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Overcoming Relinquishment: How I'm Keeping My Team Alive

In summary, the speaker is facing the challenge of not meeting the sales goal of $4k, which has resulted in a two-month relinquishment period. They have implemented various strategies such as hosting a new product party, pampering businesses, offering discounts on discontinuing products, and reaching out to potential live show hosts. The speaker also mentions having limited time due to work commitments and upcoming travel plans. They seek advice on how to motivate their team to help them reach the sales goal and avoid losing their team. Suggestions include involving the team in setting and achieving goals, offering incentives, and being honest about the potential consequences of not meeting the sales goal. Additional suggestions include utilizing personal and professional networks, such as coworkers, to host catalog shows and generate sales
Gold Member
I have had two months of relinquishment because my team and I did not hit the $4k in sales. I have never hit $4k by myself, but I see no other alternative - I'M NOT LOSING MY TEAM!Here is what I'm doing:
*New Product Party - and I'm being a REAL host, invites, phone invites, reminder calls, etc.
*Pampering 4 businesses on Thursday - returning on Monday to collect any orders
*$1000 Catalog Show
*2 live shows
*have two spots left for live shows here and trying to book them - one is this Saturday
*have two more spots left for live shows in CO (travel at the end of the month - planned a long time ago - already have one live show while I'm there)
*5-10% off discontinuing products - have tons of flyers with me
*CCCs with a few large live shows that I haven't called on yetI do already have $400 in sales in and another show to close - I'm estimating it at $300.I really have limited time since I'll be working days next week as well as traveling in two weeks. What else can I do?
Encourage your team too! Let them know where you stand and where your team is on total sales (not individual) - drive them to want to help you as a team.
Kate - here is an idea...have your team over, put out some of your new items that you know your team members want but may not be able to buy in their sample packs.

Have them each pick a reasonable goal for their schedules and for their prize and when the meet it this month, give it to them. You can always replace some of your products!

Anyone else have any good ideas for Kate or her team.

(I admire you NOT wanting to lose your team and taking this on yourself, but you can't always do that...I think you should get your team motivated to help - just my opinion...)
I agree with Janet, Kate - get your team in on the goal and help each other! Brainstorm ideas together, offer an incentive, do a "booking blitz" contest (everyone makes calls on a designated night or timeframe, and whoever makes the most calls/gets the most bookings wins) - anything to get them excited and into working as a team. You said it yourself - it's your team - and you don't spell TEAM with an "I"!! :) Good luck, Kate - you can do it!! This could be the start of great things for you AND your team!!
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  • #5
Janet - I totally understand what you are saying and I'm trying not to make my team feel like they have to carry the burden, KWIM? I have a LOT of hobby people, one new recruit, one person who promoted to director and had to resign 3 weeks later because of severe health problems (she is probably the only one who would do anything this month) and I just have a hard time motivating them - much less, getting them to my house! I have invited all the local people to my New Product Party and the next Tuesday we have our cluster meeting...I guess I'm not sure how much to tell them without making them feel guilty or feel like I'm pushing them. Anyhoo, I'll try the new product idea - it might work even with my long distance ones!
honesty is always the best policy.. as a consultant, I would want my director to tell me "hey if we don't make our team numbers I will lose my directorship", because the next closest director is over an hour away and I would never go to meetings... now as a consultant I would figure if I add a couple shows or whatever to my already scheduled month then I would be doing my individual part to help my director.Figure up what you need from each consultant and then share that with them, some wont make it some will and some might surprise you!
did anyone on your team go to conference?
i agree with janet about getting them invovled otherwise you will likely be back in the same boat next month :(

ask them what they need from you to get them motivated even to do 2 shows a month

and then just keep trying to recruit so that you team is wide not deep :)

good luck i'm sure you'll get it done :)
You say that you work days, I'm assuming another job other than Pampered Chef. Maybe try doing a catty show at work, maybe asking some coworkers to help you hand out catalogs and to collect money and orders. Offer to give them all the free product and half price discounts that the show generates for helping you out. Ask some coworkers if they have any friends or family that would like to order anything.

Call anyone in your customer database that you haven't called in a while and see if they want to order anything, maybe offer a special prize for them having a catalog show reach a certain amount. Offer to cook everyone on your team a special treat if you reach the $4000 mark.

This might not help in the short term, but in the long term it might (so you don't have to scramble every month to reach the goal). Take each team member aside. Tell them you appreciate having them on your team. See what their goals are and ask them how you can help them to build their business. Try having a contest for your team that is focusing on holding consistent shows each week, whether it be 1 show a week or four.

