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Humor Good Leads vs. Bad: My Experience With Lead System

then a lead...then a lead. I think I had 3 in a row. Granted, I would have loved more, but they were legit leads.
Gold Member
Just wondering the ratio of good solid leads to unproductive downright bad leads you have experienced coming through the lead system???

I was soooo excited that I was qualified to get leads in Dec for the first time ever....but what a let down:

3 leads total and here's the outcome:
1- wants to do a catalog show:D but wants to collect orders for 7 weeks!!! :eek: Yep that's correct- not a typo- 7 weeks! Its a Feb show.
2- wanted a can opener- right that second- which I had and was willing to sell. Lead info said she was 15 miles from me and actually she was over 40 miles :mad:and she said she would need to find someone closer. Got nothing from that!
3- info stated she was interested in the biz- I called and she ranted raved :grumpy: at me for over three minutes about how "over priced" are items are!!! She said she could never sell our items and wasn't interested and we should compare our prices to Amazon and Walmart:eek::eek::eek: and I should tell my supervisor (she was clueless) and on and on she went....til she was repeating herself and I hung up!

So all you experienced lead catchers...Is this pretty typical or do I just have BAD luck? Is it 3 bad for every 1 good? 5 bad for every 1 good?....

I know they can't all be bad...because 6 years ago I was HO lead!
unfortunately, this is pretty typical. There is no "qualification" of these leads in. Garbage in and garbage out. I find a lot of the people never even call me back when I call or email them. December is strange though because a lot of the leads are people wanting little things right that minute and not wanting to pay shipping. Better luck in January!
I have had decent luck with leads and actually have a consultant joining on Friday who is a home office lead. Most of the people interested in the business are dead ends, but the people who want to buy products really do have something they want to order...I've been elligible for 3 months and have decent business from the leads and random online orders.
I was excited to qualify in December and have had zero leads. I am crossing my fingers though!
I can't comment from personal experience, but I do know that the "distance factor" is not quite accurate. We live on Long Island, but we get leads that are 10 miles away--in Connecticut! Apparently, the computer does not recognize the Long Island Sound as water.
PamperedchefDaly said:
I can't comment from personal experience, but I do know that the "distance factor" is not quite accurate. We live on Long Island, but we get leads that are 10 miles away--in Connecticut! Apparently, the computer does not recognize the Long Island Sound as water.

As a child of CT, that totally cracks me up. I spent a day sailing back and forth from CT to LI. I hope someone has told HO that you can't fly across water to do a show. You would think their software would be based on roads and not the map in general. Geez.
I wouldn't say there is a particular ratio. I've gone a while without having actual leads but getting orders sent to my website (free money, yah!). Then to a while where I was getting personal leads. For about 2-3 months this fall I had about 3 leads that were "bad". One was someone thinking I was her consultant (no lady, there are a ton of consultants around here), one was trying to track down his consultant to find his products (um, call HO on that one buddy) and the other had a product to return. Each time I did my best customer service and each time nothing for me! Oh well, you win some you lose some! If I look at my shipping tracker for this month, I had a ton of leads sent to my website!
I have had a lot of duds, but alot of good ones too! You just never know!
I had one recruit sign in Nov and one sign in Dec who were leads, but my "shows" have been slow from them. I had a ton of leads in Dec who wanted to order products, but little things that I added onto shows I already had. They had to pay the direct ship. One of them only wanted a tart shaper! :(
I'd say that the majority of the leads I get for sales lead to actual sales. Show leads are about 60% for actually holding. I've gotten 3 that were "interested in the business," of which 1 actually signed.
  • #10
Good and bad here as well. December was actually fabulous for me. I was getting a lead sale sent to my website almost every other day through December. Now some spent $20-$30 and others not so much. The best one was a set of steak knives! The last lead I got was Dec 22 and she bought 1 mini serving spatula! As for getting the leads you contact, I have had so many that say want to host a show etc and NEVER return a call or email. SO frustrating. I have also had some really great ones too. I have had 4 consultants sign under me this year either as a result of being one interested in the business or indirectly after having a party form a HO lead or being a guest at one of the HO lead parties. All of my HO lead parties that held have been $1000 or more parties. I have had 4 of those this year. I get upset when one fizzles out, but then look at the bright side and am thankful for the great ones!! My worst one this year was someone interested in the business. I talked to her for weeks. She finally signed up, held a bunch of parties and never submitted tem and ripped off a bunch of people. I never met her in person. I was getting phone calls for HO wanting to know if I had heard from her. IT was a nightmare. Glad to be done with that one! Anyways, I think it is hit or miss and just luck one way or another. I think I had AT LEAST 15 online orders in Dec from HO leads. I only held 1 actual party and a fundraiser and a small cat party and had sales over $3000. They sure helped get me there!
  • #11
I had a bunch of not so great leads this past Nov. & Dec.


