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Feeling Betrayed by My Director: What Should I Do?

In summary, my director does not understand why I am not getting bookings and she does not seem to think it is worth it.
I was talking to my director and telling her how I am having such a hard time getting bookings and all the time I spend emailing and working on newsletters and distributing fliers and how I just don't think it is worth it. I told her that I feel my family is starting to suffer because of all of this, and also being down because I have no bookings, and she said "I don't know why you feel your family is suffering, you haven't done any shows!" :mad: Is it just me or would that really tick you off to. She always acts like her mind is totally blank. I have never met her, the woman who recruited me quit being a director so I reverted to this lady. I have a hospitality director about 30 miles away from me who says she will help any way she can, but considering she is a hospitality director I feel weird calling her. I feel like I am betraying my other director who I really am getting aggrevated with. Any advice on what to do and how to handle this?:confused:
Don't deal with her...

sorry, that's just my opinion... but you CAN work this business without her. If your personalities just don't mesh, then don't talk to her. It happens... nothing personal... talk with your hospitality director and see how much time she would have for you. OR you can find another consultant who will help guide you and answer questions if needed, or keep you motivated. There are other people out there that can help you and be supportive without the negativity.

Good Luck!
See if your hospitality director (or any other "seasoned" consultant for that matter) will let you come observe any of her shows. That really helps because you can pick up some new booking lines and see how she closes the show and talks to each guest. Are you asking EVERY guest if they'd like to consider getting their friends together for a fun party? Sometimes saying would you like to "book a show" has negative connotations (sp?) for some people. Just brainstorming here......how about your list of 100?? Have you revisited that lately? I know a trap I personally have fallen into is I have spent so much time doing flyers and "other stuff" such as being on this website :eek: that it takes away from major phone time. THAT's what shows some really good results.

I'd definitely reach out to your hospitality director and see what she has to say. Just say you're trying to pick different people's brains and I'm sure she'll be open to giving you suggestions. Do you attend cluster meetings? That's always a great source of brainstorming.

Good luck to you! I hope things pick up for you.:D
My hospitality director is awesome!! My director is about 4 1/2 hours away...my hospitality director is a little over an hour away. I occasionally talk to my director or email. We keep in touch and discuss things that we feel should be discussed between us as director/recruit. But, for the most part my hospitality director is my support. And that is not meant to take anything away from my personal director. But, my hospitality director is closer, I attend all of her meetings/trainings, she treats me just like she treats all of her own cluster members. I am included in all incentives, drawings, etc. She is the best. Don't be afraid to discuss your situation with your hospitality director. You are not betraying your personal director. That is why you have a hospitality director. She is there to be your support. I would guess that she will be a big help to you.
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  • #5
When I have shows, it has been awhile, I do ask everyone if they would like to host a party and none of them do. I have remained active by catalog shows and individual orders but that is about to run out. I have two shows booked right now, but one keeps postponing. I understand about the flyers and being on this website, I do it too!!! I am just so discouraged about my situation with my director and not having bookings that I am reaching in all sorts of directions!!!:eek: My director told me she just does not understand why I am not getting bookings. I live in a small town where there are a lot of older people. That's one reason. I am trying to get to the city north of here and have a possibility in Sept. I really appreciate what everyone has said so far. thanks a lot!!!

Cheryl Mackey
Cooking Pampered Style in Louisiana

P. S. If anyone knows anyone in Shreveport/Bossier City Louisiana who wants to do a party and looking for a Consultant, PM me.
Sorry you are so frustrated with your bookings (and your director). I had a "lightbulb moment" when I read your last post, though - why don't you design some senior-friendly classes and hold them at the local senior center, or at assisted living facilites and retirement homes? They are always looking for new activities, and you could charge a fee that would include, say, tools that were especially good for older people (the jar opener, etc.). Some class ideas off the top of my head (you could, of course, come up with catchier titles I'm sure):

Healthy Eating for Seniors
Cooking with the Grandkids
Cooking for One
Cooking for Two
5-Ingredient Dinners
Affordable Entertaining

The good news about seniors is, as a population group, they tend to have a larger disposable income - if you could just find a way to show them how PC products can make their lives easier, and how you can help them shop for gifts for their loved ones, you could actually find a goldmine of potential hosts. Not to mention - what a great retirement income if someone wanted to become a consultant!
What a great idea, Jen!!!! So creative :)

I guess the thing I don't get about a director with this kind of attitude is that this is YOUR business. You are your own boss. We don't *have* to answer to our directors. And certainly not one with a snotty attitude.

