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Who Will Join Me at Conference in Chicago?

In summary, Bobbi is excited to go to conference this year, but is unsure about her roommate situation. She is planning to go, but is unsure if she should go Wednesday or fly out Thursday morning.
Staff member
Ok. I'm have to admit. I am a little excited. I had not planned on going to conference this year. I've gone the last two years, but felt that spending the money this year wasn't a smart idea. My business last year was VERY low, and this year has been a slow start as well, not AS bad, but still slow. My family has always gone with me - we visit DH's parents in the suburbs, then ride the train in. While I was at conference, they would go tour various places around town. So it always cost us significantly more than most.Well, we were discussing travel plans and schedules tonight, and he asked about cashing in some of our air miles for 4-tickets to Chicago the 10 days around July 4th, and that if I wanted to go to conference, I could- on my own! YEAH!!! :thumbup: So I'll ride the train into town, and then stay with someone hopefully- who'll have me, and it will a GIRLS Weekend for me. I love my family, but this can be fun! I love Chicago, too.So I'll be needing a roommate- but thought I'd start a thread to "Whoop and Holler" about it, and we can all start planning.And I'm excited that it won't cost me as much! If I can get one more show, I'll save at least $50 off of the price, and if I'm rooming with some others, that will save me a ton! :sing::balloon::D
WAHOO for you!!

I'm not sure who's going from our group yet, so have no ideas on room situations but you are welcome to tag along with us. I'm sure they'll also be postings on here for people looking for roomies there always is.
wahoo! i'm going for my first time and i can't wait!
Me! Will always be there!
I cannot wait to go!!! :D
Bobbi, I also don't know our room situation but if we have a space you'd be very welcome. I'd love to get to know another NC consultant!

Or have you talked with your upline about conference? Perhaps there's a spot in one of their rooms.

We pretty much do 4 to a room to keep everyone's costs down so it's like $50/night in a top Chicago hotel!
I am definitely going - just trying to decide if I should go Wed. and sight-see? or save $$$$$$$$ and fly out Thursday morning as with the time difference from Ohio to Midway - it takes 4 minutes!! LOLOL:D
I need my own bed and will share a room with someone who feels the same, as I also look on Conference as a mini-vacation for me - away from my regular job, my household chores, dogs & hubby! I enjoy the time to focus on my busness and I can honestly say that each year I attend, my business grows!! This wil be my 3rd year and I am stoked for this. If you need to get re-motivated - do a google search -"Pampered Chef Conference" on You Tube. Someone filmed the opening and I love watching it and still get the thrill of actually being there!! WAHOOOOOOO!!:sing:
I'm planning to go. Haven't purchased my plane ticket yet, but have earned about half off conference so far.... just have to keep saving for all of the extras.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
I'm not sure about my roommate situation YEt- I haven't told my upline I'm going yet either. Part of me isn't quite sure if I want to room with them (I don't know any of them, just my director.) And while it would be nice, it also would sort of bother me from the standpoint that I'd feel like I was being scrutinized about my business and how I'm going to do things, about my goals, issues, etc. No offense to them, but I'd rather spend some of that time networking in a different way- learning from others. Not that I can't learn from my upline's team, but that's not how it ends up feeling. She tries to be supportive and she is....but that's not my style. Hard to explain - but I'm more of an independent when it comes to this stuff. I know what I need to do, it's just a matter of getting it done. I'll hang out with them some, yes, but whenever we do, it's weird somehow. I know I'm not explaining it well.I don't know. So I was kind of waiting to see what my options might be. :D I feel like I know folks on here much better, and would learn something different from others, vs my upline. Is that bad of me??
  • #10
otisbg said:
I need my own bed and will share a room with someone who feels the same, as I also look on Conference as a mini-vacation for me - away from my regular job, my household chores, dogs & hubby! I enjoy the time to focus on my busness and I can honestly say that each year I attend, my business grows!! This wil be my 3rd year and I am stoked for this. If you need to get re-motivated - do a google search -"Pampered Chef Conference" on You Tube. Someone filmed the opening and I love watching it and still get the thrill of actually being there!! WAHOOOOOOO!!:sing:

