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How can I effectively market my home business offline?

In summary, the conversation discusses various creative ideas for marketing a home business offline. These ideas include leaving business cards or flyers in public places, contacting local businesses and organizations, participating in events and job fairs, and networking with other home business owners. The conversation also suggests targeting specific groups such as college students, new moms, and gym-goers. The speaker emphasizes consistency in offline advertising and recommends trying out two ideas per week.
Gold Member
I was researching on the Internet and found this great list of ideas to help build your business. The lady who compiled it is a Tupperware rep, but it applies to us. Enjoy!

Are you looking for creative ways to market your home business offline? If so, I have some creative offline advertising ideas for you to try out. I recommend that you try 2 of these ideas every week and to be consistent with your offline advertising.

#1. Make up advertising filler packs and pass them out everywhere you go, every event that you attend and swap them with other women home business owners.
#2. When you travel and stay in hotels, leave your catalog, business card, business coupon behind in your room, lobbies and other places that people congregate. I like to leave my business card with my hotel housekeeping (maid) tip.
#3. Print out flyers with your business name and contact information along with any specials you are running. Leave these flyers in public places where others can see them. Public Places: Grocery store message boards, community center message boards, employee lounges, etc.
#4. Contact local area bridal stores, bridal supply stores, caterers, tux rental centers, dj’s, photographers, etc. if your company/business offers a bridal registry. See if you can leave them your business cards!
#5. Daycare Centers: You can get a lot of business from the parents who use daycare centers so contact them about leaving your business cards or flyers.
#6. A lot of churches and religious groups hold spring and fall festivals, so make sure you contact them about getting a booth space at one of their events. Booth spaces are usually very economical with these types of groups.
#7. Join your local Chamber of Commerce! They always hold local business events in your area. This is a great way to network and to make new business contacts.
#8. College Campuses: College Students are always looking to spend money and they are usually on the hunt for a business opportunity to help pay for their school expenses so you can target them for sales and for recruiting into your business opportunity. Most schools have a student center, so that is where you would want to leave your business cards and flyers.
#9. Contact your local area Welcome Wagon or Welcome to the Neighborhood group. See if you can add your business info to their Welcome to the Neighborhood bags.
#10. Contact your local area hospitals and see if you can add your business info to their New Mommy Diaper Bags. A lot of hospitals give out free bags filled with goodies to all the new moms who have babies at their facilities!
#11. Contact your local medical offices, particularly the Obstetrics & Gynecology Offices and the Pediatrician Offices. A lot of those offices also give freebies to expecting or new moms. See if you can add your information their freebie packages.
#12. Donate a prize or a gift certificate to your local radio station for their numerous prize giveaways and contests. This gets you free business exposure. Often times, they will also list you as a prize sponsor on their website too.
#13. Donate a prize to your local area Bingo Halls! They are always looking for prize donations.
#14. Call your local Chamber of Commerce to find out when there will be local job fairs in your area and get a booth at one or at the very least attend one so you can make some new contacts in your local area.
#15. Call your local area colleges and trade schools to find out when their next local area job/employment fair will be. It’s a great way to market your home business opportunity to others who might be interested.
#16. Contact local area car dealerships. I make up small packets of business information, my business card, my coupon and a small freebie. Ask them if you can drop off 100 packs to them to hand out to others who come in for those FREE test drives.
#17. Contact your local area gyms and fitness centers. A lot of times you can get a table and market your business for an economical fee of $25.00.
#18. Network with others in your community who have home businesses, they are usually in the know on local business events that are upcoming in your community.
#19. Contact companies in your local area to see if you can come in and set up a display in their employee lounges or cafeterias for an employee shopping break. This works best if you offer an exclusive discount or deal to their employees.
#20. Does your local area TV Cable Company have a local information channel? If so, contact them to see if you can advertise on their information channel.
#21. Contact local small companies and shops to see if you can offer an exclusive discount to their employees. Companies like to offer perks to their employees such as shopping discounts from various local businesses.
#22. Small home town newspapers! I don’t get a great response to the big city newspaper ads but I do get a great response if I place ads in small home town newspapers!
#23. Get a low cost outdoor banner ad printed up to market your business during outside community events such as: sporting events, music concerts and so forth.
#24. Take your business on the road during the nice weather seasons. Contact your local area parks and recreation centers to see what kind of events are coming up and inquire about getting a table or booth at their outdoor events.
#25. Community coupon clipper packs and coupon packs. If your community has them, call them up and find out how you can advertise in them.
#26. Contact local area businesses such as: salons, banks, massage parlors etc. See if you can come in and set up a display. Offer a contest and prize with your display. Use the entry forms to gather contact information for possible new contact leads.
#27. Contact area pizza shops, diners, deli and coffee shops. Most of these types of businesses have paper placemats where you can buy ad space and have your business ad placed on them. People do READ these ads!
#28. Contact local area bars, restaurants and clubs to see if you can buy some advertising on their paper beverage coasters.
#29. Local Television News stations are always holding on-air contests and website contests for their viewers. Contact them to see if you can donate a prize to get some free business exposure for your business.
#30. Attend local area Holiday Shopping Events. Customers who are ready spend some holiday money and looking to purchase holiday gifts attend these events. Get a booth or table space and market your business to them.
#31. Hold a community block party at your home or at your local community center. Families are always looking for something to do on the weekends!
#32. Get your business listed in your local yellow pages phone book. Home business owners often over look this valuable advertising tool. These days a lot of phone books have coupon sections too, so make sure you inquire about adding your coupon to that section.
#33. You can take this phone book idea one step further by finding out who prints up those vinyl phone book covers that are covered with local business advertising in your area and find out how much it would cost for you to add your business advertisement to that phone book cover.
#34. Print your business information on pencils and hand them out for FREE to local colleges and adult technical schools.
#35. Get a vehicle banner made for your automobile. I recommend the vinyl clings so that you can easily remove them when it comes time to wash your vehicle.
#36. If your city has a travel guide that tourist request, make sure you place a business ad in that travel guide. This is a great way to get your business information into the hands of non-local customers.
#37. Local City Maps! These days you can find all kinds of small business advertising printed on the sides and backs of those city maps! You can get really good economically priced ads placed onto those maps.
#38. Contact local area hotels, motels and bed and breakfast inns in your local area. Ask them if you can leave your business information with them for their guests to peruse when they are in the lobby.
#39. Get your business information printed up onto balloons. Give these balloons to local sporting events, charity events etc. It’s a great way to get more business exposure.
#40. Find a few home business owners in your local community and team up with them! You can all sponsor a local boys/girls sports team, a parade float or other things in your community! This makes it very economical for those who are in small business to get business exposure and to participate in your local community events.
#41. Print T-shirts with your business information printed on them. Hand them out to your friends and family members and ask them to wear them when they are out in the community running their errands.
#42. Print some canvas tote bags with your business information on them. Pass them out to a few lady friends and ask them to use them when they are out and about in the community attending events or running errands.
#43. Get a license plate made up for the front of your car with your business information on it.
#44. Wear a business name tag every time you go out in the community. People do read them and do notice them!
#45. Local Area Magazines! Does your city publish a local area magazine? If so, contact them about placing some advertising in their magazine.
What is an Advertising filler pack? What would you say to the business owners/workers? Talking to people isn't my greatest talent.
PCx2startermom said:
What is an Advertising filler pack? What would you say to the business owners/workers? Talking to people isn't my greatest talent.

