these will be Footstep moments on the pages of your life....
Father God, I lift up Kasey and her family and all those involved in her life right now... You know just what each of them needs... please provide in each and every situation. Hold Kasey close... wash over her with your love and support and bless our precious sister with Your comfort. So much is being asked of her right now... what a JOY it is that You know Your plans for Kasey and her family and they are plans to prosper them and not to harm them... to keep them safe. Life feels like it's spinning right now... please show Yourself in a mighty way so that YOU can be glorified! Lead them down Your path... thanks for shining Your light just on our path... we aren't wired to have a spotlight down the road Lord... just sustain Kasey as you show her and her family each small step... YOU are our all in all! Thank you Jesus... for surrendering Yourself... that we may live. Amen
  • #29
  • #30
Kitchen Diva said:
Anyway, we are just taking one day at a time. My sister's hubby has gotten a lawyer...and I say if you are innocent, why do you need one, but he has one, and my sister said she doesn't feel the need to get one.

I'd encourage her to at least find a child's advocate. Last September we needed to get a restraining order against a boy at my DD school. It was a very stressful time and we had absolutely NO experience dealing with that kind of thing (or anything "legal" for that matter!) Our advocate was incredible. She knew exactly what to do, where to go, what to sign, etc. Once she came on board we felt so much better knowing that someone that knew what they were doing had our daughter's best interest in mind. There was no cost, she was employed by the county.

If the husband has a lawyer, she might really want to think about getting one too. Many an innocent person has come out on the losing end because the other side knew how to work the system.
  • #31
Pampered Laura said:
My name is mud. ;)
A descendant of the famous Dr. Mudd?

(Actually, the wife of the former mayor of Milwaukee is a descendant of Dr. Mudd. More useless information from your veritable walking compendium of same.)
  • #32
I am sorry you are going through all of this. I wish I had the guts to quit for a year and come back with a director who wasnt nasty. I am sorry your family stuff is all so hard right now. I pray for you.
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Paula R. Lewis said:
I just found this thread tonight and read it. I also am sooo very sorry to hear what all you're going thru right now! I agree, you are definitely being used as a lifeline to your sister and niece right now.
My husband lost his job in January, so I can relate to a small part of what you're going thru. He is not going to be working for probably six months now, due to a "compete clause" in his severance contract. We have 3 kids, and PC is just about the only income right now for us, other than his unemployment, which hasn't started yet. I lost my FD status in January, too, (great timing, huh?) though one of my recruits who was inactive did a show today, so hopefully I'll "re-promote" in March.

I don't know you personally, but I also think it is sad that your cluster hasn't worked for you. My own cluster, especially my upline director, have all been soo wonderful and supportive of me, especially now. I've always said, they are my friends first!!

I hope all works out in an amazing way for you! If you need a person to talk to, please feel free to post or even email me privately! Heck, send me your phone number if you want, and we can talk sometime!!

I wish you all the best!

Thoughts, hugs and prayers for you and yours!

SNIP (I cut some of your post down to save space and hopefully a few trees) :) kidding...

Thanks for your beautiful reply! That is so nice of you. I hate non-compete clauses... I pray that you will be doubly blessed for your husband being out of work, and not being able to get a new job because of that clause. Blessings to you! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #34
quiverfull7 said:
Oh Kasey... I just found this thread. I was just thinking about you and NC this past week. I am so sorry your life if full of so many challenges right now but I know that I know that I know that I know that GOD IS IN CONTROL! And these will be Footstep moments on the pages of your life....
Father God, I lift up Kasey and her family and all those involved in her life right now... You know just what each of them needs... please provide in each and every situation. Hold Kasey close... wash over her with your love and support and bless our precious sister with Your comfort. So much is being asked of her right now... what a JOY it is that You know Your plans for Kasey and her family and they are plans to prosper them and not to harm them... to keep them safe. Life feels like it's spinning right now... please show Yourself in a mighty way so that YOU can be glorified! Lead them down Your path... thanks for shining Your light just on our path... we aren't wired to have a spotlight down the road Lord... just sustain Kasey as you show her and her family each small step... YOU are our all in all! Thank you Jesus... for surrendering Yourself... that we may live. Amen

I love you Diane! :) Always have, always will!

NC has been put on hold, but we'll be there some day!
THanks for your prayers and kind words- you are truly a blessing to me and the rest of the people on this board!!
  • #35
Aww, thanks! Sorry, I guess I do "talk" alot sometimes!! <grin>

  • Thread starter
  • #36
Paula, I didn't mean it that way. Kitchen Guy taught me early on to snip the longer posts to save room and minimize scrolling. Heck, my posts are as long as some novels, so don't worry! :)
  • #37
Oh, that's Ok! I really do talk alot....just ask my husband!! He just looks at me and we both start laughing if we ever hear that old song called "you talk too much!"

Keep smilin'!

Related to soLong, Farwell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night ♪♫♪

1. What prompted you to leave Pampered Chef?

I have decided to leave Pampered Chef due to a combination of factors, including a Director that has betrayed my trust and a stressful family emergency that has required my full attention.

2. Will you be re-joining Pampered Chef in the future?

Yes, I plan on re-joining Pampered Chef after a year has passed. I will take the time to interview directors and cluster members to find a better fit for myself and my business.

3. Can you share any details about the situation with your Director and cluster?

I prefer not to go into too much detail, but I will say that my cluster was filled with individuals who were gossipy, unhelpful, and petty. This did not align with the values and culture of Pampered Chef, so I have decided to step away for now.

4. How have things been going for you while you've been away?

Unfortunately, it has been a difficult time for me and my family. My husband lost his job, we thought I was pregnant but found out it was just a hormone imbalance, and my stepson, who is in the Army, was deployed to Iraq. On top of that, my sister and her daughter had to move in with us due to a family emergency.

5. Will you still be able to interact with the Pampered Chef community?

I am not sure if I will be able to post or interact with the community while I am inactive, but I am hopeful that I will still be able to participate and stay connected until I am able to rejoin Pampered Chef in the future.

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