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Why is My Commission $0 on a $216 Sale?

that makes a bit more sense!I do feel for you that you have to work so hard and not earn anything off the host specials. It would be nice if there was some way to at least count them towards trip points or something.
Silver Member
I really am frustrated with the 60% off items I just had a home show there will be a few other orders but right now the only order was $216 but because it was the past host my commission is $0 this is not fun.
I know, alot of us feel we should be able to receive something for host specials and half priced items as commission, even if just 10% of it! But maybe emailing Home Office in the mass will change this policy some day?
It WOULD be nice if it counted for something ... trip points, $15,000 career sales, or bonus levels, at least!
I would take trip points over commission, but I don't "need" the commission to pay a bunch of bills.
WhoaWhat did she do just buy cookware? OUCH! I feel for you! My January show, the past host did the same thing. I lost out on $228 as she bought both sets of Executive at the 60% off.
Commission would be nice, but at least we do not have to pay for the host specials like other DS companies.
this hostess specials are for us to get bookings, that's just the way it is.
Thankfully, this is not the "norm" that they can pick out such expensive stuff...

and like Shari mentioned, we don't pay for them.

I *do* feel for you, though, that's a lot of work to do a show and get no commission. Ugh.
PAY for host specials? This is the second company I've done DS with, my friends have been consultants for a third and NEVER have any of us paid for host specials or product we sell!My last company gave us commission on 50 percent off items, but anything discounted more than that, nor on any "non-commission items" that are sold at a very low price. However, even those counted toward bonus levels and the like.But we have the added bonus of selling a product everybody uses ... so I'm sure your sales will increase before the show closes!
  • #10
I think trip points and career sales would be nice! We work hard to get those bookings! But as long as the $$ for those discounts aren't coming out of my pocket, I can deal! A girl can dream though!
  • #11
Yes, there are some that have to pay for the host specials. They may get them at a discount, but still it's money that I'd HAVE to pay b/c the company came up with the special. Same with credit card sales. Some companies have to pay a fee. I love PC. They keep it simple for us.
  • #12
trps said:
I really am frustrated with the 60% off items I just had a home show there will be a few other orders but right now the only order was $216 but because it was the past host my commission is $0 this is not fun.

It does make it hard when we don't earn anything off of the host specials. :cry:

My upline, Chris Manion, once told me when I brought this same issue up that the company make NOTHING on half price items and usually looses some money. So they will not pay us or offer incentive points for these items because of that. I could see where they were coming.

Because of course, remember that if they pay you...they pay up to your Director, your upline Director etc....that is quite a lot when you add it up. As a Director with $4000+ in sales, you make 30%, your Director can make either 3-4%, their Director 3-4%, their Director 3-4% and their Director 1%. I think I have those percentages right. So this can be 43% paid out in commissions. Makes you realize why the company doesn't pay on the 50% and 60% off items.

  • #13
This happened to me a couple times in September with the 60% off cookware host special. It was a little painful, but the amount of overall business I had because of the special far outweighed the pain of a no-commission show. More importantly, a lot of customers bought the new stainless steel with their 60% off and starting 'spreading the word' on how happy they are with it. :)

I think the 1/2 price host benefit is awesome. No commission or points is fine with me...I love the business it gives me. (And I love that we don't tie the half-price combos to the number of bookings a host receives like some other companies do....that is icky.)

  • #14
I don't completely understand - was the past host the only customer at these shows? It seems like there should have been more orders that you would have made commission on?
  • #15
Linda, the original poster said that there are a couple more orders coming in, but as of right now, the only one is the past host.
  • #16
Thanks Ann - I should have read and not just skimmed the post!
  • #17
Some of my sales went down last September due to the cookware special but the more cookware they get in their kitchen, the more they may want later and pay full price. Or tell their friends and pay full price. When talking with my hosts, if I talk to them about purchasing cookware and such as their half price or monthly host special, I try to make it a point to tell them that I don't make any money off of these purchase. More of a way to tell them that it's such a great deal, that I can push it on them and not be making any money on it! My host from last week just purchased the 12" skillet and lid and I was happy she bought it at 60% off.

