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Become Healthier Together: Join the Fiber 35 Diet!

In summary, the person is restarting the Fiber 35 diet, is trying to get healthy, and has tried many different weight loss plans in the past.
I was originally going to make this a weight loss thread but not everyone needs to lose weight. Also those that are trying to lose weight may be do it in different manners. I want this to be a place for all of us to be able to discuss geting and feeling healthier.

I am restarting the Fiber 35 diet today. Last time I started this I felt really good - Lots of energy - etc.

Anyone want to join me???

I will put in a second post with my weight loss history to start the thread.
I might just have to jump on this with you!:) My goal is to get healthy! Of course I want to loose weight but my main thing is I want to be healthy for not only myself but my kids and hubby too. We bought me a really nice bike about 3 weeks ago and I need to get out and right it more! I have rode it with my family and have taken some great rides but I need to do it by myself too! If I could discipline myself to a 1/2 hour -1 hour a day, I know I'd be feeling much better. I also need to restart my Southbeach Diet. I just love bread and cereal! I don't have a problem eating whole grains at all, as a matter of fact, it's my preference but for 2 weeks you are suppossed to eliminate them, and then slowly add some back in. I did great on it before, and I feel stupid that I started again with my unhealthy habits!:rolleyes: :eek: I can do it, I can do it. I think I'll start today!
I also take a lot of fiber too so, that helps me a lot!
Great thread, thanks for starting it, I'll be checking in regularly!;)
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I'm in. I like the idea of attention to health and not necessarily weight loss.

I didn't ride my bike this morning because I'm having a little, I don't know what to call it, health issue, I guess. I won't be able to do my regular exercise for a few days.

But I ate a good breakfast of grapefruit and baked oatmeal. For lunch I went to a fabulous little place for some freshly made tomato basil soup, a small bit of fresh bread, and some fresh fruit.

So far so good.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I think I have been dieting since I was 12 year old. Anyone remember Ayd's candies? Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher's (many times), Atkins, starving myself. I dieted myself all the way up to 310 lbs. At the end of my rope I have gastric bypass surgery Febraury of 1998. I have lost 120+ lbs. It is still up and down because my surgeon didn't make my pouch (tiny tummy name) as small as they do now. I still need to lose about 40-50 more lbs.
Life is so much better now.
I now work in the vitamin dept at a local health food store.. You know dieters are the most well informed people around. Sometimes we read too much and get totally confused. Every diet plan makes such a convincing argument.
I am trying the Fiber 35 diet (www.fiber35diet.com) I had good success with the WW Core program and this just emphasizes more fiber. It helped me drop the food cravings and feel full most of the time. Good healthy food - whole grains, lean meat, fruits and veggies etc.

It more about feeling good and having energy without cravings rather than losing weight.
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I really think that if you concentrate on eating well and moving, your body will settle into a healthy weight for you. I don't believe you have to be a size 6 to be healthy.

I also dieted from the time I was about 14. Gee, that means I've been dieting off and on for 30 years. When I started, I wore a size 5. That's right. Size 5. What was I thinking? Nope. No food/weight issues here.

I've tried so many stupid ways to lose weight. And, like you said, just packed on more pounds with each one. I've actually lost a little over 20 pounds over the last year. I haven't been doing anything special. It's kind of like my body decided, "Okay, she's serious about this stuff. I guess we can let a few pounds go.

I exercise 5 days a week--usually 30 minutes on my exercise bike first thing in the morning. (I have to do it before I have a chance to talk myself out of it.) I drink lots of water. I'm diabetic, so I have had to learn what works well for my body. Surprise! It's whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, and lean meats. Who'da thunk it?

