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Director Rant: "The System" Can Be so Freaking Irritating at Times!

In summary, the woman was trying to figure out why there was a quantity limit on the PC Dollars, and was told to send in an email with the item number, the quantity she was ordering, why she was ordering that many, and the zip code where the PC Dollars will be shipped. The woman was also told to forget about it and change the quantity to 50. The woman hung up on the career solutions worker after being told that she would have to send in an email with all of the information.
Gold Member
I use PC Dollars as incentives for the team. So since the evac from Japan, I've gotten a little behind. :blushing: I placed an order last night for $400 PC Dollars in $5 denominations. I noticed that it's on hold. I called to ask why, & was told that it's because I ordered a quantity of 80 and the limit is a quantity of 50. Then she said I would need to get approval for them to release it off hold & actually ASKED if I wanted to do that. Um, YES! I ordered them because I need them.So she transferred me to Career Solutions who gave me a HUGE run around. She's not sure WHY there would be a quantity limit on the PC Dollars, but I need to send in an e-mail with the Item # (which she couldn't give me & told me I'd need to go look up on my receipt), the quantity I'm ordering, why I'm ordering that many, the zip code where they will be shipped (um, wouldn't that be ON the order in the "ship to" field lady?) .... blah blah, blah.I told her to just forget it, change the quantity to 50 and I'll order more in a few days. She can't do that. :grumpy:I told her to go ahead & log that I'm irate and I'll send the freaking e-mail, then I hung up on her.I really dislike it when people can't use freaking common sense. They are treating me like I'm ordering 80 batter bowls or something. :mad:And if they think that I'm going to sit down & figure out the zip codes for every single person that's going to get PC$ out of this batch they can just cancel the whole order and I'll do it in two.The silly thing, I could get a quantity of 50 on the 10 packs of $1 denomination which is valued at $500 ... or I can get 50 of the $5 denominations which is $250. But I can't get 80 of the $5 denominations valued at $400. So if I multiply the work load for me and the achievers by 5, I can buy what I need without question. Brilliant system people, just brilliant. I wonder if they hired a rocket scientist to come up with that one??? :p
I've never ordered PC bucks, but my D has given them to me. I thought they didn't ship them anymore, just e-mailed you the "serial" #s. Or maybe it was b/c she hadn't gotten it in time when I saw her and had to e-mail them to me, which I then logged them in to my account on CC.

Uh, yea, I agree with your frustration. Don't let the "woman" get you down, lady!
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  • #3
It didn't help that my toddlers were hanging on me while I was on the phone begging for lunch & that my 2 year old threw a freaking temper tantrum a few minutes later because I put ketchup (his favorite thing in the whole wide world) on his plate. My children have been minions since their Daddy left on Monday. Mommy needs a break.
Hang in there. It can be trying at time. Why $400 in PC Dollars? I know you have been behind on recognition, but that seems like a lot of out of pocket expense to me. Not judging mind you, just concerned.
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  • #5
I do $15 for the person with the highest month, $15 for the person with the highest show, then the Blue Dot Drawing. And I give PC $ for first time promotion. $15 for SC, $25 for TL, $50 for Director. I'm not close enough to do recognitions at meetings, this is something I started after the military moved me to Tokyo last summer. It's totally worth it! This month, I made over $1,000 in Team Overrides. Sometimes, it's $700-$800, but even on those months it's still worth it. ;)
It's going to take a while for the kiddos to get into the new routine, but in the meantime....grrrr! Sorry! Sending you hugs for those adjustment pains! Here's to a good chunk of YOU time!
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  • #7
My mother-in-law is taking them in the morning, so I'll get a short break. BUT, I always have to de-program them after they've been to her house, so I'm not sure that's going to help me come tomorrow afternoon! LOL
Sheila said:
I do $15 for the person with the highest month, $15 for the person with the highest show, then the Blue Dot Drawing. And I give PC $ for first time promotion. $15 for SC, $25 for TL, $50 for Director. I'm not close enough to do recognitions at meetings, this is something I started after the military moved me to Tokyo last summer. It's totally worth it! This month, I made over $1,000 in Team Overrides. Sometimes, it's $700-$800, but even on those months it's still worth it. ;)

When I was a brand new Director, a million years ago, my upline Exec said that recognition expenses should be about 5% of our production bonus, now called the activity bonus. This number came from HO. The reason? Directorship needs to be attainable for all and if the perception is that it 'costs' a lot to be a Director, some will hold themselves back b/c they don't want to shoulder the expense.

Like Wendy, I'm certainly not judging. But if you are giving the #1 sales person $15 and that person sold $1500, your override on her sales is $60 and you're giving her 25% of your override. It would actually be more than 25% when you factor in the taxes you'll pay on the $60 override.

Consultants who work their businesses are well rewarded for their efforts by the company. My sales manager, Linda Bowles, told me that when I have a team of 70,000, I can create/spend/do whatever I want. Until then, I should use everything HO has to offer and let my team know that I'm simply following what's set forth by the company - which is always duplicatible.