You can always recruit more. (Yes, I know that is a LOT harder then it sounds)

You could challenge your team to a beat the director night. Basically you set up a three hour block where you and each of your team members dial for dollars and they try to beat you. Prizes for whoever has the most bookings, most sales, and most recruiting appointments.

That's all I can think of right now.
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  • #9
No one went to conference. If we meet the $4k this month, and not next month, I'll only be in month one of relinquishment. Anyhoo, I have lots of recruits coming up in the next few months - it just isn't the time for them right now AND they are getting motivated by the cookware, so I just need to get over this hump and get some new blood in.I know you are all working on my team, and I hate to tell you "that won't work", but I really need to sell a lot myself anyway. I have a weird team dynamic. Not many come to the meetings, a lot are out of town consultants, and all except the one who promoted are hobby consultants. I need to find another couple of me's! I will ask them what I can do to get them to do two shows a month....maybe ask them to commit to doing that and when we hit the $4k, give each who submitted 2 shows or more a new product of their choice (within reason)....or something for every 2 shows...dunno...So, back to the original question, what else can I do?
  • #10
I agree that I wouldn't want my team to feel that they are keeping my directorship intact but you are a team! Tell them what the requirements are and that you are in your last month to make it.

I have had a couple months where I wasn't sure we'd do the $4000 either (I too have a lot of hobbyists). I call them and ask them if they will be placing any orders. I say that we are very close this month to our team minimum and I would feel aweful if on the first I found out that we missed it by $20. They are very receptive and some have offered to put in a "gift show" - put together orders for gifts that they plan to get anyway - to help. I have never used that offer but it's great to know they care.

Your team cares too but you have to tell them. There's time for everyone to make calls and get a catalog show thrown together (or even a cooking show). Offer an incentive like a pizza party or something...
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  • #11
Chocolatejunkie said:
You say that you work days, I'm assuming another job other than Pampered Chef.

It is very part-time - Drama Camp, and I have already hit up everyone I sometimes work with...good idea, though. We all work for the city - no money there haha...

Chocolatejunkie said:
This might not help in the short term, but in the long term it might (so you don't have to scramble every month to reach the goal). Take each team member aside. Tell them you appreciate having them on your team. See what their goals are and ask them how you can help them to build their business. Try having a contest for your team that is focusing on holding consistent shows each week, whether it be 1 show a week or four.

I do like this. I have asked each one what they want and how they want me to help. A lot want to do the minimum until it is a better time...don't know what that means, but I don't have the time to coach someone who doesn't want it - I need to be out there finding more people!

Chocolatejunkie said:
You could challenge your team to a beat the director night. Basically you set up a three hour block where you and each of your team members dial for dollars and they try to beat you. Prizes for whoever has the most bookings, most sales, and most recruiting appointments.

I LIKE THIS!!! This could even work with the long-distance cluster members.
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  • #12
Beth - wording is not my strong suit - how do I tell them and what do I ask of them so it isn't too little or too much?
  • #13
I would say that I love being a director and the perks are amazing, best of all that I get to know and help you all. Of course like every company there are requirements and one of them is that my sales plus my team's sales must be at least $4000 and we haven't made that for the last 2 months. This is my last month to make it. If we come short I will no longer be your director. I have (tell what your schedule is like) and hope to make most of it but I need your help too. What do you think would be reasonable that you could do?

...of the top of my head but it's a start. I am praying for you Kate! I know it is very stressful!
  • #14
Kate - just want you to know you have a LOT of support here and we will all be cheering for you! Keep us updated!
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  • #15
You guys are so awesome...I am a bit scared because I have so much to do that I CAN'T drop, and so much more that I want/need to do to get this done!
  • #16
Kate, I can't offer you anything but support and prayers. I'm a hobbyist and there is nothing my director can do to motivate me... well that is not totally true but it is for the rest of my team . Hanging out with all of you I know what my lack of staying active does to my director so I make sure I remain active... but just. Maybe sitting down and talking to your team about the 4K requirement and breaking it down to "if you did 2 shows a month of $200 it would help our team meet our goals". It is possible that if the hobbyist here it that way - 2 shows is not so much, $200 in sales for each is not so much, and maybe holding a carrot of a new product they want will motivate them. What are your average monthly sales, how can you divide the amount you are short up equally among them, and what might motivate them?

I'm looking at your list of ideas and it looks pretty full to me.