In Nov. I had $700 in orders sent to my website through the lead system, and a show booked for December. I also had someone interested in signing.

In Dec. I've had (so far - the month isn't over yet, and I just got one today!) $600 in orders, and a $500 show (that happened in blizzard conditions!) with bookings for a Jan. show & a May HWC fundraiser! Also a $500 catalog show, and the person from Nov who was interested in signing - Signed!

So, yeah, they aren't all great, and sometimes can be frustrating, but I've had my share of good HO leads too.:sing:
  • #12
I have had 2 leads in the past few months that the e-mail addresses are not good, the phone numbers do not exist, 1 kit stealer, people who want to order but not pay for shipping, or want to return something.
But, I also received 1 recruit and several parties and about 2500 in orders.... So yes you do have to take the good and the bad, I look at it this way, their people I would not have had the opportunity to talk to without the lead system....
  • #13
sherylscooking said:
I have had 2 leads in the past few months that the e-mail addresses are not good, the phone numbers do not exist, 1 kit stealer, people who want to order but not pay for shipping, or want to return something.
But, I also received 1 recruit and several parties and about 2500 in orders.... So yes you do have to take the good and the bad, I look at it this way, their people I would not have had the opportunity to talk to without the lead system....

This is so true! And I also figure that I can keep them on my email and contact list as well, and they may order something in the future. As for the potential recruits, well, you never know with them, keep them on your contact list and they may say yes after you have asked them enough times-LOL;)
  • #14
WOW .... I have had a few but nothing like your #3 .... I get so scared when I accept them that they are going to be a waste of time ..... but I have to take the chance I guess it is hopefull that it will be GOOD :)
  • #15
I wouldn't worry about your 7 week catalog gal. Is she a hair dresser? I had a hair dresser do a catalog show, took 7 weeks, because she only saw some of her customers every 4-6 weeks. She'd sit them in her chair, give them the catalog and an order form, and tell them "Here, look through this while I'm doing your hair. By something and I'll make you beautiful." HA! She cracked me up. But she had an $880 show!
  • #16
I've really only had a few duds. I have had two "interested in the business" - one of which signed almost instantly, and the other I never was able to get a hold of. I had over $500 in sales from leads in December! This month, it's been a little slower. I've gotten a wedding registry (no sales yet), one who marked "interested in purchasing products" who is doing a catalog show, and one who purchased a food chopper. I have had a few who I've never been able to get a hold of, or when I did they just wanted to return a product. But overall, I LOVE THE LEAD SYSTEM!!
  • #17
PamperedchefDaly said:
I can't comment from personal experience, but I do know that the "distance factor" is not quite accurate. We live on Long Island, but we get leads that are 10 miles away--in Connecticut! Apparently, the computer does not recognize the Long Island Sound as water.

I live on Long Island too (Rocky Point) always *love* how they forget that there is water between us and CT.

As for bad leads:

1. Wanted info about the biz. Then when I called, she told me she signed with Melahuca. Then called back a week later to try and recruit me. You can read that story here

2. Info about the biz, 2 days before Christmas. Signed with me. I have not put her in yet, Since I wait till they have 4 shows planned. Has a lot of personal issues going on , but should be ready in about a week or so.. VERY motivated, so hopefully she works out.

3. Got this one yesterday. The name that was listed was a guy interested in a party. Call, the voicemail message has a totally different name. Left a msg, nothing as of yet.

4. Got this one last night (2 in one day?!) Interested in the products. Called her and she wanted to know how long it takes to get the products in. Will call to order in a few weeks.

