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Organizing a Mega Show: Demo & Planning Ideas

I need demo ideas and organizing/planning ideas...No...would like to do one though so I am interested in any ideas!I am hoping to set a date for a mega show this weekend. It's at a salon, so no oven just a microwave. I wont do an actual demo, just have a couple of stations set up for people to try things out. If I can get a demo from you before the show, I will demo that.
Has anyone done a Mega Show? I need demo ideas and organizing/planning ideas...
No...would like to do one though so I am interested in any ideas!
I am hoping to set a date for a mega show this weekend. Its at a salon, so no oven just a microwave. I wont do an actual demo, just have a couple of stations set up for people to try things out. If I can get a DCB before the show I will demo that in the microwave.

The show will be more like an open house setup. It will run for 2hrs (7-9pm) beginning after the shop closes. I will have door prizes every half hour starting at 7:30pm. I am doing the door prizes in conjunction with the salon so they will include a mini whisk (like to mix hair color) a hold and slice (like a hair pin?? is that what theyre called???) twix it clips and then a salon coupon.

I will set up a chopping station, measuring station, baking & cookware station and an SA/display station.

For the order forms I will use OOF in different colors for each host.

Ummmm cant think of anything else right now!! If I think of other things I am doing or can think of, I will write again!!
My SD has organized a mega show for her cluster the past couple of years, but it's not a typical cooking show. It's more like a games night.This year, guests will pay $10 to get in, and that will get them a strip of tickets. Those will be used for "auctions" for products. They'll also be able to purchase tix for raffles and a 50/50 drawing. But there's no demo, although there will be product talk as part of the auction.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Thanks for the ideas so far. I too cannot use an oven without getting charged in the building I'm using so I like the idea of using the microwave for the covered baker.
Do lots of people come for just a games night?
I have decided I am asking 10 hosts to bring 10 guests each, but not sure what the agenda will be. :)
The games night takes a couple of repetitions to really get going. People won't necessarily know what to expect, but once they come they like it. So the next time, you'll have a few more people there, etc.
My old director's Mega Show was just multiple shows held on one day, all at the same time, same place. I think she raffled off the benefits, but I'm not sure. She said she uses these shows to get better sales from those shows where the "hosts" only have a dozen people to invite and probably won't get over $150. The guests tend to sell the products b'c of experience, etc, and she gets good sales from it. The hosts are happy b'c they don't have to clean their house and they still get something for inviting guests, even if they can't get that many people to come or order.
Fall Recipe Open HouseHi, I just did a Fall Recipe Open House, I had my guest pair up or in once case group of three, and had them prepare a receipe. It was symphonic chaos and all the recipes came out great.

We made recipes from the Season's Best Recipe Collection from Fall/Winter, and it was so much fun. They all had a great time, and each person ordered or booked a show.

We made:
Cran-Raspberry Fizz
Tangy Pepper-Pecan Brie (Awesome, highly recommend, sold several stones)
Jerk Chicken Nachos (cake on some extra cheese)
Warm Nutty Caramel Brownies (Great brownie twist)
Aloha Pizza (From Spring/Summer Season's Best)

I had some fresh veggies, and fruit out in my Chillzanne, in the meantime to curb everyones appetite because of the awesome smells. We all had a blast.

Here are my flyers that I sent out as well to invite people. Just an idea for your Mega party.



  • fall kickoff.doc
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  • ThankYouForYourShowGuest.doc
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I have heard that shows where you raffle off the benefits to multiple people, are "mystery shows" or open houses and mega show are multiple pre-scheduled shows, just like a regular cooking show, but all scheduled on the same date at the same time, typlically in a hall.

I have heard is you do this type of Mega show, each host needs to be prepared to assist with the check out process of their own show. For example, it would be difficult for a consultant to check out 5 shows with 15 guests each all by herself.

Each host is set up at an individual table and the consultant does one demo (with additional food pre-prepared) for the entire group, then everyone breaks out in to individual shows for check out. The consultant floats to answer questions and talk about booking and recruiting to interested individuals.

I have always wanted to do this, but hall fees in my area are expensive and I do not have any "ins" for a freebie or discounted rate.
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  • #10
Thanks Shari, that is pretty much what I'm doing. I have rented a room next to a kitchen for less than $60. I am going to ask 10 hosts to commit to bringing 10 guests. I am asking people who normally would say their house is too small, they don't have enough parking, etc... If I can't get 10 hosts, I am going to ask one of my recruits to invite 5 and I'll do 5 and then split the costs. Now, I'm just trying to decide what to demo, what games to play, and what prizes to give away. :)
  • #11
I'm working on a mega show as well. I've got an e-mail invite that I sent out posted in the theme show section on here. I'm going to do a Saturday morning brunch show.