One thing that I appreciate about PC is that it really makes it easier for me to make dinner at home, where I know exactly what's going into my food. There is a lot of hidden sugar and sodium in restaurant food. Not that I don't love it and enjoy eating out on a regular basis. It's just nice to know that what I'm selling has the potential to be used for good health.
I have started watching my diet too. I need to loose a lot of weight but I don't like the diet plans. So I am just watching my food intake. I am trying to eat 3 good meals a day with lots of fruit and veggies. Also staying away from chocolate which is a hard one for me. I have lost 12 pounds since March so I am off to a good start. The first 8 pounds I was not even trying hard, so I hope it all comes off that easy now that I am working on it. Good luck everyone on your goals.

I have a treadmill that I need to get on more, I love having it but part of the problem is it's up stairs in my spare room. I like it out of sight on my main floor. But it also back fires since it's out of site it is out of mind alot too.
I'm supposed to be on an anti-candida diet, thank goodenss my husband goes on the diet with me as he likes those foods more than I do. LOL. Good luck to all of us trying to eat healthier and exercise more.
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  • #8
Well I have been good all day - making a little dessert with fresh berries and white chocolate SF FF pudding for later. Have a kindergarten graduation tomorrow. Hope there are not lots of treats although as a Pampered Chef consultant I am tempted to bring some!
Kathytnt said:
Well I have been good all day - making a little dessert with fresh berries and white chocolate SF FF pudding for later. Have a kindergarten graduation tomorrow. Hope there are not lots of treats although as a Pampered Chef consultant I am tempted to bring some!
Just remember, if you take treats, they can be healthy ones like cut fruit or Ants on a Log.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
I don't htink you can bring ants on a log to school. Some schools ban peanut products - Almond butter would get a bit pricey
  • #11
You could make it with cream cheese or lowfat cream cheese.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Ahhhh - Good idea
I guess it's kind of late and I don't know the rules My sister is out buying new dress shoes for the graduate It was just a year ago the wer were doing Pre-K graduation She is growing up so fast Sniff Sniff
  • #13
I'm in for a healthy support group! I just posted on the diet thread, but I have found that when I write down what I eat every day, I eat less garbage because then I feel guilty having to write it down! LOL!

I'm training for the Hood-2-Coast Relay in Portland, OR, in August. It's a gruelling race, and I am totally not in shape for it! I need all the support I can get! I love running, but since mornings are the best time for me, that is my stumbling block--getting up before everyone else so that I can get out and pound the pavement. *sigh*
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  • #14
I am hoping to do another half-marathon or two this fall. We don't have any during the summer here because it is too hot. I race-walk because my knees have cartiledge damage from my former obesity. I injured my foot about a 6 weeks ago so I didn't get to do the Half that I had planned to do May 6th. We did the 5K instead.

My biggest struggle is once I get off track with my diet I have trouble getting back on track

I have a big problem with hypoglycemia. I have had to get up and get something to eat the last two night due to my blood sugar dropping. Not fun at all waking up in a pool of sweat. It's kind of scary. I feel weak and it's hard to get to the fridge.
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  • #15
Its really important if you have hypoglycemia to eat the right foods every 3 hours. All I remember from when I was making sure I did the snacks was to have peanut butter and apple slices for a snack. I know there was a lot more than that but that is all I can remember right now.
  • #16
Okay, so it's a new day. How's everyone doing this morning?

Still can't exercise, but my breakfast of grapefruit and baked oatmeal really hit the spot. Blood sugars are nice and steady. Should be a good day.
  • #17
Brandie said:
I'm in for a healthy support group! I just posted on the diet thread, but I have found that when I write down what I eat every day, I eat less garbage because then I feel guilty having to write it down! LOL!

I'm training for the Hood-2-Coast Relay in Portland, OR, in August. It's a gruelling race, and I am totally not in shape for it! I need all the support I can get! I love running, but since mornings are the best time for me, that is my stumbling block--getting up before everyone else so that I can get out and pound the pavement. *sigh*

I'm proud of you, Brandie! How long will you be in Oregon? You won't be missing the August meeting, will you? I don't know if we can allow that.
  • #18
raebates said:
Okay, so it's a new day. How's everyone doing this morning?

