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Who's Attending Spring Launch in Hartford, CT?

In summary, many consultants from different areas, including New York and Pennsylvania, will be attending the Spring Launch in Hartford, CT. They are excited to see the new products and have planned gatherings with their teams. There is a concern about the predicted snowstorm on Saturday and some are unsure about attending due to safety and financial reasons. There is also a question about refunds for prepaid hotel rooms.
Gold Member
Just wondering who else from CS will be attending Spring Launch in Hartford, CT this year?
I will be there! Very excited, especially about seeing the new products!
I'm going !
I'll be there with quite a few from my team!
I'll be going to Hartford! (with a bunch of other consultants from my Sr. Director's cluster in Rochester, NY!) I can't wait to see the new products!!
I will be there I think about 30 of our cluster too
I am going as well. Fairport, NY. Excited to see the new products! See you there!
I'm going! With a bunch of my cluster! Unfortunately my new recruit can't make it but I'm excited! My director and another director in our cluster and I have already planned a birthday gathering! They each just had theirs and mine is Feb 3rd! Should be a good time in that hotel! :) We are staying at Hampton INN & Suites Friday night!!
I'll be there with a bunch from my upline director's team. Can't wait!
  • #10
I will be there.. and many of our cluster will also be there.. How can ya pass up a good time like that??? I had a blast last year...I was on a PC high for weeks after...
  • #11
We we will there from NY- Syracuse and Massena area. I used to live in Rochester. Sounds like there will be many people there and If I read it correctly we will have 3 products to take home with us?:thumbup:
  • #12
We're coming from Long Island to Hartford. Looking forward to the excitement, and the new products!
  • #13
Hi Nancy, its Linda from PA I am going to Hartford too!!
  • #14
I'll be going from Syracuse too, with my new recruit! Wahoo!!! (Hi Darcy!):)
  • #15
I'll be there with my upline and one of my recruits.
  • #16
I'll be there!
  • #17
I'm coming with about 14 people from our cluster. Can't wait! Last year was so much fun!
KathyAdvanced Director 7/1/10
  • #18
Orange Chef said:
I'll be going from Syracuse too, with my new recruit! Wahoo!!! (Hi Darcy!):)

Looking forward to meeting your new team member! :sing: We are going to have an exciting time! See you soon Traci!
  • #19
I'll be there w/5 of my team :)
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Cathy Boucher said:
I'll be there!

Hey Cathy, I would love to meet up with you there, and maybe get to meet your hospitality director if she is attending as well. (I live off of exit 2 of the pike). Would love to network with somewhat "local" consultants. I will PM you my cell #.
  • #21
Brenda, sounds great. my hospitality director will be there.
  • #22
I'll be there! (From Buffalo here.) Soooo excited! :D
  • #23
Tiffany, I love Amherst. There is a great little place to get fish and chips. Can't remember the name. We go there once a year when we visit Hamburg, NY
  • #24
Cathy Boucher said:
Tiffany, I love Amherst. There is a great little place to get fish and chips. Can't remember the name. We go there once a year when we visit Hamburg, NY

:eek: It is pretty nice here. I am not familiar with the place you mentioned, but there are soooo many options for dinner. We haven't come close to trying them all yet. I personally LOVE Clarence, NY. About 15 miles from here. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
  • #25
I am going to Spring Launch in Hartford! I am really excited, and this will be my first time. I am also very grateful that it is only an hour drive from me!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #26
Where in CT are you alibene80?
  • #27
How's the weather in Hartford? Any storms for this weekend?
  • #28
Yes, there is a storm predicted for Saturday. I'm bummed. I'm about 1.5 hours away on a normal day... not sure what to do if there is snow... I don't want to drive in it, I don't feel safe, but by the same token I don't have the money for a hotel room... plus I don't want to be away from my family. I was hoping they'd reschedule, but I guess that's a long shot since they need to get their staff and their supplies there in advance. Anyone know if we can get a refund?
  • #29
it's a 70% chance of snow/sleet for Saturday......I'll be bummed b/c I pre-paid for my hotel room to get the cheaper rate.......guess I shouldn't have done that!
  • #30
magentablue said:
Yes, there is a storm predicted for Saturday. I'm bummed. I'm about 1.5 hours away on a normal day... not sure what to do if there is snow... I don't want to drive in it, I don't feel safe, but by the same token I don't have the money for a hotel room... plus I don't want to be away from my family.

I was hoping they'd reschedule, but I guess that's a long shot since they need to get their staff and their supplies there in advance.

