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Consultant Stealing Bridal Registry Sales

In summary, the other consultant convinced some people at the shower to not use the registry and to instead purchase from her. This caused the bride to lose out on rewards and sales from the registry.
I just want to make eveyone out there aware that I had a bridal registry that was for about $2,500 in product. I had another consultant (that is local and in my cluster) convince some people that were invited to the shower to purchase from her instead of the registry and convince, I mean that she told them what a great idea it would be because the bride would not be able to look online and find out what she would be getting because she would do them the favor of not marking it off the registry list. Keep in mind taht one consultant can not access anothers. And by some people, I mean everyone from one side of the family bought from her. I had $598 in sales and got an email from the mother asking that I cancel the registry because she got everything else on it from her shower. When i first heard about this, I contacted my director, who first of all took almost 2 weeks to call me about it and in the end told me that she hopes that I can let this pass because I may see the other consultant at meetings and such and she hopes that it doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth in regards to the company. She also asked that I call home office directly to see if they could do anything. And keep in mind that the bride is also loosing out on all her regsitry rewards. The response I got from home offce was that there was nothing they could do but if I wanted they could call the other consultant to make sure that she is aware of the rules as a consultant. Whatever, this consultant went out of her way to more or less steal my money and they don't care. I am furious to say the least. When I started with pampered Chef, I was all gung ho about how great they are and blah, blah, blah and then as soon as my sales starting dropping (because I has a disaster at my house that took about 3 months to resolve working on it in all our free time) they simply just don't care. I rarely even get emails from my director anymore. And about once a month she calls to see if there is anything she can do to help get my sales up. Please.
That really stinks!

How much do you have documented? Notes from the mother of the bride, notes from the other consultant, etc.? The more documentation you have, the better as far as proving that the other consultant purposely took those sales from you.

I think that other consultant was sneaky and misleading. And what's wrong with the bride being able to see what was purchased anyway? She picked out the items because she wanted them - what's wrong with knowing ahead of time that they'll be arriving? Sheesh.

I'm so sorry that you got caught up in a terrible situation like this. Sounds like you've got a Director issue, separate from the registry, too. You should be getting support. Have you tried contacting your upline above your Director? (They'll be on your commission statement.)
Um, hi and welcome to Chef Success.
I am sorry you had such a lousy experience.
So sorry this happened to you. There are people like that in every business. Just continue to work your business with good ethics. What goes around comes around. People who do those kinds of things always "get whats coming to them" in the end. One way or another.
That sucks! I am so sorry! I would have the HO call her and talk to her, she needs to understand that what she did was wrong (or maybe she doesn't care and so it wouldn't matter?) How lame is that other consultant? AUGH!
It's not that HO doesn't care but it's that thier hand can be a bit tied. When the orders are placed they do not know the situation. As I mentioned on the shout box - Your director needs to address this witht the consultant so that she knows that what she did was not right and unethical.
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  • #7
I have everything documented since most of my correspondance was though email. It doesn't seem to matter to home office though. They are going to call her but from what I understand, she is fully aware of what she did. in regards to the upline director, when i emailed my director, I also emailed her and she did not even respond to my email. i am extremely disappointed with the whole situation and beleive that I am done with Pampered Chef, though I did thoroughly enjoy it and love the product. oh well.
Welcome.....I'm a little lost with your post here. Was this other consultant doing a bridal shower for the bride?

If so, looks to me like the bride was a little confused.....having a shower with one consultant while having a registry with another.

If this is what happened, then the bride still got the host credits....and got the products that she wanted too. If this is how I understand it, then I don't really think that the other consultant did wrong....or am I the one who is confused?