I am lucky to have a great director. She isn't pushy, but instead encouraging of the goals each team member is working towards. That is different for every person! She knows that I want to be a director at some point, so she maybe pushes me to meet my goals harder than she pushes someone like... my little sister who signed up but more as a side thing just because. She still wants her to do well, but knows it's unrealistic to give her the same goals to reach towards as I have!

I told my director in June that I was reaching $3,000... that's twice what I had ever done before, so really a big goal for me. She encouraged me, gave me tips of what to say in phone calls, etc... never pushed me because it was MY goal, not HERS!

Anyway... sorry for the long post... lol

Good luck! :)
How do you find out who your hospitality director is? How is this different than your normal director?
jenf said:
How do you find out who your hospitality director is? How is this different than your normal director?

Consultants that have directors that live too far away to travel to their meetings can be assigned a hospitality director that lives closer. You are still in your own directors downline but you can attend meetings closer to where you live.
  • #10
cmackey said:
I was talking to my director and telling her how I am having such a hard time getting bookings and all the time I spend emailing and working on newsletters and distributing fliers and how I just don't think it is worth it. I told her that I feel my family is starting to suffer because of all of this, and also being down because I have no bookings, and she said "I don't know why you feel your family is suffering, you haven't done any shows!" :mad: Is it just me or would that really tick you off to. She always acts like her mind is totally blank. I have never met her, the woman who recruited me quit being a director so I reverted to this lady. I have a hospitality director about 30 miles away from me who says she will help any way she can, but considering she is a hospitality director I feel weird calling her. I feel like I am betraying my other director who I really am getting aggrevated with. Any advice on what to do and how to handle this?:confused:

(Note....the bold in quote is mine.)

Yes, your director was out of line to make that comment about your shows. It was rude. What struck me though as I read your post is the part I put in bold. I took a workshop at Leadership conference one year and something she said really stuck with me. When we feel like we are ALWAYS doing Pampered Chef, stop to think whether we are doing "people work" or "paper work". People work will get you bookings, NOT paperwork! That was a huge lightbulb moment for me.

I understand the frustration of not having bookings but I know from experience that I rarely get bookings from emails or flyers....I get them from making phone calls. It is so much easier to send an email or spend hours composing fliers (of course, now I can get them from chefsuccess and let you guys do the work!:D ) and we feel like we have really put in some time with our business but the real results always come from the personal contact with our customers. This business is all about relationships and the best way to build them is through picking up the phone.
  • #11
Plus, your director has to be the one to request a hospitality director for you. It's always good for your director to find out of that person has regular meetings, how they support their own consultants, as well as hospitality consultants, and have a strong business themselves. Have they earned TPC, trips, various incentives, etc?? That just tell you that someone works a consistent business themselves. The director would work out with the hospitality director how to reimburse her for the various recognition components for the consultant too.
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  • #12
There are people who don't want to do shows but do want to be kept up to date on what the specials are and the discontinued products so I e-mail them. There are a lot of new houses being built about 20 miles north of me, so that is why I make flyers introducing myself and telling them about the Pampered Chef. I don't want to just open the phone book and start cold calling - been there done that with Morgan Stanley! There are also subdivisions that until last night I didn't know about. I have two shows booked for Sept. but one that will probably postpone because she has for the last two months:rolleyes: and another one that I hope will stick b/c its in an area I want to get to. Other than these shows, I feel like flyers in the subdivisions are the only way to get my name out there. Now that I have them made, I don't think it will take me as long to edit them as to make them. I really wish the booking thing was easier for me, but it's just not. I really appreciate everyong on this site. You all keep my spirits up!:)
  • #13
Some IdeasA lot of churches are getting ready for their Fall Festivals. I would look into doing those. I came back so pumped up from Conference!! I got one recruit and am currently working on getting 4 others recruited so that I can promote before my recruiter does! ;) I decided to totally turn my business around on my own. Determination was the key! Would your husband ask his co-workers if they might be interested in having parties? I have to say that I have an awesome hospitality Director, but I didn't ever want to have her as a crutch. Maybe that poor choice in words (crutch), but at least right now I'm confident that I CAN do it all by myself!

