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When Is the Season Changeover and What Should You Know?

just do! And remember, if there's anything you don't understand about the changeover process or the new paperwork, please check the Consultant Newsletter (CN) or PC NewsWire for more information.
Gold Member
Note: Dates for each season will be different, but each season change-over is usually generally the same. Check current communications from HO for specifics.

Welcome to season change-over! This can be both exciting and confusing. Here are some tips for you.

Check the current Consultant Newsletter (CN) and PC NewsWire for specifics regarding dates. As of this post, the dates for the Fall 2009 season changeover are in the July CN. HO usually publishes a list that includes paperwork (changeover) box shipments, earned sample (sell a thon) shipment, kit and super start box changes, and when new paperwork can be ordered.

Changeover Boxes
Changeover boxes are shipped to consultants who are active when HO generates the shipping list. Which, as near as I can figure, is the month before they ship. So if you were active in December (for Spring) or June (for Fall), you should get one. Inactive consultants who reactivate after the list is generated, including during the season, will also receive a box. You will be charged $6.25 to cover shipping, which will be deducted from your next commission statement.

Changeover boxes typically include samples of new paperwork and just enough catalogs to put together early-season host packs for distribution (1 pack). They also include product sample order forms and paperwork order forms. Please check the dates on sample order forms - they are not good forever (typically only until the end of the first month of the season).

Earned samples (from Sell-a-Thon) and changeover boxes do not show up on the shipment status page on CC. Never fear! There is a backdoor way to track them. Yes, HO indicates in their list of dates approximately when they'll ship. But we all get excited to receive them, and want to know exactly when to expect the Fed Ex guy.

Go to CC, and click on the Product Adjustment link in the right column. Proceed as if you're doing an adjustment but don't know the show number. When you look at the list of orders, you can see that the numbers have different letters in the middle: C for catalog shows, K for cooking shows (a throwback to when they were called Kitchen shows), S for supply orders, etc. G is used for earned and auto-ship items, like changeover boxes and SAT. Look for the most recent g-type shipments and use that number as the primary portion of the reference number at fedex.com.

For example: Betsy Consultant goes to the adjustment screen and sees a box listed as "123456G0123." So she then goes to the "track by reference number" screen at fedex.com and enters 123456G012301 as the reference number, along with her ZIP code and the approximate shipping date. The resultant tracking info shows her that her box will be delivered tomorrow!

Free business supplies
HO reserves the right to change these policies. But at present, consultants can receive the following items at no charge. There are occasionally special item numbers to use - check the PC NewsWire and CN for those.
- 1 free pack of receipts per season (as of Spring 2009, these were included with the first supply order of the season)
- 1 DVD per season. This DVD includes info about the new products, theme shows, and recipes, with recipe demos. It's a great resource to learn about the new products. As of Fall 2009, this will be included in the Changeover box.
- 1 RUFTH trivet per round-up year (Sept.-Aug.). Conference attendees usually get this in their conference bag.
- 1 pack of show planners per month
- 1 pack of consultant agreements per month

Online sales of samples
We've all worked hard to earn free product samples. Why would we want to get rid of them? I sure don't know, but there are consultants who do. If you see someone selling products before they're available to the public, that's a pretty sure bet they're a consultant. Don't bother posting about it here. Just send a link to the sale to HO using [email protected] or [email protected].

HO makes the SBRC recipes available electronically, to make it easy for us to post them on PWS or send in email. Please honor HO's copyright by using those recipes only in that manner. Do not post recipes here or on other online forums. If a recipe is not provided electronically by HO, do not share it in a mass-distribution manner unless the cookbook from which it's taken is no longer available. PC makes its money SELLING tools and cookbooks. Publishing the recipes willy-nilly not only increases the chance of errors (just like when playing "Telephone" as a kid), but reduces the chance that our customers will actually purchase the books. If you're a consultant looking for a current recipe, use your consultant discount to buy the book it's in.

