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Who Will Reach the Next Incentive Level This Year?

I have about 7000 points left. I'm shooting for level 1 this year.I am currently at level 1. I have been recruiting and selling to make my way up.Has anyone achieved level 1 or higher?Yes, I am Level 1.
Gold Member
Do you currently have? Has anyone (besides Marlene:D ) achieved Level 1 or higher?

What is your goal for this year?

I'll go first,

My plan is to at least earn Level 2 but am aiming for London. It's a pretty far stretch but I can do it if I set my mind to it!!!

I'm currently 2,000 points away from achieving Level 1!!! Once I promote to Director, I'll have it in the bag! Now on to Level 2!!!

How are you? I also work my business full time so that does make a difference!!!
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Only about 5000 points so far....maybe I'll make level one since this is a "hobby" for me/borderline part-time...
I have 28,000 points and have achieved level 1 already.

My goal is London and it is TOTALLY DOABLE as long as I keep my business consistent. I do 6-8 shows a month and my goal is to recruit 1 new consultant a month.
Wow you girls rock, I'm only at 12kish so far, so I guess my goal is level 1 this year (I missed it by 3k last year because I started in Nov. and had 5k but they wouldn't roll over for the next year :( ) So this year I want level 1 at least! Good luck to all!
I have 15,000 something- I am still hoping for level 2 but we will see what happens...
gilliandanielle said:
I have 15,000 something- I am still hoping for level 2 but we will see what happens...
If you keep recruitin the way you have been, you're sure to earn the next level Gill!:D
I'm jealous.....I'm not even close! I have just short of 6,000. I'm working on it, though. Gotta recruit some people (sell the dream) to get "free" points! A cruise sure would be nice! That's what I want to get! Good luck to all of you - I hope you hit your goals!
heat123 said:
If you keep recruitin the way you have been, you're sure to earn the next level Gill!:D
Thanks Heather- I am hoping that I can keep up the recruiting and sales once the baby gets here. I am barely on track now for level 2, so it is going to take a miracle to stay on track all year!!
I have almost 24,000 and have gotten level 1 already. Going for London
  • Thread starter
  • #10
You guys are doing AWESOME! I'm hoping I earn the cruise because we can drive there and take the $600 travel allowance for drinks on the ship!! My dh said we could bring back a WHOLE bar home! I know now that i"m going to San Fran courtesy of PC, i"ll never want to miss a trip AGAIN!!! I feel that way already and I don't even leave until tomorrow!!!:D
  • #11
WOW! I read this post and thought - I should check it out. I've already acheived level 1 :D I'm so excited to know that I accomplished that already. I've really been working hard - but having fun while I'm doing it!

Jen Pottratz <><
  • #12
I'm at 13000 so I'm for sure shooting for level 1, I have one possible recruit coming in may... I HOPE so if God blesses me as He has so far... maybe maybe level 2... we'll see!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
jenpottratz said:
WOW! I read this post and thought - I should check it out. I've already acheived level 1 :D I'm so excited to know that I accomplished that already. I've really been working hard - but having fun while I'm doing it!

Jen Pottratz <><

WOW JEN!! That is Fantastic!! Great Job!:D
  • #14
I have 10,000 so far. I was thinking of the cruise earlier in the year, but since I've been pregnant, I've slacked on my biz quite a bit. So I'm shooting for level 1 this year. I've never earned any level before, so I'd be happy with the conference cash! Then next year I'll kick butt!
  • #15
I have just over 36,450. I've achieved level 1 already and am aiming for level 4 'cuz I am dying to take my kids to D.C. It is such a wonderfully culturally educational family vacation!!
  • #16
I sooooo wanted the cruise, but so far I'm at a little over 13,000. SO unless I get some recruits and really step it up I don't think I'll get a free boat ride:eek:
  • #17
I'm at 25.5K....would love London, but could "suffer" through the cruise. :)

  • #18
Wow, Carolyn you are on FIRE! Awesome for you! Keep goin, I am sure you will make it at this rate!
  • #19
heat123 said:
Wow, Carolyn you are on FIRE! Awesome for you! Keep goin, I am sure you will make it at this rate!

Unfortunately my May is empty. I have ONE show booked and she is not returning my calls :(
I need to get things going again...NOW!!!
  • #20
Hey Caroline we are so close. I have 36,771. My kids are excited about going to D.C. too! So am I. We were there for half a day and I practically ran through everything without really taking it in. So it will be great to actually soak in all of that history.

We thought about England. It probably isn't going to happen. Last week my kids were looking at the Atlantis website and were really jealous that we are leaving them behind...again.

