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Is the National Conference Gone for Good?

I can't go to every launch.I think it was a good idea to have a fall launch. I think it would be better if they would change it to more regional locations, so that everyone could attend. I feel like we are losing some of the energy and excitement that we had in the past when we had a national conference. I think that the national conference was a great way to help connect with other consultants and learn more about the company. I do think that it would be better to have more regional locations to help with the turn over of members in the group. I think that it would be great to have a conference every other year to keep the energy high and the excitement going.
Anyone else missing National Conference this time of year? Now no fall launch either:-(. Very sad.
I am.....wishing we were having something. I did earn Leadership, so hopefully I can get at least 2 of my team to submit this next month or two so I can go!
Me too. I miss having a few days in a row to get pumped up and learn. The one day events just don't do it for me. I miss Chicago!
Agreed! Local events never came close to the energy or training. (I felt). But now that it is at the Director level for fall, it seems even less inspiring and motivating....no offense to directors out there. I know some of you are great at motivating, but to me, it s "more of the same". With the big reveals being the only thing different. And lets face it, not everyone can conjure the same excitement factor.Bring back NC!
I agree esavvy. As a director, I can't get my team to even attend my meetings (have 15 people and if 2 show it's huge), but for some reason they'll go to the launch. I don't even know how many, if any, will attend the fall launch I put on. And I miss Chicago. I feel like mid-September is too late in the game. July allows us the opportunity to make the changes we need to fire up our businesses BEFORE the biggest selling season of the year! And, September is the beginning of a new catalog! I didn't make leadership last year because it was too far and too expensive. Not sure if I'll make this year for the same reason. I would love to go but don't have the $500-600 to spend even with earning the registration fee. Sorry, sounding like a Debbie downer (no offense to the Debbie's in the group :) )
I agree too. When they had both national conference and leadership if I could only afford one I chose NC. Leadership gave training more geared toward leading which was great but NC was a chance to bond with EVERYONE, no matter what level. It helped consultants see the big picture and want more. I know it changed me the first time I went and I was a director by the next year. The local groupings don't even come close. I think that those that live near their upper level people and have several directors doing meetings together get a much better experience. Those who have no one near by have a much harder time helping their teams to see the excitement and possibilities.
I so miss it too. The energy and the excitement was so awesome. Plus going somewhere and spending time with your team. I also enjoyed meeting people from all over as well. Local meetings are great, but just not the same!
Wow! Didn't realise you guys weren't having National this year! Any reason why? We are still having ours in the UK this July - come over and be my guest for our one! (Happy July 4th by the way!!) x
I think 2012 was the first year we did not have a national conference :( They switched to more regional events ("Launch") for Spring and Fall. Then this year for 2013, they dropped the Fall Launch Regional events altogether and now the local directors are doing it instead. Poo. I hope they don't drop Spring Launch as well. I didn't couldn't this year, but if it's left to just local meetings...ugh.I guess it was a cost-saving move, and was thought to be a way to open up the training to more consultants at the Regional Level by offering the Launches, instead of a national conference in one location. I get that. But wish there was a way they could come up with a middle-ground.I like my director's meetings ok-enough. But in the 2+ years I've been going, the turn over in the group is high. Each month, there are several brand new consultants, and maybe 2-3 "regulars". So we're always going over the same stuff over and over- because they are all new folks. Oh well. I will still go. :)
  • #10
I do see how this is a cost effective strategy. So many newbie part timers like myself were so excited to go to a more regional meetings than having to save up money to travel. I enjoyed the fall launch last year. My suggestion for improvement was to change up locations for this year. This year they did make the change, so I am stoked. I have to drive about 30 minutes compared to over 5 hours. When I saw it was free, I was even more excited, but them I realized that we may not get any freebies.I want to touch and feel the new products like last year. I want to know what I am getting for free per level. I am thankful that my director is amazing and can create the excitement that we all need.What will be the next cost saver? I am a little bit concerned but will be ready to champion it as much as possible.
