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Who Is Going to Confrence Next Year? in 2010

In summary, the more shows you can get on your calendar right now, the better. Get started saving money and see if you can get some help from friends and family.
i am planing to go i can not miss this one at all. i need to save money and does any one have ideas to get more? i cant wait till confrence it will be fun:love:it.
wat do i need to start doing now? how meany of you are going?
I'm going! We drive and I would say with registration and all it costs between $450 and $500. The more shows you can get on your calendar right now the better. Save the money from there for conference.
I earned level 1.. so I only need hotel and flight $$ and of couse some spending $$.. :)
colegrovet said:
I earned level 1.. so I only need hotel and flight $$ and of couse some spending $$.. :)

I earned level 1 too but also have conference club savings. So I'll use the money from that for the hotel and spending money!
wadesgirl said:
I earned level 1 too but also have conference club savings. So I'll use the money from that for the hotel and spending money!

Me too - I was withholding enough to pay for conference, and the hotel...so now I'll have enough for the hotel & spending money! (transportation is a minimal cost for me...since we just take a commuter train into Chicago from Michigan City. for gas and train ticket, round trip, it's less than $30.)
me too I have confrence club so thats good now just need to save for air and hotel
I will be there.
It all depends on whether I can afford to go or have to spend my return on something "frivilous" like a car.Last year I was seriously scraping. Truth be told, I should not have gone two ears ago because I was paying for that one for months!Just checked train fare for the fun of it ... it's $50 each way and I'd have to leave at 3 a.m.! Last time I went, plane tickets were under $150. But that does not include registration ($200) hotel (another $200) and meals.If I do it, I'm toying with going early or staying late to visit with my cousin in Chicagoland and maybe check out her husband's church.
Would not miss it! I have at least 2 other people going this year...hopefully more!
  • #10
I'll be there. Like so many others I earned free NC and signed up for Conference Club. I'm set. :)
  • #11
I'm looking forward to seeing what one huge conference is going to be like! I am sooo gonna be there!
  • #12
I'm going and have earned free registration. We'll take the train into Chicago. I know at least three of my team will be going. I'm really excited!!
  • #13
Wouldn't miss this one! And it's a great time for my family to go too. My in-laws live in the suburbs- so we spend extra time visiting with them, and my DH and 2 boys go to Chicago with me (we take the Metra into town from the in-laws). My family checks out the city sites and have a good time, while I'm at conference....and this year- since we can be there a little earlier due to registration-day, I'll probably spend at least one day with them in the city this time! Yeah! And last year, my FIL spent the day with them in the city too- which the boys enjoyed.Costs me a bit more because I'm not splitting hotel, but they are all looking forward to it.
  • #14
I'm going too. I couldn't go last year, the first in 5 years, we were moving. I'm very excitement to join in this new format.
  • #15
If I go I will either have to take someone with me to watch my three year old or have to take him from Colorado to Virginia to stay with his grandparents first - since my husband will be in Iraq. We'll have to see how things go. I am signed up for Conference Club though, so I at least have a start.
  • #16
I am doing Conference Club. I missed free registration by less than 2,000 points. If my Recruit had qualified before December 31, I would have had it. Unfortunately both the ladies who were hosting her first two shows (that she hoped to get lots of bookings from) both were too sick to do them! I am also going to do some saving along the way to help out and book as many shows as I can. I was in a room with 4 other people last year and would rather pay a little more and have less people in the room! I already have a couple of people who want to room with me so that will help. I met a lady from a local travel agency who said she could work on good fares for me...
  • #17
I earned it, but we will be moving from Okinawa to Tokyo right about that time, so I have no idea if we'll be able to work it out for me to make a trip to the states during that time. :(
  • #19
ME TOO! I am going to have to really book my butt off but I WILL be there! Last year I should not have gone but for some reason, NC is like potato chips to me. I have not missed one since I started in 2001! So I don't plan on starting now!
  • #20
I am going to be there I have already signed up for conference club and I am already searching for air plane tickets which i am going to get when we file our taxes. I am excited.
  • #21
Yeah Christina. I'll see you there.
  • #22
I am going to be there earned conference and signed up for conference club we will have fun.
  • #23
I more then likely will not be there. Unfortunatly I have not been able to go to 1 since I started. It is always around DD'd birthday. Plus if we do end up going to Disney I will definitly not have the money to go
  • #24
I'm hoping to be there!! I have conference club going.
My problem is that the summer is the busy time in my job. Last year it was hard, but do-able to take 3 days off, but this year it will be a whole week, so I'm not sure if my boss will go for it. I'm waiting until Feb or March to bring it up!!!!
I really don't want to miss it though since it's the 30 year anniversary, I think it's going to be special!!
  • #25
I will be there and will be walking the stage as a director, I can't wait!!
  • #26
I am going also. I earned level 1 and will just get airline tickets as I get closer. I went last year and I know I will go every year that I am in PC.
  • #27
I earned level 1, so I would love to be able to go. It is just a question as to whether or not we can afford it, and if my husband is up to caring for all 3 kids.
  • #28
I'm participating in Conference Club, and would love to go. However, there have been some changes recently which mean I'm not sure I can. I'm going to try my best to make it, but I'm just not sure.
  • #29
I will be there. I also signed up for Conference Club and so its airline and hotel to pay for. :) Dropping the kids to Grandma's while I'm at conference.
  • #30
I'll be there as well.....can't wait!!
  • #31
I'll be there, & I have enough air miles to fly for FREE! I missed the free registration but that's okay.
  • #32
Sheila said:
I earned it, but we will be moving from Okinawa to Tokyo right about that time, so I have no idea if we'll be able to work it out for me to make a trip to the states during that time. :(

