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Personal Will It Rain on My Outdoor Wedding?

In summary, Amanda is getting married on July 4th and is worried about the weather. She is praying for the best and reminds us that no matter what the weather is, the bride is still happy. Her husband-to-be said the same thing. They got married at the courthouse across the street from where her work is and it rained on their wedding day. They are happily married now and were pregnant 6 months after their wedding. However, they were really bad when they were trying to keep the secret that they were getting married and told their family four months in advance.
So I am getting married on 7/04/09. We are having an outside wedding ceremony @ Virginia Tech's Horticulture Gardens. I just checked the weather for that day and it says scattered thunderstorms. :cry::cry::cry:

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, join me in praying for NO RAIN! I know that no matter what the weather does, we will still get married, but nobody wants it to rain on their wedding day. Gosh, I am so nervous now. I swear, planning a wedding will shave YEARS off of your life! LOL!
I'm praying for ya!! This is why DH and I eloped!
I remember people telling me that a rainy day was supposed to be good luck. Something about fertility. ;)
Good luck Amanda! It's still a week away - the weather can easily change. Here's hoping for a wonderful wedding day for you (rain or shine:)
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  • #5
Thanks ladies! I am just praying for the best! I know the weather will be what God wants, and not me, but it doesn't hurt to ask Him huh? :)
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  • #6
Crystal Patton said:
I'm praying for ya!! This is why DH and I eloped!

Haha! This is what my hubby-to-be said....had I known what this would be like, I would have eloped too! :D
aalbert said:
Haha! This is what my hubby-to-be said....had I known what this would be like, I would have eloped too! :D

We were really bad though - when our families started fighting about who was paying for the flowers we told them we decided to wait a year. BUT we eloped on our original date anyway and didn't say anything for 4 months. :eek: My Mom was pissed!!! LOL
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  • #8
Crystal Patton said:
We were really bad though - when our families started fighting about who was paying for the flowers we told them we decided to wait a year. BUT we eloped on our original date anyway and didn't say anything for 4 months. :eek: My Mom was pissed!!! LOL

LOL! That is hilarious! Yeah, don't the the parents would be too happy if I did that, actually come to think of it, maybe so after all is said and done! LOL!
It rained on my wedding day, but to this day, everyone remembers how beautiful it was outside and warm! It was freaking freezing and raining! Plus, we are incredibly happily married so it's good that it rained! Good luck and congratulations!
  • #10
good luck no matter what the weather....
  • #11
aalbert said:
LOL! That is hilarious! Yeah, don't the the parents would be too happy if I did that, actually come to think of it, maybe so after all is said and done! LOL!

I think she most upset because my brother (who was still living at home) was one of our witnesses. He kept his yap shut for four months. My brother is awesome!!!

And we got married at the courthouse - across the street from where she works. :D
  • #12
Rain on wedding days is good luck and means fertiliity! If that doesn't prove it, we were pregnant 6 months and so were our friends and it POURED on their wedding day!

However, although it rained all day the day before and the morning of our wedding, it was absolutely gorgeous when it came to the ceremony. Everything was so clean and fresh (we had an outdoor wedding as well!)

Good luck and SMILE! No one will remember the weather if the bride is happy!
  • #13
Is there something special about 7/4 weddings in VA? A friend's daughter is getting married that day, too!

Remember, you're in VA. The weather can't accurately be predicted more than a couple of days in advance, and won't necessarily be the same for every area.
  • #14
That was my thought, Sarah. If it's more than 12 hours away the prediction is sure to change.
  • #15
Remember it says, "scattered thundershowers". Here that can mean pouring at our house and a mile down the road, be sunny! Let's pray that the thundershowers scatter elsewhere! Don't get yourself in a frenzy! The wedding day is stressful enough without adding more to it! Happy Wedding Day!
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  • #16
Thanks guys for all of the kind words and prayers. I know the weather can change, and that is what I am hoping for! LOL!
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  • #17
and in the summer...that seems to be a typical forecast when it is warm. I usually check for the % chance of rain before I get too nervous. Our local news weather has a way to check hourly forecast for a day for the %s.. Weather.com might too.Good luck and congratulations.
  • #18
It sprinkled, then it got REALLY cold, and it was May 18!!! We were getting married in our backyard. It's amazing how 80 people will fit in a house when it gets cold enough!

