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Why Aren't Consultant Gifts Showing Up in P3 Expenses?

nothing. I think they changed the name of the category! So now of course it doesn't match what we have entered in P3.
Gold Member
Has anyone else noticed that "Consultant Gifts" are no longer showing up for them this year as an expense?

It doesn't show up on the income & expense tab nor when I run the report even though I have it checked. I also have P3 set to automatically create "Consultant Gift" as an expense when the show is submitted.

Thoughts? Suggestions? I will call tech support tomorrow but I thought I would try here.

I remember someone saying that it is not available as an option in the New Web, maybe it has something to do with that.
It hasn't worked all year. And yes, it's not a feature on the new web either. I don't think they realized how much we use that for tax purposes. Several people have asked that they add the option. HOPEFULLY, they will listen.
Ugh! Is there an easy way to go back and figure out any consultant gifts for this year??!!
Yikes...that would be bad to take it out of P3. My NED was saying this weekend when that came uo as well as other frustrations with the new web (coming from new consultants who were confused), she said "they will fix things...be patient.". So I took from that it may be another item on their "punch list".
I think all of us do a lot of consultant gifting. It really needs to be there for our records.
Well, it would have been nice if they would have told us that at the beginning of the year.....now I have to go back and manually figure that out. Why are they allowing us to put it in as a payment type, but not tracking it as an expense.....going to send them an e-mail.Personally, I think they are making our jobs harder this year and not easier! Just my opinion.
Just sent an e-mail to HO asking about this.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Let me know what you find out ~ I don't want to ask the same question twice!Glad to see I am not alone :)Karen
  • #10
Sad to say, but the more inquiries that they get, the faster they'll realize that it's something we really use and want back. ;)
  • #11
Just sent this to HO:
I am trying to check my 'consultant gift' expenses in P3. My tax preparer uses it along with the other expense print out each year. It will not come up. I checked w/some other consultants and they said we cannot track this anymore. That does not make sense. It is an expense for us and as such is tax deductible. Personally I feel we need this option both in P3 & if it is not variable in the new web, we will need it there, too. Thank you for listening and providing your help.
  • #12
If it won't show up in the expense report, can it be run as a report on its own?
(Not at a pc where I can check right now)
  • #13
I thought it was just me. I had this problem a couple of weeks ago and never got it figured out.
  • #14
It's not showing up at all....everyone needs to e-mail HO and then they know we are serious......haven't heard back from them yet.
  • #15
I am on hold with Tech Support. He was unaware of the issue, so everyone should call in and let them know it is not just an isolated event. Like Sheila said the more people that inquire the faster it is resolved.
  • #16
The new web dosn't have an area for expenses at at all , not sure if it's coming but as of now it's not there
  • #17
I have a sneaking suspicion I know what they did!I was just looking at my P3 to see if I had the same issue. Of course, no "consultant gift" category. Then I noticed that in the list of Expense categories, was one called "GIFT". Not CONSULTANT GIFT, just GIFT. I tried running a report on that, and of course, it pulls up nothing. I checked my last show, and there was at least one item that had a consultant gift payment type. I think they changed the name of the category! So now of course it doesn't match what we have entered in P3.I don't know about the new web, but maybe I should email Tech Support my findings. They seem to have their hands full! ;)
  • #18
esavvymom said:
I have a sneaking suspicion I know what they did!

I was just looking at my P3 to see if I had the same issue. Of course, no "consultant gift" category.

Then I noticed that in the list of Expense categories, was one called "GIFT". Not CONSULTANT GIFT, just GIFT. I tried running a report on that, and of course, it pulls up nothing. I checked my last show, and there was at least one item that had a consultant gift payment type.

I think they changed the name of the category! So now of course it doesn't match what we have entered in P3.

I don't know about the new web, but maybe I should email Tech Support my findings. They seem to have their hands full! ;)

I saw that, too, and was wondering the same thing......hopefully they change that.
  • #19
esavvymom said:
I have a sneaking suspicion I know what they did!