Still can't exercise, but my breakfast of grapefruit and baked oatmeal really hit the spot. Blood sugars are nice and steady. Should be a good day.

have you heard of/tried Agave Nectar? It is a natural sweetener that tastes great, but it is very low glycemic, and doesn't effect your blood sugar levels. We love it - DH even uses it on toast! It looks like honey, but tastes like sugar. I first heard about it in a book called "Ultra-Metabolism", and at first I could only find it at the health food store, but now I can buy it at Meijers too.
  • #19
No I hadn't. Sounds interesting. I'll be at my favorite alternative health store today. I'll check it out. Thanks!
  • #20
I LOVE grapefruit, Rae, and I don't have any! I, too, am in training...certainly for nothing like the Hood to Coast! I'm training for the Chicago Triathlon and the Chicago Marathon. I just need to get my booty out and DO IT! I like to take Holly the Husky with me when I train, but that doesn't work so well on the bike, so I'm not so good about biking and swimming...
  • #21
oh and PS what's baked oatmeal? Sounds yummy!
  • #22
Things are going well this morning. I ran three miles last night and another two this morning. I had strawberries and a breakfast cereal bar (Nutri-Grain) for breakfast and a two ounces of peanuts for my snack (high in protien--makes you feel really full). I'm not sure what lunch will be--either cheese quesadillas with salsa or mac-n-cheese (the whole grain kind) and broccoli. It depends on what the girls want!

I'm weighing myself every morning after my run, too. Once I am under 150 for five consectutive days, I'm treating myself to a Jimmy Johns sandwich. Just one. :D

Rae--no, I won't miss the meeting. I'll be gone from the 22nd through either the 30th or Sept 1st. We're trying to arrange to come home by train through the Rockies. We'll see how it goes!
  • #23
Sounds fun, Brandie.

Kim, baked oatmeal is wonderful. I'm not at home right now. When I get there, I'll let you know the recipe. The great thing (besides the fact that it tastes sort of like an oatmeal cookie) is that it's one of those recipes you just mix together and shove in the oven. It's fast, easy, and good for you. It also reheats well.

Great. Now I'm hungry.
  • Thread starter
  • #24
I did good yesterday - I made some SF FF white chocolate pudding and have it with strawberries and blackberries Have a bunch of left over berries from Trifles over the weekend.

Today so far I have had a banana and grabbed a veggie tray at 7-11 while I was out running around.
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  • #25
Okay, here's the recipe.Baked Oatmeal1/2 c vegetable oil
3/4 c sugar
2 eggs
3/4 T baking powder
1/2 t salt
1 1/8 c milk
3 c oatmeal (rolled or quick cook--not instant)Preheat oven to 350F. Beat oil and sugar together with whisk. Add eggs. Add remaining ingredients. (I usually switch to a Classic Scraper for this part.) Mix well. Pour into greased 9 x 9 pan. (This fits well into the Small Round Baker. A half recipe fits perfectly in the small oval baker.)Bake until firm and golden brown (about 1 hour). Can be topped with raisins and brown sugar.
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  • #26
MMMMMMM I wonder what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow!! I took Holly for a short walk. It's so hot out...I've been up and down the stairs 20 times because I forgot things, does that count as exercise?? I had an apple with PB for breakfast then leftover taco pizza for lunch (just one slice!) and we're having Gnocchi for dinner! I snuck a brownie bite that was leftover from my weekend fundraiser, but that's okay, right?
  • #27
Okay, all, we have a bright new day.

Frankly, I'm a bit frustrated with not being able to exercise. I'm hoping to be able to next week. Without it, I feel sluggish.

Breakfast was grapefruit and whole wheat cinnamon swirl toast with butter. (Well, actually it's half butter, half olive oil. I whip it together and keep it in the fridge. Half the bad fat, half good fat, and it spreads right out of the fridge.)
  • #28
Still haven't had breakfast, but I did run a bit with Georgia in the jogger (and if you know anything about running with a jogging stroller, you know that it's about three times harder than running solo because you can't use your arms!). I did a total of two miles, but I had to walk a bit twice because my arms were so sore! GRRRRR!

