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Where Is My May Consultant News?

In summary, Nancy, you have not received your May Consultants News yet, but you can email HO and complain that it took longer than usual for them to send it.
Gold Member
I am in SS1 for May (actually signed in April) and I have not received my May Consultants News yet. HO sent me one for April right after I signed. Am I going to get a May CN before the month is over? I have emailed them 2 times asking about it and they said they would ship it within 2 business days. It has been over a week since my last inquiry. :mad:

I really wanted to put the color photos of the June host and guest specials in my show book so I can show off the specials at my first June show, which is June 2.

Anyone have suggestions on how I can get the May issue of CN, and hopefully all future issues?
Sorry you are without your newsletter Nancy. You can always go to the website and get the full color flyers either by printing them at home or e-mailing them as an attachment to Office Max or Office Depot.
The full newsletter is also available on the website and so are the past KCN. When you promote to Director you get the newsletter about a week earlier than consultants.
Hope this is helpful to you.
Nancy,I would call again and ask to talk to the highest up supervisor you can get to! You should have it by now - no excuses!!! Also, do you happen to have the names of the people you have already talk to? If so, email them to Field Service and complain that 1) you haven't gotten your CN and 2) these people said you would have it by x date. Having it in writing makes a huge difference!!!So sorry for you not getting one yet! Do you have a sister consultant or director who could loan you the flyers for your June 2 show?
You can print the flyers from behind Consutant's Corner.
Keep complaining. HO is having major issues with their mail house not sending out all of the KCN's on time. HO needs to know about this!! In the mean time go ahead and get the stuff off of CC.
In March and April I did not receive my CN until the middle of the month. I emailed in April complaining and they sent it right out....it happened that both the lost one and the new one arrived the same day. I was told in an email from HO that the "3rd party" mailers mailed the CN out the last week of the month....apparently not! In May I didn't receive mine until around May 10th. Perhaps they just need to hire some mail people and send them directly from HO. It doesn't take 2-3 weeks for me to get anything else that is mailed media mail. I think our 3rd party mailers are not sending them out on time.
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  • #7
Well, I just called them and the lady on the phone said there was no log of my previous 2 emails about my request for the CN, which means it was never sent. She promised she would send it today via regular mail. She said I should be receiving my June CN by the second week of June.

Hopefully all is well now...
I think they are back on track. I got my June one today!! Last month it would have been another week or 2.
I got my June one on May 31!!! :D I usually get it around the 7th of the month - just in time for my Cluster Meeting.
  • #10
I too got my June CN actually on June 1st! Much better than last month when both my Director and I had to talk to HO twice just to get it sent! Maybe all of our complaining is getting something accomplished!
  • #11
I got my MAY consultant news on May 19th!! I have emailed HO once now, compaining, not that it will do any good, but hopefully I will get June's before the 19th. It is nice to get a hard copy instead of looking at it online. oh well, maybe we will finally get our point across.
  • #12
I am shocked!!I actually got June's consultant news today!!!! I can't believe it!!! Maybe they have finally got everything straightened out!!:)
  • #13
I was shocked too, mine actually came on the 1st. I called in April when it was 3 weeks late, and gave up in May. I was so surprised I double checked the month to make sure it was June!!

Related to Where Is My May Consultant News?

1. What is the status of the Consultant News Arrival?

Unfortunately, there is currently no update on the arrival of the Consultant News. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we are working to get it to you as soon as possible.

2. When can we expect the Consultant News to arrive?

At this time, we do not have a confirmed date for the arrival of the Consultant News. We are actively working to get it to you as soon as we can and appreciate your patience.

3. Will the Consultant News be delivered digitally or in print?

The Consultant News will continue to be delivered in both digital and print formats. However, there may be delays in the print delivery due to current circumstances. We encourage you to access the digital version for the latest updates and information.

4. How will we be notified when the Consultant News is available?

Once the Consultant News is ready for delivery, an email notification will be sent to all consultants with a link to access the digital version. You can also check our website and social media pages for updates.

5. Can we still access past issues of the Consultant News?

Yes, past issues of the Consultant News are available on our website under the "News" tab. You can also find digital copies of past issues in your Consultant's Corner account.

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