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What's Happening to Our Conference Traditions?

In summary, the special breakfast and the director's event are no longer special. The breakfast of caring is now just a regular breakfast.
Chef Kearns
Gold Member
I'm a little pissed that some of the awesome parts of conference are going away. I LOVED the special Breakfast of Caring breakfast. It was yummy! You got to hear how our hard work benefits people and there is a great photo op with Doris afterwards. I was soooo looking forward to promoting to Director to attend the special Director's event after conference.

Now both of those great things are GONE!! :mad: :mad: What's the deal with that?! :eek: The Director's fun event has been changed to a business meeting before conference. WHAT?!!! The the Breakfast of Caring is no longer a special breakfast just special seating at the regular (continental) breakfast. Hello????!!!:confused:

Can someone shed some positive light on this? I am really upset about it.
Last year was my first BOC experience and while it was nice to be recognized, I didn't think the food was that great. And Doris was not there, Jean Jonas was (at least in Wave 1).

As far as the Director's Event, I like that the company is putting more money and effort into training. Yes, a big party is nice and I was looking forward to it since this will be my first conference as a director. But I think it will also make travel and hotel arrangements a lot easier. Then directors can travel home with their teams and help them put their excitement into action instead of staying an extra night alone and traveling home alone, not knowing what dreams their team may have discussed on the way home.

I know many upper level directors used to plan their own trainings for that first morning of conference and now they don't have to.

I trust that the leaders of our company know what they are doing. I'm sure our recognition and rewards will still be more than generous.
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  • #3
DebbieJ said:
Last year was my first BOC experience and while it was nice to be recognized, I didn't think the food was that great. And Doris was not there, Jean Jonas was.

Doris was there. She may not have spoken, but she was there. I know because I got my picture taken with her. She sent me a card after my daughter was born last year and I went to her and thanked her and my friend took our picture.

The food was better than bagels and yogurt. I heard a lot of the people in the BOC complaining about the food. When faced with the alternative I much prefer french toast, sausage and eggs to dry cereal and yogurt. I HATE yogurt!!
French toast, sausage and eggs sounds yummy. I was a little disappointed both years I attended to have to eat bagels and yogurt for breakfast. I love them, but for the price of conference I would like to see a little better breakfast. The lunch for year before last was a quartered tomato...not cut all the way through...with tuna salad in the middle of it. The first year I went everything was salad or a sandwich. Hello...where is the food? I don't eat a lot, but I was always hungry at both conferences I attended. I really hate to complain. I know it is hard to feed that many people...I own a catering business. But, just because I am a woman does not mean I want diet food for every meal. The executive banquet food was wonderful...the first meal I ate that I actually felt full when it was over. I would have been happier with a burger and fries or pizza. Any other conferences I have ever attended, the food has always been buffet style with roast and veggies, desserts, fruit, etc. and the breakfasts have also been buffet style. But then again, buffet style meals always have a lot of waste. All I know is that I couldn't wait to get home and have some fried squash, potatoes, and a steak...LOL
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  • #5
I hope we will still be getting the Career Club lunch! I think it is the same food, but it is a special thing!

Okay I need to come clean here. I do Pampered Chef for the recognition, fun and FREE stuff. The money is good, but in 3 years I have yet to turn a profit! I am in it for the goodies. Slowly but surely the goodies are going bye-bye! I am afraid that once they're gone I will be too. I REALLY LOVE doing this, but not for nothing. Those little things at Conference were a big deal to me.
I'm a little disappointed, I agree about the Breakfast of Caring...I don't know about the Director thing...I think it's cool to have your own special fancy event, but I think I'd really rather have the training. Not that it applies to me (YET!), but I think that's my feeling on it. I agree about the little things.
Me too. I don't make a profit...everything I get goes right back into PC for more stuff. I love PC.

But, I will admit that I am tired of the new products being the same products we already have except in a new color or with a little different handle. I mean really, how many classic scrapers do you need? I think I have 10, in a wide range of colors. Stoneware is the same thing...I have the classics, the white, the cranberry, etc. I gave away all the green and blue I received...except for the cobalt blue pie plate. I would love to see some good quality new stuff. Paper napkins and plastic spoons...give me a break. How about a coffee bean grinder, canister set, SA salt and pepper shakers, glasses and silverware, more usable bowls and cups, spice rack, more spices and mixes...how about soup mixes. We need something different. I love the salad spinner we are going to have, but I already have the stainless steel bowl. I earned it last year. I don't need another one.