You may just be in a slump. Keep reading these posts and it'll happen for you as it did for me. Make it happen girl!

Oh by the way...stay on that lead. I got a lead from a girl who said she wanted to book a show almost a year ago. I almost gave up on her, but I called her again the other day and she booked for October!
  • #14
Cookin'InTX said:
Oh by the way...stay on that lead. I got a lead from a girl who said she wanted to book a show almost a year ago. I almost gave up on her, but I called her again the other day and she booked for October!

I second that! I had a potential host that kept telling me she wanted to book a show, but it kept getting rescheduled. 13 months later, she had over an $800 show with 6 guests and lots of outside orders! Now she is rebooking for this Sept!!
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  • #15
Just to let you all know, I did talk to my hospitalilty director about this sticky situation and she was told to stay out of it and if she did not she would be out of a job by the end of the month! :eek: She was told to continue being my hospitality director but that was it. So now I really don't know what to do. My husband says to ignore my director and I totally agree with him its just I am not to keen on her getting commission from my shows when they start rolling in! (I'm being optimistic in times of trial!) I really thank God that I found this site and have all of you I can lean on and get suggestions from!

  • #16
{{{{{{cyber hugs for Cheryl}}}}}}

I really don't know what else to say :( Wish I could be more helpful. Have you tried a heart-to-heart with your director? Maybe that's not an option, or not something you even want to do... Hopefully your hospitality director can be supportive, even if she was told to stay out of this (from HO, I assume? How did THAT happen? ACK!) Have you struck up a friendship with another consultant in your cluster? Maybe you could use her as your support?

Or the ultimate.... become a director and then become an ADVANCED director BEFORE your director ;)

Best of luck to you in your bookings!
  • #17
cmackey said:
Just to let you all know, I did talk to my hospitalilty director about this sticky situation and she was told to stay out of it and if she did not she would be out of a job by the end of the month! :eek:
What?! :confused: That's bizarre! Did the HO tell her this? Or your director?? That's weird. Unless she's doing something unethical or against the policies and procedures, the HO can't terminate her agreement. That's just weird. I'm sorry you're not getting much support on that end. At least you have us to vent to and get some support! Sorry.:(
  • #18
Cookin'InTX said:
I got one recruit and am currently working on getting 4 others recruited so that I can promote before my recruiter does! ;)

Is there a specific reason you want to promote before your recruiter? Do you understand what that means for his/her business? Is he or she not interested in progressing in this business by promoting?

Just curious.
  • #19
You don't have to wait for your recruiter to promote. This business is yours. We don't have to rely on our upline sales nor do we have to hold back because we don't want to get ahead of them. I don't think PC penalizes you because your recruits work harder than you.
  • #20
Shawnna said:
You don't have to wait for your recruiter to promote. This business is yours. We don't have to rely on our upline sales nor do we have to hold back because we don't want to get ahead of them. I don't think PC penalizes you because your recruits work harder than you.

No, you don't have to wait. . .but if your recruiter is trying hard and getting close to promoting, this is something you should keep in mind as you are considering accepting your Directorship. If my recruit promotes to Director before I do, I've lost my first step toward Advanced Director. If we are a TEAM, it's nice to keep these things in mind.
  • #21
If you promote to director before your recruiter she has 3 months to promote before she looses you in her first line. We all need to be considerate of each other but we are also in business for ourselves and I would never tell anyone to hold back because someone else wasn't moving as quickly as you.

