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Who Is Skipping the Conference?

In summary, many people are not going to conference this year because they have other things to do. Some people are not going because they have children that have been diagnosed with diabetes.
So I was just curios how many of us are not going to conference? I was hoping I would be able to go this yr still havent been to one, but I am very glad I didnt plan to go cause my 7 yr old was just diagnosed with diabetes and I would have been a nrevous wreck leaving her for a few days.
I am not going. I just joined this yr and my husband doesnt ave the vacation to stay home w our daughter. Hoping to plan ahead for it next yr
I am not. I am currently getting my Masters degree and have not been as active as I would like to be. Hopefully next year!
Unable to attend this year since I just returned to work from
Maternity leave.
I'm not going. Every year there seems to be a reason why that I don't find out about until like June. Last year it was major changes at work. This year it was friends for whom I'm house-sitting. They have a son with special needs and need the time away more than me. Also have had to run into town (36 miles out of my way) to take Roomie to appointments, including a MAJOR one tomorrow morning.
I not able to attend either, for many reasons but the biggest one would be not having the extra $$$$$$$$$$.$$
Me neither! Money and school are keeping me home this year. First one I have missed since I joined in 2001! Oh well. Maybe I will have a job and money to go next year. I will say this, I can NOT WAIT UNTIL SATURDAY! I hope we get some news then!
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I'm not going either... money being the biggest hurdle. I'm hoping to make it work someday though. Hopefully next year? I, too, am looking forward to Saturday - someone out there better get the buzz back to us all ASAP!
Jennie4PC said:
So I was just curios how many of us are not going to conference? I was hoping I would be able to go this yr still havent been to one, but I am very glad I didnt plan to go cause my 7 yr old was just diagnosed with diabetes and I would have been a nrevous wreck leaving her for a few days.

I am not going either. This year I am taking my money and sending my DH on a hunting trip. Next year is ALL MINE!

Sorry to hear about your child being diagnosed with diabetes. I will keep all of you in my prayers. That's a tough thing at any age, but for a child it has to be 10 times worse!

God bless.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
I do hope to attend one day I would love to meet all the people from here. Thanks shelly it is hard but we are learning.
  • #11
I went to my first conference last year (after being a consultant for 4 yrs then). The timing of conference is really bad for us. We farm for a living and though we should be done with wheat harvest before conference starts sometimes it is only by a day or two (this year it was a week). Since farming is a major part of our income I just can't leave easily. Hubby also doesn't "get it" so isn't really supportive of conference. I am so glad I went last year and hope to go again in another year or two.
  • #12
I decided not to go this year because I just couldn't afford it. I went in '09 and it took me a while to pay off my CC bill. I'm a hobbyist consultant right now and so while it's fun to go and I do think it's worth it, I just can't. But I'm going to step up my business and try to do it more and save up for next year. Plus...my best friend just found out that they'll be moving to Chicago, so I'll even have an extra incentive to save up money and go out for Conference. Tax deductible trip to visit my BFF! :D
  • #13
I'm not going this year. My last was in '08 - we were moving in '09 and my husband was deployed in '10. Wanted to go this year but really haven't been active enough to justify it. And, again, family obligations. Not planning to go to sis-in-laws wedding so I know I'd have never heard the end of it if I'd gone to conference but then used money as part of our reasoning for not going to the wedding.

