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Would You Wear a Pampered Chef Shirt To...

In summary, I think it would be best to wear a PC shirt to Jury Duty. It might make it harder to get out of, but it's your civic duty and it's an interesting conversation starter.
Would you wear a PC shirt to Jury Duty???

I have to report tomorrow and was thinking I might wear one of my button downs. Then I thouht that it might make it harder to get out of, I know it's my civic duty but I am a SAHM and it would create a financial hardship IYKWIM.

Anyhoo, would you do it?
If you are trying to get out of it, no I wouldn't!! If you don't care whether or not you are selected, by all means....Advertise!!!
I dont know how they do it where you are, but in NY even if you're not gonna get picked you STILL have to sit there all day.:mad: So I would definetly wear it cuz it gets REALLY boring after awhile & you'll have a captive audience;) LOL, you might even be able to do a catalog show while you're there!;) But I think they have special rules for SAHM...especially if you need a baby sitter. Good Luck!:D
ABSOLUTELY!!!! It's amazing the conversation that will start when someone sees the shirt. I'd also take business cards in case someone is interested in product and or a party.
Yup - be a walking billboard. It might even raise the suspicions of one (or both) of the lawyers and get you excused.

If that doesn't work, tell them you're self employed and jury duty, especilally on a protracted capitol case would be a hardship. (It's not that I don't want to serve on a jury, it just would cost me far more than it would be worth.)
Do you have the catalog shoulder tote? That would be the best conversation starter!! It worked last weekend for me at the grocery store and when my husband took me to breakfast!! I gave out two catalogs to total strangers!!! The cover sparks interest, even in a restaurant!!!

If you don't have that tote, you can just take a catalog to sit and flip through as you are waiting. And stock up your purse with business cards for anyone who shows an interest!

If you don't want to serve on the jury, when you claim hardship the judge will also see the shirt and may not believe that it would conflict with your business (like it would for a store owner or other small business owner). If you do want to serve, wear a PC shirt every day!! Maybe you can book a show for the court clerk, an attorney or even the judge!!! LOL!!

Some of us can never serve on a jury and would love to!!!
True.....I live in Virginia but am a California resident so no jury duty for me!!

Have a Pampered Day!
stephanieboyd said:
Do you have the catalog shoulder tote? That would be the best conversation starter!! It worked last weekend for me at the grocery store and when my husband took me to breakfast!! I gave out two catalogs to total strangers!!! The cover sparks interest, even in a restaurant!!!

If you don't have that tote, you can just take a catalog to sit and flip through as you are waiting. And stock up your purse with business cards for anyone who shows an interest!

If you don't want to serve on the jury, when you claim hardship the judge will also see the shirt and may not believe that it would conflict with your business (like it would for a store owner or other small business owner). If you do want to serve, wear a PC shirt every day!! Maybe you can book a show for the court clerk, an attorney or even the judge!!! LOL!!

Some of us can never serve on a jury and would love to!!!

Or if you convict the guy, maybe you can do a show at the license plate factory! :eek:
KG, you crack me up!!!!
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Or if you convict the guy, maybe you can do a show at the license plate factory! :eek:

Or.....in the visiting room of the prison for all of the well to do families of the other inmates?????!!!!!! :eek: LOL!!!
  • #10
I wear pc clothing everywhere. But I also have a pc coat, I say yes wear it, maybe tell the judge that you have a show that day that is why you are in uniform.
  • #11
bbauman07 said:
I wear pc clothing everywhere. But I also have a pc coat, I say yes wear it, maybe tell the judge that you have a show that day that is why you are in uniform.
I wouldn't volunteer anything to the judge. Answer what he/she asks but don't volunteer anything!
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  • #12
Maybe I should have done a poll? I think I will wear my black button down, my hair hits mid-back and I can just make sure it covers the logo when we are in the court room!

How about a cooking demo at the prison to teach all of the inmates how to cook when they get out, plus they will need stuff in their new kitchens when they start over right??
  • #13
soonerchef said:
Maybe I should have done a poll? I think I will wear my black button down, my hair hits mid-back and I can just make sure it covers the logo when we are in the court room!

How about a cooking demo at the prison to teach all of the inmates how to cook when they get out, plus they will need stuff in their new kitchens when they start over right??
Recruit 'em so they have a job when they get out. You can get a shirt for them from VIP with a little license plate embroidered under the logo.
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  • #14
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Recruit 'em so they have a job when they get out. You can get a shirt for them from VIP with a little license plate embroidered under the logo.

I think I might pee in my pants I am laughing so hard!
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  • #15
Well, know I am bummed. Jury duty was canceled for my group. I had actually gotten all excited about having a captive audience for a day. Oh well, guess I will go and find that business elsewhere today!
  • #16
soonerchef said:
Well, know I am bummed. Jury duty was canceled for my group. I had actually gotten all excited about having a captive audience for a day. Oh well, guess I will go and find that business elsewhere today!
Of all the ways I've heard of that people use to get out of jury duty, having it canceled is about the most reliable one I've come across. I need to remember that one...So how did you do it?
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  • #17
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Of all the ways I've heard of that people use to get out of jury duty, having it canceled is about the most reliable one I've come across. I need to remember that one...So how did you do it?

