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Navigating a Difficult Director in Pampered Chef: Seeking Advice and Support

In summary, this woman has had two posts on the team page in the past few months that have been very passive aggressive. The first was about not doing something and the second was about not using the word "discontinued" about the discontinued products. She is demanding that the consultant not post too much about TPC on Facebook, and she is also demanding that the consultant remove her from the business. She is considering removing her from the business and going for it full force.

Some of this is just me venting, and I apologize ahead of time.

I'm new here, because I feel very "alone" in my Pampered Chef life, so I'm coming here to try to develop a "family." Without going into all the gory details (though I will go into some), my Director and I just have serious personality differences. She is full-time with TPC and doesn't seem to respect that I'm only in TPC for a hobby and love of the products.

She lives more than an hour from me. For months, she wouldn't understand that an hour + drive on a weeknight for team meeting wasn't feasible. She texted, emailed, Facebook'd, etc... once even telling me that I needed to be more committed. Thing is, I'm committed --- to my job and my family. TPC is a hobby that I love, but that's it. I'd love to have someone to coach me that would be understanding of that, and not make me feel bad because I don't want to have 5+ parties a month or do TPC her way.

I recently had a party where the attendees had a bad taste in their mouth about TPC... and when I tried to find out the problem, turns out it was my director! One person confessed to feeling bullied by her at a previous party, and another said she wasn't going to come to this party until she found out it was a different consultant.

I've had lots of success with by TPC Facebook page... I schedule items to post daily and always get plenty of likes and comments. I mix it up - sometimes products, sometimes tips, sometime recipes. Today I posted about the retiring products.

Well, for the second time in the past couple of months, my director posted on the team page almost immediately after my post, with a very passive aggressive message. The first time, it was that I had done something she felt I shouldn't - so she posted for the whole team not to do "x"... I'd rather have just been approached about "x". Now today, she posted that you shouldn't post too much about TPC on Facebook as it comes across as desperate... and not to use the word discontinued about the discontinued products... Fine, whatever, but I am just over the passive aggressiveness and lack of respect for my position as sometime doing another job full time, learning to be a mom.

I'm ready to just ditch The Pampered Chef. I really am. I feel bullied and, with everything else going on -- especially this particular week -- I don't need the extra drama.

