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Why Won't They Pin Down a Date for Shows?

In summary, the author is trying to find a show for June but has not had any luck. She has left messages with a few hosts but has not received a response. She is considering other dates but is worried that people will not call her back. She offers incentives to hosts and hopes that someone will book.
I have about 5 or 6 "maybes" for shows.

I have left them each messages saying that I have some openings for June and that if they decided to change their mind about hosting, to please let me know so I can take them off my call list.

No one has called me back. The few that I have spoken to always say, "yes- I still want to, but now is not good." They never ever pin down a date.

So here I am today with 5 or 6 maybes and not a single show booked for June. This hasn't happened since I started in September. I've always had at least a couple of shows per month.

Any ideas?
I know how you feel. I had four shows on my calendar for June (well, one on may 29th), and now I'm down to two, one of which is faltering as we speak.

I don't have many solutions except to say I never expect anyone to call me. I do leave my number, but I don't expect to be high enough on their priority list (after family, work, friends etc) for them to get around to calling me. And I don't take that personally either.

Try calling these folks at a different time of day. If you're really desparate for the bookings, offer an incentive.
The reality is that NO ONE will probably call you back.

You will need to call them, and ask them if one of those dates work. That's just the way it is - people don't call back, but I'm sure some of them will book if you call them.
At our last cluster meeting, they were talking about this, and someone said how they felt like they were harrassing their potential hosts. Then one consultant said that she has had people thank her for continuing to call, because she wanted to have a party, but needed to be pinpointed.

Maybe you could talk up the July incentives (more free stuff), maybe offer a summer themed party?? Just some ideas I could think of!!
We also talked about this last night at our meeting. Your problem is a common one. Sometimes I have people who can not think beyond the next week. They have 2 events before the end of the month and it throws them into a tizzy! And if a friend or two says they will be going on vacation that week then we have to postpone it until the fall. Not realizing that the other 20 people they have invited are going to be available.

I applaud you for continuing to call. And do so because they will not call you back. Once you get rid of that expectation, it will make it a little less frustrating (notice I said little!!)

Keep hammering away and it will pay off.
I brought this up at our last meeting & said that I will GIVE the host/hostess the bowls for free, BUT they have to book in June & they have to have a 700.00 show! I got 2 bookings this way & it will cost me 50.00 for both, but I'll have 2 700.00 shows.....(and they get the Chillzanne free as well) If these shows pan out I'll already have enough for level 2 of the SAT!! :D
Keep at it. I think offering an incentive or deadline is helpful. Also having an email address is a great way for some people to contact you since they may be getting home late or just not in the mood to talk.I'll call a few times and then say "I'll call you next season." Then, in a few months I call them with the new thing available.One incentive is the Dollar Days where you offer a nice product for the cost of the day. Food chopper for $9 if show held on June 9th. Forces people to book early and gives them a time frame that they can grasp. Good luck.
It can be discouraging, but keep at it.Sometimes people will actually be better about picking a date close in, rather than one further out. They know what they're doing for the next 2 weeks, but not a month from now. Use that to your advantage. Offer "Express Shows" - which are just shows that happen soon. But with a name, they sound fun. :)

Related to Why Won't They Pin Down a Date for Shows?

1. How do I get my host to commit to a date for their party?

In order to get your host to pin down a date for their party, it's important to communicate clearly and set expectations from the beginning. Let your host know that you are excited to help them host a successful party and that you need to know a specific date in order to properly plan and prepare. Offer a few date options and ask for their input to find a date that works best for them.

2. What if my host keeps changing the date for their party?

If your host keeps changing the date for their party, it's important to address this issue and find a solution. First, try to understand the reason behind the changes. Is your host busy or having trouble coordinating with their guests? If so, offer to help them with the planning process and make it as easy as possible for them. If the changes are due to personal reasons, be understanding and flexible. However, if the changes are becoming a problem, it's important to have a conversation with your host and find a date that works for both of you.

3. How far in advance should I schedule a party date?

The ideal timeframe to schedule a party date is 2-3 weeks in advance. This gives you enough time to properly plan and prepare for the party, while also giving your host enough time to invite guests and receive RSVPs. However, every situation is different and it's important to be flexible and work with your host to find the best date for their party.

4. What if my host is having trouble getting guests to commit to a date?

If your host is having trouble getting guests to commit to a date, it's important to provide them with the necessary tools and resources to make the planning process easier. Offer to help with invitations or provide them with a link to your online party page where guests can RSVP and get more information. You can also suggest offering incentives or discounts for guests who RSVP by a certain date.

5. Can I change the date of a party once it's been scheduled?

Yes, you can change the date of a party if necessary. However, it's important to communicate with your host and their guests in a timely manner. If you need to change the date, be sure to provide a valid reason and offer alternative date options. Remember to be understanding and accommodating to your host and their guests' schedules.

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