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Why is my shipping taking so long?

In summary, BEE is dealing with a lot of orders coming in at the same time and they are trying to improve their system.
Gold Member
I put in 2 shows on the 3rd and they have still not shipped! They'r enot even showing as "picking" yet - just "received."
Mine, too! Argh!
Same here Carolyn...two shows submitted on the 3rd and still showing 'received'. Really surprised at how long it is taking!
I will bet that there are TONS of orders that were sent on the last day of July and the first days of August due to the SAT still going on. They are probably SWAMPED!!

Not that knowing that makes it any better on the receiving end...but I am sure they are working as fast as they can!
I wonder if it's related to July SAT, sample orders, new supply orders, etc. all coming through at the same time. On top of the warehouse work.
Hmmm....great minds obviously think alike!
My sample order that went in August 3 has only been received, too. I was hoping to have it by now. I'm guessing they were inundated with shows because of the deadline for July's consultant rewards. I should clean the clutter from my kitchen while I'm waiting. Otherwise, I'll have no place to put any of my new things.
Well, 3 shows I submitted on the 31st JUST shipped yesterday!
My supply order went in on July 26th and it just started picking on Monday!!!
  • #10
weekly bites yesterday noted there were upgrades going on in shipping so I am sure that is effecting it.Also last month I placed a supply order on July 14 and received it on July 30 considering all I order were a couple packs of mini catalogs 1 English 1 Spanish and several training audios I thought the time to be extremely slow!
  • #11
Yep- swamped. We overwhelmed them again!
Everyone who didn't earn SAT in June and really wanted stuff free once they saw the new items must have busted their humps in July to earn it.

Yes- that's a convoluted sentence, but I don't feel like rewriting it. Nyaah.
  • #12
I called Wednesday night (Aug 8) about my Aug. 3 (really, late Aug 2) show that is showing received. I got, "we're still working on July 31 shows. It's an end of the month back up."

Frankly, I'm very disappointed that our company can't do better anticipating an end of the month rush. There are so many online companies that can turn things around in a day people expect faster service. My supply order made Aug 6 shipped Aug 7.

I'll have to be patient. Sigh.

  • Thread starter
  • #13
beepampered said:
I called Wednesday night (Aug 8) about my Aug. 3 (really, late Aug 2) show that is showing received. I got, "we're still working on July 31 shows. It's an end of the month back up."

Frankly, I'm very disappointed that our company can't do better anticipating an end of the month rush. There are so many online companies that can turn things around in a day people expect faster service. My supply order made Aug 6 shipped Aug 7.

I'll have to be patient. Sigh.


They are - that's what the overhaul of the warehouse is all about.
  • #14
Oh my, I know we have gotten used to quick shipping which sets a standard but it didn't used to be as fast as it is now. I still tell people when I close a show (especially at the very end OR very beginning of a month) to not expect it for 2 weeks - they could come within a week. When there is incentives like there was for June & July I tell them that there could be many shows being submitted right now with people trying to reach certain goals which could cause a back up.

Patience and it will show up.

I submitted a show on the 31st and it showed to be sent on August 4th - weird thing is that when we check the tracking it shows it actually got to FedEx on the 6th. Make sure you double check the tracking and not just believe what it shows under shipping status.
  • #15
ChefBeckyD said:
Well, 3 shows I submitted on the 31st JUST shipped yesterday!

Me too. I hope they get there in time...my cousin needs her stuff for a wedding for Saturday. I'm starting to get nervous!!
  • #16
They are currently dealing with a lot in the warehouse. I talked to the Manager of Distribution about 2 weeks ago and rescheduled my tour there to October vs. August so I could spend 1 day vs. 1 hour. They have EVERY employee out there tied up with something. It sounds like they are working hard and doing their best.

But, it doesn't help when people do submit at end of month to meet SAT, get their pan-o-rama points, etc. Without the expansion they are doing, the system just cannot handle all that overload. ...and personally, I'd rather know I have to wait a little longer (like a few days) than have HO determine not to give incentives because it would overtax the warehouse. That being said though, they could run consultant incentives mid-month to mid-month sometimes like back with mid-season products.
  • #17
Can you say SS Saute pans and sellathon?
  • #18
This is why we got that email about the upgrades at HO and asking us to try not to wait to submit. They hire extra people and work 24/7 the last few days and the first week of the month. I don't think they can do anything else humanly possible.

