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How Did April's Guest Special Perform for You?

Hi Everyone!

I'm curious on how April's Guest Special sold for the rest of you. I had 6 shows totaling about $3500 in sales, and didn't sell a single one. I didn't have a display caddy, but I did pass around a soap sample so people could smell it. How did the April Guest Special do for you?

I am new, May is my first SS month, but I am curious to hear the answers, too. This would make a good poll for every month.

By the way, Nora, congrats on the sales!!

Not One!!I had 3 shows, totalling around $1300, and I didn't sell a set either. What did anyone use as selling points? I came across a lot of, "I can get something like that at Wal-mart for a lot cheaper." When customers say something like that about any other product, I don't have a problem with responding, but I wasn't sure what to say about the soap and lotion. Any Suggestions?


What were they thinking?I had the caddy and both the soap and lotion. I made a big deal about the special at the beginning of my shows, but did not sell one this month. Since they have come out with the soap I have sold 1 and none of the candle or lotion.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't we sell Kitchen products and tools? I was very confused when the soap was introduced even more so when they didn't discontinue it and added the lotion and candle.

I hope some of you had better luck! Also, congrats on your $3500 month -- Visions of the Caribbean or Vienna must be dancing in your head!
My shows didn't sell any of the sets either. I handed out samples of the soap and lotion at work for Christmas gifts for my coworkers. I sold 1 bottle of each later because of that. Something I always tell people is that it takes the onion and garlic smell off your hands, so its great to use after cooking. I am not too thrilled with the lotion, but I like the soap. It is not any more expensive than what they would pay at bath and body works. The candle I hate. The scent is way too strong. I don't care much for the sink fizz either. I haven't sold any candles or sink fizz. Anyway, thats my 2 cents worth. I hope other people had better luck with the special.

I got ONE sale. Everyone else thought it was to expensive. I put a squirt of the sample lotion in their hand so they can smell how good it is, but really no one other than that one was impressed. They just said "hum, this smells good" then they would see or hear me tell them the price and their reactions would change. I dont know what more I could have done other than RAVE about the product and hope for the best. :eek:
This is my 3rd SSM and from what I have experienced, people tend to order more when they know they are going to get something FREE with there order, like for instance the garlic press last year. Am I wrong?
I sold 6 sets this month in 5 shows (total sales $3069). I talked about it as a GREAT teacher appreciation gift (Teacher Appreciation starts MONDAY!).

I too find that the free item with total over $50 really helps pump up the sales. Love it when they do that!

Nora...CONGRATS on your outstanding month!
I sold 3, with only having 1 kitchen show (and 3 catalog shows). I made a big deal out of them - they smell great, and they are huge really when you think about it I came up with "If you buy this set now you won't have to worry about buying another soap or lotion set till this goes back on sale again!" - they would all laugh. I also did the garlic trick - I would rub my hands with a peeled clove of garlic then go and wash them with the soap and put lotion, they were amazed - then everyone else at the party did it. LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Thanks, everyone!Thanks for the congrats! It was my SS month 2. I love these super starter months and all the free stuff I am earning! Today I got to choose my 3rd "plus bonus." Where will I put all that stoneware ;) I do have visions of that cruise dancing in my head. Since I started a little late into the year, I sort of thought it was pointless to try- but I'm going to go for it!!!! What harm can be done? If I don't make it, I will have made a bunch of extra money, at least, and maybe our family can go on a different vacation with some of it!

I did love that garlic press incentive last month. Glad to see more incentives like that coming up later this summer.
  • #11
I agree about the free item guest special. That usually works really well and people are more apt to spend $50 to get it making our sales higher for the month. I made super starter this month also but didn't sell any soap/lotion sets either.
  • #12
noradawn said:
Thanks for the congrats! It was my SS month 2. I love these super starter months and all the free stuff I am earning! Today I got to choose my 3rd "plus bonus." Where will I put all that stoneware ;) I do have visions of that cruise dancing in my head. Since I started a little late into the year, I sort of thought it was pointless to try- but I'm going to go for it!!!! What harm can be done? If I don't make it, I will have made a bunch of extra money, at least, and maybe our family can go on a different vacation with some of it!

I did love that garlic press incentive last month. Glad to see more incentives like that coming up later this summer.

Congratualtions Nora!! What a great start you have and look at all you've earned!! You are the definition of "SuperStarter"!!
  • #13
I vote for the free with $50 too!I sold 7 sets with $2500 in April orders. I did have a set with caddy with me and talked about Mother's Day, graduation, etc. at all the shows and fairs. I agree - give us the "get it free with $50 order" every month!! I would also like to see a bonus for hosts with increased number of orders. When we have that kind of incentive hosts ask more people to order...

Related to How Did April's Guest Special Perform for You?

1. How much did you sell with April's Guest Special?

I had a total of 6 shows and sold about $3500 worth of products. However, I didn't sell any of the April Guest Special.

2. Did you use a display caddy for the April Guest Special?

No, I did not use a display caddy for the April Guest Special. I relied on passing around a soap sample for people to smell.

3. How many shows did you have with the April Guest Special?

I had a total of 6 shows with the April Guest Special.

4. Did you have any success selling the April Guest Special?

Unfortunately, I did not have any success selling the April Guest Special. I didn't sell a single one.

5. How did the April Guest Special perform compared to previous guest specials?

I cannot compare the performance of the April Guest Special to previous ones as I did not have any previous guest specials. This was my first time selling it.

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