scarlinipc said:
I just want to make eveyone out there aware that I had a bridal registry that was for about $2,500 in product. I had another consultant (that is local and in my cluster) convince some people that were invited to the shower to purchase from her instead of the registry and convince, I mean that she told them what a great idea it would be because the bride would not be able to look online and find out what she would be getting because she would do them the favor of not marking it off the registry list. Keep in mind taht one consultant can not access anothers. And by some people, I mean everyone from one side of the family bought from her. I had $598 in sales and got an email from the mother asking that I cancel the registry because she got everything else on it from her shower. When i first heard about this, I contacted my director, who first of all took almost 2 weeks to call me about it and in the end told me that she hopes that I can let this pass because I may see the other consultant at meetings and such and she hopes that it doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth in regards to the company. She also asked that I call home office directly to see if they could do anything. And keep in mind that the bride is also loosing out on all her regsitry rewards. The response I got from home offce was that there was nothing they could do but if I wanted they could call the other consultant to make sure that she is aware of the rules as a consultant. Whatever, this consultant went out of her way to more or less steal my money and they don't care. I am furious to say the least. When I started with pampered Chef, I was all gung ho about how great they are and blah, blah, blah and then as soon as my sales starting dropping (because I has a disaster at my house that took about 3 months to resolve working on it in all our free time) they simply just don't care. I rarely even get emails from my director anymore. And about once a month she calls to see if there is anything she can do to help get my sales up. Please.
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  • #9
The bride had NOTHING to do with the other consultant
  • #10
So sorry!!!
scarlinipc said:
I have everything documented since most of my correspondance was though email. It doesn't seem to matter to home office though. They are going to call her but from what I understand, she is fully aware of what she did. in regards to the upline director, when i emailed my director, I also emailed her and she did not even respond to my email. i am extremely disappointed with the whole situation and beleive that I am done with Pampered Chef, though I did thoroughly enjoy it and love the product. oh well.

I am so sorry about your bad experience, and I am even more sorry that you feel that you no longer want anything to do with PC. I in no way want to minimize your hurt and I understand dealing with people who are decieving, untrustworthy and outright rude, but that's part of life.
If we distanced ourselves from people or businesses that showed bad customer service or even really bad ethics, we might have to hide in a cave until judgement day. I know you are very angry, and so am I. That is a horrible thing to do. I see how you might think HO doesn't care, but they can't really do anything to that person. I would trust the Lord to take care of your situation. The Lord tells us not to seek vengeance or revenge. That's his department. In the end people who live their lives like this are not happy and eventually have the same happen to them.
It is best to just let it go. I know it's easy for me to say, since I am not in this situation, but as I said before I have been in bad situations personally with PC. Being bitter won't help and the sooner you move on, the sooner you can continue to build your business.
Please reconsider. You never know how wonderful and great your business will become in time. We at Chef Success would miss you and don't want to see you go. I hope you reconsider! Praying for you.
Debbie :D
  • #11
scarlinipc said:
The bride had NOTHING to do with the other consultant
Okay, I'm still a little lost.....how on earth did this other consultant get in touch with the bride's family and convince them to buy from her? Is she friends with one of them?
  • #12
I would e-mail your upline and also if you do not get a response withing 24 hours I would follow up with a call

It is your choice as to how you handle this - Of course if you quit then the unethical consultant wins It is one registry - A larger registry that all of would like to have had. I know it is an extremely upsetting situation but do you want to quit over this incident or is there more to this decision.

I honestly had someone that irritated me (a clustermate) recently and now I am more motiveated to try to beat her sales every month. She didn't do anything unethical. She just made comments and behaved rather unprofessional at conference so I use it as motivation rather than frustration.
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  • #13
The other consultant was new and she was a distant cousin to the aunt or something to that effect.
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  • #14
I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing more that I can do to "handle" this. As far as quitting, I am not sure that will happen but I will not be attending any more meetings with a director that thinks I should wash my hands of it because I may see the other consultant at a meeting or something. My director and upline director are simply interested in teh girl who currently has a bunch in sales because she is new. I have slacked quite a bit and now don't know if I really want to put the work into it after all of this. No matter what happens, the other consultant got the commision and the bride gets nothing.
  • #15
I agree
scarlinipc said:
I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing more that I can do to "handle" this. As far as quitting, I am not sure that will happen but I will not be attending any more meetings with a director that thinks I should wash my hands of it because I may see the other consultant at a meeting or something. My director and upline director are simply interested in teh girl who currently has a bunch in sales because she is new. I have slacked quite a bit and now don't know if I really want to put the work into it after all of this. No matter what happens, the other consultant got the commision and the bride gets nothing.