It is true that the goodies seem to be disappearing. And, with all the complaints about last year's conference, I am a little worried about what to expect. I am excited about going this year, but still wondering what to expect.
I agree
Chef Kearns said:
I hope we will still be getting the Career Club lunch! I think it is the same food, but it is a special thing!

Okay I need to come clean here. I do Pampered Chef for the recognition, fun and FREE stuff. The money is good, but in 3 years I have yet to turn a profit! I am in it for the goodies. Slowly but surely the goodies are going bye-bye! I am afraid that once they're gone I will be too. I REALLY LOVE doing this, but not for nothing. Those little things at Conference were a big deal to me.

I agree I do this more for a hobby than anything else. I do this to get out of the house for a few hours showing off products I love and preparing food for others who in turn will hopefully buy these products from me.
I do put alot of money into the business and do this also for recognition, fun and FREE stuff!! I have never been to conference and probably never will. My goals are not to become director or have tons of recruits under me. I would be happy with two! It seems that sometimes companies take their "money makers" for granted and don't understand how important some things are to you. Maybe you should send HO an email Sandra and tell them how you feel. I know you work hard and have been doing great this year with bookings.
Debbie :D
Debbie...If you could go to conference one time, you would love it. You get to meet other consultants and brain-storm ideas as well as some great training classes. We do get a lot out of conference. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. You will have a wonderful time. I go for the training and to meet consultants from all across the nation...but mostly I go for myself. I use that time to get away from all of my work and family stress. As much as I love my family, it is nice to get away by myself for a few days. My husband goes on a hunting trip to Colorado every year. I go to conference every other year. I tell him it is time for me to go on my "hunting trip".
  • #10
You know I think my cluster is going to have a "private" party for the consultants that promote to director. So maybe you might be able to do that with your clusters instead?!
  • #11
There are several reasons that the Director special event is changing:

Not all Directors attended. Somewhere I heard that only about 75% of the eligible Directors went to it.

Not enough room at Conference hotels. Because Directors (and often their clusters) would stay the extra night, the Conference hotels wouldn't have enough rooms for the people who arrived for the next wave.

It will still include some sort of goodie, and it includes a hot lunch, so Directors will still receive an extra meal.

And as far as the Breakfast, there were more and more people earning it, so at some point it would have ended up as the general breakfast anyway. At least we'll still get some sort of recognition.
  • #12
How are you not showing a profit? You can't seriously be putting all commission back into supplies and giveaways???

If you are I suggest scaling back, why would you work for "FREE"? I LOVE this business and the perks, free products, discounts, gift certififcates etc. but DH would have said no along time ago if I never had anything to show for it besides product and catalogs.
don't get me wrong I have a house and camper full of PC but I also have a nice checking account.
Just curious and how does it affect your recruiting?
  • #13
I was bummed too when I heard these were gone, but I"m sure HO has good reasons. Probably like Ann said; last year they had to add more conference hotels because we were filling them up. I'm sure that was because we were all staying that extra night....I wasn't a director, but I stayed so I could come home with everyone.
Pampered Chef has always been so awesome with the recognition & freebies, and I'm sure that will continue. I"m sure they have some other things in store for us!
  • #14
I, to, am disappointed with the changes. It seems that PC is becoming so corporate and there sure seem to be a lot of "management" - we have to pay their salaries some how. From what I heard about leadership and the cut back on the goodies given I am not as sorry I missed.

I loved the director event and am sorry to see it go - it was a celebration party after all that training and it made you feel special (btw I think 75% is a GREAT turnout!). It does make sense though with the hotel situation. As far as the Breakfast of Caring - they could do a larger room for pete's sake!

Sorry to be so negative but I am just so upset with the way our society is going - big companies and the top people taking all the money and squeezing the middle class down into the lower class. I could go on...

All that being said, I still love this company and am proud to be a PC consultant and director. We have quality products that we can speak from the heart about and great customer service (usually). I agree that we have gotten a lot of recycled products lately and could use some more essential things added to the line but I have to say that the spring line has created the most buzz with people I have shared the catalog with than any since I started with PC.