You might also want to look through people who have bought the striped SA and call (or email them) and let them know it is about to be discountinued and if they want to add more pieces now is the time.

Also call your host in CO and see if she has a friend or two that are outside of her main circle of friends that might like to do a mega show at her house.
  • #17
Okay, I'm not sure how "legal" this might be as I am still very new. So if this is not allowed then someone politely slap my wrists, but please don't jump down my throat.

Could you find some people who want to be recruited (possibly those people who say the time is not "right" for them right now. And the time might not be right for them because it is a cashflow issue, but they don't want to tell you that) Tell them that if they collect $500 in sales they can get their showcase for $100 off plus $75 in free product. If they get $1000 in sales, then it's free, plus $200 in free product.

Now if they get $500 in sales at 20% commission it is $100 and a $500 show gives you $75 in free product. With $1000 in sales at 20% commission it is $200 (which should be enough to cover the showcase, tax, and shipping & handling I think) and for a $1000 show you get $200 in free product.

You could choose to submit the sales under your name and then pay the covered amount for the showcase and name the person who gathered the sales as the hostess so she can order the free product associated with the show. Bonus is that your commission is higher then the 20% and you get a little bit of extra money.

Or you could tell them that it is a rebate offer type situation. Have them order the showcase, then place the sales in their name and then they get "reimbursed" with their first commission check.

Other ideas, any family members who owe you some favors. They could host a catty show.

I can't think of anything else right now, but I'll let the idea pot simmer for awhile. :)

  • #18
Kate, I hear what you are saying that you know your team and they may not produce but it doesn't hurt as ChocolateJunkie said to challenge them. Maybe a challenge may be the thing that gets them a little more active again. Ask them what they plan on doing. Do they have any shows scheduled and help them to coach those shows to be successful shows.

As far as what you could do personally is something I keep wanting to do and just heard on a CD. The first is approach Realtors and see if they have anyone they are working with to get to provide Thank you gifts after a sale. The lady on the CD says she always offers to wrap the present (shrink wrap and bow) and will deliver it. She likes to deliver because she gets to meet the family and get a new lead. Find out if the family might like a Ice Cream Social theme gift or maybe BBQ or whatever. You could bring a few items already wrapped so the Realtor can see what you would deliver in their name. One comment was made a lot of Realtors may give a gift certificate for a local restaurant - that will only last a short time where ours product will keep giving.

Other suggestions along that line is to find Kitchen Remodeling Places and offer to do the same thing as the above once they are completed with the kitchen.

I know you mentioned doing the Pampered your business but also think about if you have someone who is doing pest control at your house then tell them that you would like to continue business with them but you would also like to share your business with them. Think of other businesses that you may cross paths with - plumber, air conditioner repair or service... .just the point is if you have any new or repeat companies approach them about some sort of swap.

Not sure if this is on your list but are you getting your hair cut this month? Take in a recipe and catalogs and order forms. Whether you are pampered this business intentionally or just as a last minute I want to thank you for doing such a good job on my hair.

Ok, this is kind of a long one so I am going to post and think of other things that I could add
  • #19
On the CD, I also heard about how she went to where she works out and they have a monthly (I can't remember the name but) "members day" and she set up a table. She also offered healthy eating type classes at the health club or maybe you could offer quick cooking classes which could be great to go with the new cookbook.

What about going to nearby daycares and setting a table up, again quick cooking classes or healthy eating.

OH, I just thought of one I heard was successful for some people but in your thanking your business group have you considered going to local area Fire Stations.

One thing I recall from the Lemonade Lady was to choose a neighborhood you want shows in and start knocking on doors. Yes, you have to be careful about No Solicitation rules but some areas you can do it. Tell them you were in the neighborhood and was wondering if they are familiar with PC, do they have a consultant & are they interested in coming to a show. The way it was described when I attended the workshop is if they want to come to a show - have them write their name and number down. Eventually you may come to a person who is really excited about meeting you ask them if they want to have a show & if they say yes, tell them that you already have a few people in the neighborhood who are interested in attending a show to start on their guest list.