I'm looking to have 6-8 hosts there. I think for the tables, I'll use the Simple Additions stand so that I can put the host name on a card & have it displayed on the table. I am going to highlight gift sets & entertaining ideas since the SA line is on guest special.

So far, I have 5 maybes, that I'm going to check back with next week. I plan on doing a short product demo, but not with a recipe. I'm going to have snacks & stuff already ready & each host was also asked to bring a recipe to share with their guests (not everyone).

I think it could work really well, especially with SAT. My goal is to have my highest month yet & earn the highest level of SAT.

My director has done this & says that they go really well, you just have to be very organized & prepared. I'm going to have additional people there to help me with check-out & serving the guests.
  • #12
I have a question because I would like to do this.

If you have 10 hosts bring 10 guests (or outside orders and guests to = 10 orders) there are a lot of people there! How do you go about collecting orders/totalling them, etc?? Do you have someone come and help you total? If so, who? Or does it work out ok with just you doing it all yourself?
  • #13
One idea I just had for a giveaway was to set the clock/timer & when it goes off, whoever's order you are calculating gets a prize. I dunno if that would work or not, but it's an idea.

I think some other bigger items for a giveaway could be good as well.

My mom is going to come & help me. I'm sure that my MIL & another consultant will help me as well. Other than that, I'm not sure. I kind of think I'd rather do the totalling, but that's just me. I'm going to have my laptop with me. But, maybe just totalling a guest amount could be done by someone less experienced. Then, after the guests left, I could total the host shows? I'm not sure of the details yet.
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  • #14
I was reading a flier my director gave me on a Mega show (it is the only info I had to go on besides this). It said to have a folder at each table for hosts to put the orders and payments in, also provide a calculator at each table. If hosts can calculate outside orders, surely they can do it at the show. I also heard to have your family come help you, or your downline. I like the idea of each table doing their own because it keeps it separate and organized.
  • #15
I'm thinking that I'll have outside order forms made up with the hosts name on them. That way I don't have to rely on the guests to write the hosts name on the form. I'm also thinking of having someone at the door to direct traffic. As people come in, have them check the person's name off of the guest list for the particular host & then direct them to the correct table.

Maybe that's a little too anal for something like this, though, I don't know. :confused:
  • #16
Joysbiz said:
I was reading a flier my director gave me on a Mega show (it is the only info I had to go on besides this). It said to have a folder at each table for hosts to put the orders and payments in, also provide a calculator at each table. If hosts can calculate outside orders, surely they can do it at the show. I also heard to have your family come help you, or your downline. I like the idea of each table doing their own because it keeps it separate and organized.
That's a great idea, thanks!
  • #17
here is my idea, but i have not had time to put it together. i plan to put together three time slots. i am going to do a brunch dish (probably the new recipe in the bar pan), do an entree and then a dessert. i am going to announce that if they want to host but don't have the time or want to cleanup, come to my house. they could win the benefits from the show. i plan to raffle off each individual session, or just overall benefits depending on how high each mini show is.

since it will be at my house i figured I coudl do some nice displays without lugging everything around, they coudl see a real show and the new products.

  • #18
What is with the three time slots? I'm not sure I understand.
  • #19
I think there are multiple things being talked about here.

Mega Show = multiple hosts with the same consultant having their parties at the same time with one demo.

Open House = people come & go as they please, no set demo time. Consultant uses host benefits.

Mystery Host = could be an open house or an actual demo. Consultant raffles off host benefits through tickets, drawing slips or some other method.

??? = discussed with the three times. I think this would actually fall under the open house, just three different times.

Am I confused here or am I following the paths correctly? :)

What I am doing is a Mega Show. I have a hall rented & will have 6-8 hosts have their party at the same time in the hall that I have rented. They will each be the hosts of their own parties & get sales based on the guest purchased from those that they invited.
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  • #20
Crystal-I'm thinking what you are thinking. I am doing the kind of MEga Show you are talking about. I have tried Mystery Host shows and Open House that have been semi successful. I'm hoping this will be a huge success and I could repeat it once a year. Plus, if I do it in December, have 5-10 hosts, I don't have to do any other shows that month if I don't want to. Makes my holidays easier too!
  • #21
I'm planning to do mine in November. I'm thinking holiday shopping & Sell-a-thon! If I can only work one day instead of 8 different days, well, that's the best!