Hopefully HO will realize we are disappointed and we will be pleasantly surprised with what the new structure gives us!!
  • #15
And, if we're unhappy, we have to remember to let HO know about it! They do listen to us:)
  • #16
They won't realise it unless you call.

I will miss the director's event...It was a blast. But, the hotel juggling, added expense and being away from home an extra day was always a pain. I am excited to get the special training and I am sure they will make it very nice. They probably came out with that email of the delicious hot meal and special gift for directors as a response to people complaining...

Keep calling who knows what else might happen?
  • #17
In regards to the Directors event that's now a training....I have a feeling they will make it way worth it. Think of all that $$$ they spent putting on an incredible Director's event (I think the 75% estimation is pretty generous....I bet it's lower) and now they can channel it into different areas. They DO listen to us, so be sure to let your feelings known. If it's a bomb and we're extremely disappointed AFTER conference, I'm sure they'll make changes for next year.

It is a bit of a bummer since I only attended one Director's event and it was awesome last year. Oh well. I also could benefit a TON from the training. Look at it this way--if they training is fabulous and it helps us all become Advanced Directors, then there are a lot better things in store for us at that level!:)
  • #18
My first thought was, "no Directors event." Now I realize the Directors Event is still taking place, it is just different. I love the fact we will be getting additional training and still get our meal and gift. I think this is a great reason for those of you interested in Directorship to get going and promote.

  • #19
PC has always been my hobby, so no I really don't make a profit. I signed for the products...good discount and free stuff. I have always worked a full time job. PC is not a big seller in my area...too much WalMart mentality...I can get it at WalMart cheaper. People here look at price not quality. I am sure people who work PC full time for a job make a profit, but some of us aren't in it for a full time job. PC's slogan of how everyone can be a consultant...part time, hobby time, full time, etc. seems to be changing. I have thought about quitting many times because I am not making any money, but my husband always says..."you are getting all the stuff you want without having to find the money somewhere else, so stay with it". And that is why I am still here. My PC money is for PC.
  • #20
Shawnna said:
PC has always been my hobby, so no I really don't make a profit. I signed for the products...good discount and free stuff. I have always worked a full time job. PC is not a big seller in my area...too much WalMart mentality...I can get it at WalMart cheaper. People here look at price not quality. I am sure people who work PC full time for a job make a profit, but some of us aren't in it for a full time job. PC's slogan of how everyone can be a consultant...part time, hobby time, full time, etc. seems to be changing. I have thought about quitting many times because I am not making any money, but my husband always says..."you are getting all the stuff you want without having to find the money somewhere else, so stay with it". And that is why I am still here. My PC money is for PC.
Shawna that's a great reason to stay.
I was at a regional meeting on monday night and had a spark re-ignited in me because of those very same principals. We are all in this business for different reasons. Free products, discounts, sanity(night away from kids/dh) or whatever. That is what I love about the company. When people think about whether or Not to recruit you should keep that in mind.
Why did YOU join? Well there are many other's that would for the same reason; so why not share why YOU joined and give them the same Gift.

Personally I did it for the possibility to stay home with my kids and work when they were at school and pray that money came with it.
So again Keep doing it for those freebies, money or whatever just remember sharing the gift gives others that same choice you get to make everyday you stay with it. Oh yeah and then you get MORE FREEBIES!
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  • #21
Teresa Lynn said:
How are you not showing a profit? You can't seriously be putting all commission back into supplies and giveaways???

If you are I suggest scaling back, why would you work for "FREE"? I LOVE this business and the perks, free products, discounts, gift certififcates etc. but DH would have said no along time ago if I never had anything to show for it besides product and catalogs.
don't get me wrong I have a house and camper full of PC but I also have a nice checking account.
Just curious and how does it affect your recruiting?

You are a director Teresa so you make an override on your sales, your recruit's sales and their recruit's sales. Your commission is VERY generous. If I were where you are and not turning a profit I would be questioning it too!

I do not go crazy with supplies, products and giveaways. For my guest drawing prize I giveaway past Season's Best for my hosts I do the current Season's Best. At conference I stay away from the vendor (but if I do go I limit my purchase to $30). I only purchase supplies at the beginning of each new season and just what is needed. If the program hasn't changed I won't buy the "new" brochures.