I think I'll go shower (now that I have stopped sweating--a lovely thought, I realize), then have some Cheerios and fruit! Mmmmmm...Cheerios...
  • #29
I feel much better--clean, fed, etc. *sigh* Life is good.
  • #30
I ran 3 miles with the beast this morning...wowser, it's hot out! I knew I had to do it before I lost my nerve, though! And I had a lean pocket for lunch! I'm not sure about dinner yet...gotta work on that!
  • #31
Lunch was a grilled cheeseburger with extra pickles (they're a vegetable, right?) and sugar-free ice cream. Not great, but not bad. I've also been drinking lots of water, of course.

I'm so jealous of those of you able to exercise. I've kind of hinted at a physical problem. I didn't go into details because I wasn't exactly sure, but I now know for certain. I have a mild case of shingles. Unfortunately, the rash part is on my upper, inner thigh. Any friction at all is very painful and exacerbates the problem. That means no biking, no walking, no nothing. Bah! I'm hoping that the rash will diminish to the point that I can resume my normal activities soon. Right now, it's all I can do to work. Ibuprofen helps.

I'm so stinkin' tired, though. I always feel sluggish when I don't exercise, so the fatigue on top of that is really annoying. I need a nap. Thankfully I don't have a show until Tuesday, so I'm hoping I'll feel better by then.

Yes, I'm done whining now.
  • #32
I'm glad they figured out what it is, Rae. Shingles can be very dangerous. Good thing you're getting treatment - we'd hate for anything to happen to you.
  • #33
Thanks. Actually, with such a mild case, there isn't really anything they can do. Topical coritzone cream and ibuprofen; get lots of rest.
  • #33
Rae, Have you ever substituted the oil in the baked oatmeal for applesauce?
I know they do this in cakes etc. to cut out the fat.

Whadda u think? The recipe sounds yummy. I love oats.
  • #34

Have you ever substituted applesauce for part or all of the oil? I know there are recipes for cake that they do this to cut out the fat.

Whadda U think? This sounds so good. I love oats!
  • Thread starter
  • #35
Neem cream can help with Shingles and other skin issues. You can get it at your health food store
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  • #36
Feeling good and the pants are also a bit looser Too cool!
  • #37
Hay, Rae--my mom got shingles last year while she was traveling abroad--can you imagine feeling that crummy while trying to be a tourist because you paid thousands of dollars for the trip? Yoikes! Not fun, but I know you'll get through it!

As for me, I ran four miles this morning and enjoyed a giant bowl of Cheerios with fat-free milk. Mmmmmmm...

I was really bad last night, though. I had a "yea-we're-done" party with the rest of the committee for the hoity-toity preschool fundraiser, and I made a cake and chocloate-covered strawberries for the desserts. I make the most kick-@$$ frosting, so I had a small piece of cake and two strawberries! Yikes! If it's the worst bump in thr road, though, I'll be fine. This weekend will be tough--we're headed to the lake for Memorial Day weekend. Lots of junk food there...
  • #38
Kathy, I'll check on the neem cream. Sounds interesting.

Brandie, I absolutely cannot imagine trying to travel with shingles. She must have been miserable.

The good thing is that I'm so daggone tired by the time I get home I can't really eat. Last night I had a handful each of dried fruit and nuts. The Furry Guy is living on leftovers, but they'll be gone soon.

This morning I had grapefruit and grapenuts. I'm feeling better, but I still miss exercising. Oh, bother!
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  • #39
Rae - I had never heard of some of this stuff before I started working at the store and getting seriously educated.
  • #40
It's surprising what's out there.
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  • #41
Restarted the diet on Monday and 2.2 lbs appear to have found another home. Kewl Now I better get back on that bike
  • #42
I have told others about this, but check out SparksPeople.com. It is an awesome site, all free, tons of info. You can log your food and exercise. It tracks nutrients, and lets you set your own goals. Plus there are tons of boards so that you can communicate with others like yourself. There is even a PC board!