The day before it's was 80 and then comes Saturday it turned into 50! I remember not being able to feel my fingers when I wrote checks to pay for photograher, etc. I should have had a heads up when I looked out the window and saw a girlfriend come in wearing a fur coat!

You can't control the weather, stop stressing out about it. Like my friend says, it is what it is! Would it be any better saying I do in the sun as opposed to the rain?? Well yes it would be prettier and dryer, but honestly, it's all good.
  • #19
I will send you the warmth and dryness we are experiencing right now. OKlahoma is warm
  • #20
We have a saying where we live...don't like the weather? Wait 5 minutes, it will change!

The wedding day is a special day, but the days to follow are the most important. My parents were married at 16 and 20 years old. They just celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary.

On their first fight, my father asked my mother if she was going to run home to her mother? She told him, no...she was going to give him the satisfation. She was going to stay and make his life miserable!!! They had their moments but were awesome parents and continue to love making each other miserable to this day!!! They both have a great sense of humor and I truely think this is one of the secrets to a long and happy life together.

Blessings to you on your special day. July 4th is a great day to get married...every year on your anniversary most people will have the day off too and there will be fireworks every year!!
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  • #21
Just wanted you all to know the wedding was yesterday, and the weather was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #22
Best wishes, Amanda! Thanks for taking a moment to share about your special day.
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  • #23
The wedding turned out PERFECT! No rain, and perfect weather~ Thanks for all the prayers! God answered them!
  • #24
Yay!!!! So happy your special day was perfect!
  • #25
Congratulations Amanda - glad it turned out great for you!
  • #26
So glad to hear that. I thought of you when I was sitting in the rain at the lawnmower races. It rained all afternoon and evening here.
  • #27
Our rain didn't start until the wee hours this morning here. Glad your special day was PERFECT!
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  • #28
I didn't see this, but my aunt and uncle said that right after my minister pronounced us H & W, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky......no rain, but a rainbow......GOD'S PROMISE!
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  • #29
A couple of pictures from the wedding a friend emailed to me today. Thanks again for all of your prayers! I am so excited for the honeymoon. We leave Wednesday!


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  • #30
Congratulations! Glad to hear everything went well... and with God's blessings too!
  • #31
Congratulations! I'm glad your day turned out wonderfully. You're a beautiful bride!
  • #32
Congratulations!!!! My son in law is a VTech Horticulture Grad! What a beautiful campus.,... the perfect spot for a gorgeous wedding.
  • #33
Congratulations. I am so glad everything worked out for you. Beautiful pictures!

Related to Will It Rain on My Outdoor Wedding?

1. Will it ruin my wedding day if it rains?

No, rain on your wedding day does not have to ruin your special day. With proper planning and backup options, you can still have a beautiful and memorable wedding even if it rains.

2. How can I prepare for rain on my wedding day?

It is always a good idea to have a backup plan in case of rain. Consider renting a tent or indoor venue in case of inclement weather. You can also provide umbrellas for your guests and have a few indoor photo locations in mind.

3. Can I trust the weather forecast for my wedding day?

While weather forecasts can give a general idea of what to expect, they are not always accurate. It is best to have a backup plan in case the forecast changes. Also, keep in mind that weather can be unpredictable and can change even on the day of your wedding.

4. How can I stay calm if it rains on my wedding day?

Remember that the most important thing is that you are marrying the love of your life. Rain can add a romantic and intimate touch to your wedding day. Stay positive and trust that your backup plan will still make for a beautiful wedding.

5. What should I do if it rains during my outdoor ceremony?

If it starts raining during your outdoor ceremony, you can either continue with the ceremony or pause and wait for the rain to pass. You can also have a few umbrellas ready for you and your wedding party to stay dry. Consider having a few towels on hand to quickly dry off any wet chairs for your guests.

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