I hear you Linda!! I wasn't going to go this year but since they tightened the schedule back up it makes a difference. My girlfriends can't do our annual trip so I'm justifying it as my girl trip. When the housing list was on CC a couple of days ago (it has since disappeared), I was bummed to see only rooms with double beds. I room with my D and she is always a workshop presenter and a top producer so she usually gets 3 hrs sleep the night before leaving for conference. We need our sleep! which will not happen as well if we have to squeeze into a double bed. We were fine sharing a queen bed last year in a room with 2 other consultants. As she said this week, we work hard (ok, she much more than me!) so we can justify just splitting the room in 2 instead of sharing with 2 other people. She also needs quiet time. I'm fine with making my own arrangements and going out on my own or meeting up with other people if I want.
  • #11
Does PC have a "find a roommate" thing? I don't know if I'll have anyone to go with and do like the idea of networking/learning from people I don't know. But, I'm not a 4 in a room gal either. I can handle 1, but I don't share beds - to weird for me.
  • #12
Last year I roomed with someone who was looking for a roommate who preferred to sleep in a cool room. After you reach a certain age - heat is your worst enemy - especially at night. The year before, I roomed - 4 to a room , 2 to a bed and hated it it...plus my roomies were old enough to be my kids and wanted to party 1/2 the night. When I saw someone on here looking for a roommate, I seized the opportunity and we will probably room again this year. I know what you mean about feeling like you are being scrutinized. It was so very refreshing to get to know new people and share tips and ideas.:)
  • #13
I know what you mean about networking and getting to know others. Melinda (here on CS) stayed with us a couple years ago and it was great sharing with each other and we've kept in touch, meeting up each year at conference as well as calls/emails in between. It's great! My upline, however, didn't understand why I reached outside of our "family" of consultants to fill my room and seemed annoyed by it. The other person we hooked up with through CS happened to be in the same downline with me (we found out at conference - her director & I didn't know each other and we didn't think to talk uplines). Her director was concerned and asked her how she knew we weren't killers or something. lol

It actually was the best roommate situation I've ever had and I would welcome someone not in my line again in a heartbeat!
  • #14
This will be my first year and I am pumped!! I already read last years tips lol!
  • #15
I'm in and I DONT have to wait in line at Merrill this year!! There are other perks to making DIRECTOR!
  • #16
ChefCKHall said:
I'm in and I DONT have to wait in line at Merrill this year!! There are other perks to making DIRECTOR!

I forgot about that!!! :D
  • #17
IM GOING TOO!!!! My first time!!! And all fingers crossed, will walk as a director!!! WAHOO!!!!! cant HARDLY wait!!! :)
  • #18
ChefCKHall said:
I'm in and I DONT have to wait in line at Merrill this year!! There are other perks to making DIRECTOR!

this is my first time, please explain :confused:
  • Thread starter
  • #19
cookinforyou said:
this is my first time, please explain :confused:

There is always a large room for "shopping" at Merrill- our Licensed Vendor for Logo-wear, etc. Directors and above get special privileges - like skipping the regular line and going to what is usually a shorter line, plus they have a special shopping area for team-incentive/awards type products.