OK, it seems I have heard things that I keep saying are great ideas and I NEED to do them. I told myself to listen to the CD where I could take notes instead of just in the car but I apparently remember some. If you want to do any of them, I hope they work for you! I know I need to get my butt in gear because I want to become director as well.
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  • #20
Great ideas! Keep em coming!Oh, another thing I am doing that I forgot to add, but you might want to consider it is a knife special. Here's how it works:Our Forged Cutlery is on sale this month for 20% off. You get the Paring Knife, Utility Knife, Bread Knife, Santoku Knife and Chefs Knife for $216.80 AND I give you the Honer for FREE—a total value of $290.50.
PLUS you have the option to purchase the two NEW Forged Knives—not available until September to everyone else—for 60% off!
So, for $246, you get all 7 knives and a honer—retail value of $363.50!!! A $117 savings!
The best part? The knives have a LIFETIME GUARANTEE!
This offer is only available in August!
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  • #21
Chocolatejunkie said:
Okay, I'm not sure how "legal" this might be as I am still very new. So if this is not allowed then someone politely slap my wrists, but please don't jump down my throat.

Could you find some people who want to be recruited (possibly those people who say the time is not "right" for them right now. And the time might not be right for them because it is a cashflow issue, but they don't want to tell you that) Tell them that if they collect $500 in sales they can get their showcase for $100 off plus $75 in free product. If they get $1000 in sales, then it's free, plus $200 in free product.

Now if they get $500 in sales at 20% commission it is $100 and a $500 show gives you $75 in free product. With $1000 in sales at 20% commission it is $200 (which should be enough to cover the showcase, tax, and shipping & handling I think) and for a $1000 show you get $200 in free product.

You could choose to submit the sales under your name and then pay the covered amount for the showcase and name the person who gathered the sales as the hostess so she can order the free product associated with the show. Bonus is that your commission is higher then the 20% and you get a little bit of extra money.

Or you could tell them that it is a rebate offer type situation. Have them order the showcase, then place the sales in their name and then they get "reimbursed" with their first commission check.

Other ideas, any family members who owe you some favors. They could host a catty show.

I can't think of anything else right now, but I'll let the idea pot simmer for awhile. :)


I offered this to a possible recruit who is having a hard time, financially. They have kids, one on the way, she goes to school full-time at night and hubby has been out of work for 4 months - last week he found a job. She was very excited about this - we might even be able to have the party this Saturday and then she would have a couple weeks to "work" on getting the orders. The way I explained it to her is that I would get the sales, but she would be getting the commission to pay for the kit (or part of it).
  • #22
Just thought of this, but she could also use some of her free product towards the kit as well. I think she can use $40 (or $15 if her free product doesn't reach the $40). So if she can get the $500 in sales, then $155 minus $40 equals $115 and then minus the $100, so she could have her kit for $15 plus shipping and tax. Although you might not want to tell her that until later, after all she could hit $1000 in sales which would really help you out. ;)
  • #23
Hi! This is a letter I e-mailed to my team today. Only because it has been a slow summer for some of them and don't want them to lose motivation before Fall hits. This is my third month as a new director and we have been pretty good so far but just don't want to worry as I do have several hobbyists and some I do have a hard time reaching on a regular basis. I have spoken with all of them though and they tell me they are still doing Pampered Chef but just wanted everyone to know up front what is required by me to keep Directorship. I was very pleasantly surprised by hearing from most of my group today.

On another note, pampering businesses is a GREAT idea! In fact, I am bringing food to my bank tomorrow along with catalogs and order forms as well. My friend took food up to a daycare and got 3 bookings! Just worry about trying to carry majority of the load right now and just bust your butt with everything! TONS of contacts. Forget the 3-2-1 but change it to a 10-2-1 or as much as you can do! Get all your friends and family to do shows. Send out a letter or e-mail to EVERYONE. Let them know your situation or simply tell them you REALLY need everyone's support this month or you could just tell them you HAVE to reach a goal this month! Something along those lines. A lot of times if you tell people what is going on they will try their best to help you. Maybe even give your team a heads up and that you can really use their help and tell them why! Even if you have to do it in an e-mail or voicemail message. It may work. Try the letter that I wrote to my team too. Hope these ideas help. If you want something badly enough things seem to work its way out. Good Luck and Happy Contacts!!! :)

Here is the letter below:

Hello all!

I was wondering if everyone could send me their actual cooking show dates and approximately how many catalog shows you have for this month (August) please? I am writing this all down on our cluster calendar so I can keep track.

I wanted to let everyone know that as a Director, my cluster has to sell a minimum of $4,000 per month including my personal sales for me to stay a Director. Knowing everyone's approximate show schedule will better help me adjust my own show schedule in case our group is having a rough month.

If everyone can send me their approximate # of cooking shows and the dates they are scheduled for this month and also the # of catalog shows you plan on turning in as well that will greatly help me! Thanks so much!