There are a lot of directors out there who got busy because a downline consultant promoted - sometimes that's just what they need to make the extra effort.

Be a leader.
  • #22
cmackey said:
Just to let you all know, I did talk to my hospitalilty director about this sticky situation and she was told to stay out of it and if she did not she would be out of a job by the end of the month! :eek: She was told to continue being my hospitality director but that was it. So now I really don't know what to do. My husband says to ignore my director and I totally agree with him its just I am not to keen on her getting commission from my shows when they start rolling in! (I'm being optimistic in times of trial!) I really thank God that I found this site and have all of you I can lean on and get suggestions from!

I had a hospitalilty consultant with a recruit and her director was not communicating at all with me. Then I got another hospitality consultant who's director told me to treat her as though she was my recruit and she would reimberse me for any expenses so I contacted the first director once again because I didn't want the first consultants to feel bad and like second class citizens if I gave the new girl my incentives and not them (some incentives cost a bit). This time she sent me a scathing email with the same tone as you are relating. The consultant stopped coming to my meeting but her recruit still wanted to come. I was informed me that if I gave her any awards or tried to give her anything more than a place to connect with other consultants that she would get HO after me.

Well, I contacted home office and explained the situation. I discussed how I thought I should handle the situation and they agreed. HO was appauled at how that director was behaving.

Don't worry. Be nice.
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  • #23
pamperedbecky said:
What?! :confused: That's bizarre! Did the HO tell her this? Or your director?? That's weird. Unless she's doing something unethical or against the policies and procedures, the HO can't terminate her agreement. That's just weird. I'm sorry you're not getting much support on that end. At least you have us to vent to and get some support! Sorry.:(

I'm with Becky....WHAT???!!! Sounds like your director said that to threaten her. HO won't terminate a consultant (especially one that has made it to director) just for helping others! I'd be curious to know WHO actually said that and the reason they gave that she (hospitality director) could "lose her job".

Hold on to the fact that goofballs like that are few and far between among PC consultants and directors! :) It's your business (literally and figuratively!) so do what is best for you!
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  • #24
I asked her who told her to stay out of it and she said her director and HO. As to which one told she would be out of a job, I think she said HO because of how high up in the company my director is. She never mentioned my directors name and I think she would be honest with me. I am just wondering now if I should even keep going to my hospitality meetings or just quit. I don't want my hospitality director to lose her job!!!! I am just ignoring my director and going to do research on this site as to how to do fundraisers and craft fairs since my director says to schedule them and then she will tell my how to do them!:rolleyes:

Cheryl Mackey
Cooking Pampered Style in Louisiana
  • #25
cmackey said:
I asked her who told her to stay out of it and she said her director and HO. As to which one told she would be out of a job, I think she said HO because of how high up in the company my director is.
Well, if that is the case then I think they would need to rethink even having hospitality directors. A hospitality director would have to be doing something really unethical to even get a threat like that. I think there must be a lack of communication there.
  • #26
BethCooks4U said:
Well, if that is the case then I think they would need to rethink even having hospitality directors. A hospitality director would have to be doing something really unethical to even get a threat like that. I think there must be a lack of communication there.

I agree with Beth. This whole thing sounds "Whack"....can you tell I have a teenager? :D Something isn't right. Lack of communication is probably the answer. I can't see the HO telling a director they will lose their job if they help a consultant that isn't in their downline. If your director called HO and complained about the hospitality director I can't imagine them saying that (and she probably misrepresented the situation).

I would suggest contacting your HO sales director (if you don't know who that is you can call the HO and they will tell you, they are assigned by Executive Director) and talk to her. Explain the ENTIRE situation and ask for their advice.

Last year my upline had a MAJOR personality difference/issue with our Exec. director (which is a NSD). My senior director (and a few other directors) contacted the HO and the NSD was contacted and everything was worked out.

Don't believe that just because someone is higher in the company that they are given a free ticket to walk all over those of us below....our company wants every one to handle their businesses with integrity. I believe they stand behind our mission statement.