I'm going to feature the ideas shown in the mini-catalog & do a demo on at least one or two of those. I'll also have physical product there (not just on paper) showing different gift set ideas. That one came from my director.

I have a feeling I'll be schlepping most of my product there, but I'll just be doing it once, instead of 8 times.

I also wanted to do it in early November as to possibly attract more Nov. & early Dec. bookings.

Just think....if I have 8 hosts with $400 shows each, that's $3200! I also have another host that didn't want to do the holiday mega show, so I'll have that to add to my month. :D
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  • #22
It is exciting to think of the potential sales and bookings. I was thinking about showcasing the gift sets featured, but I don't have a lot of the products featured. I'll have to think of something else to have there. I thought about a display of products i do have the equal the amount my hosts typically receive. And maybe the new consultant kit on display.
  • #23
I think the Mega Show is a great idea for the holidays! I went to one a few years back for Princess House... the theme was Bingo! In the first 30 minutes everyone was to look through the catalog and make their order... after that Bingo started... all the prizes were Princess House and had been displayed around the room. Tickets were given out to all participants for a grand prize drawing. You would get additional tickets for booking a show.. also you received tickets for your order.. the more you purchased the more tickets you received... the host provided a flyer with the ticket amounts.. also received tickets for bringing a friend that purchased... or just showing up! Through out the show the Consultant would speak of the Perks and Products... It was a really fun night..
  • #24
I am sure that these attachments and flyers are in the files of CS, but I have attached them if anyone would like to use. One of these I got off of CS, but not sure on the other one. Mega shows are great the first Sat or Sun in Dec., but you need to get your hosts secured ASAP.


  • Mega Show tips and games.doc
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  • #25
so when you do a mega show, do you enter each group as a show? I just don't quite understand how it all works. Maybe its too late in the evening for me to be thinking about it....
  • #26
One game taht I play at my Mystery Host shows, is taking snack size candy bars and tape messages onto the outside of the wrapper. The messages are "you've won a free mini serving spatula" or "free shipping" or maybe a set of small bamboo spoons. The fourth message says, "congrats!! You've won a girls' night out with me as your chef!" If they pick this message out, they're then obligated to book. I make sure that everyone understands the rules of the game though. Before I pass around my 8qt. stainless steel bowl filled with candy bars, I make sure EVERYONE understands that they have the OPTION to sraw from the bowl. They can draw or pass. If they draw the booking bar, they're obligated and we'll book that night. It's been pretty good frome the past few times I played. My first mystery host show I got 9 bookings from 32 people. At a normal cooking show though, its not quite that successful. But, then again, who has 32 people at a regular cooking show.......
  • #27
ragschef said:
so when you do a mega show, do you enter each group as a show? I just don't quite understand how it all works. Maybe its too late in the evening for me to be thinking about it....
Yes...for every host there, you would have a different show entered into P3. So, if you had 8 hosts there who each brought their own guests, you would have 8 seperate shows...they each recieve their own host benefits based on THEIR show guest sales.

  • #28
I am suddenly getting excited about doing this myself! I had considered this a while back and then got overwhelmed at the idea, but it sounds manageable with the idea of the folders and having each host keep up with her orders...now I just have to figure out where I could do this!
  • #29
I've got five hosts from different circles of my biz (I didn't allow two from church, etc.). I'm also going to have a mystery host table to invite others from my customer base that won't be included on the other guest lists. I'm hoping for a GREAT turn-out!
  • #30
izzymeza said:
Hi, I just did a Fall Recipe Open House, I had my guest pair up or in once case group of three, and had them prepare a receipe. It was symphonic chaos and all the recipes came out great.

We made recipes from the Season's Best Recipe Collection from Fall/Winter, and it was so much fun. They all had a great time, and each person ordered or booked a show.

We made:
Cran-Raspberry Fizz
Tangy Pepper-Pecan Brie (Awesome, highly recommend, sold several stones)
Jerk Chicken Nachos (cake on some extra cheese)
Warm Nutty Caramel Brownies (Great brownie twist)
Aloha Pizza (From Spring/Summer Season's Best)

I had some fresh veggies, and fruit out in my Chillzanne, in the meantime to curb everyones appetite because of the awesome smells. We all had a blast.

Here are my flyers that I sent out as well to invite people. Just an idea for your Mega party.


Isabel, How many of these customer packets did you send out and what was your response like? I love the letter! Way to be creative.

