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Why Don't Pictures Show Up on PWS in Firefox?

In summary, Lynda noticed that the pictures on her personal website were not displaying correctly in Firefox, but they displayed correctly on other websites. She emailed HO and got an email back telling her that the pictures were not compatible with Firefox. HO is investigating a solution.
Gold Member
I just set up my website today (yay) but I am noticing that all of the pictures on the "news" page and the one on the home page by my name doesn't show up. I have tried a few of your PWS websites too and it is the same. If I hit the "ie tab" or view through IE the pictures are there. Does anybody else have this problem? I have tried clearing cache but have not rebooted because I can't disconnect from work just yet. Thanks!

I called tech support about this awhile ago. I was told that the websites are not necessarily compatible with firefox. I wish they would reconsider this. Its frustrating. Lots of people ONLY use it.

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  • #3
Well it's just that I remember seeing that particular picture in the past on my recruiter's website and mine earlier today and I only use firefox. It's just a few pictures so I am not going to stress it. Thanks!Lynda
I use Firefox on my Mac, and it used to work, but now it's not. I think it's unacceptable to have sites that are only IE-compatible, because then they aren't actually following the standard for web code. (And BTW, the sites don't always work if you're running IE on a Mac, either - has to be on a Windows machine).
Strange - I use Firefox, and it's fine with mine.....on 2 different computers.
Mine used to show up on Firefox, but now they're not. It's really frustrating, because just about everyone I know has used Firefox for a very long time. [Edited to add: I updated pictures today, and those I selected aren't showing up. The pictures I left the same are showing up fine. GRR]
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I hadn't had an issue until about a week ago and I have had my PWS for 2 years and have always used Firefox. I emailed HO and got this @#$#%$ email backThe issues described in your earlier email are occurring only for Mozilla Firefox users. I have reported this issue to our web site developers who will research the issue. If possible, please use the Internet Explorer web browser to update your personal web site at this time.
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  • #8
Yeah, I put one picture of a dish I had made up and that shows fine, anything else on there still doesn't show at all. It's not a big enough issue to force me to use IE instead but frustrating just the same.
Do not use Internet Explorer!! This is unacceptable from HO, as has been the issue with P3, but that's another thread entirely. If your personal anti-virus (AVG) is up-to-date you will be fairly safe, but they should be developing and researching to make their web program compatible with firefox. This is the only thing my husband uses and puts on all his clients computers. It is much safer.
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  • #10
My pictures are showing up in firefox now, maybe enough of us FF users complained? Is anybody else getting the pics now?
  • #11
The pics did not show up when I went to PC to update my web site, but when viewing like an outsider, the pics (except my home page) were all there.
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  • #12
All my pics are showing up (the one on my home page is one I made myself). I see your pics, except your home page and same with my director's page. Really very odd. If you want to see mine it's /notjustcrockLynda
  • #13
Lynda,What did you make that is in your picture? It looks yummy.
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  • #14
That's the chicken alfredo lasagna recipe that came with the rectangular baker. It tasted pretty yummy too.Lynda
  • #15
Can you email me the recipe for that one Lynda? I checked out the care guides and it only list recipes from our cookbooks for the rectangular baker. They should list the ones that come with the products.I just realized Lynda, You're up late there in PA.
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  • #16
Sent email
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  • #17
Yeah I am usually a night bird but am never supposed to be up this late. Good thing I don't have to be at work till 10:30.Lynda
  • #18
I noticed yesterday that this error is sort of fixed. Only the pic on my home page isn't coming up, but I was on someone else's PWS, and it showed up fine. Weird.I agree that it's unacceptable for PWS not to work properly with a standards-compliant browser.

Related to Why Don't Pictures Show Up on PWS in Firefox?

1. How can I add pictures to my Pampered Chef website on PWS?

To add pictures to your PWS, first log in to your account and go to the "Manage Website" section. From there, click on the "Edit" button next to the page where you want to add pictures. Then, click on the "Add Media" button and select the pictures you want to upload from your computer. Finally, click "Save" to add the pictures to your website.

2. Can I customize the size and layout of the pictures on my PWS?

Yes, you can customize the size and layout of your pictures on your PWS. When adding pictures, you can choose from different layout options such as grid, slideshow, or individual images. You can also adjust the size of the pictures by clicking on them and dragging the corners to make them larger or smaller.

3. Why can't I see the pictures on my PWS when using Firefox?

If you are having trouble viewing pictures on your PWS while using Firefox, it could be due to a browser compatibility issue. Try clearing your browser's cache and cookies, or using a different browser such as Google Chrome or Safari. You can also make sure your Firefox browser is up to date to ensure compatibility with the PWS platform.

4. Can I add pictures to specific pages on my PWS?

Yes, you can add pictures to specific pages on your PWS. When editing a page, you can click on the "Add Media" button and select the specific pictures you want to add to that page. You can also rearrange the order of pictures on a page by dragging and dropping them into the desired position.

5. How many pictures can I add to my PWS?

There is no limit to the number of pictures you can add to your PWS. However, it is important to keep in mind the overall design and layout of your website and not overcrowd it with too many pictures. Choose high-quality, visually appealing pictures that showcase your products and services effectively.

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