I agree that your director's attitude stinks. My director would have been all over that girl, not in a violent way (LOL), but telling her that it was wrong and that we don't tolerate that in PC. Especially in our cluster. As your director I would have personally called her and told her that it was unethical and what she did was wrong. Stealing customers from other consultants is a horrible way to get any business started. Especially when you plan to be at cluster meetings with each other. But don't give up on PC, because of the rude and inconsiderate attitude of your director and this other consultant. You can always attend other meetings and come here for encouragement and support. That's what we are here for.
Debbie :D
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  • #16
Thanks. My director at one point told me that I should call the girl directly to discuss it. Please. My response to her was that it would be totally inappropriate for me to call her and it was something that either my director or advanced director should be doing. Then she said that she would call home office for me. She supposedly did but told me that it would be better for me to call them directly.
  • #17
Let your director know or HO know that there is an uncomfrtable sitation in your cluster and see if you can request a hospitality director. It is inexcusable to wait 2 weeks to even respond on an issue like that.
  • #18
I agree with Debbie there are other cluster meetings that you could attend if you don't want to attend your own due to this. (can't say I'd blame you). I think we have a lot of directors (NOT ALL) that like to dote over the new people whether it is due to high sales or just because they are new. Don't let this get you down and certainly don't let it push you away from PC. If you feel that you want to approach this issue with the other consultant, maybe it would be easier if you do it via email. Just make sure that you are nice and professional in it that way she can't bring it up against you. I would also point out in the email that she was misleading to the bride's family and now the bride will not receive the free and 1/2 price products that she would have if she would have just left you handle it as she should have. I hope that everything works out for you.
  • #19
I am sorry that this happened and that your director is not being more supportive. I would contact HO and let them know the documentation that you have. They can investigate the unethical side. Unfortunately you most likely will not see any commission from it and the bride will not receive the registry rewards. But this could go on the other consultants file.

I would consider contacting the other consultant and ask her if she did this as a show and gave the bride all of the rewards? If she says no I would ask her why not? If everyone would have purchased off of the registry then she would have xx amt of rewards to use.
  • #20
Contact HO and ask for someone higher up in the call center, not just the first person you get.

I had a bridal registry for my future niece and she got 1 sale off of it...someone in her hometown had a regular show and convinced the guests to buy gift certificates off that show for the bride. Oh well, I just let that one pass since I don't know who the consultant was...at least the bride gets some PC items...

I also 2nd Nikki's comments - ask her what SHE did for the bride for all those sales! She cheated the bride in what she did.
  • #21
scarlinipc said:
The other consultant was new and she was a distant cousin to the aunt or something to that effect.
Oh. So it also sounds like the family was also trying to help her get her biz off to a good start as well.

I think you should just bless and release. The next time you get a bridal registry you might want to use this as a learning experience and also to illustrate to the bride what can happen.....that way she can let her family and friends know not to screw with her registry rewards - even if they think they are doing her a favor by purchasing items from it.

As far as this consultant is concerend, hopefully your director has told her that what she did was not nice. Don't let her bring you and your biz down, if you do then she wins. Also, don't let her chase you away from your Cluster meetings, then she wins again. It might be a little uncomfortable for a while, but just ignore her. Do your biz the best you can. In the end you will be the better person.
  • #22
I had another thought too. Who hosted the party where the consultant sold all the registry stuff? Was it a family member? Could be that the family member put the consultant up to this too.....knowing that she'd get the rewards. Just a thought......
  • #23
Man, I would go to the cluster meetings each month and just STARE at the other consultant--be SWEET AS PIE and make her feel so guilty she will never do anything like that again. I've been with PC for 7 years and I will honestly tell you what goes around comes around. I would also tell me director that you are MOST unhappy with HER attitude. Not much you can do about it, but you can certainly let them both know how you feel.
  • #24
I agree that I would not let this other consultant win. Chalk this up to a learning experience & maybe try to get all brides that do a registry with you to schedule a bridal shower too--or at least offer.

Now, was this a PC bridal shower that the consultant was doing for her? If so, then usually the host of the shower gives the bride the benefits. So she WOULD have gotten the free product & such--and perhaps the consultant thought she was helping her out in case people didn't buy from the registry. But if she did it to keep you from getting sales, then shame on her!
  • #25
There is something called tortious interference, which means interferece with the completion of a contract that is already in progress. That act is actually illegal and damages can be collected in civil court (assuming your case is proved).