I joined in late January and am almost 30 lbs lighter. It is awesome.

What I have been doing is sticking to 1100-1200 cal a day, only whole grains, very balanced. For the first few months, there was no wine, but I have gradually added a glass or two in(!) and last night had Breyer's doubled churned ice cream. Wooo Hoooo!

It's a great way to keep track of what you are eating and doing, plus you can't beat the price. There is a point thing, you earn them, but it's not like you can redeem them, it's more for motivation. If you join, use my email, [email protected], or my name, Syeliab, as I get points for people joining. I am past 5000 points!
  • Thread starter
  • #43
I signed up for sparkpeople but it didn't ask for a referral - bummer

I have dropped 2.4 lbs since I started my program but most importantly the sugar cravings are greatly diminished.
  • #44
Well, I didn't run this morning (my morning off--I do four days on, one day off). I enjoyed my standard Cheerios and a few bites of a banana. Played outside with the girls and some play friends this monring, then made lunch for everyone--cheese and bacon quesadillas. Didn't have too many, and instead ate a lot of the fresh pineapple I cut up for everyone--YUM! So far, so good.

I'll check back in after the weekend--wish me lots of will power--there's a lot of junk food to be had at the lake!
  • #45
Jazzercise!If your looking for a good excercise program, Jazzercise is great! I have been doing it for over a year now, I go 5 to 6 times a week. It is an hour class and you really get a great workout. I have gone down 2 sizes!!!

You can go to jazzercise. com and see if there is one in your area. I think you can try it for a week free. Also, where I go they have daycare, so I am able to take my 2yr old and he loves it because he has new friends too!
  • #46
My shingles are still preventing exercise.

Breakfast and lunch were both healthy, and I'm keeping myself very well hydrated.

Lots of good sleep tonight.
  • #47
For those that are into tortillas, check out the La Tortilla factory ones. They are low in calories, and high in fiber. The small ones are 50 (I think) cal, and 8 g of fiber, and the huge, whole wheat ones are 80 cal and something like 12 g of fiber.

Also, another good thing is Thomas' English Muffin, the multi grain ones. They only have 100 cal and something like 6 g of fiber. I have them with a Boca Burger and it's a 200 calorie "burger". Ok, no cheese, no mayo, but with some dill pickle chips, catsup, and dijon mustard, it's great for me.

And, check out the mini bags of microwave popcorn. Only 100 calories, and you can eat the whole bag! Way better, and more food, than those little 100 calories snack packs that you see everywhere.

And last, but not least, Breyer's Double Churned Chocolate Ice Cream. Somewhere around 110 cal for 1/2 c and this stuff tastes WONDERFUL!!

That's all I got for now. Enzo the dog and I got our 3.5 miles in today before it rained. Tomorrow it's more walking and strength training day.
  • #48
Didn't set the alarm this morning and slept in until 5:45! One of the big things they keep trying to hammer into my head is that I need lots of rest for my body to rid itself of the shingles.I'm planning a fairly restful day. I need to straighten up the kitchen because, well, frankly, I haven't done much in there this week. It's not horrible, but it could use about half an hour's attention. I need to check over my lesson for tomorrow, but with 3-K kids, it's not really strenuous work. I have a show to close, so I'll meet with the host and take care of that. She's a wonderful friend, though, so that's more fun than work. For the rest of the day I plan to read and doze. The fridge is full of quick, healthy, snacky things because I got all that stuff on my Thursday marketing day.Good Lord willing, I'll be mostly all better by Tuesday.
  • #49
raebates said:
Didn't set the alarm this morning and slept in until 5:45! One of the big things they keep trying to hammer into my head is that I need lots of rest for my body to rid itself of the shingles.