All duds so far. Hopefully that #2 comes through with getting dates (I dont see a point in signing them until they have shows ready to go. That way I can actually earn the incentive that month, and they can earn their PC dollars.)

I have heard many mixed things about the leads. I'm sure though the more you get the good ones will make up for the bad ones :)
  • #18
what level do you need to be at to get home office leads?
  • #19
PamperedchefDaly said:
I can't comment from personal experience, but I do know that the "distance factor" is not quite accurate. We live on Long Island, but we get leads that are 10 miles away--in Connecticut! Apparently, the computer does not recognize the Long Island Sound as water.

I live on Long Island too (Rocky Point) always *love* how they forget that there is water between us and CT.

As for bad leads:

1. Wanted info about the biz. Then when I called, she told me she signed with Melahuca. Then called back a week later to try and recruit me. You can read that story here

2. Info about the biz, 2 days before Christmas. Signed with me. I have not put her in yet, Since I wait till they have 4 shows planned. Has a lot of personal issues going on , but should be ready in about a week or so.. VERY motivated, so hopefully she works out.

3. Got this one yesterday. The name that was listed was a guy interested in a party. Call, the voicemail message has a totally different name. Left a msg, nothing as of yet.

4. Got this one last night (2 in one day?!) Interested in the products. Called her and she wanted to know how long it takes to get the products in. Will call to order in a few weeks.

All duds so far. Hopefully that #2 comes through with getting dates (I dont see a point in signing them until they have shows ready to go. That way I can actually earn the incentive that month, and they can earn their PC dollars.)

I have heard many mixed things about the leads. I'm sure though the more you get the good ones will make up for the bad ones :)
  • #20
cookingwithdawn said:
what level do you need to be at to get home office leads?

You must be a Team Leader and meet certain sales and recruiting qualifications. You can read all the details in the Policy Guide which is available on CC.
  • #21
While I love the idea of a Lead System, I wish that they would design a way to qualify the leads. I got one today, said interested in purchasing products. So, I pop her an email, saying that I will give her a call shortly when I get the kids quieted down. (They are home with another snow day). I quickly get a reply from her saying "I am actually an associate with XYZ ABC Bank and my manager wanted me to do some research into small businesses in the Vernon area to let them know about some advantages that our business accounts have to offer to our customers. If you have any questions, you can contact me at XXX-XXXX. I hope to hear from you soon."ummm....really?!
  • #22
I think I'd be tempted to email her back saying that I don't do business with people who dishonestly get my name. After all, she said she was interested in purchasing products when she was not. (Not that I'd actually ever send that email.)
  • #23
Or, perhaps a barter... she hosts a show with 15 guests and you give her 15 mins at the show to give her speal. 1 min per paying guest.
  • #24
Thank you NooraK

Related to Good Leads vs. Bad: My Experience With Lead System

What is the difference between a good lead and a bad lead?

A good lead is a potential customer who is genuinely interested in your product or service and has a high likelihood of making a purchase. A bad lead, on the other hand, is someone who may have shown initial interest but is unlikely to convert into a paying customer.

How can a lead system help me differentiate between good and bad leads?

A lead system can help you track and analyze the behavior of potential customers, such as their level of interest, engagement, and buying patterns. This data can help you identify which leads are more likely to convert and which ones are not worth pursuing.

What are some common characteristics of a good lead?

A good lead is typically someone who has shown interest in your product or service, has a need or problem that your offering can solve, and has the resources and authority to make a purchase decision. They are also likely to engage with your brand and respond positively to your marketing efforts.

How can I avoid wasting time and resources on bad leads?

The key is to have a well-defined lead qualification process in place. This can include setting specific criteria for what constitutes a good lead, using lead scoring systems to prioritize leads, and regularly reviewing and updating your lead database to remove uninterested or unqualified leads.

Can a bad lead ever become a good lead?

Yes, it is possible for a bad lead to become a good lead with the right nurturing and follow-up. This can involve providing relevant and valuable information to the lead, addressing their concerns or objections, and building a relationship with them over time. However, it is important to focus your efforts on leads with the highest potential for conversion to maximize your resources.

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