The first question is: were actual orders cancelled off the registry or did people not order from the registry in the first place? If it is the latter, then the contracts (orders between the company and the customers) was not interfered with. If it is the first scenario, there could be a case made.

That begs the question, though - when a customer orders from us, who is the contract actually with? Well, it is actually with The Pampered Chef. They get the money - they supply the products. We are simply paid a fee for our brokering of the products...

Anyway, what she did was rotten, but there is nothing in our contracts (as far as I can recall) that says we can't do that. So, technically, nothing has been violated so she can't be terminated. Personally, I'd let the HO call her directly. As a brand new consultant that phone call may well be enough to shake her up pretty badly. At least she would get the message that HO is watching her.

One thing confuses me ... who set up the registry to start with? The bride or the mother? If the bride did, why would you cancel it on the word of the mother? There may be other people who are guests at the wedding that would like to buy off the registry that weren't at the shower. Don't ever cancel anything on the word of anyone who set it up in the first place. What if it simply is not what the original person wanted to do? I also would send a letter to the bride, telling her that you are very sorry to lose her registry business.
  • #26
I have read this whole thread and I am still confused - this could have to do with the fact that I did not sleep well last night and it was the first day for Pre-K....oh well!

I am sorry this happened to you - so are you saying the bride was given a regular bridal shower and the relative (the new consultant) was an attendee? And while there, other relatives convinced other guests to order the items on the brides PC registry from the new consultant? Did she take outside orders and throw them together to make a party?

My question is like Lindas - what happened to the host rewards? Who was the host? SOMEBODY got the rewards. You might stir something up, but does the bride know she was cheated out of her rewards and was the entire registry bought? If not - she may want to re-register with you if she finds out there are rewards to be had.

I surely wouldn't quit over this - we all have bad experiences, no matter our job whether it is PC or not. I would take it over your Directors head and attend the next cluster meeting and sit right beside the new consultant the whole time!
  • #27
I think you should discuss this with the other consultant. She is your clustermate and it is appropriate. She may have thought that PC was the kind of Direct Sales biz that was cut-throat and anything goes. You can approach her with the intention to understand and to get beyond this. You need to "resolve" it (not to un-do) but to give her your peace and to move forward. She needs to hear it from you how upsetting it was. Also, you shouldn't give in over this incident with this ONE person. You gotta remember why you went into the biz and stay focused on that goal. After the dust settles--you'll be able to bless and release and reap your rewards.So sorry that it's muddied things up--but don't let it sour your chosen job!Take care!
  • #28
Welcome, from another New Yorker! I am in Oneonta....not too far :) Anyway, sorry that you had this happen. I was pretty bummed about a registry that I just found about as well. This girl got all of the info on registries from me, and attended about 5 of my shows, and then I just found out that she has a registry! (But obviously not through me...) grrr! Oh well, we bless and release! (I like that saying....of course I got it from here!)
  • #29
Cindycooks said:
I have read this whole thread and I am still confused - this could have to do with the fact that I did not sleep well last night and it was the first day for Pre-K....oh well!

I am sorry this happened to you - so are you saying the bride was given a regular bridal shower and the relative (the new consultant) was an attendee? And while there, other relatives convinced other guests to order the items on the brides PC registry from the new consultant? Did she take outside orders and throw them together to make a party?

My question is like Lindas - what happened to the host rewards? Who was the host? SOMEBODY got the rewards. You might stir something up, but does the bride know she was cheated out of her rewards and was the entire registry bought? If not - she may want to re-register with you if she finds out there are rewards to be had.

I surely wouldn't quit over this - we all have bad experiences, no matter our job whether it is PC or not. I would take it over your Directors head and attend the next cluster meeting and sit right beside the new consultant the whole time!

Your not alone Cindy:confused:

There are questions that have been asked that haven't been answered, like who did set up the registy?? And was it the same person who "hosted" the show?? Maybe there was just a mix up and the other consultant didn't know about it until the show:confused: :confused:

If it was me I would call the other consultant and the bride. Good luck!!
  • #30
jenniferknapp said:
Welcome, from another New Yorker! I am in Oneonta....not too far :)

Anyway, sorry that you had this happen. I was pretty bummed about a registry that I just found about as well. This girl got all of the info on registries from me, and attended about 5 of my shows, and then I just found out that she has a registry! (But obviously not through me...) grrr! Oh well, we bless and release! (I like that saying....of course I got it from here!)

