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Why Can't Guests Receive Multiple BBQ Basters for Large Orders?

In summary, the conversation was about a consultant's frustration with the guest special policy for a June show. They noticed that a guest could only receive one free bbq baster even if they spent enough to qualify for two. The consultant had already told a customer they qualified for two, but the policy had changed and now only allowed one per order over $80. The consultant was considering splitting the order into two to get the customer two freebies, but was unsure if this was allowed. Other consultants chimed in, with some saying they usually split the order and pay the extra shipping, while others argued that the company is already generous with their specials and it's important to read the fine print. The consultant ultimately called HO to confirm and was
I just had my first June show on the weekend and I'm inputting the orders this morning. I notice that for the June guest special (free bbq baster with $80 purchased), you can only enter 1 per guest, even if they spend enough to qualify for 2 basters!

So, I have a guest who's spent $200 and I wanted to enter 2 bbq basters for her and PP says "guest may only purchase 1 of this product per guest order". Grrrrr..... don't guest specials usually allow you to enter the appropriate number according to how much the guest spent? I already told this customer that she qualified for 2 basters because that's how entered things like this in the past??! HELP!:confused:
I notice you're in Canada, so it may be different there, but here in the States, guests can only get one of the "get it free" guest specials. When someone places an order large enough that they would get two, I usually split it into two orders and pay the extra shipping myself. To me it's worth the $4.24 (s/h + tax) to have the customer think I'm wonderful.
It used to be that for every $75 then for every $80 the guest would get a guest special. So like you mentioned, for $200, she would get 2. However, PC Canada changed our requirements earlier this year to match the U.S. Now it states in fine print at the bottom of the guest special flyer we can get off CC or in our newsletter that it's for every order OVER $80 - not for every $80. So in order to receive 2, you would need to split the order into two orders over $80 and she would have to pay shipping twice. I feel for you, been there, done that :(
To my knowledge (and it may be diff. in Canada) the guest has never been able to get more than one guest special, regardless of how much over the $60 mark they went in their purchase. The only way that I can think of around this is to enter it as 2 orders - and eat the shipping on the 2nd order.
See - even as I was typing - Jodi was giving you better info than I was!:D :rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thank you everyone for such fast responses! I just called HO (Canada) to confirm before I proceed and they said that some guest specials allow more than one and some don't and to read the fine print (GRRRRR....).

I argued that I could just split the customer's order and get her the 2 freebies that I think she's entitled to! What's the motivator for people to spend then!?!? HO said that I "shouldn't technically do that but it was up to me and HO doesn't need to know that I'm using a trick to get around." I said I wouldn't have this problem if they were consistent with their application of guest specials and if they were FAIR to customers in the first place!!
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Sorry, have to chime in here!!
I order from many DS companies & can not remember EVER getting something FREE with a purchase. I think PC is very generous.
Miguel said:
Thank you everyone for such fast responses! I just called HO (Canada) to confirm before I proceed and they said that some guest specials allow more than one and some don't and to read the fine print (GRRRRR....).

I argued that I could just split the customer's order and get her the 2 freebies that I think she's entitled to! What's the motivator for people to spend then!?!? HO said that I "shouldn't technically do that but it was up to me and HO doesn't need to know that I'm using a trick to get around." I said I wouldn't have this problem if they were consistent with their application of guest specials and if they were FAIR to customers in the first place!!

I think PC is very "fair" to customers in offering different customer specials in the first place. Even if the special changed every month, it's something for FREE or at a discount for our customers - that we don't have to pay for out of our own pockets. There are lots of DS companies that say "buy this, get this free" and guess what? The Consultant has to pay for that "free" item!
So yeah, read the fine print each month before you tell your customers what they can get... it'll save you lots of confusion and you'll be able to be "consistent" in offering your guests the correct info. :)
raebates said:
When someone places an order large enough that they would get two, I usually split it into two orders and pay the extra shipping myself. To me it's worth the $4.24 (s/h + tax) to have the customer think I'm wonderful.

This doesn't happen to me very often, but I need to start doing this. It didn't even dawn on me to do it that way before, but I bet the guest would like getting 2 of something if she spent alot. Thanks!
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  • #10
I don't mean to sound ungrateful that PC has free guest specials but I think if a customer spends $200, he/she should be able to benefit more than someone who has spent $80. I'm all for splitting the order - why not make your customers the happiest!?

Further, I don't mean for this to sound negative and I've tried to think of ways to phrase this, but PC isn't cheap to start with! I've been a consultant for a year now and I understand how great the products are and how they are really good quality & etc... but my first reaction as a customer is that the prices are on the high side so I really appreciated the monthly specials and those specials really encouraged me to spend $$$ !
  • #11
I agree that two (or even three since you could do it that way) would be nice, but I don't think it's unreasonable for HO to give that away. If you order $200 worth of product, your shipping is costing the company a lot more than the $4 for US orders. So to expect them to give something MORE and pay the shipping seems a bit unreasonable to me.....
  • #12
Ok so I have to chime in here. I'm all about doing whatever I can for my customers...but to be honest, my customers who have actually spent enough to qualify for 2 guest specials could care less. They are already spending the money to get things they want for free...and yeah they are thrilled to get something extra free...but they aren't spending the money TO get something free when they are spending such large amounts of money, so ultimately...it comes down to splitting if you want...or just going with the generosity the company offers to begin with. If I were spending $200 on something I loved...yeah I'd love to get something free...but wouldn't be disappointed or anything if I only got ONE of something for free. Anyway...just my opinion.

Related to Why Can't Guests Receive Multiple BBQ Basters for Large Orders?

What is the June guest special?

The June guest special is a special offer available for Pampered Chef customers who host a cooking party in the month of June. It typically includes discounted products or free gifts for the host.

How can I take advantage of the June guest special?

To take advantage of the June guest special, you can host a cooking party with your Pampered Chef consultant in the month of June. Your consultant will provide more information about the specific offer and how to qualify for it.

Can I still get the June guest special if I can't host a party in June?

Unfortunately, the June guest special is only available for customers who host a cooking party in the month of June. However, there may be other special offers or discounts available through your consultant at other times of the year.

What products are included in the June guest special?

The specific products included in the June guest special may vary each year. Your Pampered Chef consultant will be able to provide more information about the current offer and which products are eligible for the special.

Can I combine the June guest special with other offers or discounts?

In most cases, the June guest special cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. However, your consultant will be able to provide more information about any exceptions or special promotions that may be available.

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