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Nothing has ever gotten me more excited about the business then National Conference. It definitely helped with connecting with the team and feeling more a part of a support group. Plus as a mother of 3 it was such a fun time away from family commitments:)! My team is doing a one day training a couple hours away next week, but unfortunately I can't make it. My team does a great job of training, but not many show up for the meetings and they go by so quickly. I wish they would bring NC back, but doubt that will ever happen.
  • #12
I too miss NC. I only got to go to the last one, but it was so inspiring and really one of the only ways I would ever get to meet some of the people in our team! I love the energy of NC and the team building you get rooming with friends who become family!
  • #13
I joined in April of 2007 and immediately made plans to go to NC that year. I went that year and every year until they stopped and I definitely miss it. Like was mentioned before, it was a great time to get away from the day-to-day work of being a mom and really focus on my job as a Consultant. Some years my director and/or team members went. Most, they didn't so I stayed with new friends (i.e. people I hadn't met until I got there -- one of whom I "met" here on CS when she was advertising for a roommate at NC!) and learned from so many people. It's a very different feel than the Launches have been although I've enjoyed those. I really wish there were a way to bring back NC -- nothing else is quite like it.Shari in TX
  • #14
It was strange not having conference in July. I'm really trying to get reenergized in my business. Since major surgery in January I have had absolutely no interest in it at all. And honestly I'm not planning on going to Sizzle because right now I just don't care. Maybe the new fall season will bring a change in my attitude. Hopefully.
  • #15
Chezshelly, new products are always a huge motivator. After a major life change- it's often hard to get motivated and focus on your business.
You'll get there.
  • #16
Ya... My other direct sale friends are all getting excited about going to theirs:( Posting pictures and all the stuff we used to do... I get they are trying to spread it out... but I am not traveling 4 hours to go to a 2-3 hour meeting..
  • #17
I miss and want National conference back really bad! It was my one time a year to get away, with my friends and peers and it was amazing! I think they should still do meetings like the one they are doing but, I think for the ones that want to and can afford it, they should have a national conference. Leadership is great but you must be a certain level to attend... there has never been a better experience for me in this company as national conference and my director lives in another state, it was the one time per year, that I got to spend time with her and other from her team.. I miss them terribly, also miss seeing the home office people and all that time was dedicated to bettering yourself and your business, it needs to come back! if it's too expensive where they were doing it, then find somewhere else, I'm sure something could be arranged! this company, i believe is capable of anything! and ALSO, i met many of my friends from here at National conference, I can't get that at local meetings! in my opinion dropping national conference was not wise! :)
  • #18
I wonder if Merrill's business suffered too. So many people have learned that buying from them is NOT a wise thing because you can't be sure of the quality or sizes you receive! And they aren't known for their customer service with returns and such.
  • #19
I can't imagine them selling out of stuff like they did during national conferences. I'm sure they still go to the leadership conferences, but I still think they lose out not having a national conference too, JMHO..

Related to Is the National Conference Gone for Good?

1. What is the "Missing National Conference"?

The "Missing National Conference" is a virtual event hosted by Pampered Chef for consultants who were unable to attend the in-person National Conference. It includes a variety of training sessions, product reveals, and networking opportunities.

2. How do I register for the "Missing National Conference"?

You can register for the "Missing National Conference" by logging into your Pampered Chef consultant account and clicking on the "Events" tab. From there, you can select the "Missing National Conference" and follow the registration prompts.

3. Is there a cost to attend the "Missing National Conference"?

Yes, there is a registration fee of $25 to attend the "Missing National Conference". This fee covers the cost of the virtual platform and all of the training sessions and materials provided.

4. Will recordings of the training sessions be available after the "Missing National Conference"?

Yes, all of the training sessions will be recorded and available for viewing after the "Missing National Conference". This allows you to catch up on any sessions you may have missed or rewatch your favorites.

5. Can I earn any incentives or rewards by attending the "Missing National Conference"?

Yes, attendees of the "Missing National Conference" will have the opportunity to earn incentives and rewards, just like at the in-person National Conference. Be sure to attend as many training sessions as possible to maximize your chances of earning rewards.

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