I was just looking at my P3 to see if I had the same issue. Of course, no "consultant gift" category.

Then I noticed that in the list of Expense categories, was one called "GIFT". Not CONSULTANT GIFT, just GIFT. I tried running a report on that, and of course, it pulls up nothing. I checked my last show, and there was at least one item that had a consultant gift payment type.

I think they changed the name of the category! So now of course it doesn't match what we have entered in P3.

I don't know about the new web, but maybe I should email Tech Support my findings. They seem to have their hands full! ;)

I did notice that, BUT I couldn't get it to add that category when I was running a monthly expense report, I need the document to add it just like the rest of the categories and I couldn't get it to work, I will have to go back and try again.
  • #20
It has always called "Gift" in the reports. Not "Consultant Gift".
  • #21
cookingwithlove said:
It has always called "Gift" in the reports. Not "Consultant Gift".
But I never saw it that way in the categories list before.
Who knows....it's one of those things you don't notice until it's gone, and then you aren't sure what you remember seeing! ;)
Last edited:
  • #22
I just finished a show in May and paid $15 towards an order; the lady had won one of my gift certificates. In P3 under payments I chose "Consultant Gift". When I run an expense report on "Gifts" no data is found and of course there is no category for "consultant gift". Since we are all going to end up on the webs at some point in the future, I guess we should not take the time to make a "cn" category in the expense report section.....
  • #23
I e-mailed HO about this and still have not heard.....it seems like when I ask questions about the technical part there is no response. I'll e-mail again because it would be nice if it was fixed.....because who knows......we could still be using this the rest of the year.
  • #24
Even if we switch, I really want it fixed in P3 because I will still have the program on my computer for receipt and order information, as well as my own expense record for that period of my business. Next year, I will want to be able to run an accurate expense report!
  • #25
Call do not email. Right now there is no report option in the new web so there is no way of tracking expenses.
  • #26
cookingwithlove said:
Call do not email. Right now there is no report option in the new web so there is no way of tracking expenses.

Can we run any reports in the new web.....such as order history for customers, what items have been ordered, booking history, etc.? I really like that feature in P3 and will miss it if it's not included.
  • #27
So here is the my response to HO and the response I FINALLY received from HO (after 2 e-mails). I don't feel confident that they are going to fix this.....guess I better start manually going back through my shows to figure out my "consultant gift" expenses. You would think it would be an easy fix since they already did it for all the years we've had PP+.

I would suggest that others start sending in requests for this so they see how important it is. Plus who knows how much longer we will be using PP+ since they are having so many issues with the new web.

I e-mailed this question early last week and have had no response.....

I noticed in P3 that when you run an income and expense report that “Consultant Gifts” is not showing up in the report even though I have put several “consultant gifts” as a payment this year. Is there a reason that this is no longer showing up? That is something very important that we track for expenses and need it to be there….otherwise, we will have to go back manually through each show and write it down. Is this something that can be fixed?

Also, have heard that in the new program there is no place to track our expenses……I hope this is not true because basically instead of life being easier with this new program, it is getting harder.



You are correct. The consultant gift is a feature that has been removed from the reports in P3. I will send a suggestion on your behalf to our development department for review. In the new web, there is currently no expense tracking. This is something that will be implemented however, we do not have a date when this will be available yet though. I do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Dennis Lochman
Pampered Chef Technical Support
Start Your Own Business and plan kitchen shows at PamperedChef.com

