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Why Invest in Attending National Conferences?

In summary, The Success Factory argues that it is important to invest in your mind by attending larger company events. There are many reasons why attending these events is beneficial, including getting first hand information on new programs and products, excitement and recognition during general sessions, and the opportunity to meet the company “big-wigs” up close and personal. Additionally, the networking opportunities are vast and plentiful. According to the email, investing in your mind pays back 10 fold. However, there are some people who do not think they need to attend these events because they can get the same information from those who have already attended.
Staff member
This was part of the email I received from The Success Factory today. I thought it had some really good points. Now, I don't believe you HAVE to attend NC. I think you need to make sure it fits your budget and your priorities. However, I know that there are people who just don't see the purpose. The Success Factory explained it better than I could.

This week we are discussing why it is important to invest in your mind by attending larger company events.

OBJECTION - I don’t need to go – I can pick up whatever I need to know from those people who went.

TSF - While certainly it might be possible to get a copy of someone’s notes or purchase materials (such as program booklets or tapes from the seminars); there’s nothing like being there in person.

Here’s TSF’s TOP TEN reasons YOU DON’T want to miss large company training events…

BIG PICTURE of your company

FIRST HAND information on new programs and products


Opportunity to meet the company “big-wigs” up close and personal

Goodies available only to attendees

INVESTING IN YOUR MIND PAYS BACK 10 FOLD! [I think this is one of the best reasons. RB]

NETWORKING – probably as much or more great information about your company, selling and recruiting is gleaned in elevators, hotel lobbies, over lunch, over dinner and late at night giggling in hotel rooms with other consultants than happens at the “official” seminars. THIS part is not-to-be-missed!

Someone else will cook for you AND do the dishes

You get to act like a grown up (sort of)… and (drum roll please)…the number ONE reason not to miss these events…

You don’t have to strap anyone into a car seat before you leave your hotel room!​
I got that e-mail too ... frankly, I wish it had been shortened.SOOOOOO much of it is written assuming that those of us thinking of going are moms with kids.I honestly don't know if I'm going or not ... had the money set aside and then my car took a dive. The year I went, I stayed in a non-conference hotel and feel like I missed out on some things. My director is not planning to get many rooms this year so I have a fear I'll be scrambling if I do go ... Trifecta pay month so I'll see what's left at the end of it.
Di_Can_Cook said:
I got that e-mail too ... frankly, I wish it had been shortened.SOOOOOO much of it is written assuming that those of us thinking of going are moms with kids.I honestly don't know if I'm going or not ... had the money set aside and then my car took a dive. The year I went, I stayed in a non-conference hotel and feel like I missed out on some things. My director is not planning to get many rooms this year so I have a fear I'll be scrambling if I do go ... Trifecta pay month so I'll see what's left at the end of it.
:confused: I only noticed one line that seemed to address those w/ kids. Oh, was what was posted only an excerpt?
I think the last line is probably one of the biggest plusses for me. I love my boys, but they need a little daddy time. Time away from my family was one of the bigger reasons that I started my business.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
babywings76 said:
:confused: I only noticed one line that seemed to address those w/ kids.

Oh, was what was posted only an excerpt?

It was an excerpt from the email, but I posted the full article.
So worth going - you get the big picture about the business. I'm trying to bring my wife this year (arranging for kiddo care and $$$$ for 2 in windy city is my challenge.) She's never been to Chicago!
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  • #7
I wouldn't miss it, but I know that some people need to know why they should attend.
The tour of home office and the warehouse was the big deal for me. Whenever I call the Solution Center, I can picture where the call is being handled, and appreciate all the awesome folks that do their very best to make life easy for us consultants. It was fun to sit in Doris' chair and have my picture taken, to look out her window and see her view, to visit the test kitchen, etc. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes and shoes you can do miles of walking in, comfortably. Remember you are not going to the beach, and we do make an impression on those outside the company who see us as Pampered Chefs..
The original had many references to getting away from the kids, taking the kids, the impact it would have on the kids ... so much it made me ill! As a singleton, I bristle at the assumption that all of us have kids and all of us are moms.But I digress. I wish they were doing a real tour of the home office this year.
  • #10
If you spend your life noticing what's "not you" you're going to be perpetually "ill", and you're going to miss all the good stuff. I can enjoy Chirstmas lights and singing Handel's Messiah with 5,000 other Chicagoans without celebrating Christmas, and the only thing that gets to me are all the commercials (but not as much as election run-ups ;-)

With regard to National Conference, I went once and enjoyed it despite being sick. I think anyone who can afford it should go at least once for the razzle-dazzle and the opportunity to put faces with names. I will go again if and when I am ready to use what I learn to improve my business.
  • #11
I have to chime in here. I have a 50 year old at home and HE needs me to strap into a car seat at times! So don't tell me that only pertains to moms!
And this person is so correct. There is something about a mind set that we all get into through the year. This even makes all the cobwebs go away and the gets the lead out my rear end. I so need this to make my business work. It's like spring cleaning for me!
  • #12
I would love, love, love to go. For us, it will be a financial decision and if I can get the time off from my new job.