I am not a nitwit! I know how to budget and what-not. However; last year I worked my tail off and my total commissions for the year were so sad. When my husband saw my 1099 he was very surprised. I had lots of awesome shows. I do work several booths a year at various costs, but try to work it out so that my investment is minimal.

How does it affect my recruiting? I'm not sure. I state the facts. Thankfully no one has asked me about my own personal comissions. I say the party line, "You make on average $100 per show". I don't want any potential recruits who are lurking on this site to be discouraged. I need to vent! I love this company. I could never sale anything else. This is my fit, but I am a little put off at the moment.
  • #22
I think it important to let Home Office know - I was unable to go to conference last year due to losing my mom and a work would not allow me to be off work.
  • #23
Sounds fun!
Shawnna said:
Debbie...If you could go to conference one time, you would love it. You get to meet other consultants and brain-storm ideas as well as some great training classes. We do get a lot out of conference. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. You will have a wonderful time. I go for the training and to meet consultants from all across the nation...but mostly I go for myself. I use that time to get away from all of my work and family stress. As much as I love my family, it is nice to get away by myself for a few days. My husband goes on a hunting trip to Colorado every year. I go to conference every other year. I tell him it is time for me to go on my "hunting trip".

It sounds fun but with all the money that goes into going to conference with airfare, hotel, food, etc... I couldn't possibly do that without my family. We try to go on vacations once a year plus go to a Christian conference once a year as well. My husband also takes me to a bed and breakfast every May for our anniversary where are have a romantic time alone. And then again in September for my birthday.
I wouldn't change a thing! I know it sounds fun and would probably be very beneficial to me if I wanted PC as my career but I don't. It's just a hobby and I am pleased with the flexible schedule that allows me to focus on the most mportant things in my life. That's just how I want to run my business!

Debbie :D
  • #24
pamperedbecky said:
In regards to the Directors event that's now a training....I have a feeling they will make it way worth it. Think of all that $$$ they spent putting on an incredible Director's event (I think the 75% estimation is pretty generous....I bet it's lower) and now they can channel it into different areas. They DO listen to us, so be sure to let your feelings known. If it's a bomb and we're extremely disappointed AFTER conference, I'm sure they'll make changes for next year.

It is a bit of a bummer since I only attended one Director's event and it was awesome last year. Oh well. I also could benefit a TON from the training. Look at it this way--if they training is fabulous and it helps us all become Advanced Directors, then there are a lot better things in store for us at that level!:)

I am thrilled that they are doing away with the Directos Event anfd making it a training instead...I would REALLY love it if they would blend the two...you know - like training and a dance party all in one - LOL
  • #25
I could definitely use some training for my dancing. I am more a sitting dancer. You know, you sit in the chair and bop up and down a little.

  • #26
ChefLisa said:
I could definitely use some training for my dancing. I am more a sitting dancer. You know, you sit in the chair and bop up and down a little.


I'm very accomplished at this, too. Comes in handy when good songs come on the radio. :D
  • #27
I wasn't attacking you, sorry it came across that way. I'm currently at FD level not director level but, I still show a profit. (& my group is very unproductive, so I don't make lots of $$ on overrides from them.)
I spend ALOT of $$ on my host appreciation brunch each December that is my biggest "splurge" for my business.. probably costs $600+ for everything
I sometimes attend Leadership & conference and do order supplies from the vendors and order during the year. My giveaway basket is citrus peelers, pan scrapers, twixits.
I mail 250 catalogs each season to preferred hosts/ customers but I still don't show a negative balance.
Sorry, for stepping on toes!!
  • #28
I am so glad someone started this post. Reading over how everyone feels has given me great perspectives. I must admit, I am a bad Director and have not been reading announcements as closely as I should have been. I did see that there is a morning Director meeting, but did not realize that the Director's Event was taken away.

I have mixed feelings about it. I am not into the dancing thing so that part I will not miss. But last year, I loved being at the museum and then going through the King Tut exhibit. Chicago has so much to see. The one year I traveled by train my train was leaving several hours after the last general session so I did go to the Titanic exhibit before going to the train station.

MOST of the time, when Pampered Chef makes a change and I have reservations about it, I find that what they have come up with is good. I am hoping this is still the case.

As far as The Breakfast of Caring, I have earned it more than onece and never attended the breakfast. I try to steal as much sleep as I can because my investment of conference lies much into being alert for the workshops and general sessions!