I had something like that happen to me too. I had a bride to be I met at a bridal fair in late Jan. She wanted to have a shower at her dorm & do a registry. She got info from me with my contact info. Well, when I do a follow up call later on to see if she wanted to do the shower, she had moved. But she told me she set up a registry--not with me though! I think she went to the main website but for some reason didn't put in my info!
  • #31
My last 2 registires, I have had the brides tell me that they had distant cousins or a friend of a distant cousin who was a PC consultant, but they still wanted their registry from me. The brides did receive some things through these other consultants, but it wasn't a huge amount (a couple of items here and there and a $75 GC). I'm sure the people close to the other consultant probably just wanted to help her out, and had no idea how the registry and shows work (and that the showers and the registry are exclusive of each other - only a consultant would know that). If the other consultant is new, then she might not have known it either. I think the best bet is to give her the benefit of the doubt, have a conversation with her, and then put it behind you. Move upward and onward and don't let this bring you down.
  • #32
Meh, I wouldn't be happy with it, either, scarlinipc.

I think there are very few things that can't be settled between adults. And, I can see why your director isn't going to intervene.

Blood's thicker than water - I'd chalk it up to that, and let it go, if you think it's inappropriate to deal with it directly by talking to the person.

Rather than STARING at this person at a cluster meeting, as was suggested earlier, I'd open a conversation about it.

Lord knows, I've made lots of blunders in this business, and one of the reasons I joined this board was to converse with others and learn from mistakes.

Trouble with the internet, though, is you're not standing in front of that person.

So - say what you said to the family member who poached your business, and see what happens.
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  • #33
pamperedlinda said:
Okay, I'm still a little lost.....how on earth did this other consultant get in touch with the bride's family and convince them to buy from her? Is she friends with one of them?

I'm with Linda-I'm kind of confused. This post sparked my interest because I had a bridal registry a year or so ago. Only a few people ordered from her and when I found out that someone had bought the cookware for her NOT through the registry I was furious. I thought "How could another consultant do that?" I was really frustrated and I asked the bride about it. Apparently her church had given her a shower and people knew she was registered through The Pampered Chef. It was a pretty big church and my understanding is those doing the shower (NOT THE BRIDE) knew of a consultant within their church and they just placed the order through her, not realizing how our registry works. I'm not saying this consultant did not intentionally sabotage your registry but I am trying to show you that even when it seems that someone else is deliberately doing something against us, it isn't always the case.
  • #34
I would just talk to the consultant and not do the staring thing at meetings. I mean your an adult, just say "maybe there was a misunderstanding but, ..." if for no other reason than to make sure there is no bitternerss in your heart about the situation. I don't think its necessarily the directors responsiblity to scold the other consultant(and I don't think you should just stand back and say nothing either), I mean she can only do so much. I think you should talk to the consultant about the situation.
  • #35
Where about is Endicott? We have a great cluster meeting in Mckean, PA, which is about 20 miles from the NY boarder. We actully have two groups that meet together and they never turn anyone away! Our directors really go to bat for us and we all get a lot from each other. Makes me feel blessed to have our team, and Proud
  • #36
Shame on your director! She should do a three-way call with all of you at least to get it out in the open so everyone is clear about what happened here. Good luck and keep us posted with what happens. :)
  • #37
I think thats great advice Colleen.
  • #38
finley1991 said:
Shame on your director! She should do a three-way call with all of you at least to get it out in the open so everyone is clear about what happened here. Good luck and keep us posted with what happens. :)

The director has nothing to do with it. It's a family/personality conflict. The director cannot resolve it. The director is correct in not getting involved.

I've had people tell me they didn't like a previous consultant, XYZ, and they were going with me for future shows.

I suppose I should be glad that consultant XYZ isn't in my cluster. I'm in a metro area, and she'll never know.

