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Just a Little Tidbit From My Brain...there Were Many of Us Very

In summary, many consultants were disappointed with the shortened Conference this year. Trainings were not as comprehensive as in past years and many people would have liked to see more interactive workshops. Executive banquets were also a popular feature that many missed.
Gold Member
Just a little tidbit from my brain...

There were many of us VERY disappointed with the shortened Conference this year as most people are coming in from quite some distance and want to get as much out of Conference as we can. We are already there - so pack it in.

ANywho...when we questioned the Sales Mgrs about why it was again shortened and we got even less workshops they all responded that "It was the survey. Many said they wanted it shorter."

So..........if you feel that you would like more training for the amount of money you spend to get there and stay, then be sure to reflect that in your survey because they DO pay attn to it.

Every year I have gone now (3) they have cut down on trainings and honestly, if it gets anymore cut down, whats the point????

Just my two cents...
Re: SurveyLast year I think was the fact that they had one full day of "nothing" if you were below director level. Why not pack that day also?
Re: SurveyJoin with me and for a return of Breakfast of Caring and/or Career Club Lunch.
Re: Survey
Chef Kearns said:
Join with me and for a return of Breakfast of Caring and/or Career Club Lunch.

YES and the serve it up squad. It's fun watching people excited and the anticipation that it could be you or your friend but it was much more fun when the grand prize was a computer or grill and a hundred people would win vs 4. Also, hokey as they are it's fun for everyone to get little gifts throughout the conference. We used to get gifts at lunch, at a banquet and other times. I know my team always wanted to see all the gifts and it was incentive for them to come.

I'd also like to see the executive banquets come back. It was a great time to get together with people we only get to see once a year and it's not always easy to connect on your own.
Re: Survey
Chef Kearns said:
Join with me and for a return of Breakfast of Caring and/or Career Club Lunch.

I do think they need to bring back at least the Career Club lunch! It is a great honor to be in the room w/ that many high achievers and I know my main goal was to hit that 50k mark before the deadline so I could be included in that lunch!
Re: SurveyI agree with all of you! Bring back the Career Club! Bring back the Executive banquets. For many consultants, this is the only time they get to get together with many of the consultants from their cluster. My exec did do something in her suite, but I just think it's sad that she doesn't get a banquet (bit more professional), and it was a chance for us to get all dolled up. Also, they definitely need more training. Two of my girls are first-timers and they wished we had more of the "little" workshops. They didn't know that we used to have 4. Plus, one of mine was standing room only (which I don't get because they should know how many people signed up), and I wasn't about to stand for an hour considering I only got a couple of hours sleep the night before. So I went back to our hotel. So I only had one workshop. That was disappointing. Merrill needs a lot of adjustments as well. And quit with the extragavant give-aways. I don't know anyone who was motivated to go to conference to win free mortgage. That might be a fun perk, but honestly, who would budget $500 for conference (all costs) to have a 1 in 6000 chance to win something? Spread that money back to everyone. Give us the nice little gifts that we used to get.
Re: SurveyI was so frustrated the first day. I went before lunch, hoping to go into Merrill....that was a joke! So i had an hour to kil before lunch...(THAT was a nightmare the first day!)But I was so irritated with my mandatory first workshop with Tammy Stanley. Not because I don't like her and think she is great, but I have taken her workshops before (live and on the phone, plus her CDs), so I was basically able to fill in her notes BEFORE she even talked! I would have really preferred choices! The second mandatory workshop (live sellers) was really good and I am glad I was there...but again, probably not what I would have chosen for myself and where I am with my business.I spend the money for the training. We got 3 hrs of workshops (2 that I didn't choose), 7.5 hrs of general sessions, with maybe 1 hr of it "motivational advice" from some of the directors (loved Sharon Zeller...that lady whose son thanked her after he graduated..had everyone sniffling).I like not having the banquet...our team got together almost every night, once by the SED paid for, the other two were ours, but it was fun.
Re: SurveyI'm with Bobbi on those mandatory sessions; loved Tammy Stanley, so they get a pass on that one, but Super Sellers Live? Nope. In all the years I've gone to conference and it's been a workshop, I've never signed up for it & I was totally pissed that I couldn't take something that I wanted to take to help my biz. I walked out of SS before it even started - just not motivated to stay for it. And, when I filled in the survey last nite, I made sure to express my displeasure at that little concept. It needs to go away!