Otherwise, the rest of us have to either wait in the lines (it gets crowded- especially at the beginning), or plan to go at various times. last year, I went into their store during some down-times I had (like during meals, or during workshop time slots that I was not in a class).
  • #20
I am looking forward to it.
  • #21
I'm not sure if I am going this year. I'm planning on going with my family, but not sure yet. I went last year for the first time and it was FUNtastic! So I really don't want to missed it this year.
  • #22
Can't wait to go...this will be my first time attending and I am so EXCITED!!! Hope to make director so I can take my walk!
  • #23
I will be there and just found out today that I should make director April 1st! This will be my first conference as I signed up a week before conference last year. So excited to meet everyone there!
  • #24
BethCooks4U said:
I know what you mean about networking and getting to know others. Melinda (here on CS) stayed with us a couple years ago and it was great sharing with each other and we've kept in touch, meeting up each year at conference as well as calls/emails in between. It's great! My upline, however, didn't understand why I reached outside of our "family" of consultants to fill my room and seemed annoyed by it. The other person we hooked up with through CS happened to be in the same downline with me (we found out at conference - her director & I didn't know each other and we didn't think to talk uplines). Her director was concerned and asked her how she knew we weren't killers or something. lol

It actually was the best roommate situation I've ever had and I would welcome someone not in my line again in a heartbeat!

I get just as much great information by networking as I do from the classes. I always try to find someone new to exchange ideas with.
  • #25
I'm going, and I can't wait. :D
  • #26
Moi! Wouldn't miss it....
  • #27
I'm still not sure. I would LOVE to go, but we are traveling to Finland July 20 - August 8, and it might just be too close of a squeeze. I also don't know if I'll have enough vacation time to cover both trips plus the baby sitter's vacations. DH also said that I will have to be able to cover the entire trip out of my PC income, which is only fair.
  • #28
I am going, was just looking at flights. Hopefully if all goes well, will be a new director by then.
  • #29
I am planning on going this year as well as walking the stage as a New Director!!! I have to find a way to pay though. I'm working on earning free registration and not quite near any of it yet but I'm working on a strong April! I've got 3 shows booked 1 that needs to set a date and more to work on!!! So I can maybe do $5000 then which would give me a great commission that may give me funds needed for plane ticket and I can use conference club for hotel and other expenses!! Let's hope that this plan actually works!

I do plan on going though. Got time off from work already approved and ready to go!! :) I can't wait I was so bummed to have had missed it last year!
  • #30
Looking forward to cheering and hollering like a fool for the fab promotions!
  • #31
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
Looking forward to cheering and hollering like a fool for the fab promotions!

I'm with genius! I have at least one new director walking the stage.. may have another by conference. Wahooo!!
  • #32
I am.... :) will be my 4th year going... 1 more recruit and I'll be walking too!!!! :sing:
  • #33
I'm going!! I get to walk the stage as a new director!! I already got my plane ticket I kept checking the prices and I wanted to get it before they get too expensive
  • #34
This will be my third year at conference and my room looks like it's going to be full with my team (and director's team).

The first year, i didn't know a soul - went to conference and stayed with BethCooks4U - awesome experience. I learned so much that year, I was like a sponge. The second year, my director and i stayed with Flemings99 - another great year. I've stayed friends with both of them.

I recommend stepping out of your immediate circle at conference. Sit with new people, and network! That's how you learn, by tossing out new ideas with new people.

Can't wait until this year - I get to walk across stage as a Director - Yippea :) I'll be all smiles - so siked - see you all there!!!
  • #35
Bought my plane ticket on April 1. Going with my Team Leader & Director - not sure who else from the team is going yet. I think my Director wanted to get that ironed out before starting to think about our hotel plan.Someone mentioned in the earlier posts about not necessarily wanting to room with her team / upline because of the fear of being scrutinized. I tend to feel that way too with regards to my Director - I've only met her once, but even with our phone conversations and whatnot it kinda seems like our personalities might not quite mesh. I guess living together for a couple days will tell, huh? Also, this is my first time going but my Team Leader's second time. She said that last year the group from our team (about 11 women in total) all traveled as a pack for EVERYTHING. Seriously, I hate that pack mentality that we women can develop. I'd much rather do something like this by myself or with only one other person. So, that has me a little anxious as well.I'm hoping we might use a hotel that isn't one of the "preferred" hotels, only because I'm a bit of a bigger girl and couldn't imagine sharing a double bed with someone, even my Team Leader who I am friends with. My hubby and I shared a double our first few years of marriage and it was a struggle. One piece of advice I gathered from my Previous Life when I worked in the chemicals industry - never eat lunch alone (well, any meal really). Always use meal times as an opportunity to branch out and meet new people. That's a good way to network and share ideas, even if you are there with a larger group - it's OK to break away now and then.
  • #36
I officially got the time off work today! I'm going! Can't wait! This is my first time since I just signed last month :)
  • #37
Finally got a good deal on airfare ($299 on American) so now I HAVE to go. LOL! NC is one thing I try not to miss - not only for all the great info and insight, but also for getting to see folks I only get to see once a year.