I always tell hosts that while it may be delivered within the week it could take 2 weeks and I stress that it takes longer that first week of the month. I am able to close end of the month shows quicker by telling them (truthfully) that if we close on the 30th it will ship really quickly but the 31st will take much longer. They are always good with that and very impressed when it takes less. Most other direct sales companies take much longer - Longerberger takes 6-8 weeks!
  • #19
They have also had to ship out Director packages and change over kits too. So that probably started the back up.
  • #20
baychef said:
They have also had to ship out Director packages and change over kits too. So that probably started the back up.
I believe those were packed up and ready to release long before they actually went out so I don't think that's the case. Who knows! But in any case, they'll soon be caught up!:love: Love that PC!

And love that Chef Success - notice the new smilies --->

:yuck: :angel: :love:

[edit] well, they are past that arrow when writing the post anyway!:blushing:
  • #21
I submitted a show on Sunday, July 15th at 9:30pm and received it on Wednesday, July18 at 12:23pm, never had it ship so fast.

I submitted a July show on August 5, and by listening here I might be lucky to get it by the end of the month.

Oh well!


  • #22
I submitted a show aug 1st early am and its just now picking today
  • #23
We are so spoiled with our quick shipping. I've been with PC 10 years and just until about 2-3 years ago, it would take up to 5 days for our orders to START picking!!!! It's just so hard because we've gotten so used to the quick turnaround!
  • #24
My last order never said picking... it said received until it was shipped.
  • #25
Kathytnt said:
Can you say SS Saute pans and sellathon?

Actually, most of the pans and June sell-a-thon items were already picked ahead of time and ready to ship, just skids not released until later...it is only the "last minute" stuff that causes most of the chaos.
  • #26
JaimeQ said:
My last order never said picking... it said received until it was shipped.

It usually won't update to picking unless it is tied overnight in that process. If it is received then gets released to the system, makes it through and ships fairly quickly, you won't see "picking". I've only had 1-2 shows actually show that.
  • #27
I was wondering the same thing.

I'm a little worried about ordering the new products. I can't afford to buy them until Friday, but I would love to have them before next Friday for a booth I'm working! That's not going to give me much time! I am close to Chicago though.
  • #28
pampchefrhondab said:
I was wondering the same thing.

I'm a little worried about ordering the new products. I can't afford to buy them until Friday, but I would love to have them before next Friday for a booth I'm working! That's not going to give me much time! I am close to Chicago though.

If you use a PC Debit card the debit usually doesn't come out immediately so you can usually place the order a day or so before you have all the money...just a thought...
  • #29
My shows that were submitted on the 31st all said on tracking that they would be delivered on the 9th or the 10th....they all arrived today. I also got my SS skillet!
  • #30
My supply order that I submitted August 26th just shipped today! However, the estimated shipping time is faster than usual!:love:
  • #31
cmdtrgd said:
My supply order that I submitted August 26th just shipped today! However, the estimated shipping time is faster than usual!:love:

He-he - wish I could get things to ship 18 days before I ordered it. :balloon:
  • #32
Now I am worried. I submitted a show last Friday, and it's only saying received today. I had ordered some things for a wedding gift that I need for this Sat. I could be in trouble!
  • #33
PamperChefCarol said:
Now I am worried. I submitted a show last Friday, and it's only saying received today. I had ordered some things for a wedding gift that I need for this Sat. I could be in trouble!

