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Will I Reach SAT Level 2 by Month's End?

In summary, the speaker is feeling disappointed because they were close to reaching level 2 of the SAT program, but now they are unsure if they will make it due to low sales and cancelled shows. They have also gotten two bookings for future months. Other consultants offer advice and encouragement, including reaching out to past customers and offering incentives for higher sales.
Silver Member
:( Man how bummed am I! After having my 1st $800 show of June I was totally psyched to reach level 2 SAT ($1500 level) and I am 1 more show away from getting my 2 sharp knives SAT level -after I get this show closed from last night, (even though it barely qualifed).:eek:

She had 10 guests attend (which is pretty decent I think) but only 6 ordered with $10-20 average so she isn't qualifed yet:( ! I told her the minimum she needs and hopefully she does that and I have a personal order I can tack onto it for a wedding present I plan to get. But man with only 2 more shows left (one of which was an office party and that was looking on the low total side and she wants to try and collect until next week to get it to qualfiy also) and a catalog show host that's gone MIA.. my hopes of reaching SAT 2 just got shot down! Sorry for the long vent, just biting my nails now that it's 10 days until month's end!

On the Brighter side I did get 2 bookings for July and August last night!;)
I know how you feel I was hoping to get level 2 and right now I am 1000 away with 1 more show and 3 catty shows that will hopefully close before I leave town at the end of the month. Good luck with everything.
Heather - I'm so sorry that things have not turned out right for you this month!

Keep your chin up - and remember - there is still July! The great thing about this yrs SAT is that we have 2 months opportunity to earn products!

Something I thought of while reading your post, that may have contributed to my success this yr, and also last yr.......I booked all of my shows in the first 2 weeks of June......I had 7 shows between June 1 and June 14. Last year I did the same. It wasn't any big strategy play on my part - just that we go on vacation the end of June, and I wanted to get all my shows done and submitted before we left. (I do still have 2 open catalog shows though).
But maybe it's that as the month gets older, people's calendars fill more and they get busier....plus money seems to be tighter at the end of the month vs the beginning of the month. I don't know, I'm just trying to figure out why my month has been successful, when I really haven't done much different than I normally would. I would say that I just got lucky - but I don't really believe in "luck".
I had two shows this month like this! Totally has messed up my June along with 3 cancellations. You just never know in this business.
I have had one show so far this month and two shows booked for next month!!! I am one away from getting those knew sharp objects.....
Hang in there Heather! It's not over, till it's over and like one consultant mention, we have two months for the SAT. You never know; you might get tons of outside orders like I did with my last show! Good luck!
Try sending out a last minute email telling all your customers on your newsletter list that they can place online orders and receive guest shipping prices and you will deliver the products to them.. I can count on that for boosting a low show.. plus the outlet! Hopefully you have the website??
Actually, you could (or should??) make some calls to past customers!?
Any cc calls could be turned into.. by the way.. I have a show going in, do you want to get in on the special shipping price?? blah, blah...
that sounds like a good idea!

Sorry about your show! I know how you feel, I have one submitted show so far and am going to submit another next week....the one I am waiting to submit is a show, but she made the comment "I'm surprised anyone bought anything. I didn't think it was even going to qualify as a show." :eek: that was the look on my face!! I have 6 shows and I gave them all the goal of $500 so I can make Level 2. She is at almost $300 and may have 2 more orders this weekend. I still have 2 catalog shows and 2 cooking shows to do so hopefully.....I wish you the best of luck!! Make those calls!!! Also, you could offer a free cooking show and free product with a $500 show and see if that would help boost sales!

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What is the "Ugghhh Barely Qualifed Show!"?

The "Ugghhh Barely Qualifed Show!" is a cooking show hosted by Pampered Chef that focuses on quick and easy recipes for busy individuals.

How can I watch the show?

The show is available to watch on the Pampered Chef website or through their social media channels such as Facebook or YouTube.

Can I purchase the ingredients used in the show?

Yes, all the ingredients used in the show are available for purchase on the Pampered Chef website. You can also find them at your local grocery store.

Are the recipes on the show customizable for dietary restrictions?

Yes, the recipes on the show can be customized for various dietary restrictions. If you need help with substitutions, you can contact our customer service team for assistance.

Can I submit a recipe to be featured on the show?

At this time, we do not accept recipe submissions for the "Ugghhh Barely Qualifed Show!" However, we are always looking for new and exciting recipes to feature, so stay tuned for any updates or opportunities in the future.

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