So who's planning to stay at the Sheraton?
  • #38
I know no one has talked about who is rooming with whom yet but if anyone wants just one or two people in a room please keep me in mind. I am planning on arriving the 6th and checking out on the the 10th I think. I have never been to Chicago. I have no clustermates that I can team up with, I don't think I fit in with them. So if anyone would like someone to team up with keep me in mind for that also.
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Ok...those of you who went LAST year, will remember the DJ and some of the music. I really hope they do that again! That was cool and energizing! But this one song, whenever I hear it, reminds me of conference and gets me pumped again. Here is a youtube of the song/lyrics.....I'm usually listening to the Alvin & The Chipmunks version from the Squeakquel, but that's beside the point! ;)
YouTube - I Got a Feeling Lyrics
  • #40
esavvymom said:
Ok...those of you who went LAST year, will remember the DJ and some of the music. I really hope they do that again! That was cool and energizing!

But this one song, whenever I hear it, reminds me of conference and gets me pumped again. Here is a youtube of the song/lyrics.....I'm usually listening to the Alvin & The Chipmunks version from the Squeakquel, but that's beside the point! ;)
YouTube - I Got a Feeling Lyrics

That was WAY awesome! I can't wait to go this year. I more than doubled my business from the year before after conference, so I'm pumped up again! I love that song... It's original is the Black Eyed Peas and I downloaded it for my phone. Love it!
  • #41
Yay! I'm going! First time! Newbe consultant. Got the days off work and just confirmed travel arrangements. I can't wait! I'm excited just by everyone else talking about it!!

Also, first post! Just signed up on here as well. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #42
Aynot said:
Yay! I'm going! First time! Newbe consultant. Got the days off work and just confirmed travel arrangements. I can't wait! I'm excited just by everyone else talking about it!!

Also, first post! Just signed up on here as well. :)

Welcome to CS, and you're going to love conference. :)
  • #43
Track B for me, with the late lunch time on Fri. Yes, I'm already planning my meals. Time for everyone to add their Track to their signatures.

For those wanting a roommate, someone should start a "roommate wanted" thread. For those who just want to break out of their cluster with a new buddy or two, why don't you start a "conference buddy wanted" thread?
  • #44
track A for me.....look for me in the crowd of 1000's!
  • Thread starter
  • #45
Becca_in_MD said:
Track B for me, with the late lunch time on Fri. Yes, I'm already planning my meals. Time for everyone to add their Track to their signatures.For those wanting a roommate, someone should start a "roommate wanted" thread. For those who just want to break out of their cluster with a new buddy or two, why don't you start a "conference buddy wanted" thread?
Started the thread. http://www.chefsuccess.com/f107/conference-buddy-roommate-wanted-68289/Oh, and Track A for me. (found out my NED is now back down to an SED....hmmm..didn't know that.) I was surprised- only 2 workshops! Seems a lot less than the last two years. I'm assuming that at least one of the general sessions is like last year with the keynote speaker.
  • #46
I'm track B I'm pretty sure :)Already looking forward to the drive to Chitown with my cluster and getting into shenanigans!!
  • #47
esavvymom said:
Started the thread. http://www.chefsuccess.com/f107/conference-buddy-roommate-wanted-68289/

Oh, and Track A for me. (found out my NED is now back down to an SED....hmmm..didn't know that.) I was surprised- only 2 workshops! Seems a lot less than the last two years. I'm assuming that at least one of the general sessions is like last year with the keynote speaker.

