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Where Is Our Indoor Cat?

In summary, Oreo went missing and was found back at home by his owner after a night of being missing.
Gold Member
Hi all! We have an indoor cat and somehow he got out this evening without us knowing! (DH was painting in the bathroom, so left window open and cat must have jumped out of there!! No screens in right now, since we took them out for winter!) Anyhow, I was working on my computer and just happened to see a cat walking accross our deck...looked like Oreo...went outside and he jumped down and under deck. I called him and he ran away. I thought maybe it was a stray, so went back inside and found out it really must be our kitty! DH and I searched the neighborhood calling for him, but can't find him now.

Please pray that he comes home safe! We live in a semi-rural area, but our road is off of a bigger road that people FLY down! I don't want to drive to church in the morning and see him at the side of the road!

I know this is trivial in comparison to many other prayer requests...but I know God listens to ALL of our prayers!

Oreo is in my prayers!!! My cat's having surgery on Monday - it's amazing how much happiness pets can bring to our lives! :eek:
yes, I think it's fine to pray for our animals too. My dog got bitten by a brown recluse one time. He couldn't walk, was throwing up, lost all the hair on his head (where the bite was), and had a huge hole from it too. I asked our care group to pray for him and it worked! He's fine to this day!

Praying for Oreo.
I really hope your cat comes back. Mine went out one day and never came back!:(
Oh, any news?? How sad! I am praying that Oreo returns home safely...
Prayer for your petsWe will definitely pray for your cat OREO.

Our cat snowball always scares us when he takes off. He loves to explore and sometimes he finds his way to the neighbors, etc.... He is also an indoor cat but my husband said we should let him out to explore. He does always come back, animals have a great sense of direction and he'll know how to get back. He's being naughty with this new found freedom. Don't worry.

Debbie :D
Will keep oreo in my prayers. May your cat find its way home safely and soon.
Aww. Kelly I hope that Oreo comes home soon! Please post updates soon!
Is Oreo home, yet?Prayers for Oreo.
  • #10
Any word yet on Oreo?
I am praying for his safe return!
  • #11
I feel for you! I have indoor cats too! I will be praying for you that oreo comes back!
  • #12
I hope that Oreo comes home safely!!Was it a full moon last night, to make these pets do odd things? My mom just called, and she said her friends 2 dogs fell through the (melting) ice on their inlet... and her husband went in a row boat, but then jumped in to the freezing water to get them......everyone is okay. I'll be praying for you!
  • #13
I lifted him up in prayer. Has he returned home yet???
  • #14
Our first cat did that - got spring fever...hope yours has a better result!!!!

Try putting a special treat (canned food or catnip) on the porch when you can be there to watch for him...

Jennifer - full moon - April 2nd.
  • #15
I hope all is well....please keep us posted.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Thanks for all of your prayers...God answered them!

By midnight he still hadn't returned and I reluctantly went to bed. We left the kitchen window open enough that he could climb back in (hoping nothing else climbed in!!) and he came back on his own!

Sorry it took so long to get back on...when I got up this morning I had to jump in the shower to get ready for church and this was the first chance I had to tell you all the good news!

It is so great to be "friends" with so many people that I can contact on a moments notice!!
  • #17
I am so happy Oreo came back. That is wonderful news. Pets are really like having kids! :)
  • #18
That is such GREAT news....NOW go put those screens up...;) :cool: ;)
  • #19
Yay for you!! Don't you just want to ask him what he's been doing, where's he's been?

I'm very happy for you!
  • #20
That is wonderful news!!!:) I think that he needs a time out for sneaking out!! LOL
  • #21
Yay, glad to hear he is home. May he never scare you like that again.
  • #22
I'm so glad to hear that he came home.
Maybe he'll stay in next time.
  • #23
yes yes yes!!!
  • #24
I'm so glad to hear Oreo came back!!! I was hoping you wouldn't have a cat that was gone for good. The same thing happened to us about 6 months before we moved from our old house. She wasn't an outdoor cat, but got a little more brave and used to hang out on our deck, but she'd run back in. One day when I was loading up my car, she must've gotten out. Same thing...my husband saw a cat that looked like Heidi outside, turns out was her and she NEVEr came back! I think an older woman behind us started feeding her and she didn't want to come home. I think she was liking life better that way because I had a baby and he was about 18 months old when she ran away.....I don't think she liked the fact that a baby was brought into the family. I think she may have been an outdoor cat to begin with....we adopted her when she was 5 months old. Then we moved and never could get her to come back home or catch her, so we're hoping the lady kept feeding her and she's ok.:(

