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Mailings??? Are They Worth It or Not??

In summary, the author recommends mailing to those who do not have email addresses or prefer paper to email, followed by a follow up call. However, the author did not receive a lot of response from their mailing.
I am fairly new to PC...just signed up in July and qualified last month. :D But I'm wanting to make sure I have atleast 6 shows a month and have been wondering if mailings are worth it or not. I do send out a monthly e-Newsletter and mail out a newsletter to those who do not have email addresses or prefer paper to email. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you have found it a successful marketing strategy to send info out regularly, or if it has been a big waste of stamps and ink.

I'm interested in any ideas on maintaining a great lead list. I have been successful with bookings at shows and from fairs, but I'm having a slow month, followed by a busy one and don't want to find myself in this situation again.

Thanks for the input!
Not sure if mailings work or notRight after I join PC in August I went through some area neighborhoods and wrote down addresses. Then I mailed each one a postcard with information on hosting a kitchen show. It was pretty general. I probably sent out 50 over a two week period and did not get one call or email. But I may try it again in the spring and see if it works then. And you never know, it may work for you. :cool:
I did a big mailing when I first started - the "new consultant" flyer which I made into a postcard. I did get some response , but not a lot of shows (Maybe one or two out of 25 or so postcards). I then did a flyer for an open house I was having - I decided since my family members were already doing shows for me, I would only send to my neighbors. I sent out 105 flyers and not a single person showed up for the open house (I don't know my neighbors that well so I can't say I blame them, but it was disappointing) although I did get one outside order.

Recently I did a postcard to send to random ladies I found in the phone book. I've been sending out 15 per week and have yet to get booking out of it, despite the fact that I gave some pretty good incentives and made follow up phone calls.
Mailings can be worth it, but only with follow up. Only mail as many letters out as what you can call for follow up within a few days after receipt. As an example: How many solicitations and catalogs do you receive in the mail, flip through, perhaps circle a few items with intent to purchase...but then do not act on it? Your phone call acts as a call to action.

Personally, I quit mailing out newsletters to those that didn't provide email. I did it for about a year with 10 people (really 8 until toward the end). I guess I spent about $40 over that period on stamps (not counting ink, paper, envelopes or time). I did not receive any calls or orders and quit. On the last mailing I sent them, I had something about notifying me if they wanted to continue receiving; otherwise I would not be sending them in an effort to maintain low business costs - yada yada yada. Didn't hear back from any of the 10. I think the majority of people in this area have emails and most that I was mailing just didn't want to share for fear of spam. I do hear back from people from my emailed newsletters. That's always uplifting!

Lastly, As a new consultant, your best lead list is your Recipe for Success' List of 100. How many do you have so far? How many have you contacted so far(that call to action)? How many can you call this week?

Hi there! Congratulations on qualifying last month and for being proactive in seeking out ways to maintain a steady flow of shows. Mailings can be a great way to reach potential customers who may not have email or prefer paper communication. However, it's important to track the success of your mailings to see if they are worth the cost of stamps and ink. One idea could be to include a special offer or promotion in your mailings to entice people to book a show with you. As for maintaining a great lead list, don't underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Encourage your satisfied customers to refer you to their friends and family, and offer a reward for successful referrals. Also, consider partnering with local businesses or organizations to host joint events or fundraisers. Best of luck to you!

Related to Mailings??? Are They Worth It or Not??

1. Are mailings worth the cost?

The effectiveness of mailings can vary depending on your target audience and the quality of your mailing list. It's important to carefully consider the cost and potential return on investment before deciding if mailings are worth it for your business.

2. How can I make my mailings more effective?

To make your mailings more effective, it's important to have a clear and compelling message, use high-quality images, and target the right audience. Personalization and offering a special promotion or discount can also help increase the effectiveness of your mailings.

3. Do mailings have a higher response rate compared to other marketing methods?

This can vary depending on your industry and target audience. However, studies have shown that direct mail has a higher response rate compared to email marketing, social media, and online ads. It's important to test and track your results to determine the effectiveness of mailings for your business.

4. How often should I send mailings?

The frequency of your mailings will depend on your specific business and target audience. It's important to find a balance between staying top-of-mind with your customers and not overwhelming them with too many mailings. A good rule of thumb is to send mailings every 4-6 weeks.

5. Can I measure the success of my mailings?

Yes, there are several ways to measure the success of your mailings. You can track the response rate, conversion rate, and return on investment. You can also use unique promo codes or landing pages to track the effectiveness of your mailings. It's important to regularly analyze and adjust your mailing strategy based on the results.

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