I will be soon offering prizes using our cluster calendar. Details will follow and discussed at our next cluster meeting. Thank you for your assistance! :)

cmdtrgd said:
I have had two months of relinquishment because my team and I did not hit the $4k in sales. I have never hit $4k by myself, but I see no other alternative - I'M NOT LOSING MY TEAM!

Here is what I'm doing:
*New Product Party - and I'm being a REAL host, invites, phone invites, reminder calls, etc.
*Pampering 4 businesses on Thursday - returning on Monday to collect any orders
*$1000 Catalog Show
*2 live shows
*have two spots left for live shows here and trying to book them - one is this Saturday
*have two more spots left for live shows in CO (travel at the end of the month - planned a long time ago - already have one live show while I'm there)
*5-10% off discontinuing products - have tons of flyers with me
*CCCs with a few large live shows that I haven't called on yet

I do already have $400 in sales in and another show to close - I'm estimating it at $300.

I really have limited time since I'll be working days next week as well as traveling in two weeks. What else can I do?
  • #24
I am doing a Mystery Host Catalog Show right now. Each participant(10) gets at least $100 in orders which is a $1000 show.:D I will attach the letter. You will meet your goal with only 4 of you doing this. Good luck!

My director was in your situation last year:( ...she just told us what she needed to stay director...she was also pregnant and due any day and only 3 others of us were really doing anything...I think she was down to only 5 consultants...anyway, she is still director. We really pushed there at the end I think to keep her going.:thumbup: Just let your team know what is expected of them. Some people need that extra push.
  • #25
Sorry...it won't let me attach anything. I will try again later.
  • #26
:confused: Ok...somehow my pop up blocker turned on. Here is the letter.


  • Mystery Host Catalog Show.doc
    40 KB · Views: 422
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  • #27
You guys are awesome! Just keep the ideas coming and I'll keep running with them - I'll update where we are later!
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  • #28
Quick Update:My cluster and I have almost $1000 in sales so far. I did have one person (so far) who has taken advantage of the 7 forged knives with a free honer deal. Today I booked a show for next Tuesday, so I still have 3 live shows left this month. I am getting the $1000 Catalog show going here at home and am getting another one going in Colorado while I am there at the end of the month. There are three more people who are extremely interested in the knife deal, too! We're getting there!
  • #29
Good Luck Kate, tell us how everything went at the end of the month!
  • #30
Great idea on the knives! I might have to try that as well! I don't have any more cooking shows this month and if that works, that will help out a lot!
  • #31
That is great Kate. Keep up the good work and may your shows be successes.
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  • #32
We're down to needing $900....WE WILL MAKE IT! There are no excuses....I feel like doing push ups or something...
  • #33
Did you make it?????

My Director was REALLY close and at the last minute, I got a random online order for $225 that pushed her over the $4K mark!
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  • #34
I made it by $17 - and got all my Christmas shopping done, too! I hated to do it that way, but now I can focus on the fall and not be playing catch-up.
  • #35
Yikes, how much did you have to spend to get yourself there? I hope the fall pays off big for you!
  • #36
WOW! Glad you made it!!
  • #37
Glad you made it - good job!
  • #38
cmdtrgd said:
I made it by $17 - and got all my Christmas shopping done, too! I hated to do it that way, but now I can focus on the fall and not be playing catch-up.

:balloon: :balloon: Congrats. :balloon: :balloon:

Now keep the momentum going and jump into September.
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  • #39
ughubug said:
Yikes, how much did you have to spend to get yourself there? I hope the fall pays off big for you!

Not too much, but my family is getting cookware! It is something my Mom has wanted for a while but won't invest in. I'm hoping this will convince her to get the rest of the set - preferrably before the end of pan-o-rama.
  • #40
I'm so glad to hear you made it. I had been following both of your threads wondering.
  • #41
cmdtrgd said:
Janet - I totally understand what you are saying and I'm trying not to make my team feel like they have to carry the burden, KWIM? I have a LOT of hobby people, one new recruit, one person who promoted to director and had to resign 3 weeks later because of severe health problems (she is probably the only one who would do anything this month) and I just have a hard time motivating them - much less, getting them to my house! I have invited all the local people to my New Product Party and the next Tuesday we have our cluster meeting...I guess I'm not sure how much to tell them without making them feel guilty or feel like I'm pushing them. Anyhoo, I'll try the new product idea - it might work even with my long distance ones!