Glad you had a happier ending!!:D
  • #25
Yea! I'm so glad your kitty came back. This happened to us when we first moved into this house and we did not have a happy ending. Let's just say we have coyotes around here and so we had a tragedy. It's still very upsetting to me and really put a negative feeling associated with moving into our dream house.
  • #26
I am so glad! I was thinking of you and wanted to check here ASAP this morning to see if there was any news yet.
  • #27
chefcarole said:
Yea! I'm so glad your kitty came back. This happened to us when we first moved into this house and we did not have a happy ending. Let's just say we have coyotes around here and so we had a tragedy. It's still very upsetting to me and really put a negative feeling associated with moving into our dream house.
We are thinking that is what happened to our cat. They are doing so much building where my parents live that they live near one of the only wooded areas now so the coyotes moved into that area or at least passed through.
  • Thread starter
  • #28
Uhhhh! I am so sorry to hear of all of the other missing kitty stories here that did not turn out well. I can't imagine a coyote getting him!

Becky~ You are probably right about your kitty, she was de-throned with your little one and if that lady started taking care of her and doting on her, she just decided to stay and be pampered! I am sure she is fine...and keeping an older lady company, too! :)
  • #29
Just got to reading this thread and am so happy Kelly that Oreo came home. What would we do without our pets? It is scary. Sure hope the others that left home decide to come back.
  • #30
Yeah - glad he's back safe!
  • #31
KellyTheChef said:
Thanks for all of your prayers...God answered them!

By midnight he still hadn't returned and I reluctantly went to bed. We left the kitchen window open enough that he could climb back in (hoping nothing else climbed in!!) and he came back on his own!

Sorry it took so long to get back on...when I got up this morning I had to jump in the shower to get ready for church and this was the first chance I had to tell you all the good news!

It is so great to be "friends" with so many people that I can contact on a moments notice!!

SOOOOOO glad to hear he came home!!!!
I have checked this thread a dozen times looking for an update!
  • #32
I have a inside/outside dog and if we let her off of her chain she will take off and we won't see her for a day or so. We live in the country next to a busy road and it scares that she is going to get hit one of these times. I will be praying for your Oreo's save homecoming.
  • #33
You missed it April - he's back!!!! :)

Related to Where Is Our Indoor Cat?

1. "What should I do if my cat gets lost or goes missing?"

If your cat goes missing, the first thing you should do is search your immediate area to see if they are hiding nearby. You can also ask your neighbors if they have seen your cat. If you still can't find them, it's important to post flyers around your neighborhood and contact local animal shelters and veterinarians to see if they have been found.

2. "How can I prevent my cat from getting lost?"

To prevent your cat from getting lost, it's important to keep them indoors as much as possible. This includes making sure all windows and doors are securely closed and making sure they are wearing a collar with identification tags. You can also consider getting your cat microchipped, which can help in locating them if they do go missing.

3. "What can I do to help my lost cat find their way home?"

If your cat is lost, there are a few things you can do to help them find their way home. First, make sure their litter box is outside, as they may be able to smell it and find their way back. You can also leave out food and water in case they come back to the area. Additionally, you can leave out an item with your scent on it, such as a blanket or clothing, to help your cat recognize their home.

4. "Is it safe to let my cat outside?"

While it's ultimately a personal decision, it's generally safer to keep cats indoors. Outdoor cats are at risk for getting lost, injured, or even killed by other animals or vehicles. Keeping them indoors also prevents them from potentially causing harm to other animals or the environment.

5. "Can I pray for my pet?"

Yes, it is absolutely okay to pray for your pet. God cares for all creatures, big and small, and wants us to bring our concerns to Him. Pray for your pet's safety, health, and well-being, and trust that God hears and answers all prayers. You can also ask for the prayers of others, as it can be comforting to know that others are also praying for your pet's safe return.

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