So welcome to season change-over! As exciting as it is, don't talk about the new products and themes to your customers until you've got the last month of the season booked as solid as you want it. And if you get confused, take a deep breath and refer to the materials HO makes available to us. You'll find all the dates and information you need there.
Ann, you are wonderful. Thank you for sharing such pertinent, timely information.
Wow! Thanks for posting this info, very helpful!
Cool! I didn't know there was a way to track SAT products :love:

Thanks!!!! :thumbup:
GREAT JOB ANN! You're my hero! Thanks for compiling all of this info. in one easy to reference thread!
Thanks Ann! Glad to see you post about sharing recipes from the new SB even on here as we talked about on Chat the other day! I completely agree! You're Da Bomb! LOL!
Great job Ann!!! You are amazing and the value of your information is great!!
I will add my vote too! You are fabulous! Thanks for sharing and being so specific! It's great for the newbies like me about to experience "changeover" for the first time. Much appreciated.
Quick question, how do we order the free paperwork?
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Just put it on a supply order. For the receipts and trivet, there's usually info from HO, either in the SECN or NewsWire.
  • #11
We love you Ann. HO really needs to put you on their payroll!!! :)
  • #12
At a cluster meeting last night it was mentioned that you must be active in JULY to receive the change-over box. Any clarification as to whether it is June or July?
  • Thread starter
  • #13
pkd09 said:
At a cluster meeting last night it was mentioned that you must be active in JULY to receive the change-over box. Any clarification as to whether it is June or July?
I don't know. I based my post above on past changeovers, which were before the new plan went into effect. (That's also why I included the "as near as I can figure" disclaimer.) I do know that if an inactive consultant reactivates after the boxes ship (even into the new season by several months), that consultant will receive the changeover. It's happened several times to consultants on my team - the most recent being one woman who reactivated in June and was shipped the Spring changeover.
  • #14
Guess I have about a week to get active again! Thank goodness for a mom who places huge orders!
  • #15
pkd09 said:
At a cluster meeting last night it was mentioned that you must be active in JULY to receive the change-over box. Any clarification as to whether it is June or July?
I wonder if that would be possible- if they are sending out the change-over kits late July. That would cut out alot of people who are still submitting early/mid July shows (like me!)Question- what about New Consultants who signed in late June? Do they get a change-over kit (she's not yet active, but will be submitting 2-shows on Friday).And the Free Trivet- if we got one at NC, then we DON'T get one in Supply order? Or do we still get one?Thanks for the info Ann!!
  • #16
I think as long as you submitted in June then you are fine, I would say your recruit should be ok too, she is still considered active because she is just starting out.

You will not receive a second free trivet, you either get it at conference or on the supply order. Although two free ones would be nice :)
  • Thread starter
  • #17
esavvymom said:
Question- what about New Consultants who signed in late June? Do they get a change-over kit (she's not yet active, but will be submitting 2-shows on Friday).

And the Free Trivet- if we got one at NC, then we DON'T get one in Supply order? Or do we still get one?

New consultants should get the changeover, since their kits would have included Spring paperwork, and the changeover is to get everyone set for Fall. The kit changeover date is in the July CN.

If you already got a trivet at Conference, you don't get another one. It's limit one per consultant.
  • #18

Thank you for the information. Very helpful!

Venessa H:sing:
  • #19
i just checked and my changeover box will be here on tuesday! WOOHOO!!!
  • #20
I was really excited to get mine today!

Trish in Texas
Independent Consultant
  • #21
the tracking cheat did not work for me - my show with a G in it will not track in fedex.com and when i click on it it's actually a cooking show that i did
  • #23
daniusa said:
the tracking cheat did not work for me - my show with a G in it will not track in fedex.com and when i click on it it's actually a cooking show that i did

Are you using the track package area on the main page, because it won't work from their you have to click on the link to track packages and then make sure that you select to track by reference number. I hope that makes sense, someone else could probably explain it better.
  • Thread starter
  • #24
PCMomto4 said:
Are you using the track package area on the main page, because it won't work from their you have to click on the link to track packages and then make sure that you select to track by reference number. I hope that makes sense, someone else could probably explain it better.

That's right - it has to be the REFERENCE NUMBER area, and you have to add "01" to the end of the number from CC.
  • #25
I do not see anything showing up with a G...I know I should be getting one so does this just mean that it is not ready?
  • Thread starter
  • #26
It just means that it's not in HO's system as having shipped yet. In the past, changeover boxes have tended to ship in reverse ship-time order, with boxes taking the longest to travel shipping first.
  • #27
JDooley said:
I do not see anything showing up with a G...I know I should be getting one so does this just mean that it is not ready?

