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Is Hosting a Pampered Chef Party Essential Before Becoming a Consultant?

kit in order to join as a consultant?"No, you don't have to purchase a kit to join as a consultant, but you will need to purchase some of the products to host your parties. These products can typically be purchased through the consultant's downline.
Hi Everyone!

I am new to this forum and am so intrigued by The Pampered Chef business opportunity. I love to cook and host dinner parties. And I also enjoy trying new recipes. I have never hosted a PC party before, but have attended a PC party like 10 years ago. I have been searching online for information on this direct selling company, and I was hoping someone can answer a few of my questions.1. I have never hosted a Pampered Chef party, attended a party like 10 years ago, and have tried their recipes, do you recommend for me to host a party first before signing up as a consultant? 2. I understand a PC consultant can not host her own party, but what is a catalog party and a cooking party? Basically my question would be what parties can a consultant host to drive sales and gain leads?3. Where can I find out about a local training meeting in my area that I can attend to hear more about this business opportunity and meet local PC consultants.4. Does PC accept Amex as a form of payment for recruitment?Thank
you all so much in advance for taking the time to read my questions. I am looking forward to all the answers. Thaks so much!
I would suggest sign up and then host your own show. This way your show sales will go towards bonuses.Consultants can do this. A catalog or book party is where the host takes a couple catalogs and can also be set up so people can order on line. Collects at least $200 in orders and gets host benefits. No live cooking demo is done.After you sign up- you can call Pampered Chef and they'll locate a meeting for you.Not sure about #4. but we take Amex as payment for orders- so I think the odds are good.
Welcome to CS!
Hello,I am new to Pampered Chef and I too had never been to a show or hosted a party. I had my first one and two weeks later decided I wanted to sell it. I would suggest you have a party, watch and see how the consultant does it, then you can use your hostess rewards as part of your kit or you can use the rewards to get other items that you can use for your shows that do not come in your kit. Another reason why I would do it this way is that you will be able to know someone already in the business that will be able to help get you started and keep you going. A great support team in your area is really nice to have and utilize.I hope this helps and would love to have you on my team if you decide to join. Good luck I know you will have a blast. This is the best home party company I have worked for.
Welcome! Your questions have been answered. To expand on the one about consultants hosting their own shows, I do this all the time. I get all of the same benefits as any other host except the Future Party Pick. I often use the free products I earn to donate to fundraisers.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thank you everyone for your responses! I do have a question. Only PC consultants can attend training meetings, not leads or peoplke interested in the business? A direct selling company I was with about 3 years ago allowed curious minds to attend meeting, just thought PC does the same. Thanks!
Talk to your upline director. I've brought interested potential recruits to our local monthly meetings. It depends on the director.
I do, however, believe that only signed consultants can attend training by home office.Hope this helps,
First find a consultant you would like to sign up with, and then tell her that you would like to attend one of her monthly training sessions. Most directors would love to have you. This way you can meet a bunch of other consultants, and have opinions from them all.
ENJOY. I signed up just to get the kit at $ 195. It is just 15 months now, and I have enjoyed hosting my own parties, to get all our wonderful tools, cookware, stoneware discounted or free. I have learned about a lot more products from my customers. It's been a hoot...
We have meetings once a month and I always bring people with me that want to join. Nor a proble. With most of the teams I know!...as far as i know the kit has never been 195. Yikes! And if anyone ever wants to talk or have questions. I'm always avaliable! Message for my number.
  • #10
I have a possible recruit with questions. Can someone help? She asked,
"Do I have to purchase a kit to begin selling?
if I do use the show money to purchase does it take all half price items as well?"
  • #11
Yes, you must purchase a kit. The mini kit will work for those who already have lots of PC.If I understand the second question, using part of your free product as a host to purchase your kit doesn't affect the half-price benefit.

Related to Is Hosting a Pampered Chef Party Essential Before Becoming a Consultant?

What is the hiring process like at your company?

The hiring process at our company typically includes submitting an application, participating in one or more interviews, and possibly completing a skills assessment or background check. Our goal is to find the best fit for the position and our company culture.

What qualities or skills do you look for in potential new recruits?

We value a combination of hard and soft skills in our new recruits. Some important qualities we look for include adaptability, teamwork, communication, and a desire to learn and grow.

What kind of training and development opportunities do you offer to new recruits?

We have a comprehensive training and development program for our new recruits, which includes on-the-job training, mentorship, and access to various learning resources. We also encourage our employees to attend workshops, conferences, and other professional development opportunities to continue learning and growing in their careers.

What is the company culture like at your organization?

Our company culture is one of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. We have a diverse and inclusive workplace, and we value open communication, teamwork, and a positive attitude. We also prioritize work-life balance and offer various wellness programs to support our employees' well-being.

What opportunities for growth and advancement are available for new recruits?

We believe in promoting from within and providing opportunities for our employees to grow and advance in their careers. We have a clear career progression path and offer continuous learning and development opportunities to help our new recruits achieve their career goals within our organization.

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