Looking forward to hearing all the news though. Not looking forward to hearing all the freebies everybody gets - I don't do gracious that well when I'm jealous;) I hope someone from here wins one of the BIG prizes though!
  • #14
I'm home and pouting. I am anxious to find out the new secrets that will be revealed at conference. Have a great time and check in here with the news ASAP! ;)
  • #15
I couldn't go this year :( I wen last year for the first time and it was awesome. I really wanted to go again (even thou I do this more as I hobby) but so many things keep me away from going this year. Hopefully next year everything will work in my favor.
That is if I'm still doing PC :D (not planning on quitting, but you never know).
  • #16
I am home too 1st time in 9 years this is my 10th year a consultant and it's killing me . I am going to Aurba though on the bright side married 20 years . So I really didn't havbe the extra $$ to do both.
I just can't wait to here all the good stuff . Maybe this year they will change the fundraiser
  • #17
I am not going. I can't get off of work. Plus I could not pay for this and my wedding..sorry..my wedding wins out in that..LOL.
  • #18
Last year was my first year in PC and I was able to go to NC and LOVED IT. I also brought my husband and two kids and we called it our vacation. They didn't love it quite as much as me :( This year, my hubby said that our vacation was NOT going to be Chicago! I'm bummed, but it's only fair!
  • #19
I could not go this year either. Have had some health issues that I am dealing with, and also with taking care of my grandkids alot, I lost me somewhere along the way. I have not done much with my pc business, not that the want to, is not there but I need to find me again so I can work the business the way I want/need to do.
  • #20
chef131doreen said:
I am home too 1st time in 9 years this is my 10th year a consultant and it's killing me . I am going to Aurba though on the bright side married 20 years . So I really didn't havbe the extra $$ to do both.
I just can't wait to here all the good stuff . Maybe this year they will change the fundraiser

We went to Aruba on our honeymoon and LOVED it! I'd love to go back. You will have so much fun. Congratulations on 20 yrs. We just hit 5.
  • #21
1PamperedMommy said:
Last year was my first year in PC and I was able to go to NC and LOVED IT. I also brought my husband and two kids and we called it our vacation. They didn't love it quite as much as me :( This year, my hubby said that our vacation was NOT going to be Chicago! I'm bummed, but it's only fair!

Yeah my husband is saying maybe next year we can do that. Depending on our family plans, we might be able to get a relative to come stay at the house so that hubby doesn't have to take vacation (and we don't have to take our daughter 10 hrs in the car). It is tough being so far from family and never having help with sitting stuff.
  • #22
Well it is Thursday morning and I thought I was over it that I am not going. Well, I am not. It is awful to feel this way what with the situation we are in here. Me with no income at all and Pat wondering how we will get the bills paid and me pouting that I could not spend $500 plus to go! I feel ashamed since that amount is our mortgage payment! Oh well, just gotta get over it and move on. I have a lot to learn in my last few weeks of computer classes and sulking ain't gonna help! It just is weird not to be boarding a train in an hour or so and heading to Chicago. Doreen - you know that feeling! After going for so many years, it becomes part of your life. When it is not there, you REALLY, REALLY miss it!
  • #23
I'm another one sitting home and pouting. I'm trying not to think about it, especially since I just promoted to Director and would've been walking this year. :( However, last year I said I would wait a year to go again (never thinking I would promote) and my job was gracious enough to give me all the time off that I needed when my mom was sick and passed away in May that I really didn't feel it was right to ask for more time off quite yet. So, I will keep my chin up, wait for sister consultants to start sending me text messages with info, and get ready for next year!

With everything that has happened this past year, both good and bad, I keep saying God has a plan. His plan right now was for me not to go to conference. ;)
  • #24
I've missed the last two years b/c of work. I work for a company that owns peach farms and summer is our busy time, so it's hard to take time off in the summer. I miss being there so much! Only my director was able to go this year from our cluster :(
  • #25
My daughter is getting married in November so I thought I better not spend the money on conference this year. I am going to the Director's Express the 30th in Indy. This would be my 3rd time not going in 8 years.
  • #26
I'm not there either but it's b/c I'm no longer a consultant. :)
  • #27
Me either I am in Austin, Texas for orientation for my daughter
Hook 'Em Horns!!I'm anxious to hear new products and changes too
  • #28
I was all set to go, had the money set aside and everything. Then, my brother had a life-changing event occur, and I felt it was important for me to go to California to visit with him for a bit. A good friend pointed out that I should consider which I would regret missing more. There will be another NC next year.