If I told you, you would have to promise yourself to secrecy!
  • #18
stephanieboyd said:
If you don't want to serve on the jury, when you claim hardship the judge will also see the shirt and may not believe that it would conflict with your business (like it would for a store owner or other small business owner). If you do want to serve, wear a PC shirt every day!! Maybe you can book a show for the court clerk, an attorney or even the judge!!! LOL!!

Some of us can never serve on a jury and would love to!!!

I have served 3 times on the jury!!! And been called another 7!!

Advertise!! You don't get paid enough for your time...so you might as well make the best of it.:D

Conflict with your business will never get you off jury duty. Seen too many people try to claim that one to know better!:rolleyes:

The times that I have been called, there have been SAHM with young children that were excused because of lack of childcare. I have seen other moms try to get out of it who's children were 12 and above, the judge said no.

Stephanie, as far as your comment about loving to serve on a jury...be careful what you ask for! :confused: As you saw above, I have done my fair share in the 11 years since I turned 18. (My husband has never been called once in his 13 years of adulthood...!!!) I am not one to weezle my way out of jury duty...but I was on a jury for a murder trial :eek: and it affected me for years after and still does! So be careful what you ask for-jury duty is often times the hardest job in the world!
  • #19
soonerchef said:
If I told you, you would have to promise yourself to secrecy!
Okay! Mum's the word.
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  • #20
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Okay! Mum's the word.

Well, you call the number on the card and listen to the recording. When it says that your group has been canceled, you don't show up! How cool is that?!

Also, you remember our 3 is for me conversation a while back? I think I might do it this month, I am having a signing party next Tues with 3 people!!!
  • #21
Actually, Marlene, they won't ever choose me because my parents were both police officers my whole life and I had originally intended on becoming a prosecutor before I went into private investigations. I am not the most impartial person in the world. I would like to think that I could be, but I probably wouldn't be!!!

All of that was lifetimes ago, before the PC bug got me!!! Well, and marriage, and living in a foreign country, and well life in general!!!
  • #22
soonerchef said:
Well, you call the number on the card and listen to the recording. When it says that your group has been canceled, you don't show up! How cool is that?!

Also, you remember our 3 is for me conversation a while back? I think I might do it this month, I am having a signing party next Tues with 3 people!!!

I'm impressed!
  • #23
Wow, I completely ENVY all of you that have been asked to be on jury duty. I think that it is truly a blessing in disguise. I would LOVE to be on a jury. My father is a retired Fed. Officer/FOP Negotiations Director for quite some time. I admire and love/hate our justice system. If you do not want to be on the jury, then some how, some way you should let them know that you don't care what is going on and therefore you may be sending an innocent person to jail that shouldn't be in that room in the first place. That is just my two cents. hehe. :)
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  • #24
For some of us serving would create a financial hardship, I am one of those. I am a SAHM, would would loose money since my husband would have to take off work (w/o pay) or we would have to shell out about $500/week for daycare. It's just not possible for me now, but I would love to serve when it is possible!
  • #25
If you would of had to go I would definetely where the shirt and advertise!! I had the perfect example this weekend. When my husband and I go out to the bar (Which is hardly ever) I usually switch purses. I take every thing out of my PC catalog shoulder tote and put it in a different purse. I didn't take the time this weekend. My husband laughed at me and didn't want me taking my PC tote but oh well. It was worth it. I had one person ask for a catalog (they are getting married and where interested in the registry) and possibly having a show. And I also ended up giving out 2 business cards. Who would have thought?

Related to Would You Wear a Pampered Chef Shirt To...

1. Would you wear a Pampered Chef shirt to a Pampered Chef party?

Yes, wearing a Pampered Chef shirt to a Pampered Chef party is a great way to show your support and enthusiasm for the brand. Plus, it can help you connect with other guests and make new friends who share your love for cooking and Pampered Chef products.

2. Would you wear a Pampered Chef shirt to a non-Pampered Chef cooking event?

Absolutely! Wearing a Pampered Chef shirt to a non-Pampered Chef cooking event can help promote the brand and spark conversation with others who may be interested in our products. Plus, it's a great way to show your pride and passion for cooking.

3. Can I wear a Pampered Chef shirt to a formal event?

While a Pampered Chef shirt may not be the most appropriate attire for a formal event, you can always dress it up by pairing it with a blazer or dress pants. This can be a fun and unique way to showcase your love for cooking and the Pampered Chef brand.

4. Would you wear a Pampered Chef shirt to a casual gathering with friends?

Yes, wearing a Pampered Chef shirt to a casual gathering with friends is a great way to show your passion for cooking and spark conversation about the brand. It's also a comfortable and stylish option for a low-key hangout with loved ones.

5. Can I customize my Pampered Chef shirt with my name or title?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers customizable shirts where you can add your name or title to show off your personal touch. It's a great way to stand out and promote the brand in a unique way.

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