Conference used to be fun; now we spend our time walking from one corner of McCormick to the other just to see new products or grab lunch.
Re: SurveyPlease be cautious in how you word your desire for a longer conference. I was very happy not to have that extra hotel night like I did last year. Yes, longer and more workshops of our choice, but not more days there. At least this year it went into a Saturday so it was less days off work for those who work along with PC.

Bring back "Serve It Up Squad." Looks like they spent the money on the big prizes and the May recruiting promotion, making the company focus more and more on recruiting.

Bring back the previous audio company. Those dancers this year did nothing for me. Previous performers had us out of our seats getting a stretch during the long general sessions. It was hard to hear people on stage, too, and the recognition parts were awkward.

Very, very, very happy to try the dessert sauce at lunch. I think I may have even requested something like that on previous evaluations.

Do Career Club lunch or at least a special gift to pick up at registration. I'm over $200,000 in career sales. I remember sitting at my first lunch - wow, I've made it! Now I want to sit at one of the higher level tables. With the way they had lunch this year, they could have roped off Career Club.

Merrill has been and continues to be a disaster.
  • #10
Re: SurveyThe New Director Reception was a little flat too. Stand up only. 375 packed into one room. NO little gift for promoting as in years past. Very disappointed and lacked any punch. A lot left early.
  • #11
Re: Survey
ChefCKHall said:
The New Director Reception was a little flat too. Stand up only. 375 packed into one room. NO little gift for promoting as in years past. Very disappointed and lacked any punch. A lot left early.

It was a stand-up only appetizer reception last year too. And I don't remember a little gift for promoting. Maybe we got one, but if we did, it was so small that I have no memory of it now. :D:D:D
  • #12
Re: SurveyOur SED paid for a little get together as well, and asked that we all comment on our surveys to bring back the Career Club and Exec banquets - but this is the take on it from my perspective, and my Director as well:The NED/SED's are making enough $$$ that they can sacrifice a little bit to throw a little get-together in their suites if that means that TPC is able to spend that money on more training, or towards keeping other costs (like shipping) down. I would much rather have another training session than a banquet or organized group bonding activity. Also, it's not like our SED never saw us - she met with her group at at least one meal in the specially reserved area. I did like that reserved area and think that would be fantastic for a Career Club lunch replacement.
  • #13
Re: Survey
PCLaurel said:
I would much rather have another training session than a banquet or organized group bonding activity.

Agreed. My experience with ED banquets is that they were just BORING. :rolleyes: It is much more fun to go out to dinner with people I actually know.
  • #14
Re: Survey
PCLaurel said:
Our SED paid for a little get together as well, and asked that we all comment on our surveys to bring back the Career Club and Exec banquets - but this is the take on it from my perspective, and my Director as well:

The NED/SED's are making enough $$$ that they can sacrifice a little bit to throw a little get-together in their suites if that means that TPC is able to spend that money on more training, or towards keeping other costs (like shipping) down. I would much rather have another training session than a banquet or organized group bonding activity. Also, it's not like our SED never saw us - she met with her group at at least one meal in the specially reserved area. I did like that reserved area and think that would be fantastic for a Career Club lunch replacement.

Career Club had nothing to do with NED/SED or the money they make. It was a special luncheon for those that had hit sales milestones. We were given a sit down luncheon with a special gift just for us. I was able to attend one as a $50,000 earner, and as a $100,000 earner. Both times it was very nice, and I really miss that. I'd much rather have the Luncheon than a little pin. :rolleyes:

The Exec Banquet was always way too long - don't miss that at all, except for some of the people I got to see there that I didn't usually get to see.