I'm at work, with lots to do, so hopefully it will distract me from being bummed. FB isn't helping though, with all those pictures! :D
  • #29
NooraK said:
FB isn't helping though, with all those pictures! :D

FB? PICTURES? I must not be friends with the right people..
  • #30
Where are you seeing pictures?
  • #31
Not pictures of products. Some FB friends are posting pictures of Chicago in general.
  • #32
I'm not going. My old director really pressured me my first year to go, since people bailed on her & her hotel room at the last minute. I kept telling her I was only doing this as a hobby and spending all that $$$ wasn't in my plans. Plus back then, I couldn't get time off from work on such short notice, anyway. It made me angry that she kept emailing & calling to change my mind, I would love it, blah blah blah... it had nothing to do with me. It was her freaking out at the room cost. :mad:
OK, now I have that rant out of my system!

I'd love to go this year, but I'm unemployed at the moment. So, no way. I've got the time but not the income.

Looking forward to reading about the updates!
  • #33
I couldn't go this year either. Since I have been spending most of what I have earned I haven't saved for it. I am really bummed now tohough...it would have been fun. I will definitely be saving for next year. in the mean time I have been lstening to the MP3s of past conference sessions and have learned a ton and am signed up for Director Express in Cleavland...so I am not totally missing out!
  • #34
I am at home also :(. I was able to go my first two years ('07 and '08) but haven't had the money since (as well as I was pregnant in '09 and in the process of moving last year). I am really trying to step up my business, so maybe I will be back in Chicago next year.

On the upside, I am meeting with a potential recruit tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for me :).
  • #35
Sitting at home feeling very left out!! First time I have missed since 2000!!! Just couldn't swing the $$$ this year.
  • #36
I am home too. Health reasons keep me away. I hope to go next year. I really miss the excitement.
  • #37
I need it rescheduled. I am up to my ears in strawberries.
  • #38
I've never been able to go since I started PC 7 years ago. Never really minded. But now since I've found Chef Success and the Community on the PC website, I totally wish I could go. I'm a state employee in WA and we just took a 3% pay cut so I don't know if I can save for next year or not.

Really looking forward to seeing the new products in person.
  • #39
katem51 said:
I've never been able to go since I started PC 7 years ago. Never really minded. But now since I've found Chef Success and the Community on the PC website, I totally wish I could go. I'm a state employee in WA and we just took a 3% pay cut so I don't know if I can save for next year or not.

Really looking forward to seeing the new products in person.

Start Conference Club as soon as it opens. You can set it to save more than just the amount of registration.
  • #40
I am here at home, too. The barn where we board our horses has our one major show and it seems to coincide with NC each year lately. This year, I've ended up as assistant show manager adn course designer, so have been working 15 hour days there all week. Of course, DD and I also get to ride, which is a lot of fun. I've been multiple times, and it is a great thing to get to experience, though.

Related to Who Is Skipping the Conference?

1. Will there be any repercussions for not attending conference?

There are no repercussions for not attending conference. We understand that personal circumstances may prevent some consultants from being able to attend.

2. Will I miss out on important information and updates if I don't go to conference?

While conference is a great opportunity to learn and connect with other consultants, all important information and updates will also be shared through other channels such as email and the consultant website.

3. Can I transfer my conference registration to someone else?

Unfortunately, conference registrations are non-transferable. If you are unable to attend, you can contact our customer service team to discuss your options.

4. Will there be a virtual option for attending conference?

At this time, we do not offer a virtual option for attending conference. However, we do offer virtual training and events throughout the year to ensure all consultants have access to valuable information and training.

5. What can I do to still feel connected to the conference experience if I am unable to attend?

You can follow along on social media using the conference hashtag, reach out to fellow consultants who are attending to ask for updates, and watch any recordings or highlights that are shared after the event.

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