I'm planning a fairly restful day. I need to straighten up the kitchen because, well, frankly, I haven't done much in there this week. It's not horrible, but it could use about half an hour's attention. I need to check over my lesson for tomorrow, but with 3-K kids, it's not really strenuous work. I have a show to close, so I'll meet with the host and take care of that. She's a wonderful friend, though, so that's more fun than work.

For the rest of the day I plan to read and doze. The fridge is full of quick, healthy, snacky things because I got all that stuff on my Thursday marketing day.

Good Lord willing, I'll be mostly all better by Tuesday.

IF (big if!) my memory serves me correctly - Shingles is caused by the same virus as Chicken Pox......it's the adult equivalent of C.P., but much more painful in adults than in children. Rest this weekend Rae! Aren't you having a Movie Day, and just lounging and watching movies? That sounds like the very best thing you could do for your body!
  • #50
You're right Becky. It seems that the chicken pox virus doesn't actually leave your body. No one knows why, but in a small percentage of people the virus reactivates as shingles. It usually happens in older people or people with compromised immune systems. I'm diabetic, so that's how I fit in. Of those people who get shingles, a very small percentage have recurring bouts.WebMD has some great information.Yes, a slug day is what I had planned for Monday. Now it's more or less a slug weekend. My host called. They've had a death in the family, so she won't be closing today. She'll close soon, though. In the meantime, one less thing to do today.
<h2>1. What is the Fiber 35 Diet?</h2><p>The Fiber 35 Diet is a weight loss and health program that focuses on increasing dietary fiber intake to improve overall health and aid in weight loss. It was created by nutritionist Brenda Watson and is based on the concept of consuming 35 grams of fiber per day.</p><h2>2. How does the Fiber 35 Diet work?</h2><p>The Fiber 35 Diet works by increasing fiber intake, which helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied, regulates blood sugar levels, and supports healthy digestion. It also involves incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods into meals and snacks and reducing processed and high-sugar foods.</p><h2>3. Is the Fiber 35 Diet suitable for everyone?</h2><p>The Fiber 35 Diet is generally safe and suitable for most adults. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or health program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.</p><h2>4. Can I still lose weight if I don't need to lose a lot?</h2><p>Yes, the Fiber 35 Diet is not just for weight loss, but also for improving overall health. Even if you don't have a lot of weight to lose, following the principles of the diet can still benefit your health and help you maintain a healthy weight.</p><h2>5. What kind of results can I expect from the Fiber 35 Diet?</h2><p>Results may vary from person to person, but many people who follow the Fiber 35 Diet report feeling more energized, having better digestion, and losing weight. It is important to note that results also depend on individual commitment and following the program properly.</p>

Related to Become Healthier Together: Join the Fiber 35 Diet!

1. What is the Fiber 35 Diet?

The Fiber 35 Diet is a weight loss and health program that focuses on increasing dietary fiber intake to improve overall health and aid in weight loss. It was created by nutritionist Brenda Watson and is based on the concept of consuming 35 grams of fiber per day.

2. How does the Fiber 35 Diet work?

The Fiber 35 Diet works by increasing fiber intake, which helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied, regulates blood sugar levels, and supports healthy digestion. It also involves incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods into meals and snacks and reducing processed and high-sugar foods.

3. Is the Fiber 35 Diet suitable for everyone?

The Fiber 35 Diet is generally safe and suitable for most adults. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or health program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

4. Can I still lose weight if I don't need to lose a lot?

Yes, the Fiber 35 Diet is not just for weight loss, but also for improving overall health. Even if you don't have a lot of weight to lose, following the principles of the diet can still benefit your health and help you maintain a healthy weight.

5. What kind of results can I expect from the Fiber 35 Diet?

Results may vary from person to person, but many people who follow the Fiber 35 Diet report feeling more energized, having better digestion, and losing weight. It is important to note that results also depend on individual commitment and following the program properly.

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