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Director Why Does a Stranger Keep Sending Me Friend Requests on Facebook?

In summary, this woman sends the author friend requests and messages asking to be friends. The author has ignored all of these requests and does not want to be friends with this woman.
I posted a picture of an Ice Cream Nachos recipe that I made at a show recently and shared it on the main Pampered Chef page. Several people have requested the recipe and that's fine--I will share it.One gal keeps sending me a friend request and even sent me a private message saying she looks forward to being friends with me! WTF? I sent her the recipe, but beyond that, I have no idea who she is and am NOT interested in being FB friends with her. I have ignored each friend request--all three of them in the last 1/2 hr--and have no intention of ever confirming.
I think these people should have to take a course on FB etiquette and pass a written exam before they are allowed to get on there!
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  • #3
We don't have any friends in common either, so there is absolutely no connection.She just sent friend request #4.
I agree! I've been friended by 2 people and I haven't posted anything (just liked a couple of posts). I try to figure out who they are and realize that somewhere in their profile it says they sell PC. I hate to be rude, but, if I don't know you from anywhere, how can I be your friend?!?!
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  • #5
I think they're just trying to grab all the friends they can. I have no reason to be friends with PC consultants that I don't already know.
Darn Deb, I thought I had friended you and I hadn't! Just kidding I am the same way I don't respond to people I don't know, I have gotten some crazy requests.
Also I looked at your picture and it looks great!! I hope it was a good show. Did you feel like the icecream nachos show cased the product well?
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  • #7
cincychef said:
Darn Deb, I thought I had friended you and I hadn't! Just kidding I am the same way I don't respond to people I don't know, I have gotten some crazy requests.
Also I looked at your picture and it looks great!! I hope it was a good show. Did you feel like the icecream nachos show cased the product well?


I feel like I've managed to get enough products in the demo. I'm going to do something else in August, though. I need to get the DCB back in there to encourage bookings. I think I'm going to do Linda's speedy pineapple upside down cake. Mmmm!
DebbieJ said:

I feel like I've managed to get enough products in the demo. I'm going to do something else in August, though. I need to get the DCB back in there to encourage bookings. I think I'm going to do Linda's speedy pineapple upside down cake. Mmmm!

Hijack - but about that cake....

My friend Jill took a workshop at conference on breaking into the Hispanic Market, and they encouraged focusing on Cookware, and not really talking about stoneware. I didn't know this in June, when I had a big mostly Hispanic-attended party. I did the Cool & Crunchy Chicken Taco Salad (did the chicken in the grill pan) and did Linda's cake as a quick 2nd recipe. Well, I sold 3 DCB's that night (4 counting the host's 1/2 price one) and got 3 bookings. (and $900 in sales) The first of those 3 bookings is next week, and she has INSISTED that we do the cake in the DCB again. Her exact words were "we have to do the cake, because I know if we do it, I'll get lots of bookings, and I want lots of bookings!"

Hmmm, I'm thinking so much for focusing on Cookware! I'm still focusing on the DCB!
Becky, I loved that workshop last year and typed up my notes from it... hmmm wonder where they are! You could easily combine the main dish recipe with cookware and slide that DCB in the backdoor as a wonderful booking add on with that cake! I think I'll do that cake all next month! Starting with my last July show next week! Thanks y'all!
  • #10
There should be a way for you to tell fb that you don't know them when you deny the friendship. Another idea is just to send them a message saying you only use your fb profile page for close friends and family.
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  • #11
cmdtrgd said:
There should be a way for you to tell fb that you don't know them when you deny the friendship. Another idea is just to send them a message saying you only use your fb profile page for close friends and family.

There is. If you Ignore it on your Notifications page, a sentence appears at the top and you have to click on it. I didn't do it for this gal because I didn't want to take it that far.