---- Original Message ----
From: [email protected]
Sent: 06-28-2012 10:08:46
To: [email protected]
Subject: PamperedPartner® and Web Support
  • #28
I just sent this to the home office. I did send a message some time ago asking about consultant gifts, but never received an answer so I figured I would include it in my correspondence. "In P3 when run an income & expense report “Consultant Gifts” is not showing up.I have put"consultant gifts” as an expense this year. I was able to track this before. Why the change? It is very important that we track for expenses. What if the home office could not track expenses and needed to do it manually? That would not happen. Why burden their consultants with this? I hope this is only a temporary glitch. I have heard that in the new program there is no place to track our expenses. Again, would the home company track their expenses manually? Hopefully this is just a rumor. I also want to know about keeping track of customers/hosts & keeping notes on them. How will this work in the new web? Someone told me we will not have a way to do this. If that is the case are we to continue to use p3 for this application or are we going to be offered some program that will do this? I use this application all the time to keep a running record of my contacts & interaction with them. I appreciate your response. All the above questions have me worried as if the response to them is negative we consultants are going to be spending more time with paperwork; that does not make it appealing to a future recruit. Sincerely,"
  • #29
I'm thinking I might send a letter to Jean & Marla.....not sure that they will get it and read it, but I wonder if they know all that is going on and affecting us......it makes me really mad!
  • #30
They have to know... Marla seemed really upset in the latest video email we all got from her. I'm sure they have someone reporting to them from the trenches.
  • #31
Just got this message today from HO: "Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. We have reported the problem with the automatic Consultant Gifts not being generated automatically. You will need to enter the Consultant Gift manually and this option does work. You will need to go back and enter any Consultant Gift that was not entered automatically. I do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you."
  • #32
byrd1956 said:
Just got this message today from HO: "Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. We have reported the problem with the automatic Consultant Gifts not being generated automatically. You will need to enter the Consultant Gift manually and this option does work. You will need to go back and enter any Consultant Gift that was not entered automatically. I do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you."

What?!?! How do you enter it manually on a report? Sounds like they didnt understand the problem being reported. We can enter thepayment type still, yes? It just doesnt come up when you run an expense report, correct?
  • #33
esavvymom said:
What?!?! How do you enter it manually on a report? Sounds like they didnt understand the problem being reported. We can enter thepayment type still, yes? It just doesnt come up when you run an expense report, correct?

They DON'T understand the problem, apparently. You need to respond back to them and tell them we CAN enter "consultant gift".....It does NOT come up on the report. I'd really like to know where they hired their IT people from......because they just aren't getting it!
  • #34
So this is my reply to the HO reply:
"Hello, Thank you for your response, although it does not help nor answer all of my questions. We can enter "consultant gift".....It does not come up on the report for expenses. Also, can we track our expenses in the new web program? Also, are we able to keep track of hosts/customers and keep notes on the in the new web program? Thank you for your help."
  • #35
esavvymom said:
What?!?! How do you enter it manually on a report? Sounds like they didnt understand the problem being reported. We can enter thepayment type still, yes? It just doesnt come up when you run an expense report, correct?

Thanks for posting this Bobbi. I have NO idea what their reply means and was concerned that I was the only one.
  • #36
byrd1956 said:
So this is my reply to the HO reply:
"Hello, Thank you for your response, although it does not help nor answer all of my questions. We can enter "consultant gift".....It does not come up on the report for expenses. Also, can we track our expenses in the new web program? Also, are we able to keep track of hosts/customers and keep notes on the in the new web program? Thank you for your help."

Let us know what their next response is.....
  • #37
Here is today's reply: "Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. Sorry for any confusion! What I mean is from the P3 program select File > New > Income & Expense and then add the Consultant Gift manually here at this screen. When you enter the Gift expense manually you can run a report on this expense.The new web has no option for a Consultant Gift, however I did put in the suggestion upon the request of many consultants to have the Consultant Gift option available for a method of payment.On the new web the notes are part of the Contact record only and are not associated with a show. You can specify via a checkbox Host or Potential Host for a contact qualifier as was the case in the P3 program."I don't have time to check all this until after the 5th, but thought everyone here would want to know what they said.
  • #38
Thanks, Robyn, for the update.
  • #39
byrd1956 said:
Here is today's reply: "Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. Sorry for any confusion! What I mean is from the P3 program select File > New > Income & Expense and then add the Consultant Gift manually here at this screen. When you enter the Gift expense manually you can run a report on this expense.

The new web has no option for a Consultant Gift, however I did put in the suggestion upon the request of many consultants to have the Consultant Gift option available for a method of payment.