What I noticed though was that on the first day, there is a special training for Cons. - TL, while the Director Training is going on. That's something they've never done before. So that may be taking the place of one of the workshops.
  • #48
ChefBeckyD said:
What I noticed though was that on the first day, there is a special training for Cons. - TL, while the Director Training is going on. That's something they've never done before. So that may be taking the place of one of the workshops.

Last year they claimed the general session speakers (that husband and wife team) were the same as a workshop session, like in previous years when they had Tammy Stanley or Belinda Ellsworth in to do a workshop which was offered several times throughout conference. It's certainly a cost savings to pay those speakers for just one presentation.

And did you notice that while the Cons-TL training is going on (great idea!) that Director training part 2 will be going on, divided by level. This may go along with the upper level academy that they're offering later in the year, paying attention to those who have been in the biz a long time or stuck at a level.

No publicity from HO yet on who the outside speakers will be, if any. As Rae said in the countdown thread, they'll keep releasing nuggets of info to keep us interested.
  • Thread starter
  • #49
I did figure the keynote speakers in one general session would count...and I liked that a lot! More info than just from a 45-50 minute workshop.I missed the Consultant-TL Training though. Wonder what that might be like? Maybe a mini-version of DE??? Inspiration to move up the ranks, etc.
  • #50
I am going and I am in Track B.
<h2>1. How much does it cost to attend conference?</h2><p>The cost of attending conference varies based on the date of registration and any additional events or activities you choose to participate in. The most up-to-date pricing information can be found on our website or by contacting your consultant.</p><h2>2. Do I have to be a consultant to attend conference?</h2><p>While conference is primarily designed for consultants, guests are also welcome to attend with a registered consultant. However, certain events and activities may only be available to consultants.</p><h2>3. Can I bring my family to conference?</h2><p>Yes, you are welcome to bring your family to conference. However, keep in mind that additional fees may apply for meals and activities for non-registered guests. It is recommended to plan ahead and budget accordingly.</p><h2>4. How can I find a roommate for conference?</h2><p>You can reach out to other consultants through our online forums or social media groups to find a roommate for conference. You can also ask your director or regional manager for assistance in finding a roommate.</p><h2>5. What should I expect at conference?</h2><p>Conference is a fun and engaging event where you will have the opportunity to learn new business strategies, connect with other consultants, and celebrate your achievements. There will be workshops, keynote speakers, product demonstrations, and plenty of networking opportunities. It is a great opportunity to grow your business and gain inspiration for the upcoming year.</p>

Related to Who Will Join Me at Conference in Chicago?

1. How much does it cost to attend conference?

The cost of attending conference varies based on the date of registration and any additional events or activities you choose to participate in. The most up-to-date pricing information can be found on our website or by contacting your consultant.

2. Do I have to be a consultant to attend conference?

While conference is primarily designed for consultants, guests are also welcome to attend with a registered consultant. However, certain events and activities may only be available to consultants.

3. Can I bring my family to conference?

Yes, you are welcome to bring your family to conference. However, keep in mind that additional fees may apply for meals and activities for non-registered guests. It is recommended to plan ahead and budget accordingly.

4. How can I find a roommate for conference?

You can reach out to other consultants through our online forums or social media groups to find a roommate for conference. You can also ask your director or regional manager for assistance in finding a roommate.

5. What should I expect at conference?

Conference is a fun and engaging event where you will have the opportunity to learn new business strategies, connect with other consultants, and celebrate your achievements. There will be workshops, keynote speakers, product demonstrations, and plenty of networking opportunities. It is a great opportunity to grow your business and gain inspiration for the upcoming year.

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