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Where Can I Find Conference Class Notes?

In summary, Jae shared that she was looking for a business that would help her achieve her professional goals and dreams, and that The Pampered Chef was the perfect fit for her. She also noted that the business has helped her improve her life in many ways, and she looks forward to continued success in the future.
I know you all have to wind down and get everything together, but I would REALLY REALLY appreciate anyone posting their notes from their classes on here so we can all get some more inspiration, insight, and help. Thanks in advance!
Me too! Me too! I REALLY need some inspiration here!
As soon as Wave 3 is over I would be happy to share my notes with anyone that would like them.....
I think it would be great for all good note takers posting from all workshops from each conference because there will probably be different speakers except for the Lyn Conway and the PC seminars. Do the speakers get an outline or just do their own talk?

I want notes from the workshops I don't attend like the Test Kitchens one

Please remember that so the folks in Waves 2 and 3 can enjoy the surprise - Doris and the gang ask everyone to keep the secrets until everyone that mde the investment to go to conference has the opportunity to see things first. I realize that not everyone is able to attend due to finances, family or work but it helps things stay fair for those that are assigned to the different waves.
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  • Thread starter
  • #5
Even if people were in the same classes, some might pick up on things that the others haven't, or have a different take on it. I think I take pretty good notes, (actually have been told I take excellent notes by an old teacher of mine, lol, he even asked if he could have my notebook at the end of the year) so last year I typed up everything in word documents and posted them so I could help anyone that I could, so I thought maybe since there were so many cheffers that had gone to conference this year that maybe there would be more note-takers and sharers.

I know about not spoiling surprises, but some of the classes would have nothing to do with spoiling, just some inspiration, ideas, and suggestions on how to run your business.
I sent you an e-mail, Jennifer.
jdavis said:
I know about not spoiling surprises, but some of the classes would have nothing to do with spoiling, just some inspiration, ideas, and suggestions on how to run your business.
I agree, with the exception of the Test Kitchen class, since that covered theme show recipes.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Thanks Jae, I will pm heather and see if she will post your notes.
are the same people doing the workshops for all 3 waves so we are all getting the same info? like I know Lyn Conway will be there, but cooking show live for instanst...will the same presenter be in all those classes?

I think we should also compare the speaker we had with notes and this is a super idea. I am in! I am going in on Sunday. I live about 30 miles away so I will take the train downtown Chicago and this is my first conference. I am so excited I feel like I am gonna have a panic attack most days! LOL!

Also, I would like to say...Lord please bring Paige home safely as we love her and miss her dearly. Please comfort her family during this time of worry. Put your protective hedge around her Lord and send this precious angel home. Amen
  • Thread starter
  • #10
No, lots of the classes have speakers that are in that wave, and mostly only just one day, the other days there is usually a different speaker(s), they have to take their classes too.
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Here is something Jae typed up in an email that was forwarded to me by heat123, so thanks to both of you. I haven't read through it yet, just took the carrott (forward) marks out of it and posted it, maybe later I can put it into a word document if I have time and post it. Hope it is of some help.

Sell The Dream = Help them achieve their professional goals and dreams.
Write out your Personal Recruiting Goals - be specific.
This is where we were to write on the worksheet that she gave us. The questions were:
What was your situation before you joined The Pampered Chef (job, family, etc.)?
What were you looking for from the business?
What was a concern you had about joining, and how did you solve that?
How is your life better because of The Pampered Chef?
What do you hope to accomplish inthe next 1-3 years with your business?
(next page) Inform with Your 30-Second Commercial
When people ask you "what do you 'do?'" what do you say?
-Write a compelling 30 second commercial to describe what you do and why you love it.
-Edit your script - Is it succinct? Intriguing? From the heart?
-Memorize it so you can share it with enthusiasm and confidence!
Now, what are your recruiting goals? For instance "recruit 1 a month". How many leads daily or weekly or monthly? Ex. 5/week She (Suzie Lite) suggested to shoot for 100 people on your lead list at all times. How many leads will you interview weekly? How many signed agreements?
This is our Dream Job. We have something to offer everyone. List what we have to offer.
Expected This: flexible schedule, $, product
Not Expected: training, recognition, self esteem, friendships, incentives (trips), promotions
OFFER THE DREAM TO EVERYONE: when you're out and about (maybe more but I didn't write anymore)
3 Essential Keys
Inform -Invite - Interview
Inform: that the opportunity is available, advantages of owning own business, for anyone who wants it, help realize your dreams, Use Your Life Your Way DVD, use Why Bag or Ticket Game, tell your story, plant seeds throughout the show, create environment to invite
Invite: to explore the opportunity and invite everyone...at checkout (full service checkout) Four piles: pile 1 is offering a recipe card, pile 2 is the business opportunity brochure with DVD, pile 3 is host packet for a show, pile 4 is wedding registry flyer. Offer from each pile in order, nodding and speaking positively. Pay personal compliment by something you remember from the show or even just by what they are ordering. Ask "did you hear anything tonight that inspired you?" or "Were you one of the people who...(fill in the blank)? Take a look at the order form to connect - notice the address, look at the products she/he chose
Interview: Keep it conversational, ask questions, gear it toward their dreams, help them to overcome objections. Go with expectation, but without so much expectation that you are disappointed if they say no.
When someone at the show (probably the host) says "no" when you ask them if they are interested in the opportunity say "What did you see me do tonight that you don't see yourself doing?" Either they won't think of anything (and that's a good thing), or you have a chance to realize that maybe you do make it look too hard, or you can build them up by pointing out that yes they do have a great personality or that they are very bright or very creative or whatever you can encourage them with (that is sincere and true).
Final round up notes:
Get to know hosts as clients. Have one on one conversations.
How many seeds are you planting at a show?
Keep in mind all of the unexpected benefits.

