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Master the Art of Phone Calls: Tips for Filling Your Calendar with Ease

In summary, the conversation revolves around tips and advice for making successful follow-up phone calls to potential customers. The speakers suggest having a script and show summary ready, and using personalized questions and techniques to engage the customer in conversation. They also recommend using positive affirmations and a sense of humor to boost confidence and motivation. The key takeaway is to just pick up the phone and make the calls, as success comes from taking action.
Gold Member
Okay folks, I need a little nudge. I have been awful about making my daily contacts. That phone weighs a ton, and my calendar shows it. (August is empty). For those that have made phone call after phone call in one day to fill up your calendar, do you pay attention as to what is the best time to reach them (day vs. eve), when you are making your calls? or do you just leave a message and move on to the next person?

I always seem to go through my list, but then stumble when I come across the contacts that are best to reach in the eve, and then I start to prejudge, etc. and then there goes my calls for the day.

So, give me some words of encouragement so that I can make a TON of phone calls today to fill up my calendar. I know one of the first things I need to have ready is a script, and I have plenty of those. I just need to print it out to have it in front of me.
Thank you for posting this! I am actually in need of the same advice. It doesn't matter what time of the day I call, I always seem to feel tension when I call my past hosts and guests as if I'm a telemarketer. Most people are appreciative and thank me for calling, but I always get that feeling that they want to rush me off the phone before I hit them with a sales or booking pitch... even though that's not my sole intention of calling. It's so much easier to pick up the phone if I have a "reason" to call them, other then the out of the box or customer care calls. If others that have made calls and filled up their calendar in one day.... please share what you say. What words work??? And has anyone ever used Phonevite and had success with it. It seems like a great way to reach a lot of people at one time, but it's not as personable. Good luck Brenda!
Here's what works for me in those follow-up calls. First, at my parties I tell people that I'll be calling to check on them. This way they're expecting it. When I call I have the show summary in front of me so I know what each person ordered. I also have made note of how they responded to the questions on the door prize slip. Here's how a typical call might go:

Me: Hi, Susie, this is Rae Bates, the Pampered Chef Consultant from Holly Host's party. I'm just calling to make sure you love what you got from Holly's party.

Susie: Hi. Yes, I do.

Me: Great! I see that you ordered the Apple Wedger. Have you had a chancer to use it yet?

Susie: Yes. My kids love apples, and the wedger makes it so much easier for them.

Me: Oh, yeah, that's a great mom product. Did you know you can use that on potatoes and onions, too?

Susie: Really? I hadn't thought of that.

Me: Yes. I like to wedge both for around roasts. Or, with the potatoes, I'll wedge a few, toss them with a couple of tablespoons of oil and some seasoning (my husband's favorites are our Rosemary Herb and Lipton Onion Soup Mix), and bake them for about 25 minutes at 350F.

Susie: I'll have to do that

Me: Well, if I remember correctly, you weren't at all interested in hosting your own party.

Susie: Nooooo, that's not for me.

Me: And I understand that completely. Hosting isn't for everyone. You have my contact info, so you know where to find me if you have any questions or need anything at all. Thank you for your time. I hope you have a wonderful evening.​

I don't use a script, but I've been doing this for 10 years. When I first began making calls I kept an outline of what I wanted to say in front of me along with a mirror. The mirror helps you see your facial expression, which carries through in the tone of your voice.

Another trick I've used, especially if I'm dreading making my calls, is to read or listen to something that makes me laugh just before making that first call. Again, it changes the tone of your voice.
There is no easy answer. Just pick up the 700 pound phone and do it. I just finished some self-motivators that may help:
1 - personal affirmations // in the present tense, positively worded, say them out loud several times a day, before you call and as you are going to sleepat night, claim your success (something like I am a great consultant with a valuable service to offer.)
2 - It's not the customer's job to remember (call) you. It's your job to make sure they don't have a chance to forget you. //this isn't permission to be a pest, but send postcards, call after sending a mini catalog, be the consultant.
3 - Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is the still small voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow" -Mary Ann Radmacher
4 - "Success is never owned, it is rented and the rent is due every day." -Roy Vaden
5 - "The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you will get even less than you settled for." -Maureen Dowd
6 - "Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny." -Mahatma Gandhi
7 - Be the consultant - you are the professional, your customer gets to choose whether they want your service or not, don't make the choice for them because you are losing business in doing so. -me :chef:
Great advice Rae and Scott, thank you! :)
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Thanks Rae and Scott.

Related to Master the Art of Phone Calls: Tips for Filling Your Calendar with Ease

1. How do I make a phone call using my Pampered Chef phone?

To make a phone call using your Pampered Chef phone, simply press the green "Call" button on the keypad. Then, enter the phone number you wish to call using the keypad and press the green "Call" button again. The call will start automatically.

2. Can I make international calls with my Pampered Chef phone?

Yes, you can make international calls with your Pampered Chef phone. However, please note that international calling rates may apply and will vary depending on the country you are calling. You can check the rates for international calls by logging into your Pampered Chef account and going to the phone settings.

3. How do I access my call history on my Pampered Chef phone?

To access your call history on your Pampered Chef phone, press the "Menu" button on the keypad. Then, use the navigation buttons to scroll to the "Call History" option and press the green "Select" button. Your call history will then be displayed on the screen.

4. Can I transfer a call from my Pampered Chef phone to another phone?

Yes, you can transfer a call from your Pampered Chef phone to another phone. During a call, press the "Transfer" button on the keypad and enter the phone number you wish to transfer the call to. Then, press the "Call" button to complete the transfer.

5. How do I set up voicemail on my Pampered Chef phone?

To set up voicemail on your Pampered Chef phone, press and hold the "1" button on the keypad. This will take you to the voicemail setup menu. Follow the prompts to set up your voicemail, including recording a personalized greeting and setting a PIN for accessing your voicemail messages.

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