So, advice... can I switch directors? I don't think so. Can anyone give me any advice?
First, WELCOME. I'm sorry you are having a tough time with your Director. Sometimes they can really make or break it. Unfortunately, you cannot switch directors without resigning as a consultant. Then I think you have to wait a few months to re-sign up under someone else? I'm not 100% sure on that. It might be in the Policy Guide.Second, if it were me, I would first "unfriend" her from my PC Facebook page! :) Don't let her SEE what you are posting anymore. I'm assuming that is how she sees what you posted. (I'm not on FB, so only know what I've learned from listening to others.) Then I would see if you can find someone who is closer to you for meetings and support, or that you at least CLICK with. It would be "hospitality". You can even start by asking here on ChefSuccess, letting us know your area. But I do agree with you....TPC right now is just a back-back burner thing for me. Maybe even on the warmer-burner, barely warm. :) My family responsibilities take priority EVERY TIME. Eventually, I may get to where a show a week works, but right now, it does not. And I'm reasonably ok with that. My directors, thankfully, are ok with that. I do want more, because I want the money, but with our schedule, it doesn't work out so well just yet. THAT IS THE BEAUTY OF THIS BUSINESS!! I don't have to work 1-2 shows a week, I can do 1 a month, or 1 every OTHER month, and when the time is right, kick it up to a new level.It's not easy when your upline is hard to click with. No one wants to be confrontational with someone like that. Personally, I'd remove her from my business as much as possible (from FB, not go to meetings, etc) and then do what I wanted. If she persisted via phone, text or email- then I would tell her that "We have different goals for our PC Business right now. I joined because of the flexibility to work my business as much or as little as I wanted, and I'm ok with that. I'm sorry this doesn't fit with your ideals for the business, but this is how it will be with me right now. Not everyone wants or is able to keep the schedule you choose. I will continue to work my business my way, and I know that I can come to you if I have any questions or need some help should I get to a point where I want and can do more. Thank you."That's just me. :)But let us know where you are...maybe we can hook you up with someone we know.
And yes, we can be your surrogate 'PC Family' no matter what! Vent away- it's a safe zone here. I know I've had my share of vents....my husband doesn't always understand, but the folks on here usually DO. :)
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Thanks for your advice. It's nice to know not everyone is a Pampered Chef "Nazi," a'la the "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld. I've removed myself already from her "team" page, and I've got to figure out how to take her off my business page. I'm in far eastern, coastal NC... if anyone around here is in that area?
So glad you shared here. Most Pampered Chefs are great, but just like everywhere there are certain personality differences, styles, and work goals. Don't let anyone but you determine how far you will go in PC. What a shame it would be to quit- never knowing how successful you could have been. Just because of your director. Contact the home office and see if there is a director in your area holding meetings. Then maybe you attend there. Also with Chef Success and all the info and training on the PC website you can do it alone. YOU decide how much if at all you want your director in your life. It's YOUR business and you run it the way that works best for you!
Are you talking like Morehead City, New Bern, or towards Wilmington, etc? Long coast. ;)
I'm in the center of NC (south of Chapel Hill)....so the people I know probably wouldn't be much help to you.
DebPC said:
So glad you shared here. Most Pampered Chefs are great, but just like everywhere there are certain personality differences, styles, and work goals. Don't let anyone but you determine how far you will go in PC. What a shame it would be to quit- never knowing how successful you could have been. Just because of your director. Contact the home office and see if there is a director in your area holding meetings. Then maybe you attend there. Also with Chef Success and all the info and training on the PC website you can do it alone. YOU decide how much if at all you want your director in your life. It's YOUR business and you run it the way that works best for you!
If they end up giving you YOUR director as a name, just explain that you are having trouble with them. :) I can't see why they wouldn't give you another name.
Oh dear, did you get your director by signing up on the website, like I did? PC referred me to someone who lived over 30 minutes away, and I later found out there was another director about 6 blocks away. It would have been SO much more convenient time & moneywise to have had a closer director.Yes, look in the policy guide if you want to sign up later under a different director. There's no other way to switch. Or you can did what I did, ignore the one I was assigned. She eventually quit PC and I got her upline who is 4 hours away, LOL.Bobbi was nicer in her sample message than I would have been, in not mentioning the bullying. And what in the heck are you supposed to call discontinued products, if not discontinued? Wow.
Welcome. You've already gotten some good advice. Let me encourage you, as they have, to simply distance yourself from this director. You can't switch to another director without quitting then re-signing. However, that doesn't mean you have to subject yourself to her harassment. If, after reminding her that you aren't interested in stepping it up right now, you could always talk to your upline--the person above her in the organization. You should never, ever feel pressured to perform to her desired level. In the meantime, please consider us your online team. We're here to answer questions, cheer your successes, and provide a sounding board.
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Thanks everyone for your comments. I have put the "ignore and live in peace" plan into place and am hoping it will be smooth sailing!
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esavvymom said:
Are you talking like Morehead City, New Bern, or towards Wilmington, etc? Long coast. ;)
I'm in the center of NC (south of Chapel Hill)....so the people I know probably wouldn't be much help to you.
New Bern area!
  • #11
I had a similar experience with my director and the senior consultant that I signed under. I am a very casual (1 show every couple of months) hobbyist consultant. It wasn't until last year that both my director and senior consultant understood where I was coming from. Last year both of them had to put PC aside and concentrate of their family. I have to admit that I only stayed active because of my Chef Success family. Everyone on here is awesome and rocks! Good luck odd_and_ends!
  • #12
Glad you've got a plan. Enjoy your business this summer!

Related to Navigating a Difficult Director in Pampered Chef: Seeking Advice and Support

1. How do I clean my Pampered Chef stoneware?

Cleaning Pampered Chef stoneware is simple. You can use hot water and a mild soap, or you can use the self-cleaning feature on your oven. Avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing too hard, as this can damage the stoneware.

2. How do I sharpen my Pampered Chef knives?

Pampered Chef knives can be sharpened using a sharpener specifically designed for kitchen knives. Simply follow the instructions on the sharpener, and be sure to sharpen both sides of the blade evenly.

3. Can I put my Pampered Chef cookware in the dishwasher?

Most Pampered Chef cookware is dishwasher safe, but it's always best to check the label or instructions that came with your specific product. Some stoneware and non-stick cookware should be hand washed to avoid damage.

4. How do I redeem my Pampered Chef host rewards?

To redeem your host rewards, simply log into your Pampered Chef account and click on the "Host Rewards" tab. From there, you can choose your rewards and add them to your cart. Your rewards will then be automatically applied at checkout.

5. How do I become a Pampered Chef consultant?

To become a Pampered Chef consultant, you can visit our website and click on the "Join Us" button. From there, you can fill out an application and a consultant will be in touch with you to guide you through the process. You can also reach out to a current consultant for more information and to learn about their experiences.

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