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Director Why Aren't My Qualified Consultants Showing as Senior Consultants?

In summary, the 1st line consultant has one recruit while the 2nd and 3rd line consultants have two recruits each, but neither of them is yet qualified as a Senior Consultant. Everyone is active this month, but the 1st and 2nd line consultants are not receiving their regular Director pay. The 3rd line consultant is not yet qualified, but the 1st and 2nd line consultants are qualified and are showing up as Senior Consultants. The 3rd line consultant is not yet qualified, but the 1st and 2nd line consultants are qualified and are showing up as Senior Consultants.
Silver Member
I have a consultant (1st line) who has one recruit (2nd line) and SHE has one recruit (3rd line). The 3rd line consultant is not yet qualified but the 1st and 2nd line consultants are qualified but NEITHER of them are showing up as Senior Consultants. Everyone is active this month. Does anyone know if this is typical or do I need to call HO to ensure everyone is reflected correctly and that we are all getting paid properly?

Titles go into effect 1st of every month. So it will show up by June 10th (once they update all the end of month stuff) but they will be PAID as Sr Consultants for May from what I understand.
oh, and qualification has nothing to do with it anymore, just activity.
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Thanks Deb! I wasn't clear on the 1st part (the title) but everything else is what I thought.
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  • #5
OK, further question.....So, since LAST MONTH I only had one SC "active," I will only get paid as a TL THIS month? That doesn't seem right.
You would only get paid as a TL under the new plan, but they are paying us at the higher level Apr, May and June, so you will be getting regular Dir pay as long as you were a Dir on March 31st.I am in the same boat trying to keep track of everyone who has an "active line" and those who don't. Right now I am waiting on a SC to turn in a show this month (her recruit did already) and have another TL who is good to go for this month (in fact she may end up being a Director soon).I am hoping to get my structure set before the end of June...it's a lot of work!!!
jwpamp said:
You would only get paid as a TL under the new plan, but they are paying us at the higher level Apr, May and June, so you will be getting regular Dir pay as long as you were a Dir on March 31st.

But ONLY IF you met the director requirements under the old plan.

So in order to get paid as a director from now until July, you have to have one of two things:
1. 4 active lines, two of which are SC lines (new plan)
2. 5 active, first line consultants (old plan)

You still get paid on performance, even though your title is in effect.
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So I could have 5 SCs THIS month, but if I only had 1 last month, I'm still screwed? I wouldn't get all my overrides this month? But then next month I would get the extra in overrides, but potentially on less cluster sales?

Am I totally screwing this up? It's hard to express what I'm trying to ask so I hope I make sense.

And all my questions are in relation to the NEW PLAN without considering the grace period.
Here's an example
April you met all the sales requirements but only had 1 SC (4 active lines but only one is a SC) You would be paid as a Team leader but can keep your Director title for 3 grace months. (assuming you were a director as of March 32st)
In May you have all your ducks in a row--4 active lines with two being 2 Senior Consultants and met all the sales requirements. On the June 8th paycheck you will receive pay as a Director. Your overrides don't go into effect until the month end check just like before.

If you were a Team Leader on April 1st with the above scenerio then you promote to Director June 1st but still get paid as a Director for May's paycheck on June 8th.

Hopefully that helps
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  • #10
I do understand what is being explained. However, it still doesn't fit my scenario. Let me see if I can break it down and not confuse myself any further! LOL!I WAS a Director on Mar 31st.As of TODAY, per my performance tracker, I have:
1. 5 active lines
2. One TL (with only one active line)
3. One SC (whose line has NOT yet met the monthly $150)
4. One Consultant who HAS met SC requirements for the month but is still only showing up as a Consultant (which Deb explained).Now when I check my Title Requirements, it shows one SC. I would have expected my Title Requirements to reflect and 2 SCs based on this month's performance so far. Wouldn't my TL show up as an SC for Title Requirements at this point since she's only met the SC requirement?Does this make sense? Can you understand my confusion now?
  • #11
Debi said:
I do understand what is being explained. However, it still doesn't fit my scenario. Let me see if I can break it down and not confuse myself any further! LOL!

I WAS a Director on Mar 31st.

As of TODAY, per my performance tracker, I have:
1. 5 active lines
2. One TL (with only one active line)
3. One SC (whose line has NOT yet met the monthly $150)
4. One Consultant who HAS met SC requirements for the month but is still only showing up as a Consultant (which Deb explained).

Now when I check my Title Requirements, it shows one SC. I would have expected my Title Requirements to reflect and 2 SCs based on this month's performance so far. Wouldn't my TL show up as an SC for Title Requirements at this point since she's only met the SC requirement?

Does this make sense? Can you understand my confusion now?

My bet is that the one SC that is showing up is your TL. If the SC who has met the requirements (both she and her recruit have submitted at least $150 each) isn't showing up it could be that one of the shows isn't posted to your tracker yet. It'll be there soon! One of the shows could be on hold or they could just be slow at updating...
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bethcooks4u said:
My bet is that the one SC that is showing up is your TL. If the SC who has met the requirements (both she and her recruit have submitted at least $150 each) isn't showing up it could be that one of the shows isn't posted to your tracker yet. It'll be there soon! One of the shows could be on hold or they could just be slow at updating...

No, my tracker shows they're both well over the $150 minimum.
  • #13
Debi said:
No, my tracker shows they're both well over the $150 minimum.
Well that's wierd then. I'd call.
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  • #14
bethcooks4u said:
Well that's wierd then. I'd call.

LOL! I was really thinking I was just being slow! :D

Related to Why Aren't My Qualified Consultants Showing as Senior Consultants?

When Does a Sc Show up as a Sc?

As an employee of Pampered Chef, I often get asked questions about our products and services. One of the common inquiries is about the appearance of a Sc on our products. Here are the top 5 frequently asked questions about when a Sc shows up as a Sc:

1. What does "Sc" stand for?

Sc stands for "Satisfaction Guaranteed." This is our promise to our customers that we stand behind the quality of our products and will do everything we can to ensure their satisfaction.

2. When will the Sc appear on my order?

The Sc will appear on your order once it has been processed and shipped. This is to ensure that the product has gone through our quality control process and meets our high standards.

3. Can I return a product if there is no Sc on it?

Yes, you can still return a product even if there is no Sc on it. Our Satisfaction Guarantee applies to all of our products, whether there is a Sc visible or not.

4. What if the Sc is not visible or smudged?

If the Sc is not visible or smudged, it does not affect our Satisfaction Guarantee. As long as you have proof of purchase and contact us within the designated time frame, we will still honor our promise to ensure your satisfaction.

5. Can I request to have a Sc on my product?

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate requests for a Sc to be added to a product. However, rest assured that all of our products go through the same quality control process and are backed by our Satisfaction Guarantee.

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