So it is D.C. for the Ballard family!
  • #21
I am at 15,300ish. I want the cruise because my DH and I's 10 year anniversary is this coming December and when we went on our honeymoon we went on Royal Carribbean's Soverign of the Seas for a cruise. That is one of the ships that the cruise is being offered for. I would love to celebrate 10 years with my hubby on the same ship that we went on for our honeymoon.
  • #22
My goal is Level One. I have 8200 right now and if things go as they have been going I should earn is this year. I was so close last year!
  • #23
I'm at 13,500 and will get 2,000 for my qualified recruit. I really want to go on this cruise.

Last year (my first year), I made level I with no problem.
  • #24
I am currently at 13,345, so am shooting for at least level one!! Keeping fingers crossed!!
  • #25
dannyzmom said:
I have just over 36,450. I've achieved level 1 already and am aiming for level 4 'cuz I am dying to take my kids to D.C. It is such a wonderfully culturally educational family vacation!!


I am currently at 16,194 but should have reached level 1 by Nationals. Will have the 8000 points for my recruits plus another 3000 for promoting to Director! Shooting for Level 2 and on track so far!!!
  • #26
wow...I'm SO bummed! Everyone is doing gret, except me! Let's hear from others with LOW numbers......YEAH!!!
  • #27
I'm currently at 5600 points (if that makes you feel better pcchris) - I'm hoping for level 1 - and I've only had 4 actual cooking shows, and a handful of catalog shows this year so far. However - it's been consistently busy with vendor events thrown in there so I'm optimistic. Only had a little over 12,000 last year so I'm trying!
  • #28
Thanks Gina~yes, it makes me feel better! Woohoo! (I know its only April...got quite a bit of time left to get those points!!)
  • #29
pcchris said:
wow...I'm SO bummed! Everyone is doing gret, except me! Let's hear from others with LOW numbers......YEAH!!!

LOL, I'm way down there also. Go us? :confused:
  • Thread starter
  • #30
pcchris said:
Thanks Gina~yes, it makes me feel better! Woohoo! (I know its only April...got quite a bit of time left to get those points!!)

You're absolutely right Gina!!!:D
  • #31
dannyzmom said:
I have just over 36,450. I've achieved level 1 already and am aiming for level 4 'cuz I am dying to take my kids to D.C. It is such a wonderfully culturally educational family vacation!!

Wow! You go baby! How much of that is from recruiting?

I'm at about 22,000 and want level 2. It finally occurred to me last fall that the easiest way to achieve higher levels is those recruiting points!!
  • #32
tlennhoff said:
LOL, I'm way down there also. Go us? :confused:

YEAH!!!!! Go us. :confused: At least I'm laughing about it now. Won't be too happy at the end of the year if I don't get my bottom in gear!
  • #33
pcchris said:
YEAH!!!!! Go us. :confused: At least I'm laughing about it now. Won't be too happy at the end of the year if I don't get my bottom in gear!

I was doing great last year until I completely slacked over the summer, holding about 2 "real" shows, luckily submitting other huge orders that counted as catalog shows. Anyway, in October, I needed to re-establish my Level 3 goal or really pick it up quick. While I was excited to go to San Francisco, I had worked so hard to get TPC for the Treasure Hunt in Atlantis, and had been perusing the Atlantis website all year looking forward to it. My director mapped out a plan with me after we discussed how many shows I was not willing to do, and she pointed out that "RECRUITING FIXES EVERYTHING". We came up with a realistic recruiting plan along with picking my sales back up, and it was close, but I made it! However, I'd suggest you start your recruiting plan NOW, as it wasn't fun submitting shows/ helping consultants submit shows to qualify on the afternoon of December 31!
  • #34
Paige Dixon said:
Wow! You go baby! How much of that is from recruiting?

I'm at about 22,000 and want level 2. It finally occurred to me last fall that the easiest way to achieve higher levels is those recruiting points!!

8,000 is from recruiting. I have a few more I need to get qualified and need to keep building my team...bigger, bigger, bigger!!!!
  • #35
I'm at 36,796, looking to achieve Level 4, I want the extra day to London! Already got one extra day by getting TPC this year, yay. Like Carolyn, I need to recruit lots this year to make it! My goal is to hit level 2 by June.....

Related to Who Will Reach the Next Incentive Level This Year?

How Many Incentive Points Do You Currently Have?

I currently have 8,000 incentive points.

Has Anyone (Besides Marlene:D) Achieved Level 1 or Higher?

Yes, there are many consultants who have achieved Level 1 or higher. It takes hard work and dedication, but it is definitely achievable.

What Is Your Goal for This Year?

My goal for this year is to at least earn Level 2, but I am aiming for the London incentive trip. It may be a stretch, but I believe with determination and effort, I can make it happen.

How Are You?

I am doing well, thank you for asking. Working my business full time definitely makes a difference in reaching my goals.

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