Why not invite them to invite people to shop the new products and collect orders from their guests. Do drawings and "Open house booking special" where they will give their bookers (have a list of dates they want to work listed) $10 free at their show in addition to host benefits.

You can do it!!!!

How about a lunch meeting? Or one-to-one time alone with you?
  • #42
smspamperedchef said:
Hi! This is a letter I e-mailed to my team today. Only because it has been a slow summer for some of them and don't want them to lose motivation before Fall hits. This is my third month as a new director and we have been pretty good so far but just don't want to worry as I do have several hobbyists and some I do have a hard time reaching on a regular basis. I have spoken with all of them though and they tell me they are still doing Pampered Chef but just wanted everyone to know up front what is required by me to keep Directorship. I was very pleasantly surprised by hearing from most of my group today.

On another note, pampering businesses is a GREAT idea! In fact, I am bringing food to my bank tomorrow along with catalogs and order forms as well. My friend took food up to a daycare and got 3 bookings! Just worry about trying to carry majority of the load right now and just bust your butt with everything! TONS of contacts. Forget the 3-2-1 but change it to a 10-2-1 or as much as you can do! Get all your friends and family to do shows. Send out a letter or e-mail to EVERYONE. Let them know your situation or simply tell them you REALLY need everyone's support this month or you could just tell them you HAVE to reach a goal this month! Something along those lines. A lot of times if you tell people what is going on they will try their best to help you. Maybe even give your team a heads up and that you can really use their help and tell them why! Even if you have to do it in an e-mail or voicemail message. It may work. Try the letter that I wrote to my team too. Hope these ideas help. If you want something badly enough things seem to work its way out. Good Luck and Happy Contacts!!! :)

Here is the letter below:

Hello all!

I was wondering if everyone could send me their actual cooking show dates and approximately how many catalog shows you have for this month (August) please? I am writing this all down on our cluster calendar so I can keep track.

I wanted to let everyone know that as a Director, my cluster has to sell a minimum of $4,000 per month including my personal sales for me to stay a Director. Knowing everyone's approximate show schedule will better help me adjust my own show schedule in case our group is having a rough month.

If everyone can send me their approximate # of cooking shows and the dates they are scheduled for this month and also the # of catalog shows you plan on turning in as well that will greatly help me! Thanks so much!

I will be soon offering prizes using our cluster calendar. Details will follow and discussed at our next cluster meeting. Thank you for your assistance! :)

Love the letter! Thank you for sharing.

Question for you all - how are you informed of relinquishment? I promoted in May. July & August my team didn't reach $4000, but I haven't been notified? Is there a grace period? Thank goodness the fall is here. I'm so sorry you had to deal with August Kate! I don't know anyone who's business hasn't really suffered (team wise anyways) during the summer. ((( hugs ))). I'm still reading through - hope there is a good oucome here. :(
  • #43
Susan, you have a 3-month grace period as a new Director.
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  • #44
Technically you can't lose your whole team for the first 9 months. Month 1-3 is a grace period. Month 4 you can go into the relinquishment cycle. Month 4-6 if you don't hit all the qualifications all three months is the relinquishment cycle. Month 7-9 can be the repromotion cycle. You do temporarily lose your title, production bonus, etc. But you have to hit all the qualifications to repromote and keep your team - hopefully that makes sense.

Related to Overcoming Relinquishment: How I'm Keeping My Team Alive

1. How can I keep my team alive during a period of relinquishment?

One way to keep your team alive is to host a "New Product Party" where you invite friends, family, and potential customers to learn about the new products and place orders. Be a real host and make phone calls, send invitations, and follow up with reminder calls.

2. What else can I do to increase sales and support my team?

You can schedule "Pampering 4 businesses" events where you visit local businesses and offer them the opportunity to try out Pampered Chef products. You can return on Monday to collect any orders and potentially gain new customers.

3. How can I reach my sales goal without losing my team?

Consider hosting a $1000 Catalog Show where you collect orders from multiple customers and reach a high sales total. You can also schedule live shows, offer discounts on discontinuing products, and reach out to potential customers through CCCs (Catalog and Cooking Shows).

4. I already have a busy schedule, what can I do in a limited amount of time?

If you have limited time, focus on closing existing shows and reaching out to potential customers through CCCs and live shows. You can also use social media and online marketing to promote your business and reach a wider audience.

5. How can I make the most of my upcoming travel plans to increase sales?

If you have planned travel, consider scheduling live shows in the area you will be visiting. This will allow you to reach new customers and potentially increase sales. You can also use this opportunity to network and promote your business to a new audience.

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