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Learning From My Mistake: Combining Orders at Parties

In summary, the customer learned a lesson today and was able to solve the issue without any further complications.
Gold Member
I learned a lesson today.

Often times, if a person at a party places a small order (under $20), I will combine it with someone else's small order. (I have a hard time making them pay $4.50 in shipping on a $10 item.) I did this at a party in NOVEMBER. I thought I kept track of the combined orders and let the host know which orders were combined, but I missed one.

The order came in and the host delivered the orders. The person who got extra didn't say a word to the host about the extra products she received. (Sad because she is a DS consultant for a jewelry company.)

The customer called me last night. I figured out what the issue is and have placed an individual order for her and am having it direct shipped to her. It is my fault and it's costing me less than $25.

Lesson to me is to keep better records and make sure the host and customers know when the orders are combined. I will make sure that I have a notepad at parties so I can write down when orders get combined and leave it with the host. As I said, I only do this for small orders.
oops... Hate that happened and I do it as well, so thanks for the advice...
I have had guests do this at a show but it is their responsibility to coordinate it. I try my best not to encourage it but understand why some do it.
That's one of the reasons why I don't do it, unless I'm the one receiving the show. I don't encourage it at shows, but if I do a booth and offer free shipping, I'll combine orders so I don't have to pay $4.50 for each of them.
I don't encourage it either.

1. It would be a nightmare to try & keep up with who bought what and when if a warranty issue popped up & the item was not in their name.
2. It's a violation of overseas military mail regulations for my customers to accept mail for others.
I agree, it would be a nightmare to keep all that straight, on the otherhand, I wish there could be a special shipping charges for orders under $20, after all that's about 1/2 the products in the catalog and to pay $4.50, and for a $20 order, that's over 22% shipping!! (and in CA, shipping is taxable so it's even more!)
ChefKelebel said:
I agree, it would be a nightmare to keep all that straight, on the otherhand, I wish there could be a special shipping charges for orders under $20, after all that's about 1/2 the products in the catalog and to pay $4.50, and for a $20 order, that's over 22% shipping!! (and in CA, shipping is taxable so it's even more!)
except then most of your orders would be under $20 so they got cheaper shipping. Folks wouldn't order as much most likely. I think most people expect it, and it is clearly written on the order form.
I have seen one DS company (can't recall which one at the moment) that had a flat rate charge like $2-3 (this was many years ago), plus like 2% of the subtotal....so the smaller orders didn't pay as much, and a larger order only paid a smaller amount more based on their order.
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whenever I combine orders, I provide receipts to each person so the person whose stuff was not in their name knows who it was ordered under in the event they have an issue. I am thrifty and understand wanting a decent value. I have a hard time spending $10 on something and then paying almost half that on shipping and taxed because shipping is taxed in Wisconsin.

When it comes to shipping charges, I am thrifty and will not place an order if I think the charges are too much for the dollar amount I am ordering. This applies to ALL of my shopping. Over the weekend, my husband wanted a drink mix that is hard to find. After searching for the least expensive price, I was shocked at the $20 shipping charge. I found the same item on Ebay from the SAME retailer for $10 less AND $10 shipping!! I was accepting of their price, but after buying something for $75, adding another $20 in shipping was more than I was willing to fork out. Finding it on Ebay for $10 less, I was able to buy it for the original $75 I was looking for.
My aunt got burned on this by a consultant before I became a consultant. The only thing we could figure out was that she was either trying to get someone the free item or was keeping it for herself. If they want to combine orders themselves, that's fine. I don't encourage it and usually if it's something with a good warranty or something that tends to break I will discourage it but in the end it's up to them. But I would NEVER combine orders myself just to help people out. Most people don't have a problem paying the shipping price, you never know because you never gave them an option. I've had people order a mini serving spatula online and pay more than the item is worth in shipping. If they want it, they will understand they have to pay shipping.
  • #10
wadesgirl said:
My aunt got burned on this by a consultant before I became a consultant. The only thing we could figure out was that she was either trying to get someone the free item or was keeping it for herself. If they want to combine orders themselves, that's fine. I don't encourage it and usually if it's something with a good warranty or something that tends to break I will discourage it but in the end it's up to them. But I would NEVER combine orders myself just to help people out. Most people don't have a problem paying the shipping price, you never know because you never gave them an option. I've had people order a mini serving spatula online and pay more than the item is worth in shipping. If they want it, they will understand they have to pay shipping.

Totally agree! It's a nightmare when they want to return something or have a warranty issue. I always tell them if they combine orders they are going to have to remember what name it's under b/c I'll never in a million years remember. I also tell them that honestly in 2-3 years+ they neither will be able to remember and it won't be covered. Most agree and stick with separate orders.

Related to Learning From My Mistake: Combining Orders at Parties

1. How can I avoid combining orders at parties?

The best way to avoid combining orders at parties is to communicate clearly with your guests beforehand and make sure everyone knows to order and pay for their own food separately.

2. What do I do if I accidentally combine orders at a party?

If you accidentally combine orders at a party, the best course of action is to apologize to your guests and offer to pay for any extra charges or to split the bill evenly among everyone.

3. Can I still split the bill evenly if some guests ordered more expensive items?

Yes, you can still split the bill evenly among all guests, even if some ordered more expensive items. However, it would be polite to consider the cost difference and offer to pay a little more if you ordered a significantly cheaper item.

4. How do I handle combining orders when using a food delivery service?

If using a food delivery service, it is best to have each person place their own order and pay separately. If someone cannot order for themselves, it is important to communicate their order clearly to the person placing the overall order.

5. Is it ever okay to combine orders at a party?

In general, it is considered polite and more convenient for everyone to order and pay for their own food separately at a party. However, if everyone agrees beforehand to split the bill evenly or if it is a potluck-style party, then it may be okay to combine orders.

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