I'm out! :( Hubby got his orders & we'll be moving in May. I'm making a trip home to the states with the kids during the move to let the Great Grandparents meet the kids and will then be meeting him in Tokyo. I doubt very seriously that I'll be venturing back across the pacific 6-7 weeks later with two little ones in tow again.
  • #33
Sheila said:
I'm out! :( Hubby got his orders & we'll be moving in May. I'm making a trip home to the states with the kids during the move to let the Great Grandparents meet the kids and will then be meeting him in Tokyo. I doubt very seriously that I'll be venturing back across the pacific 6-7 weeks later with two little ones in tow again.

Sorry we won't get to meet next year.
  • #34
Awe, thanks Ginger. Maybe 2011 will be my year to attend. ;)
  • #35
Sheila said:
Awe, thanks Ginger. Maybe 2011 will be my year to attend. ;)

LOL...its a date!! :D
  • #36
When is conference next year? I tried looking on CC but can't find it and am trying to figure out what days I need to take off from work so I can put in my vacation requests to be sure I can go.

  • #37
Excited to go! I also earned free conference. Anybody know if there could be some incentives to help with hotel or anything? Do they ever do that?
  • #38
I believe it's July 13 - 15.
  • #39
It should be in your Consultant Planner
  • #40
July 12-15
  • #41
Am going; planning to bring my wife for her first time ever in Chicago! Have already signed up for Conference Club, have written goals to make it all happen!
  • #42
I'll be there - wouldn't miss it! And since I live only 45 miles west of Chicago - it's a no-brainer:)
  • #43
That's right, there are some events on the 12th, with most of NC July 13-15. Of course, that assumes that I'm remembering correctly, which is always doubtful. Besides, we all know what happens when you assume.
  • #44
raebates said:
That's right, there are some events on the 12th, with most of NC July 13-15. Of course, that assumes that I'm remembering correctly, which is always doubtful. Besides, we all know what happens when you assume.

But in the past, I've always got there a day ahead to hang out & see the sites. So If I do that next year, I'll be getting there on Sunday!
  • #45
I found the agenda:Monday, July 12:
Pre-Conference Day * Registration open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
* Home Office tours
* First-Time Attendee Orientation Sessions
* Optional Director Buffet Lunch (available noon – 1:30 p.m.)
* Director Training Event (2 p.m. – 4 p.m.)
* New Director Reception (4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.)
* Upper Level Dinner (7 p.m. – 9 p.m.)Tuesday, July 13 – Thursday, July 15:
National Conference * Events begin at 9:00 a.m. daily
* Final event of National Conference ends at
1 p.m. Thursday, July 15.It looks like most would be able to do a bit of sight-seeing on Monday without much trouble.
  • #46
raebates said:
I found the agenda:

Monday, July 12:
Pre-Conference Day

* Registration open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
* Home Office tours
* First-Time Attendee Orientation Sessions
* Optional Director Buffet Lunch (available noon – 1:30 p.m.)
* Director Training Event (2 p.m. – 4 p.m.)
* New Director Reception (4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.)
* Upper Level Dinner (7 p.m. – 9 p.m.)

Tuesday, July 13 – Thursday, July 15:
National Conference

* Events begin at 9:00 a.m. daily
* Final event of National Conference ends at
1 p.m. Thursday, July 15.

It looks like most would be able to do a bit of sight-seeing on Monday without much trouble.

Well...Hopefully I'll be attending all the things after 12.....:D:D:D
  • #47
I earned Level 1, so I'm planning on it. We'll see what happens with the airfare.


Related to Who Is Going to Confrence Next Year? in 2010

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Who Is Going to Conference Next Year?"

1. Can you tell me who is going to Conference next year?

Unfortunately, we cannot disclose the list of attendees for next year's Conference. However, you can connect with other attendees through our official social media channels and forums.

2. I am planning to go to Conference next year. How can I save money for the event?

We understand that attending Conference can be costly. Our best advice is to start saving early and create a budget for the event. You can also look into carpooling or sharing accommodations with other attendees to reduce expenses.

3. Is there any way to get more ideas for saving money for Conference?

Yes, we recommend reaching out to other Pampered Chef consultants who have attended Conference in the past. They may have some helpful tips and tricks for saving money for the event.

4. I can't wait for Conference! Will it be fun?

Absolutely! Conference is a great opportunity to learn, network, and have fun with your fellow Pampered Chef consultants. We have a variety of exciting activities and sessions planned for you.

5. What do I need to start doing now to prepare for Conference?

It's never too early to start preparing for Conference! We recommend setting specific goals for your business, booking your accommodations and travel arrangements early, and staying updated on any announcements or updates about the event.

How many of you are planning to attend Conference next year?

We cannot disclose the exact number of attendees, but we can assure you that Conference is a highly anticipated event and we expect a large turnout. We hope to see you there!

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