Anyone know if we can get a refund?
I've heard them say before that they will do it no matter what because HO will already be there. But who knows!

annew said:
it's a 70% chance of snow/sleet for Saturday......I'll be bummed b/c I pre-paid for my hotel room to get the cheaper rate.......guess I shouldn't have done that!
If you are going up Friday night then you would be up there already, you could always stay an extra night if it gets too bad.
  • Thread starter
  • #31
I am also 1.5 hours away. I plan on leaving at least 45 minutes earlier than that. I am just worried about the Mass Pike between exit 2 and three (in Blandford), but I am sure the show will go on, and I don't want to miss it. I do have in-laws that live in Vernon. I could always go down on Friday night if needed.
  • #32
The E-Mail today says they will let us know the update on Spring launch on Friday Morning . I guess they may rescheduale it due to weather ,
It is going to be warmer if you want to call 38 warm and maybe snow / mix then rain it just may be very messy . Plus I don't know if HO peolple can get in maybe the airport is closed from chicago ext
  • #33
Watching the news now , doesn't look good for ICE then 3-6 inches for Hartford ,He called it a Nasty storm
  • #34
if it is on I may be booking a room for fri and sat nights. Anyone interested in sharing the cost? I will wait for the email from home office and then book.
  • #35
My friend's message on FB today:Dear Hartford
Your roads suck! All those new bumps in the road are ice! ThanksCathy, I might be interested. My email is magenta321 at gmail -- let's get in contact after we hear HO's ruling. Where are you coming from?
  • Thread starter
  • #36
So, am I the only one that thought it was horrendous getting out of the parking garage yesterday, or what?! It took me 45-50 minutes from the time I got into my van to the time I paid my fee. It had only taken me 5 minutes to get from the level 2 space toward the ramp to get to level 1, but the attendant had me turn around and do a loop back in the other direction (so a complete circle). WTF?? Oh, and I thought that I read it was a $7 fee somewhere, not the ridiculous $19!!!! Geez! sorry for the rant. Just had to blow off some steam somewhere :)
  • #37
I agree what's up with the 19.00 we should tell HO they said 7-17 or so last year it was 11.00 for parking
  • #38
Let me ask because i encountered different parking options in Charlotte. PC said $10, but there were also $8 on up. So it could be like we learned, we thought it was one lot but it was a different one. Did yall have other parking areas in the same area?
  • #39
Bren706 said:
So, am I the only one that thought it was horrendous getting out of the parking garage yesterday, or what?! It took me 45-50 minutes from the time I got into my van to the time I paid my fee. It had only taken me 5 minutes to get from the level 2 space toward the ramp to get to level 1, but the attendant had me turn around and do a loop back in the other direction (so a complete circle). WTF?? Oh, and I thought that I read it was a $7 fee somewhere, not the ridiculous $19!!!! Geez! sorry for the rant. Just had to blow off some steam somewhere :)

Brenda, we were behind a "Brenda Haywood" (I think it was) for that whole long 45 minutes...was that you? :) It was ridiculous!! No idea why it took so long!!

  • #40
I, too thought it was horrewndous getting out of the garage. I started out pretty quickly, then gotr directed to the left hand exit lane which said there was no attendant on duty- to go to the other line, which was a complete circle, and had to merge into cars coming out straight. It was a Bit--. Then I had lousy lousy weather and had to spend the night in Albany. (Was headed back to Rochester, NY) Yeah... the parking garage sucked.
  • Thread starter
  • #41
Amanda_RI said:
Brenda, we were behind a "Brenda Haywood" (I think it was) for that whole long 45 minutes...was that you? :) It was ridiculous!! No idea why it took so long!!


Yup! That was me ;)
  • #42
That's so funny! Glad we got out okay! :)

Related to Who's Attending Spring Launch in Hartford, CT?

1. Who can attend Spring Launch in Hartford, CT?

Spring Launch in Hartford, CT is open to all consultants and leaders of Pampered Chef. However, registration is required to attend the event.

2. When and where is Spring Launch in Hartford, CT taking place?

Spring Launch in Hartford, CT will be held on [date] at the [venue name] in Hartford, CT.

3. How do I register for Spring Launch in Hartford, CT?

You can register for Spring Launch in Hartford, CT by logging into your Pampered Chef account and clicking on the "Events" tab. From there, you can select the Hartford, CT event and complete the registration process.

4. Can I bring a guest to Spring Launch in Hartford, CT?

Unfortunately, due to limited space, only registered consultants and leaders are allowed to attend Spring Launch in Hartford, CT.

5. Will there be any special discounts or promotions at Spring Launch in Hartford, CT?

Yes, there will be exclusive sales and promotions available at Spring Launch in Hartford, CT. These will be announced during the event, so make sure to attend to take advantage of them.

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