The good thing is that you are in Mich. so it could ship Friday, and still be here in time on Saturday. Get that gift wrap ready Carol!:balloon:
  • #34
janetupnorth said:
He-he - wish I could get things to ship 18 days before I ordered it. :balloon:

Uhhh...July 26th!!!heh..:blushing:
  • #35
When I first started, we were told that it would take 2-3 weeks for it to arrive at the host's house once we submitted it. They have come a long, long way. Get used to this. The end of the month has always been slower and probably will continue to be unless we all change the way we wait until the last day to submit. It is even worse when we have SAT or other challenges. We have one of the best average turn-around times in the business.
  • #36
I placed my sample order at about 00:02 Central time on the 1st of Aug.
It now shows as shipped. One box is coming on the 9th & the others on the
10th. Noww I have to go make a path in my kitchen. DD is threatening to call Clean Sweep:eek:

Love the new Smilies:love:
  • #37
janetupnorth said:
If you use a PC Debit card the debit usually doesn't come out immediately so you can usually place the order a day or so before you have all the money...just a thought...

Yeah I know, I'm taking that into consideration.
  • #38
I called HO on a personal order that was submitted on Aug 2nd...just showing received. Even the CSR was shocked that it hasn't been shipped out yet. She told me that she would send it to her supervisor and get a rush on it to me. We shall see!
  • #39
My sample order has said "received" for about a week now! I wanna get my new toys!
  • #40
Oh you guys are scaring me!!

I'm with many of you, we have gotten spoiled with the fast turn around time. We can all understand slow shipping from time to time but I wish they would keep us updated more in Weekly Bites.

I don't like it when I get some things shipped out the next day and others a week later. I do always tell my hosts and guests to expect 2 weeks after the show closes, but it could be sooner.

The two shows I submitted Aug. 4 are still not showing picking and my 8" saute pan hasn't shipped.
Last edited:
  • #41
pampchefrhondab said:
I don't like it when I get some things shipped out the next day and others a week later. I do always tell my hosts and guests to expect 2 weeks after the show closes, but it could be sooner.

Be careful, or they'll tag your account to hold all orders for 1 week before shipping. I heard whispering while on the HO Tour that they are considering doing just that with some people .... :cry:

  • #42
Same as Ellen - I sent in my sample order last Friday and it still says received. Sent in my supply order the same day and got those yesterday!
  • #43
Products (samples) and supplies are packed in different areas - so they're handles by different teams. And don't hold HO to what it says on the shipment status screen or tracking. As of yesterday, my SS Saute pan still only showed "info transmitted to FedEx", but it was delivered this morning.
  • #44
chefann said:
Products (samples) and supplies are packed in different areas - so they're handles by different teams.

And don't hold HO to what it says on the shipment status screen or tracking. As of yesterday, my SS Saute pan still only showed "info transmitted to FedEx", but it was delivered this morning.

I had a show that said it would be delivered next week that they got yesterday.
  • #45
So my box that left HO on it's way to MI via Oregon arrived today along with a note from my FedEx man that he wants a 12" Griddle! His ex wife sold PC and the one he has is warped! Guess she got away with all the good stuff! OH! And I just remembered pan-o-rama points!!!! :D

Related to Why is my shipping taking so long?

1. Why is my shipping taking so long?

There are several possible reasons for a delay in shipping. It could be due to high demand for certain products, backordered items, or unexpected delays in our supply chain. We apologize for any inconvenience and are working to get your order to you as soon as possible.

2. I put in 2 shows on the 3rd and they have still not shipped!

We apologize for the delay in shipping your order. Our team is working hard to fulfill orders as quickly as possible, but it is possible that your order may have been affected by a high volume of orders or other unforeseen circumstances. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

3. They're not even showing as "picking" yet - just "received."

Once an order is placed, it first goes through the "received" stage where we confirm the items and quantities ordered. This can take a few days depending on the volume of orders we receive. After that, the order moves to the "picking" stage where our warehouse team gathers the items and prepares them for shipment. If your order is still in the "received" stage, it means it is in line to be processed and prepared for shipment.

4. Will my order be shipped soon?

We are doing our best to fulfill orders as quickly as possible. Once your order moves from the "received" stage to the "picking" stage, it should be shipped within a few days. You will receive a confirmation email with tracking information once your order has been shipped.

5. Is there anything I can do to expedite the shipping process?

Unfortunately, we are not able to expedite the shipping process at this time. Our team is working diligently to fulfill orders in the order they were received. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to get your order to you as quickly as possible.

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