Hope this helps and is informative. I'm hoping on CS someone has explained the four piles or there is a file about them. It really didn't seem logical, the order of the piles, I mean. I'm going to look into that some more.

Jill (JAE)
  • #12
hOW ABOUT A THREAD JUST FOR THIS/THESE :)I went to some really good workshops, with one of the best being:

Mindy and I forget the other lady's name, but I have both of their emails so I can get outlines. I injured my left foot/ankle during conference and have been in much pain and just now on computer :(

I"ll get this posted soon.

This workshop = Recruiting from Maybe's to a Yes and went so fast it was recommended to just listen and email for outlines later :)


jdavis said:
Even if people were in the same classes, some might pick up on things that the others haven't, or have a different take on it. I think I take pretty good notes, (actually have been told I take excellent notes by an old teacher of mine, lol, he even asked if he could have my notebook at the end of the year) so last year I typed up everything in word documents and posted them so I could help anyone that I could, so I thought maybe since there were so many cheffers that had gone to conference this year that maybe there would be more note-takers and sharers.

I know about not spoiling surprises, but some of the classes would have nothing to do with spoiling, just some inspiration, ideas, and suggestions on how to run your business.
  • #13
Kathytnt said:
Do the speakers get an outline or just do their own talk?

Yes, the speakers are given an outline and have to fill in the information appropriately. My Director was a speaker in the Time Management and Organization seminar in Wave 1.
  • #14
PamperedChefDebi said:
Yes, the speakers are given an outline and have to fill in the information appropriately. My Director was a speaker in the Time Management and Organization seminar in Wave 1.

I guess it dependson the workshop. We were not given an outline to fill it. We were told we had to come up with an outline and turn it in to HO by a certain date and we had to be sure to touch on certain points...
  • #15
okay Carolyn what workshop did you teach??? I looked for ya but you weren't at mine :)
  • #16
dannyzmom said:
I guess it dependson the workshop. We were not given an outline to fill it. We were told we had to come up with an outline and turn it in to HO by a certain date and we had to be sure to touch on certain points...

OK, perhaps I am off a bit. I do know she had specific topics to cover and in a specific order. I guess it wasn't an official outline but to me it sounded like the same concept.
  • #17
What workshop did you teach Carolyn?

I would love any notes too!
  • #18
lizcooks4u said:
I went to some really good workshops, with one of the best being:

Mindy and I forget the other lady's name, but I have both of their emails so I can get outlines. I injured my left foot/ankle during conference and have been in much pain and just now on computer :(

I"ll get this posted soon.

This workshop = Recruiting from Maybe's to a Yes and went so fast it was recommended to just listen and email for outlines later :)


I was in that one too.
Mindy Mussell & Christina McIntosh
It really hit me when we found out that Mindy joined PC at 18. within 2 years bought her own home and now has over 50 cons in her first line! WOW!

Ok Liz.... I'm a dork. While I recognized your name at Conf. I did not truly make the connection till seing your post this Am!
  • #19
Carolyn taught Host Coaching.I know I said I wouldn't tell, but now that it's over.... all bets are off!
  • #20
Hey Carolyn, did you teach with Angie Adams, High Impact Host Coaching? If so, she's in my cluster!!!:D
  • #21
reba515 said:
okay Carolyn what workshop did you teach??? I looked for ya but you weren't at mine :)
I was wondering the same thing!!! How did it go, Carolyn????:D
  • #22
I saw Carolyn's name on the screen when walking to my workshop on Day 3. She taught High Impact Host Coaching on day 3 from 9-10:15.
  • #23
I have several pages of notes that I would be glad to share. It will take me a day or so to get them typed up. I came back to a lot of work. I really loved Lynn's workshop. I bought her cd set. I am looking forward to driving time so I can listen to them.
  • #24
PamperedChefDebi said:
Yes, the speakers are given an outline and have to fill in the information appropriately. My Director was a speaker in the Time Management and Organization seminar in Wave 1.