  • #31
crystalscookingnow said:
I'm planning to do mine in November. I'm thinking holiday shopping & Sell-a-thon! If I can only work one day instead of 8 different days, well, that's the best!

Working in this 8-shows in one day a month (mega show), could work... Maybe even be a cluster event where the hall is available to all; hall rented & paid-for by all who invite hosts there? Could be a fun (more consultants = less stress, fewer products to bring if everyone brings a crate), and be good for recruiting too?

  • #32
its_me_susan said:
Working in this 8-shows in one day a month (mega show), could work... Maybe even be a cluster event where the hall is available to all; hall rented & paid-for by all who invite hosts there? Could be a fun (more consultants = less stress, fewer products to bring if everyone brings a crate), and be good for recruiting too?

I actually suggested this to my director & she said that multiple consultants would be really difficult to keep track of. :( I was thinking to do the same thing, but she didn't want to. It might work though with a lot of planning! :)
  • #33
crystalscookingnow said:
I actually suggested this to my director & she said that multiple consultants would be really difficult to keep track of. :( I was thinking to do the same thing, but she didn't want to. It might work though with a lot of planning! :)

Then don't include your Director! Talk to your other Cluster mates and even talk to people that have shown interest in the business~see if they want to share in the success!
As a Director, I would not discourage anything that would help my team mates bond and help each other out...maybe she just can't do it that day!
  • #34
I am curious~where is everyone considering holding this show? AND how much are you paying for the location?
  • #35
How do you get the hosts for this show? Do you schedule a date & then call to get the hosts there? Please list more details. I would love to do this!
  • #36
chefmeg said:
I am curious~where is everyone considering holding this show? AND how much are you paying for the location?

I'm going to wait and hold mine in the spring when it's double points month.
  • #37
Originally Posted by chefmeg
I am curious~where is everyone considering holding this show? AND how much are you paying for the location?

I am holding mine at our Farm Bureau building. They have a big meeting room with a kitchen. I'm paying $100 for the location.

For other locations, think of churches, your local park board, etc.
  • #38
stacywhitlow said:
How do you get the hosts for this show? Do you schedule a date & then call to get the hosts there? Please list more details. I would love to do this!

I have an e-mail that I sent to previous hosts & guests that expressed an interest in hosting, but we hadn't set a date. I also called several people that I didn't have e-mail addresses for. When I picked the people to include, I limited it to one person from each 'circle'. One from church, one from kids' activities, etc.
  • #39
chefmeg said:
Then don't include your Director! Talk to your other Cluster mates and even talk to people that have shown interest in the business~see if they want to share in the success!
As a Director, I would not discourage anything that would help my team mates bond and help each other out...maybe she just can't do it that day!
She's going to help me that day, she just didn't want to mix hosts, I guess. I'm going to offer to one girl in my downline. She was going to have an open house this past Saturday & wasn't able to because some things came up. She thought she'd like to do an open house in November & since I asked her to help anyway, she might as well benefit!
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  • #40
I am renting a room at the local civic center for $60.
  • #41
I just had my Mega Show yesterday. It was a great success! I'm so glad that I did it. I didn't get any bookings b/c it seemed like people swarmed me to check-out & leave. A couple of my hosts also did order calculations so I didn't get to talk to those people.

But - here are my results:
Host 1 - 500.44
Host 2 - 750.00
Host 3 - 320.00
Host 4 - 200.00 (She had two people there + outside orders)

I also had two ladies (mother & daughter) that I invited & their orders were enough for a show ($223). They decided to keep their orders together & make it a party & collect a few more orders to get more free stuff! :)

Just thought that I'd share! :D
  • #42
Station IdeasTwo ideas for your stations at the mega show. Do a pretzel wreath station - use the 3 trays from the coating tray set to melt almond bark in microwave. 3 people at a time can assemble their own wreaths. Since you only dip half of the pretzel in, you don't need to use the tongs. Have a sample available along with some parchment paper.

Ideas 2 - set up your laptop with the recruiting dvd playing on a loop.
  • #43
Bumping this thread because it took me a long time to find it.
  • #44

Here are my files for Mega Shows, all copied from various sources. Feel free to tweak.


  • Mega show e-mail.doc
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  • Mega Show idea for every month.doc
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  • Mega Show tips and games.doc
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    25.5 KB · Views: 321
  • #45
how successful have you been with the Mega Show, Deb? These are great files and I think I might give this a try for May!
  • #46
I do a mega show whenever there is something in my way of having all the shows I need in a month (eg: Vacation, sellathon and not enough bookings ect).
I have had anywhere from 3 to 5 hosts at these. I borrow the clubhouse at my friends condo complex or I rent a decently priced hall.
DON'T rent the room until you know you have hosts!