And the Execs and above were given money to throw those little get-togethers in their suites. It's listed as a benefit in the Director's Agreement.
  • #15
Re: SurveyI realize that Career Club has nothing to do with the ED's - merely threw that into my thoughts because it is another banquet-type event. I understand its purpose and think that it should come back - maybe not as a separate reception/event, but at least as some reserved seating for lunch or breakfast one of the days of Conference. It's definitely good to be recognized for those achievements - believe me, I am counting down the dollars until I get my $15,000, which is chump change compared to the million dollar achievers. As for the ED's being given money to host the get-together - - - I didn't realize that. My SED made it sound like she had to dig into her own finances or paycheck to make it happen. Still, regardless of whether they make the money or are given the money - I think it's acceptable to put some of the $ responsibility on them (the SED's/NED's) if they want events like that little get-together to happen.
  • #16
Re: Survey
ChefBeckyD said:
It was a stand-up only appetizer reception last year too. And I don't remember a little gift for promoting. Maybe we got one, but if we did, it was so small that I have no memory of it now. :D:D:D

When I promoted on 2005 we did not get a gift at the new director lunch but we did have a nice lunch with Doris.
  • #17
Re: Survey
BethCooks4U said:
When I promoted on 2005 we did not get a gift at the new director lunch but we did have a nice lunch with Doris.

Hmm. Well last year was my first conference. A gal promoted on our team to director and got a cute lil something that had Pampered Chef on it. Would be nice to get a little something no one else got as an achievement BUT I guess I will just be happy with FREE products!! LOL
  • #18
Re: SurveyI think it would be nice if all execs and above had seats enough at their reserved tables that we could all meet at the meals. That would take care of network with those in our lines that we only see at conferences and then be able to do whatever we want in the free evenings.
  • #19
Re: Survey
ChefCKHall said:
Hmm. Well last year was my first conference. A gal promoted on our team to director and got a cute lil something that had Pampered Chef on it. Would be nice to get a little something no one else got as an achievement BUT I guess I will just be happy with FREE products!! LOL

And I still can't remember getting anything last year - other than the New Director Pin. We walked through a line of people cheering for us as we went in to the New Director Reception, and then it was just standing around and eating appetizers until it was our turn to have our picture taken, and then we left. I'm pretty sure there wasn't anything given to us there. Maybe that was something from her Upline?
  • #20
Re: SurveyI dont miss the banquets at all, except for the free meal! ha ha!

My group is part of HO Direct...we have no "upline" likw most of you....our banquets consisted of a boring meal, water at our tables and more recognition like in general sessions. YAWN. As we were going to OUR banquet, we would look longingly at the other consultants who were going to THEIR banquets and hearing their band or DJ playing in the next hall over, etc.

The one thing I was thinking about last night that I forgot about is they totally did not do the Hospitality recognition at any of the general sessions! I really looked forward to that because that was truly a surprise to the Director who was achieving it! And another tissue moment! I have already filled out my survey but maybe someone who didn't can also add that little tidbit in as well! I missed not seeing that!
  • #21
Re: SurveyReserved tables for your director's group don't mean said director will be present! Got a note from mine about the tables & she said she wouldn't be there, so what was the point?
  • #22
Re: SurveyI missed last year and went the three years before. The only real compliment I have is that the lunches each day are great. They used to be just a sandwich.
Since I had to fly in the night before, I wish everything could have started Thursday morning. I feel like I wasted half a day.
The classes that were given I thought were very nice. I wish Ms Stanley could use the reason I have for not making phone calls. I'm not afraid of the phone. I don't like getting sales calls so I treat others the same.
I hope there's a video coming out with the Directors that spoke. I'd like for my recruits that didn't get to go to be able to see them.
  • #23
Re: SurveyI never went to a conference that had an exec banquet - last year was my first year. Our exec does a pizza night in her suite - we order Chicago style pizza and have a party! It was super fun last year and this year. I'd much rather do that than have a formal banquet!