Mine isn't showing up yet either. It's the curse of living close to HO - the ones further away ship first.:cry:
  • #28
I was able to find my number and went to Fedex.com and found it will be delivered tomorrow! Oh, happy day!
  • #29
DessertDivaFL said:
I was able to find my number and went to Fedex.com and found it will be delivered tomorrow! Oh, happy day!

Mine is coming tomorrow too!! :):) I am so happy as I figured I wouldn't get it until the end of the week!! I can't wait for the SB!
  • #30
mine is coming tomorrow too!!
  • #31
This is awesome!!! I was so confused about how the season change would work. I signed up in the middle of the last season change but still had enough supplies to work with. And I'm glad I just put in my 1st show since May...not doing so great, but now I'll get the supplies free!

I just tracked mine and I should receive mine tomorrow as well...yippee!!!!!
  • #32
Okay, just checked. Mine will be here tomorrow! :)
  • #33
babywings76 said:
Okay, just checked. Mine will be here tomorrow! :)
Me too I'm so excited! It looks like it is all coming in one box. The adjustment screen shows the c/o kit as an item in my SAT box.
  • #34
Thanks again for how to track the c/o kit... I finally got a chance to track mine thanks to your directions! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Now I can help my newest recruit too! I became a Team Leader Saturday! Now if I can only get some shows on MY calendar!!!
  • #35
BlessedWifeMommy said:
Me too I'm so excited! It looks like it is all coming in one box. The adjustment screen shows the c/o kit as an item in my SAT box.

That is how mine arrived. I was very busy when my package arrived so I just opened it, glanced at the products and left everything on the counter; it wasn't until late that night that I even noticed the changeover kit.....
  • #36
Love that mine is coming tomorrow! Can't wait to get my hands on everything to play with!
  • Thread starter
  • #37
Clarification about ordering samples under the new (spring 2009) career plan. (Thanks to Janet for sharing the info she got from her ED.)For ordering personal and sample orders, here's how it works.If a Consultant wants to place a sample order in August, the computer
will first check to see if she was active in July (sold at least $150).
If she was, she can place the sample order. We didn't want to hold up
anyone's sample order if they hadn't yet submitted their first August
sales.However, if she didn't sell $150 in July, then she does need to first
submit $150 in August before placing a sample order.===
In other words, a consultant must be active the month PRIOR to placing a sample order, or must become active (by submitting $150 commissionable sales) in the month that he/she orders samples prior to placing that sample order.
  • #38
Mine is coming tomorrow! :D
  • #39
I swear, I learn more here than anywhere else :) Mine is coming today!! I'm so excited!
  • #40
Yeah...mine should be here today! Can't wait to get home now!!
  • Thread starter
  • #41
HO is a day or two behind on getting the boxes into the Adjustment screen listing. Mine finally showed up in there this morning, 1/2 hour before FedEx dropped it off on my porch.
  • #42
Mine just showed up in CC as well... checked and it is waiting for me at my door... now i just have to wait on my workday to get over so i can go home and play!!!!
  • #43
Yay! Mine's coming today! Questions about the free paperwork, I didn't know about the free trivet so I'm going to go ahead and order it before we can't get this past one anymore, but I also wanted to throw some show planners on there. When I searched for the trivet it showed up as $0.00 but when I search for the planners they show up as $1.75. Will they know to not charge that or is there another product number that doesn't show up in the search for the free ones?
  • Thread starter
  • #44
They won't charge you for the first pack of show planners in a month. So just ignore that it says $1.75.
  • #45
chefann said:
They won't charge you for the first pack of show planners in a month. So just ignore that it says $1.75.

Yes, when you add it to your order, it will say $1.75 in the price column, but $0.00 in the total column.
  • #46
I was always under the impression that we only got one pack of free planners and I have been printing the rest... did not know that was a MONTH... I love this site
  • #47
Great - I just went back to track mine, in hopes that maybe it would be delivered today - yeah, it went to Kalamazoo, and is now "in transit" back to Hammond, Indiana. That's the wrong direction Fed-Ex People!:(:grumpy:
Last edited:
  • Thread starter
  • #48
If you leave now, you can come and play with mine. :) I'll even feed you - Parmesan-crusted chicken with creamy risotto from the Weekday Dinners cards. Of course, I didn't earn nearly as many new products as you.
  • #49
chefann said:
If you leave now, you can come and play with mine. :) I'll even feed you - Parmesan-crusted chicken with creamy risotto from the Weekday Dinners cards. Of course, I didn't earn nearly as many new products as you.