On the new web the notes are part of the Contact record only and are not associated with a show. You can specify via a checkbox Host or Potential Host for a contact qualifier as was the case in the P3 program."

I don't have time to check all this until after the 5th, but thought everyone here would want to know what they said.

That's not really a solution.......that just means that I have to go back through all of my shows this year and pull out all the consultant gift amounts and add those in......since the system used to do it why can't they make it go back to that?
  • #40
I replied to HO. "Isn't there anyway this can be 'retro-active' so we consultants do not have to go back through all of our shows from this year and pull out all the consultant gift amounts and add those in. Since the system used to do it why can't it be made to go back to that? Thank you."
  • #41
Honestly, I would reply back to them and ask "Why was the report feature REMOVED from P3 in the first place? ". And say it is simply unacceptable.

There is no reason they should have removed that feature from P3, new web nit withstanding.
  • #42
Bobbi, I totally agree....going to send them another e-mail. Hopefully they will be tired of hearing from us and just FIX it!
  • #43
So I replied again even though I have not heard back yet from my last message. I sent this message: "I meant to add this to my reply yesterday. I was wondering, why was the report feature was removed from P3 in the first place. For myself and all the other consultants I know removing this feature was a decision that should not have been done.
I would like to let my consultant friends the logic behind this decision. Thank you"

I may not get their reply until we get back from vaca; so if you lovely cheffers do not see a post from me for awhile you will understand.
  • #44
Got this reply from HO concerning gifts:"Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. I do know that it is alot of work go back through all your shows and pull that data, however that will be the only way to confirm that all your Consultant Gifts are reported for tax purposes.
I will forward your suggestion to the web developers as we appreciate all feedback."And the reply to why the report feature was removed from P3:
"Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. This issue is actually a programming issue that the Pampered Chef is working diligently to resolve. I do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused."
  • #45
So crazy. It was there for years. They REMOVED it. No development should be required, just put the darn feature back in the next release. let's hope SOMEONE still works in IT who knows what they are doing and what we are talking about.
  • #46
They probably think I'm a 'pest'. I got this reply today:
"We do have a trouble ticket open for the consultant gift expense issue in P3. The developers are looking at the issue. I will forward this email to the new web per your suggestion for the new web."
The Pampered Chef
Technical Support
  • #47
Yes, I got that email yesterday too about having a trouble ticket opened. We shall see. In my original email, I had said that this was an original feature that now no longer works in P3, so maybe they will find someone who knows what they are doing and what we are talking about.
  • #48
Let's hope they fix this! I've gotten used to it. the 1st year I was doing PC, I went to an accountant because I was timid about filling out the Schedule C & Schedule SE for taxes. Accountant said it was one of the nicest packages she'd ever seen from a DS company.

I'm seriously questioning the Business Analyst they hired to write the requirements for this new website! I know we all are:mad:

Related to Why Aren't Consultant Gifts Showing Up in P3 Expenses?

1. Why are my "Consultant Gifts" not showing up as an expense in P3 this year?

It could be due to a technical issue or a change in the P3 system. It's best to contact tech support for further assistance.

2. How can I get my "Consultant Gifts" to show up in the income and expense tab?

First, make sure you have the "Consultant Gift" option checked in your P3 settings. If it still doesn't show up, contact tech support for help.

3. Why is P3 not automatically creating "Consultant Gift" as an expense when I submit a show?

There could be a glitch in the system that is preventing this feature from working. It's recommended to reach out to tech support for troubleshooting.

4. Has anyone else experienced issues with "Consultant Gifts" not getting tracked in P3 this year?

We are not aware of any widespread issues with tracking "Consultant Gifts" in P3. If you are experiencing this problem, please contact tech support for assistance.

5. What suggestions do you have for resolving the issue of "Consultant Gifts" not showing up in P3?

If you have already checked your P3 settings and contacted tech support, the best course of action would be to wait for their response and follow their instructions. They will be able to provide you with the most accurate and helpful suggestions for resolving this issue.

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