My aunt sells jewelry and they have to pay for part of their hosts special and CC charges. Sure she makes more money on her business than we do (50%) but she has more out of pocket expenses that we don't.
  • #18
This type of thing happened to me in Sept. quite a bit. In fact, I had my lowest show total Avg. EVER in Sept! My hosts were getting the benefits for $400 shows - but my show avg (for commissionable sales) was only $285!:eek: .I'm working really hard to make sure that doesn't happen in February - I am really stressing the free product value of sales, and also the extra bonuses this month - like the Mix n Scraper free with 12 orders, and the sprinkles free with a $60 order......I just don't want another month like Sept. I know it brought me business - but if I'm going to do the work, I'd like to see a bigger paycheck!
  • #19
Di_Can_Cook said:
PAY for host specials? This is the second company I've done DS with, my friends have been consultants for a third and NEVER have any of us paid for host specials or product we sell!
Yep. My SIL started PartyLite (long story, so I won't go there) and I earned like $175 in free stuff and 2 items at 1/2 price. My 1/2 price items I selected were pretty cheap because there just wasn't a whole lot I wanted. ANYWAY, I ended up paying over $62 for my FREE and 1/2 price items because I had to pay tax AND shipping on the FULL value of my items. What a total ripoff!! I've been telling this (modified of course) at my shows to pimp how great PC benefits are for their hosts. TRULY free products and that you don't pay tax on the full value of 1/2 price items - only the 1/2 price.
  • #20
c00p said:
Yep. My SIL started PartyLite (long story, so I won't go there) and I earned like $175 in free stuff and 2 items at 1/2 price. My 1/2 price items I selected were pretty cheap because there just wasn't a whole lot I wanted. ANYWAY, I ended up paying over $62 for my FREE and 1/2 price items because I had to pay tax AND shipping on the FULL value of my items. What a total ripoff!! I've been telling this (modified of course) at my shows to pimp how great PC benefits are for their hosts. TRULY free products and that you don't pay tax on the full value of 1/2 price items - only the 1/2 price.

I had to pay for shipping on my half priced items with TW. And anything above my free product was just normal price.
  • #21
c00p said:
Yep. My SIL started PartyLite (long story, so I won't go there) and I earned like $175 in free stuff and 2 items at 1/2 price. My 1/2 price items I selected were pretty cheap because there just wasn't a whole lot I wanted. ANYWAY, I ended up paying over $62 for my FREE and 1/2 price items because I had to pay tax AND shipping on the FULL value of my items. What a total ripoff!! I've been telling this (modified of course) at my shows to pimp how great PC benefits are for their hosts. TRULY free products and that you don't pay tax on the full value of 1/2 price items - only the 1/2 price.

I did the same thing in the fall..had to pay over $50 for tax and s&h..I would have ordered more out of pocket for myself had I not had to spend that extra money..as it was, I could only really afford to get what I earned for free, which was still alot..but I wasn't able to purchase the host special that I wanted because it was like $40 and I already burned that up on my out of pocket expenses. I was pretty upset over it.
  • #22
I had the same issue with lia sophia. I had $300 in products for $19 and then they charged tax on the $300 with S/H and then added it in again with the $19.:eek:
  • #23
When I'm explaining the host program, I tell them how simple it really is. "With Pampered Chef, just remember, you're only taxed on what you're charged."

It really seems to help them "get it". I don't mention other companies by name, but I do tell them that, many other companies out there do charge you tax and shipping on the FREE stuff, and usually charge tax on the full price of your half-price items, too.

  • #24
wadesgirl said:
My aunt sells jewelry and they have to pay for part of their hosts special and CC charges. Sure she makes more money on her business than we do (50%) but she has more out of pocket expenses that we don't.
Totally, when it's all added up, we do make about the same across the board after they pay out their expenses!
  • #25
I understand where the company is coming from not being able to give commission on 60% and 1/2 price items, but it does suck! I had one host that bought items totalling $528.00!!! And out of that I got commission on about $20.00! It SUCKS!!!! But I do understand.
  • #26
heat123 said:
Totally, when it's all added up, we do make about the same across the board after they pay out their expenses!
They also make 10% on their downline, if you consider it, that's why the price of the jewelry is so crazy!

Related to Why is My Commission $0 on a $216 Sale?

1. What does "$216 Guest Sales $0 Commissions" mean?

It means that the total sales generated by a guest at a Pampered Chef party was $216, but the consultant did not earn any commission on those sales.

2. Why did the consultant not earn any commission on the $216 in sales?

There could be various reasons for this. It could be because the host used all of their rewards towards free products, or the consultant may have used their commission to offer a discount to the guests.

3. Does this mean the consultant did not make any money at all?

No, the consultant could still earn money from the party through bookings and future orders from guests who attended the party. The $216 in sales may also count towards sales goals and incentives.

4. Can a consultant earn commission on all guest sales?

Yes, a consultant can earn commission on all guest sales as long as there are no discounts or rewards used that would reduce their commission.

5. How can a consultant avoid having "$216 Guest Sales $0 Commissions"?

A consultant can avoid this by discussing commission and discounts with the host before the party and setting clear expectations. They can also encourage guests to use their rewards towards future purchases rather than reducing the consultant's commission.

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