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Why Wasn't I Notified About the Duplicate Application for the Event?

In summary, the conversation is about a person who signed up for a local event on March 24 and sent in their application and check in January, but did not hear anything back until they emailed the organizer. They were informed that another Pampered Chef consultant had already been registered and were offered to work together next year. The person was upset about the disorganization and lack of communication, as they had held the date in their schedule for over a month. They emailed the organizer to express their frustration and suggest timely notifications for duplicate applications. Others in the conversation sympathized and offered advice, such as offering an incentive for bookings on the day of the event and putting a stop payment on the check. The conversation also mentioned a similar experience where another Pampered
I signed up for a local event on March 24 - Sent in the app and check in late Jan. I never hear anything and e-mail this lady to verify she got my check and the I am registered. I am informed that they already have a PC consultant registered. She says perhaps we could work together next year. (Excuse me - if your are this disorganized I don't think so) Of course at least she understand that it needs to ve an exclusive spot. I don't know how many times I have gone to an event and there has been more than on Direct sales from PC and many other DS companies.
There wasn't one when I contacted her in Jan. She has been holding my check all this time and not communication. The event is in 3 weeks and now she tells me this. I was VERY upset. I could have had a show booked or worked another event.
Trying to be polite but let her know how I feel tactfully I sent the following e-mail

I know that when I contacted you in late January, there was not a Pampered Chef consultant booked at the time for this event. I understand that another applicant may have gotten in an application before me. I do not understand why I was not notified in a timely matter that there had been a duplicate application. I have held this date as booked in my schedule for over a month. I hope if you have any other duplicate applications from Direct sales organizations that you will notify them so that they can reschedule their calendars. Timely notifications allow people to schedule other events or shows so they can avoid frustration and loss of income. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Kathy - wow! I would have been a lot more pissed off in my email to her! At least you have three weeks, not one. Hope you get a booking or two for then! And I hope you get your check back!!!
Kathy,I think you did the right thing. I'm sorry that you had that experience. Maybe you can offer a "bonus booking day" with an extra little gift if someone books for that day, so it's not a total loss.
I feel for ya! I just had the same thing happen to me, only they offered the fall event to me. I am going to go personally to sign up with her though.
Sorry to hear about this. Keep looking for another event, they are out there, hard to find sometimes though.
Sorry to hear that this happened to you!! Your reply was great though, very nice and professional.
Kathy, I think you did the right thing..... and you handled it in a very professional mannor. Good Luck and keep us posted as to what her reply is.
Great Job Kathy in being professional.

I am really sorry that you had to deal with that. I would do what Ann suggested and possibly offer an incentive for booking a show that day! Good Luck!
Kathy, put a stop payment on your check. Let us know how it turns out.
I am ticked offI had a Christmas show booked and it takes about 30 minutes to get there one way.When I get to the show there is another P.C. cosultant they set her up at the front door and I was stuck in the very back of the hall in a corner.
I asked if there was going to be another P.C consultant the lady said oh no we need one so bad to represent P.C
Come to find out the other P,C cosultant was a friend of hers.:(
  • #10
If she now knows that you had interst first then The other Pamperedchef person should be told that they can not be in the event due to the fact that you did come first . Why should you be kicked out and not her I think its up to the person that you contacted ( the woman in charge of the Event )to be the one to fix it for you she should have to explian how dhe screwed up...
  • #11
chef131doreen said:
If she now knows that you had interst first then The other Pamperedchef person should be told that they can not be in the event due to the fact that you did come first . Why should you be kicked out and not her I think its up to the person that you contacted ( the woman in charge of the Event )to be the one to fix it for you she should have to explian how dhe screwed up...

I agree - I was in a similar situation last year and they told the other rep she couldn't come because they had gotten my registration and payment way before hres. They took resopnsibility for their screw up. I hope this organization will do the same for you.
  • #12
First, I think you are very right to be upset if you aren't allowed to participate. I think they should let both of you participate if it's large enough.I have a question...if it is a large one day event where you know people don't even see all of the booths, would you be upset if there were two consultants? After all, there are usually more leads than you can follow up with and there are duplicates of other businesses (mostly crafts, etc). I know that it's nice to be the "only" but that's like thinking that I can handle the whole town I live in. Besides, choice is nice. I may be a great choice for some people, but others may enjoy another consultants personality better.
  • #13
Let us know if she responds.
  • Thread starter
  • #14
I actually had two different events last fall that had two Pampered Chef consultants even though I was told there was no other PC vendor. One only had 13 participants and they still had two PC people. One I did had two Avon, Arbonne, Homemade Gourmet, Mary Kay etc. A lot of upset people at that show.
It just upset me that I was not told until I e-mailed her to ask for confirmation. If I hadn't when would she have told me - At the show???
  • #15
Wow, I'm glad you found out early enough to reschedule the day. I had a similar situation last month. I found out too late last year about a bridal show at the hall I had my own wedding reception. So I contacted them & asked if I could be put down for this year's show. She said yes & that she would contact me in October about it. Well, never heard anything so I emailed her in November. She said they had it set for Feb 17 of this year. Come January I hadn't received any info on it, so I emailed her again. She said they weren't having it, but she'd put my name down for the future. Hello?? What happened to Feb 17? I had even scheduled my vacation this year around it so I would be free.
Mine made me mad enough & I didn't even pay for it already! I could imagine how mad you are!
  • #16
I would be upset too b/c that really can affect you when it's a smaller group! I was just at one this weekend with about 260 booths and the other consultant was upset that I was there. I did very well and she's been there for the last few years so I'm sure has a lot of loyal customers and leads from those times as well.
  • #17
I think you handled yourself very well. Downside to having to put a stop payment on the check is that you are out the fee for having to stop payment, and I am willing to bet that the person in charge is not willing to reinburse your cost for that.
  • #18
I'm so sorry this happened to you. Your email to her sounded very professional. I'm glad you took the time to address this with her. I think it's too easy to avoid the conflict and just go off and lick our wounds.

Related to Why Wasn't I Notified About the Duplicate Application for the Event?

1. What is "I Am Ticked off - Venting Alert"?

"I Am Ticked off - Venting Alert" is a product designed by Pampered Chef to help you quickly and easily release frustration and stress through physical activity.

2. How does "I Am Ticked off - Venting Alert" work?

Simply attach the product to a sturdy surface, such as a table or countertop, and use the included gloves to punch and release tension. The product is designed to withstand repeated use and provide a safe outlet for your emotions.

3. Is "I Am Ticked off - Venting Alert" only for anger management?

No, "I Am Ticked off - Venting Alert" can be used for any type of stress or frustration, not just anger. It can also be a fun and energizing way to start or end your day.

4. Can "I Am Ticked off - Venting Alert" be used by children?

While the product is designed for adults, children may also benefit from using "I Am Ticked off - Venting Alert" with proper supervision and guidance. It is recommended for ages 8 and up.

5. Are there any safety precautions to keep in mind when using "I Am Ticked off - Venting Alert"?

As with any physical activity, it is important to use proper form and technique to avoid injury. Make sure the product is securely attached to a stable surface and use the included gloves to protect your hands. Also, be mindful of your surroundings and make sure there is enough space to safely use the product.

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