This case is more difficult because they are in the same cluster.
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  • #39
Well, I am the one who suggested Staring at the consultant, and i must apologize for my hasty response. I was under the impression that the other consultant blatantly stole the registry out from under you. Perhaps having your director contacting the other consultant, who might have been new, and telling her that at PC we pride ourselves in helping each other out and not stepping on others' toes is the way we do things. I am sorry I came across as mean spirited, I didn't mean it that way. I do know that if that happened to someone on my team I would try to at least talk to the other consultant. So forgive me for my hasty attitude, I misunderstood the original post.
  • #40
kspry said:
The director has nothing to do with it. It's a family/personality conflict. The director cannot resolve it. The director is correct in not getting involved.

I guess as a director myself, I feel if there is conflict in my TEAM it is my job to help them sort it out. I view it as part of managing a TEAM of people. I'm paid my overrides to help them with any of their business issues. I guess that is what makes PC great... we can all choose to do what we want. I just think the director ignoring it is giving the message that she is condoning the behavior and it's not right in my eyes.
  • #41
Nanisu - you dont have to apologize! I suggested sitting beside her! I dont think any of us quite understand the post and we all react to things in our own way! And I agree with Colleen. There are times when I think the director needs to get involved to a certain degree. She needs to let the new consultant know that things like this are not acceptable
  • #42
Lets face it: life isn't fair. I once had a potential recruit call the home office for a referral because she decided that I lived too far away -10 miles- and she wanted an upline in her neighborhood) so I missed out on the benefits, but I decided it was better not to have her on my team anyway!If this other consultant is new and a distant relative, she might not have understood all the implications of her actions. I agree with what others said...family may have been trying to give her a head start with her business, even if she is a distant relative. (The aunt may have encouraged everyone to support cousin Sue and keep it fun!) The idea that the bride wouldn't know what she was getting is just silly. Every other registry (Dillard's, Macy's, Target, Sears, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc) would have the same issue so it is hard to believe people would fall for that line.I myself have 'stolen' some registry rewards, but it wasn't with a malicious attitude. My best friend from childhood selected items off a registry then called me to place the order because she had promised me that she would order from me if she ever needed anything from The Pampered Chef. It was $61.50 in product, which may or may not have been enough to bump the bride up to the next level. This was the first order my friend had ever placed with me and that was after I'd been in business almost 7 years. It was important to her to keep her word and I didn't want to hurt her feelings by turning down the business.Unfortunately, if the bride was to be surprised by the purchases, then I'm afraid that the consultant may have placed her own show with the orders so that everyone could take their gift wrapped up to the shower. Remember, though, your bride didn't lose all the benefits...she still got $100 in free product by working with you, plus two half-price items, the 25% discount with her order and 10% for the next year. Yes, she lost out on additional rewards, but if she got everything she wanted, then she didn't really need the extra free product. You earned over $120 you wouldn't have made otherwise and you are still in business!Expect that sometimes things will happen that aren't right or fair and that all you can do is choose how you react. Be strong and move forward!
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  • #43
Thank you all for your support and ideas.

Just to make a few things clear, the bride is the one who set up the registry and I did NOT cancel it on her mother's word.

Secondly, the bride does NOT even know the other consultant or that any of this even took place. If she did, I am sure that she would be on my side since we have known each other for quite a few years. (I don't know that you can call us friends but we are certainly more than acquantinces - she is my daughters godmothers good friend that I run into rather often being close to my daughters godmother). The other consultant is a distant cousin to the mother of the bride. So distant that the mother was not even sure of her last name.

In regards to some of you saying that this is not my directors responsibility, I totally disagree. What if this happened at my "normal" job or anyone else's for that matter? Isn't it the "bosses" job to make sure things run smoothly and like someone else said, the director is definately reaping the benefits of my sales.

And also to be clear, the other consultant went out of her way to make it sound as if purchasing through her instead of the registry would be much better for the bride. She told them that she would see what she could do to hand over all the host rewards to the bride which we all know is simply impossible because you can not submit a show without submitting the hosts rewards as well. I am guessing that she got herself a whole bunch of free stuff and all the incentives for a newbee weren't quite enough.

In regards to her being "new" - she has been active since at least March. She is not that "new". She clearly new better.

I am definately considering trying the hospitality director thing though. My director has been pretty lame from the beginning. I did not actually join with her but with another consultant that was below her but not too involved in recruiting. I approached her and was the first person to do so and she had at that time been with PC for 7 years or so.