Hey... I took that in Wave 1... Who is your director?
  • #25
Hey... I took that in Wave 1...

i could get your notes on the time management workshop? i so desperatley needed something like this and it is not being offered here in canada :(
  • #26
Sure... I'll have them typed in a day or so and I'll post them in this thread!
  • #27
<giggle> I walked past the room where the Time Management class was on Day 3 and almost told the door attendant that everyone would be late. :)Since they didn't know how to manage their time, and all.... lol
  • #28
Here is a thought...

If you want to post notes, let's all use a similar file name structure so that we can easily tell what the notes are for... (yes, I'm a geek and I think about these things!)
Mine will be named...
[session name] - [2 digit year wave number]-[day number] - [session start time]...
Time Mgt-07W1-D3-9a
  • #29
chefann said:
<giggle> I walked past the room where the Time Management class was on Day 3 and almost told the door attendant that everyone would be late. :)

Since they didn't know how to manage their time, and all.... lol

You know what is really funny... LOTS of people were late (some even about 45 minutes late!). I for one was actually there ON TIME! I was so proud of myself I almost couldn't concentrate!
  • #30
  • #31
I'm rubber, you're glue... whatever you say, bounces off of me and sticks to you!
  • #32
Takes one to know one!
  • #33

just too much

thanks katie :)
  • #34
I can't take good notes without missing what's being said while I'm writing. I just sat and listened to most of the classes. My brain is sometimes like teflon. Nothing wants to stick to it.

  • Thread starter
  • #35
chefann said:
<giggle> I walked past the room where the Time Management class was on Day 3 and almost told the door attendant that everyone would be late. :)

Since they didn't know how to manage their time, and all.... lol
Leave it up to Ann to HIJACK my thread, LMAO, http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/happy0032.gif
  • #36
I would love anyone's notes, no matter how you post them.
  • #37
Ann that is too funny. I was in Wave 2 and my friend and I had that class on the last day. After standing in the lines all morning for various things we were 15 minutes late. We actually had a good laugh because I said "You do realize that we are going to be late for a "Time Management" workshop.

Our speakers were good. I had heard a lot of the info, but as always, if you don't put it to use it won't work.
  • #38
Does anyone have notes they will post on the Customer Care Workshop?? Also, I would love to have notes from Cooking Show Live. Is it too early for the Cooking Show Live notes?? Anything you have would be greatly appreciated.
  • #39
I would also be eternally grateful to anyone wiling to type up there notes from the wrokshops and share them here.
  • #40
I posted mine under "Conference Notes" in Wave 1. I hope they help!
  • Thread starter
  • #42
PamperedChefDebi said:
Sandi Griffin
Debi, every time I see your picture, I think of the school nurse, I swear you must be related to her, lol, would have to be her daughter, because she was the nurse when I was in school also, but she still basically looks the same. I just couldn't keep it inside any longer, lol.

Now back to our thread about NOTES, lol.
  • #43
jdavis said:
Debi, every time I see your picture, I think of the school nurse, I swear you must be related to her, lol, would have to be her daughter, because she was the nurse when I was in school also, but she still basically looks the same. I just couldn't keep it inside any longer, lol.

Now back to our thread about NOTES, lol.

LOL! That's is hilarious!!! I look just like my mom too so maybe my grandfather was up to something!

Related to Where Can I Find Conference Class Notes?

1. What are "Notes From Conference Classes"?

"Notes From Conference Classes" refers to the notes taken by attendees during classes or workshops at a Pampered Chef conference. These notes often contain helpful tips, insights, and inspiration related to the Pampered Chef business.

2. Why are these notes important?

These notes can provide valuable information and guidance for Pampered Chef consultants to improve their business, learn new techniques, and stay up-to-date on the latest products and strategies.

3. How can I access these notes?

You can access these notes by attending a Pampered Chef conference and taking your own notes during the classes, or by asking other attendees to share their notes with you.

4. Are these notes official Pampered Chef materials?

No, these notes are not official Pampered Chef materials. They are simply the personal notes taken by attendees during classes and are not endorsed or approved by Pampered Chef.

5. Can I share these notes with others?

Yes, you may share these notes with others as long as they are for personal use only and not for commercial purposes. It is important to respect the time and effort put into taking these notes by giving credit to the original source if you choose to share them.

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