Forgive my being blunt but, get over it! You'd better get used to talking to everybody you come in contact with ... waiting in line at the grocery store? Waiting for your name to be called in a restaurant? While shopping at the drug store?

The only reason "talking to people isn't your greatest talent" is because your uncomfortable doing it. The more you do it, the more comfortable you'll be doing it.

You are going to have to sell yourself before you can sell our great products!

Good luck. You're going to do fine.
Thanks for sharing the list, Nancy. I must confess that I simply glanced over it for now. I'll read it carefully later.That said, make sure that the idea is legal for PC before trying it. For example, consultants aren't allowed to list themselves as PC in their local phone book. Just because it's okay for TW doesn't mean it's okay for PC.
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  • #5
PCx2startermom said:
What is an Advertising filler pack? What would you say to the business owners/workers? Talking to people isn't my greatest talent.

I'm not sure what the original author intended an advertising filler pack to be, but given the context of the sentence, I would imagine it is busines information to hand out.

I understand about talking not being your greatest talent. I felt the same way when I got started with the business and it was hard to talk to people (still is sometimes!). After 4 years in business I have found it much easier to talk to people, and when I do talk I see a direct increase in my business. Make a goal for yourself to talk to at least one person a day about your business and I bet you will see some great results!
I am not a shy person and can talk to anyone, however I have found I am struggling in this area because I don't want to be seen a pushy. I love to talk to people, but have been put off by people in the past when they just start talking to me out of the blue about their product. I need to get over it and figure I will probably never see the person again if I offend them, or I will be at their house in a week or so doing a show if I didn't. Think I need to take the chance and stop worrying about what others will think of me. I am not in high school any longer LOL

Related to How can I effectively market my home business offline?

1. How can I reach out to potential customers as a Pampered Chef consultant?

One way to reach out to potential customers is through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also host cooking demonstrations or parties to showcase the products and reach out to new customers. Additionally, networking with other small business owners or attending local events can also help you gain new business.

2. Is it important to have a strong online presence as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Yes, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, including Pampered Chef. This can include having a professional website, active social media accounts, and positive reviews on platforms like Yelp. A strong online presence can help attract new customers and build trust in your brand.

3. How can I use referrals to get new business as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Referrals can be a powerful tool for gaining new business as a Pampered Chef consultant. You can ask your satisfied customers to refer you to their friends and family, offer incentives for referrals, or join referral groups in your community. You can also partner with other businesses to offer cross-promotions and reach a wider audience.

4. What are some creative ways to get new business as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Some creative ways to get new business as a Pampered Chef consultant include hosting virtual parties or cooking classes, collaborating with food bloggers or influencers, and reaching out to local businesses to offer cooking demonstrations or team building events. You can also offer special promotions or discounts to attract new customers.

5. How can I use customer reviews to attract new business as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Customer reviews can be a powerful marketing tool for attracting new business. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews on your website or social media pages. You can also share positive reviews on your social media platforms or use them in your marketing materials. This can help build trust with potential customers and showcase the quality of your products and services.

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