Can I bring the WHOLE family with me? :D (I'm feeding 5 extra tonight!)

What I want the most are those Weekday Dinner Cards!
  • Thread starter
  • #50
ChefBeckyD said:
Can I bring the WHOLE family with me? :D (I'm feeding 5 extra tonight!)

What I want the most are those Weekday Dinner Cards!

um... I'm only making a single batch. So if you bring a big salad to make up the difference, you can. :)
<h2>1. When is the season change-over? </h2><p>The specific dates for each season change-over may vary, but they are usually announced in the Consultant Newsletter (CN) and PC NewsWire. As of this post, the dates for the Fall 2009 season change-over are listed in the July CN. Keep an eye out for updates from HO regarding paperwork box shipments, earned sample shipments, and changes to kit and super start boxes.</p><h2>2. Who receives changeover boxes and what do they contain?</h2><p>Changeover boxes are shipped to active consultants when the shipping list is generated, usually a month before the actual shipment. This includes consultants who were active in the previous month for Spring and Fall change-overs. Inactive consultants who reactivate during the season will also receive a box. The box typically contains samples of new paperwork, enough catalogs to create early-season host packs, and order forms for product samples and paperwork.</p><h2>3. How can I track my earned samples and changeover box shipments?</h2><p>Earned samples and changeover boxes do not show up on the shipment status page on CC. However, there is a backdoor way to track them. Go to CC and click on the Product Adjustment link. Look for the most recent "g-type" shipments and use the number listed as the primary portion of the reference number on the FedEx website. This will give you an estimated delivery date for your shipment.</p><h2>4. What free business supplies can consultants receive?</h2><p>At present, consultants can receive 1 free pack of receipts per season, 1 DVD per season with info about new products and recipes, 1 RUFTH trivet per round-up year, and 1 pack of show planners and consultant agreements per month. Check the PC NewsWire and CN for any special item numbers to use.</p><h2>5. Can I sell my earned product samples online?</h2><p>HO reserves the right to change these policies, but at the moment, consultants are not allowed to sell their earned product samples before they are available to the public. If you come across a consultant doing this, report it to HO using the provided email addresses. Additionally, please do not share recipes from cookbooks unless the book is no longer available. This helps protect PC's copyright and encourages customers to purchase the books themselves.</p>

Related to When Is the Season Changeover and What Should You Know?

1. When is the season change-over?

The specific dates for each season change-over may vary, but they are usually announced in the Consultant Newsletter (CN) and PC NewsWire. As of this post, the dates for the Fall 2009 season change-over are listed in the July CN. Keep an eye out for updates from HO regarding paperwork box shipments, earned sample shipments, and changes to kit and super start boxes.

2. Who receives changeover boxes and what do they contain?

Changeover boxes are shipped to active consultants when the shipping list is generated, usually a month before the actual shipment. This includes consultants who were active in the previous month for Spring and Fall change-overs. Inactive consultants who reactivate during the season will also receive a box. The box typically contains samples of new paperwork, enough catalogs to create early-season host packs, and order forms for product samples and paperwork.

3. How can I track my earned samples and changeover box shipments?

Earned samples and changeover boxes do not show up on the shipment status page on CC. However, there is a backdoor way to track them. Go to CC and click on the Product Adjustment link. Look for the most recent "g-type" shipments and use the number listed as the primary portion of the reference number on the FedEx website. This will give you an estimated delivery date for your shipment.

4. What free business supplies can consultants receive?

At present, consultants can receive 1 free pack of receipts per season, 1 DVD per season with info about new products and recipes, 1 RUFTH trivet per round-up year, and 1 pack of show planners and consultant agreements per month. Check the PC NewsWire and CN for any special item numbers to use.

5. Can I sell my earned product samples online?

HO reserves the right to change these policies, but at the moment, consultants are not allowed to sell their earned product samples before they are available to the public. If you come across a consultant doing this, report it to HO using the provided email addresses. Additionally, please do not share recipes from cookbooks unless the book is no longer available. This helps protect PC's copyright and encourages customers to purchase the books themselves.

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