Just my opinion - again, I'm not judging.

Sheila said:
I do $15 for the person with the highest month, $15 for the person with the highest show, then the Blue Dot Drawing. And I give PC $ for first time promotion. $15 for SC, $25 for TL, $50 for Director. I'm not close enough to do recognitions at meetings, this is something I started after the military moved me to Tokyo last summer. It's totally worth it! This month, I made over $1,000 in Team Overrides. Sometimes, it's $700-$800, but even on those months it's still worth it. ;)

Oh and this....if the show was $1000 and you get paid 4%, you made $40, but paid out $15 of that $40 which equals 38% of your override.
  • #10
DebChefIA said:
When I was a brand new Director, a million years ago, my upline Exec said that recognition expenses should be about 5% of our production bonus, now called the activity bonus. This number came from HO. The reason? Directorship needs to be attainable for all and if the perception is that it 'costs' a lot to be a Director, some will hold themselves back b/c they don't want to shoulder the expense. Like Wendy, I'm certainly not judging. But if you are giving the #1 sales person $15 and that person sold $1500, your override on her sales is $60 and you're giving her 25% of your override. It would actually be more than 25% when you factor in the taxes you'll pay on the $60 override.Consultants who work their businesses are well rewarded for their efforts by the company. My sales manager, Linda Bowles, told me that when I have a team of 70,000, I can create/spend/do whatever I want. Until then, I should use everything HO has to offer and let my team know that I'm simply following what's set forth by the company - which is always duplicatible.Just my opinion - again, I'm not judging.D
I totally agree. No judgement at all as we can all run our businesses however we want. My top seller gets a postcard, "stage" recognition and a pick from a basket of little $5 items and they LOVE it. They love the postcard and the stand up recognition more than anything. If my Director had been giving away that much there's no way I would have wanted to promote because I knew I needed the money for my family's budget, not to spend on a team. Even if you say to your team that they don't have to do that and they can do whatever recognition program they want, I would imagine a lot of people would still feel like the bar has been set. Especially if their teams get recognition from you until they promote. We do the odd big prize - a spa day (I pay for a $20 manicure) or dinner at my house. Those are usually reserved for a larger recruiting promotion or promoting one level by a certain date.I was told by my ED that your overrides are not your operating budget. That is your salary for doing your job
  • #11
It must have been in the air yesterday! ((Hugs)) I was trying to get a gal signed up who took kit credit a few months back and it wouldn't let us on-line. I went through 3 HO people on the 1st call, got told twice they'd have to call me back. We started at 8am and my final returned call was after 12!!! Really!?!?!?! After at least 4 different phone calls made, the last person I talked to fixed the problem by resetting the system. Couldn't they have done that at 8am. CRAZY! Nice 1st impression for the recruit and nice waste of my morning---well I did end up with the recruit so that part wasn't wasteful.
  • #12
PamperedK said:
I totally agree. No judgement at all as we can all run our businesses however we want.

My top seller gets a postcard, "stage" recognition and a pick from a basket of little $5 items and they LOVE it. They love the postcard and the stand up recognition more than anything.

If my Director had been giving away that much there's no way I would have wanted to promote because I knew I needed the money for my family's budget, not to spend on a team. Even if you say to your team that they don't have to do that and they can do whatever recognition program they want, I would imagine a lot of people would still feel like the bar has been set. Especially if their teams get recognition from you until they promote.

We do the odd big prize - a spa day (I pay for a $20 manicure) or dinner at my house. Those are usually reserved for a larger recruiting promotion or promoting one level by a certain date.

I was told by my ED that your overrides are not your operating budget. That is your salary for doing your job

Sums it up perfectly!!!!
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  • #13
Thanks Deb, but I'm seeing the math from a different angle of the group vs the individual. I'm spending $30 ($15 for high month & $15 for high show) and make around $1,000 in overrides (one month it was $1,400). So on a normal day, that's 3%. And the long-term bonus that I make from the one-time promotion gift definitely pays off in the end. Like this last year, I earned an Excellence Award for Developing Leaders and I had TWO moves during that time frame ... the military move from Okinawa to Tokyo, then the evacuation to Texas. I also earned Toronto last year even with a military move 1/2 way through the year thanks to my recruiting points that put me over the edge. We started 2010 off with 3 on the team (I was a TL) and ended the year with 42 on the team (and me being "paid as" and AD, officially taking the title on Jan 1). I'm happy with the results of my efforts. I don't feel like I'm spending too much at all. ;)
  • #14
That's awesome Sheila you've done some great things with your business!!I'm just curious as to what your thoughts are with your team though....are you not worried about the perception that being a leader is expensive?
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  • #15
Nope. I'm a teacher at heart. All of us think differently, and therefore we all learn differently. Some people can see 2+3 and know that the answer is 5. Others have to physically SEE the 2 and the 3 as objects ... so they might see ** + *** = ***** Neither method is wrong, they both come to the same conclusion that 2+3=5, so HOW they get there isn't relevant. Now, let's think in terms of investing. Some people do VERY well day-trading on the stock market. They work their butts off, but they can usually accomplish their goal if they do their homework and diversify enough. Others see day trading as a waste of time and prefer the long-term investments. If they are both making money, neither method is wrong, they've just chosen to get to the end result a different route from the other person. I'm a long-term mentality person. I'd rather train one person to stay than work harder to train more short-term ones. My goal is longevity, therefore my thought process on incentives are long-term too. I'm making a whole heck of a lot more than $30 per month on team overrides. Success fuels passion. Plain & simple. When I have someone recruiting & promoting, they are happier with their business and (unless they have some major life-changing event that causes them to take a step back), they are probably going to keep going in their business & up through the levels in Pampered Chef. I get the fun of watching them succeed, knowing that I've given them something that they love to do & are having fun doing ... and I get the bonus of promotions & pay raises for me too. I'm investing now, for a larger payout in the future. ;)
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  • #16
Well, they can't look at my name in their computer & spell it right, but at least they released the order:
Dear Shelia,,

Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. I am sorry for the delay of this order, I am having this released today for you.

Thank You

Ruth Baggio
Specialist, Consultant Career Solutions
Solution Center
The Pampered Chef®

I wonder if the people who spell it wrong actually pronounce it She-lee-uh? :veryfunny:
  • #17
Sheila said:
I wonder if the people who spell it wrong actually pronounce it She-lee-uh? :veryfunny:
She was either rattled that someone wouldn't release the funds or your communication of being irrate was an effective one! Glad they released it. Your frustration is understandable.

Poor minions...how horrible to have a mommy that gives you your favorite food...on your plate no less! LOL! I don't miss those days. {{{HUGS}}} As I have said before, how military wives keep it all together is totally amazing to me. We had 2 of our middle school students lose their Dad's this week. One was war related.

On a happier note, one of our students is going to the movies on Sunday to see Lion King. When they dim the lights and go to show the highlights of up coming movies, the theater is going to run a video that was taped today in one of our Primary (K-3) schools. They have interviewed several employees, teachers, etc....then Dad is going to pop out on stage. He is home from the war. He has seem Mom and the new baby already but he is in hiding until Sunday! The theater is going to be filled with staff. It will be aired as one of the episodes of "Coming Home" on TLC with Billy Ray Cyrus. I get teary eyed just thinking about it!
  • #18
baychef said:
....On a happier note, one of our students is going to the movies on Sunday to see Lion King. When they dim the lights and go to show the highlights of up coming movies, the theater is going to run a video that was taped today in one of our Primary (K-3) schools. They have interviewed several employees, teachers, etc....then Dad is going to pop out on stage. He is home from the war. He has seem Mom and the new baby already but he is in hiding until Sunday! The theater is going to be filled with staff. It will be aired as one of the episodes of "Coming Home" on TLC with Billy Ray Cyrus. I get teary eyed just thinking about it!

I have chill-bumps just reading this! I hope it gets to you tube so I can see it!
  • #19
pamperedlinda said:
I have chill-bumps just reading this! I hope it gets to you tube so I can see it!

Me too! WOW!
  • #20
They interviewed the supervisor of the kitchen in that building and she gets nervous very quick. The principal provided her with what lines to say (so much for "reality" tv, folks!!) The food service staff was filmed making sandwiches as well. I want to sneak in just to see the whole thing unfold but I have a party that day so I too will have to wait until it airs. Will try to remember to post on here when it airs!

Loved the banner welcoming home the father of the house the other day.."Welcome Home, Steve...It's about stinkin time!"

Luckily there are more reunions than anything but one death is one too many. And since the soldiers of Fort Drum are the most deployed light infantry, there are surely many men and women that suffer from PTS.
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  • #21
My heart goes out to the families of the 2 who lost their lives. :(What a great surprise for the one who will get to see Daddy on Sun!!! :DAnd yes, I'm the meanest Mommy in the whole wide world for expecting him to be happy with ketchup! LOL Apparently, my crystal ball was broken that day & I didn't get the "I don't like ketchup today" message from beyond.
  • #22
We seriously need to get together
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  • #23
Want to have lunch today? I have the munchkins though! LOL

Related to Rant: "The System" Can Be so Freaking Irritating at Times!

1. Why is "the system" so frustrating?

The system can be frustrating because it often involves following rigid protocols and procedures that may not align with individual preferences or work styles.

2. How can I navigate "the system" more effectively?

To navigate the system more effectively, it may be helpful to communicate openly with colleagues and superiors, stay organized, and seek clarification when needed.

3. Is there any room for flexibility within "the system"?

While "the system" may seem rigid, there is often room for flexibility. It is important to communicate any concerns or suggestions for improvement to those in charge.

4. Can "the system" be changed or improved?

Yes, "the system" can always be improved. It is important to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement to those in charge.

5. How do I cope with the stress and frustration caused by "the system"?

It can be helpful to find healthy ways to cope with the stress and frustration caused by "the system", such as practicing self-care, seeking support from colleagues, and keeping a positive attitude.

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