I did mention the lines at lunch on Thursday in my survey. I also mentioned that the production company was a bust - after the excitement of last year's general sessions, this year was NOTHING in comparison. I loved Go For No for Directors, and I loved Tammy Stanley for Directors, so I had no complaints about that. I do think they could use that half day for consultants - TLs for other purposes (while we were in GFN for Directors) since the consultants were mostly all there anyway!
  • #24
Re: Survey
mountainmama74 said:
I never went to a conference that had an exec banquet - last year was my first year. Our exec does a pizza night in her suite - we order Chicago style pizza and have a party! It was super fun last year and this year. I'd much rather do that than have a formal banquet!

I did mention the lines at lunch on Thursday in my survey. I also mentioned that the production company was a bust - after the excitement of last year's general sessions, this year was NOTHING in comparison. I loved Go For No for Directors, and I loved Tammy Stanley for Directors, so I had no complaints about that. I do think they could use that half day for consultants - TLs for other purposes (while we were in GFN for Directors) since the consultants were mostly all there anyway!

This was my first conference and the production company was a bust? I thought it was amazing!! What happened last year at general sessions??
  • #25
Re: Survey
Brenda.the.chef said:
This was my first conference and the production company was a bust? I thought it was amazing!! What happened last year at general sessions??
It was still fun and energetic, but last year, they had a DJ, and it seemed a lot more "flare" to the whole event. This years seemed a bit flat to me, when compared to the past.....which obviously we shouldn't get too hung up on. BUT...to those who either this was their first year, or maybe you haven't gone yet....it is STILL ALOT of FUN, and worth going to at least once to see how it fits for you. I know several of us (me included with regards to the workshop choices this year) have "complained" or griped about one change or another, but we were spoiled by years past. :D Don't take that the wrong way or as a serious negative to deter you from investing in this opportunity. If you start setting aside a little bit each month now, then come next year, it won't seem so bad (definitely helps when sharing a room with 3 others!). And I want to earn free conference next year to make it even better. ;)While there were things I was disappointed with this year, I will definitely be going again- as long as the good Lord allows, and my budget/schedule fits! :D :thumbup:
  • #26
Re: Survey
Brenda.the.chef said:
This was my first conference and the production company was a bust? I thought it was amazing!! What happened last year at general sessions??

Well one huge error was that on the big screen behind Marla when she was talking about the shipping increase and the items being deleted from the catalog, they spelled business incorrectly! On the big screen they spelled it "BUISINESS"...I bet Marla freaked when she saw that one! yikes!

There were lots of hiccups and you could tell from time to time that something wasn't just right.
  • #27
Re: SurveyI totally loved conference. I wish there had been 1 more training that we could choose...perhaps on Thursday morning while the directors were doing stuff.
The food was so awesome this year...I didn't mind the lines. In years past I have lost weight at conference because we were so busy and the food was kind of skimpy...I only weigh 110 so I didn't need to lose 5 pounds.
I loved the 2 mandatory workshops but I probably wouldn't have chosed the second one if given another choice. I liked that we were finished by 5 so we could spend time with our group and do a little shopping.
I would have enjoyed a few more gifts, but it didn't make my conference experience any less enjoyable.
Merrill is a complete joke...they did not have any shirts in my size. They are too expensive anyway!
And I absolutely loved FootWork Kings!! I've seen them on tv.

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What is "Just a Little Tidbit From My Brain...there Were Many of Us Very"?

"Just a Little Tidbit From My Brain...there Were Many of Us Very" is a cookbook written by Pampered Chef founder, Doris Christopher. It contains over 200 recipes and helpful tips for easy and delicious meals.

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