Basically, I do a "Luncheon", and have the hosts commit to having a minimum of at least 5 guests in attendence. So I tell them when booking them, that if they don't think they can get at least 5 people there, then don't commit!

The luncheon is basically just a couple of different finger foods and maybe a salad at each table, along with a jug of ice water. Gotta keep it cheap!

BUT I have had very good response and very nice compliments on the way I do it, and people say they can't wait for the next one!

The hosts have their guests sit at their table (Usually can fit 8 or 9 to a table) and if they have more than that, they get 2 tables. Each host has an envelope on their table with catalogues, order forms, pens, 1 calculator and one copy of host & guest specials to share. The host does the order taking and just hands me the envelope at the end with the orders and payments inside.

One demo, multiple hosts. The demo recipe isn;t always something that they will eat after, but sometimes I do a dessert to have after lunch. They enjoy their lunch while I am doing the demo!

This does take some planning and some help from a friend or family member. I even have my son as the "Greeter" at the door! He gives people their door prize tickets and directs them to their hosts table (He is 11... my little angel).

You have to do do some strategic planning to make sure that your costs don;t outweigh your potential commisions though. The last one cost me about $150 with the rental of a room from 11 to 4 (show started at 12:30)and the cost of groceries & paper plates and cups ect. But the total sales at the end was around $3000 so my commission was over $700 and I got 6 bookings!
  • #47
Mega Shows how toI've done many of them and they are fun.
Some we set up as many hosts with guests as posssble. Find a locate to have them at.
Our local Gander mountian Store is FREE!
We made up a flyer invite, ask each host to bring a snack to share.... like it to be a pampered chef recipe.
On the flyer they recivie raffele tickets for rsvp by a date, spending $60 or more , bringing a friend, booking a show or setting a appt to talk about the job oppertunity. sorry i can't spell!! the tickets are given like: 2tickets for the first 3 things mentioned, 5 for booking and 10 tickets for appt for recuiting.

we put a customer care card on the back of our demo sheet for a prize, raffle ticket is drawen for a prize, a demo is dome and prize is won for that.
I can explan moe if you want to call me!!! Just let me know and we'll echange info!!
  • #48
I don't commit to a place that costsmore than $50 to rent unless I have 4-5 firm comitted hosts at the minimum. Host coaching is just as important with these shows too.
In the past I have provided food and drinks, but having each host bring a PC recipe is a good idea. May will be a great time with the HWC products and some hosts wanting a fundraiser. If I provide the food and drinks then I have charged each host $10 for her table "rental" and offered tons of door prizes and a host only door prize...something nice.
  • #49
Several consultants are getting together to do one at a church.

We are doing Bingo and selling tickets for some really great gift baskets.

Related to Organizing a Mega Show: Demo & Planning Ideas

1. What is a Mega Show and how is it different from a regular show?

A Mega Show is a large-scale Pampered Chef party that typically involves multiple consultants and a larger guest list. It is different from a regular show in that it often has a theme, special promotions, and more complex planning and organization.

2. Are there any specific requirements for hosting a Mega Show?

Yes, there are a few requirements for hosting a Mega Show. You will need to have a large enough space to accommodate all of your guests, at least two Pampered Chef consultants, and a minimum of $500 in guest sales. It is also recommended to have a theme and special promotions to make the event more exciting.

3. What are some demo ideas for a Mega Show?

Some popular demo ideas for a Mega Show include showcasing multiple recipes from the current season's products, hosting a cooking competition or game, or having a cooking demonstration with a celebrity chef. You can also get creative and do a themed demo, such as a holiday or international cuisine.

4. How should I go about organizing and planning a Mega Show?

Start by setting a date and creating a guest list. Then, work with your team of consultants to plan the menu, theme, and any promotions you want to offer. Make sure to communicate with your guests and provide them with all the necessary information, such as what to expect, what to bring, and how to RSVP. It is also important to have a clear plan for the flow of the event and delegate tasks to ensure everything runs smoothly.

5. Has anyone done a Mega Show before and what were their experiences?

Yes, many consultants have successfully hosted Mega Shows before. Some have even shared their experiences and tips on our consultant forums or social media groups. We encourage you to reach out to your fellow consultants for support and advice. You can also contact your upline or mentor for guidance and resources.

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