Either way, I am furious and think that this whole thing is - I can't even say being handled poorly because it is not being handled at all.

Thanks again for all of your input.
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  • #44
Also, please realize that if this was a small amount of product, I really wouldn't care but this was $2,000.00 worth of product that I spent hours and hours working to get. And $2,000 is more than or close to what most of us have in sales for a whole month.
  • #45
I don't have any further input, I just think that stinks and I feel for you! I wouldn't quit PC over it because unfortuantely, it happens in all types of work "settings." The hospitality thing sounds like a better idea. Good luck with everything!
  • #46
I really hope you talk to this consultant about what has happened. She doesn't deserve to go "scott free".
  • #47
I am so sorry this happened to you! Thats awful, another consultant did this to you? Thats pretty rotten! I too would be very angry!
  • #48
I am new to PC and still learning the ropes. Since she is not getting the support from her Director and this is going to cause bad blood between them, is there a way for her to change her Director? Since her Director gets a percentage of her sales, I am sure that will contribute to her decision to quit PC. I would not want someone who would not stand up for me to profit from my hard work if I had a choice in the matter.
  • #49
A hospitality director is a great idea. You need to be in a supportive group. It's hard to let go when you have been wronged. I have found that it tears me up inside. I would tell the other consultant how you feel. I know it's hard, but trust me, you need to. You will continue with the pain of resentment and revenge. One year a grandfather came to parent-teacher conferences and said, "I don't like you!" When I asked why, he said that I was stuck up and thought I was better than him. He said he knew this, because the year before, I passed him in the hall and didn't say hi. My comment: "Didn't you just come from church tonight Mr. (C)? Well, I think judgment should be left to God, don't you? I set the ground. The remainder of the year, I had a great year with this man. I wasn't about ready to roll over. ( I do work in the public schools, and yes I did mention God, but I had no problem with this Christian to Christian. )The hardest things in life can be confronting someone. Do not quit PC!!! I would have quit a long time ago if I let principals comments determine my continuing of changing people's lives.
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  • #50
Just as an idea. I belong to a great cluster and we have 2 girls from up your way. We meet the 2nd tuesday of the month in Elk mountain. You could probablty carpool and I would be happy to set it up and we would be thrilled to have you! Come once and see what you think :)
Email me if you want some info or to talk
<h2>1. Can a Pampered Chef consultant access another consultant's bridal registry sales?</h2><p>No, each consultant can only access their own bridal registry sales.</p><h2>2. What happens if a consultant convinces someone to purchase from them instead of the bridal registry?</h2><p>The consultant will receive the sales and the bride will not receive any rewards or notification of the purchase.</p><h2>3. Can a consultant cancel a bridal registry?</h2><p>No, only the bride or the Pampered Chef home office can cancel a bridal registry.</p><h2>4. What can a consultant do if they feel another consultant has stolen their bridal registry sales?</h2><p>The consultant can contact their director and the Pampered Chef home office to report the issue. However, there may not be any action taken, as each consultant is responsible for their own sales.</p><h2>5. How can a consultant prevent someone from stealing their bridal registry sales?</h2><p>The best way to prevent this situation is to educate the bride and her guests about the importance of purchasing from the bridal registry. Consultants should also communicate with the bride regularly to ensure that her registry is up-to-date and to offer support for any issues that may arise.</p>

Related to Consultant Stealing Bridal Registry Sales

1. Can a Pampered Chef consultant access another consultant's bridal registry sales?

No, each consultant can only access their own bridal registry sales.

2. What happens if a consultant convinces someone to purchase from them instead of the bridal registry?

The consultant will receive the sales and the bride will not receive any rewards or notification of the purchase.

3. Can a consultant cancel a bridal registry?

No, only the bride or the Pampered Chef home office can cancel a bridal registry.

4. What can a consultant do if they feel another consultant has stolen their bridal registry sales?

The consultant can contact their director and the Pampered Chef home office to report the issue. However, there may not be any action taken, as each consultant is responsible for their own sales.

5. How can a consultant prevent someone from stealing their bridal registry sales?

The best way to prevent this situation is to educate the bride and her guests about the importance of purchasing from the bridal registry. Consultants should also communicate with the bride regularly to ensure that her registry is up-to-date and to offer support for any issues that may arise.

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