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Why Wouldn't My Mandoline Slice Tomatoes?

In summary, the host experienced problems with the new mandoline. She had never used one before and was paranoid after cutting herself with a USG. She watched the video and practiced at home. The demo went well but during the demo, the mandoline wouldn't slice the tomato. The host tried the new forged cutlery and it would not slice the tomato either. The host then tried the v-shaped blade for tomatoes and it worked. She got two bookings after the show because of the mandoline.
Gold Member
So I made the Tomato Basil Squares at my show tonight. I've never used the new mandoline :eek: I've been paranoid ever since I cut myself bad last July with the USG so I've been choosing recipes since then that didn't require slicing :)

I watched the video, practiced at home with a potato on the adjustable blade and then sliced a couple of slices of the tomato tonight before the demo. NO problems! Started to slice during the demo (and the tomato was still in the food holder ready to go) AND IT WOULDN'T SLICE!! AT ALL!!

My dear host (3rd time host) came up to try and it wouldn't slice for her either. I kind of sluffed it off and said, let's try the new forged cutlery and finished up with it. But HOW embarrassing is that?!?!

I guess it WAS good after all that there were only 3 guests (yes 3!) so I was embarrassing myself to a room full. And one of the 3 guests was a past host. Sales were only $122 so she has $78 to get at least in order for it to be a show. And guess what? No sales of the UM! I wonder why that was?!?! :p

I did get 2 bookings though! And both for February WOOHOO!!

Anyone else have problems like this with the UM?

I was going to practice WITH tomatoes but we don't eat tomatoes so I didn't bother. I sure regret THAT decision!

Oh ya, I now have a very slightly used UM for sale - CHEAP!! :mad: :eek: :rolleyes:
I have used mine too and I don't like it at all...at all. I have cut, diced and practiced with many items and I give it a thumbs down. Same things have happened. Sorry about your night. Hopefully your other bookings go better.
Have you tried using the v-shaped blade for tomatoes? I've found that one works better for me....

But I've not used this at a show... YET! I have a host booked for March that wants this, and she has friends interested in it, too.... so I'll have to break it out and USE IT AT A SHOW!!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Thanks but it was the darn V shaped one I was using on the tomatoes. It was the adjustable I tried briefly at home on a potato. Didn't have a tomato at home so couldn't try out the V shape. So I 'prepped' a few slices before the demo with the V and the tomato and all was well and then I started the demo and BAM!!! it wouldn't work!! I even tried a new tomato (and they were all nice sized firm tomatoes) and it wouldn't work. It made the 'click, click' sound but wouldn't slice at all! GRRRR :mad:
:( I wish I had been there to help you!!! Sorry that happened at a show.... frustrating... maybe one of your cluster-mates can help you with hands-on training, if someone really LOVES this tool!!!
I love this tool and have trouble with tomatoes! They have to be pretty much rock hard for it to work correctly. Maybe cut those ahead of time and show the mandoline doing something else!
Did you make a first 'Cut" to have a flat bottom? I earned mine a few months ago, and just took it out of the box this week. I don't really love it either. I personally feel if I have to take a knife out to cut the food to fit in the holder, I might as well finish the job with it. I think I will learn to love it in time and with some more practice....BTW...after my "training", i put all my practice veggies (tomatoes, carrots, celery, onions, zuchinni, potatoes) into the crock pot with some broth, canned toms...seasoning, a hanful of barley, leftover chicken and dinner was DONE!!!!! Enjoy!!!
kcjodih said:
Thanks but it was the darn V shaped one I was using on the tomatoes. It was the adjustable I tried briefly at home on a potato. Didn't have a tomato at home so couldn't try out the V shape. So I 'prepped' a few slices before the demo with the V and the tomato and all was well and then I started the demo and BAM!!! it wouldn't work!! I even tried a new tomato (and they were all nice sized firm tomatoes) and it wouldn't work. It made the 'click, click' sound but wouldn't slice at all! GRRRR :mad:

I have the same problems & at home I have tried tomatoes,potatoes,cucumbers,peppers....I just DO NOT like it. Also by the time I get it all set up, I could have sliced everything with a knife.:rolleyes:
I HATE the new mandoline!! I do not demo it like the old one. I sometimes just bring it for people to look at:rolleyes: I had a lady call me to tell me that she does not like it and wants to return it:rolleyes:
  • #10
I've had problems with tomatoes too. I'm glad I'm not the only one! You just can't fit a very big piece in the food holder. I guess we're going to have to come up with some great ways to use it since it's the special coming up!
  • #11
I had trouble with tomatoes too but have found that if you cut off a slice first to make the surface flat and then put very little pressure on the holder it works much better.
  • #12
My DH made homemade potato chips with it the other day. He used the adjustable blade. We noticed if we used too much pressure it would catch. Less pressure seems to be the key.
  • #13
Yes, Melissa & Beth, less pressure definitly was the key for me.

Frankly, I've never liked either the USG or the Mandoline for tomatoes. I use both for potatoes all the time, but I've never liked the way either handled tomatoes.

kcjodih, did you think to check if you had the holder on correctly. Usually it won't go on upside down, but every once in a while it does. When that happens, it can't engage the blade. Just a thought.

Related to Why Wouldn't My Mandoline Slice Tomatoes?

1. What ingredients are included in the "Argggg What Am I Doing Wrong?" recipe?

The "Argggg What Am I Doing Wrong?" recipe typically includes chicken, bell peppers, onions, garlic, and a variety of spices and seasonings.

2. Can I substitute the chicken with a different protein?

Yes, you can substitute the chicken with another protein such as shrimp, tofu, or beef. Just adjust the cooking time accordingly.

3. How do I prevent the chicken from getting dry?

To prevent the chicken from getting dry, make sure to not overcook it. Use a meat thermometer to ensure it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F. You can also marinate the chicken beforehand to add moisture and flavor.

4. Can I make this recipe in advance?

Yes, you can make this recipe in advance. You can prepare the ingredients and keep them in the fridge until ready to cook. However, it is best to cook the chicken fresh for optimal flavor and texture.

5. How do I know when the chicken is done cooking?

You can tell when the chicken is done cooking by using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. It should read 165°F for fully cooked chicken. You can also cut into the thickest part of the chicken to check for any pinkness.

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