If you have made a connection to the hospitality director and WANT to work with her, I'd call HO explain the situation and how you've kinda gotten stuck in the middle and see what they say.
  • #27
My hospitality director treats me just like her girls. I participate in the drawings and recongnition. I don't think my director gives her anything in return. I address most questions to her because she is the one working with me. I am apalled that your director would be mad that someone was helping you. Don't quit....you are not required to go to meetings. If you don't want to work with your director, then don't. You are free to do what you want as long as you represent the products and services as they are suppose to be and you conduct yourself within the HO guidelines for consultants. If your hospitality director doesn't mind you attending her meetings, then go if you want to. You don't even have to tell your director you are going. But, you will need to keep up with your stats so your Hosp. director will know what you are doing and she will be able to help you.
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  • #28
I don't even think my director even knows that I am ticked off about what she said. I didn't talk to her about it, I just got off the phone as quickly as possible. Unless HO called my director. I have not spoken to my director since the incident and not really wanting to. It would probably surprise you about who she is in the company. My hospitality director has heard that my director has a haughty attitude anyways because she agreed with me when I said that. Oh well, I'm calling people tonight about bookings and such.:) Not stopping because of a snotty attitude!

Cheryl Mackey
Cooking Pampered Style in Louisiana:)
  • #29
cmackey said:
I don't even think my director even knows that I am ticked off about what she said. I didn't talk to her about it, I just got off the phone as quickly as possible. Unless HO called my director. I have not spoken to my director since the incident and not really wanting to. It would probably surprise you about who she is in the company. My hospitality director has heard that my director has a haughty attitude anyways because she agreed with me when I said that. Oh well, I'm calling people tonight about bookings and such.:) Not stopping because of a snotty attitude!

Cheryl Mackey
Cooking Pampered Style in Louisiana:)

Okay...Now I am really confused! :confused: If your director doesn't know you are upset and didn't contact HO to tell them that the HD (hospitality director) was helping you, who would have known there was a problem and tell the HD to keep out of it? Did I miss something?
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  • #30
I called my HD to talk the situation over with her and my HD called HO and her director. That's how HO knows about this, my HD called them. My director does not have anything to do with this except totally ticking me off to the point where I get mail from her it goes to the trash! As far as I know my NED has not said anything to HO or my HD. My NED set me up with my HO. I have not even told her about any ideas I have gotten from my HO because I feel it is none of her business.

Cheryl Mackey
Cooking Pampered Style in Louisiana
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  • #31
Been reading this even though it's a week or two old.
Ya know, I just say, go with your business and don't spend your energy trying to figure out all the personality logistics. YOU be the better person/consultant and it will pay off.

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  • #32
Ya know, I really don't care what my poor director has to say. I have a fundraising opportunity next week, a show for the end of the month and two possible catalog shows. I just mailed out a bunch of letters about the stoneware special and following up on that this week. I figure, if I have been struggling for two years on my own without my directors help, then I will keep talking to my HD and going on my own. Isn't that how any other business would be? It's in God's hands.

Cheryl Mackey
Making life in the kitchen less stressful
  • #33
Now that's the spirit!!!!
So glad we have this website aren't you!?

  • #34
I am in a similar situation with my director. She hasn't said anything rude, but she is very difficult to get in contact with. I emailed her a question over two weeks ago, she has promised to call, and still no response. My hospitality director has been nice,but has her own team to worry about so I try to respect that and mostly just observe at her cluster meetings. I do learn a lot that way and now with this website I get answers much quicker. One thing to remember is that this is Your business, no one elses. I was feeling very negative for awhile about the director situation until I realized that and just had to let it go.
One idea for getting into a new community is to rent the clubhouse and hold an open house. Spend a day putting flyers with the open house info on peoples doors, and offer drawings every hour....small things...citrus peeler, quikut paring knife....Mostly do this for the bookings, I offer pick a date, pick a prize...do not give out the prize until the show...The prizes consist of small under $5 items. I am doing one of these once a month at local communities. My first one is set of Oct. 8th.
The clubhouse rentals can be pricey so you might want to find someone who lives there to actually rent the space at a discount.

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