I had such a great time at conference and meeting all the people that you have something in common with is amazing. I loved hanging with all of you! And, I loved hanging with John W! The inspiration is all around.

I will never forget this: the image of a lady missing a leg, walking across the stage because she earned some TPC award. Always makes me step back when someone tells me, "I can't..." It is just burned into my mind.
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  • #13
Just to clarify--the original post was the full article from an email I received. It was one article of a few in that email. And, if I'm not mistaken, it was one of a series of emails along a theme.

I just didn't want people to think I'd misrepresented the article.
  • #14
Anne is right. NC shows all of us that no matter what our situation is, this is something we ALL can do. Last year I was in a bad place. I met some amazing people, including a neat lady named Jane. She has over come some physical liabilities and does very well for herself. Made me realize I was a horrible person for doubting myself. And for thinking that because of my own problems, that I could not do this or that. NC makes me KNOW THAT IS PURE BS! If you really want to find out the truth about yourself, attend NC. It makes you look inward to find the "switch" that can make you great! Heck, even if it is only in your own mind! There is nothing ever wrong in believing in yourself!
  • #15
raebates said:
Just to clarify--the original post was the full article from an email I received. It was one article of a few in that email. And, if I'm not mistaken, it was one of a series of emails along a theme.

I just didn't want people to think I'd misrepresented the article.

Hi Rae,

I'd love for you to email me the series. I want to compile an email for the team convincing them why NC is a must. Would you send to: [email protected] ?

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  • #16
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
Hi Rae,

I'd love for you to email me the series. I want to compile an email for the team convincing them why NC is a must. Would you send to: [email protected] ?


Sorry, Laurie, I didn't keep them.
  • #17
AJPratt said:
I would love, love, love to go. For us, it will be a financial decision and if I can get the time off from my new job.

I had such a great time at conference and meeting all the people that you have something in common with is amazing. I loved hanging with all of you! And, I loved hanging with John W! The inspiration is all around.

I will never forget this: the image of a lady missing a leg, walking across the stage because she earned some TPC award. Always makes me step back when someone tells me, "I can't..." It is just burned into my mind.

I am in the same boat financially....plus, it is at a very busy time for me at work, so I don't think I will get the time off. I really loved the Spring Launch so i can only IMAGINE how great National Conference is!
  • #18
Darn, thanks anyhow Rae. =)
  • #19
raebates said:
Sorry, Laurie, I didn't keep them.

Is there a chance they could be in your "trash"? Or have you emptied it already?
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  • #20
Nope. I checked.
  • #21
So, I was curious about the Keynote Guest speakers - Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz. They have a website (http://www.goforno.com), and I found a 16 minute video online to see some of their talk. It's really good, and gives a taste of what we have to look forward to. :)Go For No! - Home - click on the Video on the right side. (You can fast forward through the 'commercial'...they start talking about the 1minute mark.)

Related to Why Invest in Attending National Conferences?

1. Why should I attend National Conference?

Attending National Conference is a great way to stay updated on new products, techniques, and business strategies. It's also a fantastic opportunity to connect with other Pampered Chef consultants and learn from their experiences.

2. What can I expect to gain from attending National Conference?

By attending National Conference, you can expect to gain valuable knowledge and skills to enhance your business, as well as inspiration and motivation to reach your goals. You'll also have the chance to network and build relationships with other consultants and leaders.

3. Is it worth the investment to attend National Conference?

Yes, attending National Conference is definitely worth the investment. You'll have access to exclusive training, workshops, and presentations that can help take your business to the next level. Plus, the connections and friendships you make can have a lasting impact on your success.

4. Can I bring a guest to National Conference?

Yes, you can bring a guest to National Conference. It's a great opportunity to introduce them to the Pampered Chef community and give them a taste of what your business is all about. However, please note that guests are not allowed to attend training sessions or workshops.

5. Will I receive any materials or resources at National Conference?

Yes, you will receive a conference packet filled with helpful materials and resources to use during and after the event. This may include product catalogs, business planning guides, and other materials to help you grow your business. You will also have access to digital resources and presentations after the event.

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