In the meantime, she has friended several of you. :rolleyes:
  • #12
DebbieJ said:
In the meantime, she has friended several of you. :rolleyes:

so - who is it? I know who all my fb friends are (even if I haven't met them in person I know where the relationship is from) I do have a friend request out there that I have not responded to who is friends with several cheffers - I don't know what her cs name is (if she's from cs) and her real name doesn't ring a bell yet.
  • #13
Is it the girl who is friends with Ellen Hill? Carolyn asked me about her last night. I usually just accept requests from other Consultants since I like to "think" we're all here to help each other. Yeah yeah.....naive, I know.
  • #14
Debi said:
Is it the girl who is friends with Ellen Hill? Carolyn asked me about her last night. I usually just accept requests from other Consultants since I like to "think" we're all here to help each other. Yeah yeah.....naive, I know.

I have no clue who she is - never met her at conference or on PC trips. I have WAY too many pics of my kids posted for me t comfortably accept anyone I don't know. She only requested me 1x
  • #15
I have had a few people request to friend me since yesterday. I don't "friend"...I am not "friend"-ly...I am un-"friend"-ly and you can't stop me!jk! I personally only have family on my personal FB page. My immediate family is about 50 people (and that is just MY IMMEDIATE family). That's enough, don't you think? We post to keep each other informed.
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  • #16
Pam Marten WinckelDebi, you are friends with her now! LOL!
  • #17
DebbieJ said:
Pam Marten Winckel

Debi, you are friends with her now! LOL!

Yeah, she's the one who was friends with Ellen so I accepted it.
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  • #18
Debi said:
Yeah, she's the one who was friends with Ellen so I accepted it.

I probably would have too if she hadn't sent the request FOUR TIMES!
  • #19
DebbieJ said:
Pam Marten Winckel

Debi, you are friends with her now! LOL!

Debi said:
Yeah, she's the one who was friends with Ellen so I accepted it.

That's who I have a request in limbo from. Is she on CS? What's her CS name because I sure don't recognize her face or real name.

Ellen and I are not friends so don't know how she would have gotten my name from her.
  • #20
Weird and weird. Sounds like they are just trying to collect friends! Not me though... sniff, sniff. :p
  • #21
She's the same one who tried to friend me...I have no idea who she is!
  • #22
I got the request, too....and ignored it.
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  • #23
She sounds like a friend collector.I understand wanting to be friends with PC consultants, but I have never met this person in any way, shape, or form.
  • #24
DebbieJ said:
I have never met this person in any way, shape, or form.

That's exactly why I ignored her request
  • #25
She must not want to be my friend! LOL

Related to Why Does a Stranger Keep Sending Me Friend Requests on Facebook?

What is the best way to handle someone who keeps friending me on Facebook?

The best way to handle someone who keeps friending you on Facebook is to politely decline their friend request or use the "ignore" option. If the person continues to send friend requests, you can also block them.

Why do I keep receiving friend requests from people I don't know on Facebook?

There could be a few reasons for this. It's possible that the person knows you through mutual friends or has seen your profile through a Facebook group or event. Sometimes, scammers also send friend requests to gain access to your personal information. It's important to be cautious and only accept friend requests from people you know and trust.

How do I stop someone from friending me without blocking them?

You can change your privacy settings on Facebook to only allow friend requests from people you have mutual friends with. This way, strangers or acquaintances will not be able to send you friend requests. You can also adjust your settings to review and approve all friend requests before they are added to your friends list.

Is it rude to unfriend someone on Facebook?

It's ultimately your decision who you want to be friends with on Facebook. If you no longer want to be connected with someone, it's okay to unfriend them. However, if the person is a close friend or family member, it may be more considerate to have a conversation with them first before unfriending.

What should I do if someone is constantly sending me friend requests after I have denied them?

If someone is continuously sending you friend requests after you have declined them, you can block them. This will prevent them from seeing your profile and sending you any further friend requests. You can also report the person if you feel they are harassing you through friend requests.

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