As far as "making money" from Pampered Chef? I am not ready to buy Berkshire Hathaway stock yet (Warren's company) but I LOVE writing off groceries for the recipes I try at home, the internet connection and some of the other things that I would probably still have if I weren't in PC. And the trips!!!!! I never could afford to do that either. Do you write off your "extra income" items such as the free products you earn, the trips and incentives? I just found out last year that we could! I talk about my trips at every show, I use my earned products at my parties, etc.

These are just my ramblings:rolleyes: ...like I say, I love to hear what others are feeling about these changes.
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  • #29
Part of the "no profit" thing is the write-offs. Even though I am able to write it off I still had to spend the money on it. I would like to have substantial profit after write-offs. Ya know?
  • #30
dannyzmom said:
I am thrilled that they are doing away with the Directos Event anfd making it a training instead...I would REALLY love it if they would blend the two...you know - like training and a dance party all in one - LOL
That would be awesome! Maybe like on Ellen's talk show, we could have some dance time and dance around the "audience." woo hoo!!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #31
Teresa Lynn said:
I wasn't attacking you, sorry it came across that way. I'm currently at FD level not director level but, I still show a profit. (& my group is very unproductive, so I don't make lots of $$ on overrides from them.)
I spend ALOT of $$ on my host appreciation brunch each December that is my biggest "splurge" for my business.. probably costs $600+ for everything
I sometimes attend Leadership & conference and do order supplies from the vendors and order during the year. My giveaway basket is citrus peelers, pan scrapers, twixits.
I mail 250 catalogs each season to preferred hosts/ customers but I still don't show a negative balance.
Sorry, for stepping on toes!!

I know you weren't attacking me. We all have a different opinion. I can't believe you mail out 250 catalogs!:eek: That's got to be expensive! Wow! I probably do have money that I could save somewhere, but overall I am pretty careful about where I put my money.
  • #32
I tell you one thing I wish they would eliminate -- the solid gold dancers. I'd like a comedienne (sp?) instead. I know a lot of people like them, but they make my skin crawl.
  • #33
MandyK said:
I tell you one thing I wish they would eliminate -- the solid gold dancers. I'd like a comedienne (sp?) instead. I know a lot of people like them, but they make my skin crawl.

I like the dancers! Of course, it's probably because I have NO rhythm and it's fun to watch someone that does :D I love the idea of having a comedian. (I looked up how to spell that and it STILL looks funny...no pun intended!!)
  • #34
I wouldn't mind a motivational speaker. I like the dancers, but a comedian would be great too. Hey, if they would bring in Chonda Pierce I would love, love, love it.
  • #35
Teresa Lynn said:
II mail 250 catalogs each season to preferred hosts/ customers but I still don't show a negative balance.
I hope your cluster has a bulk mail permit!! Because with a bulk mail permit and with every single enclosure in the envelope being the same (except for contact information), one can apply for a bulk mail permit and mail everything under this. It cuts down the $1.39 or so to mail a catalog and a flyer or two all the way down to about .39!!! IT's basically the cost of mailing a letter, so I strongly suggest it! A few of our clusters around me chip in together (actually it's the directors that chip in to pay for the permit) and get this, then the entire cluster can use it to send out catalogs at the change of each season.

I don't even do 250 when we get this great discount! If it works for you, that's wonderful! I feel that I only send out the amount of catalogs that I KNOW I'll be able to call each person and follow up. Of course, it doesn't always happen, but I feel that's the best use of my money and time. :)
  • #36
Shawnna said:
I wouldn't mind a motivational speaker. I like the dancers, but a comedian would be great too. Hey, if they would bring in Chonda Pierce I would love, love, love it.

Oooooo....I LOVE Chonda!! I've seen her in person a few times. The first time I laughed so hard my ribs hurt for days!!!
  • #37
I'm brand new, and just finished my first show....Woohoo for me. But back on topic, they really have solid gold dancers at Conference? I might just have to reconsider going...

Anyways, is it expensive? Does anyone have a ballpark figure (just as a guideline) Thanks in advance.

  • #38
Chef Kearns said:
I'm a little pissed that some of the awesome parts of conference are going away. I LOVED the special Breakfast of Caring breakfast. It was yummy! You got to hear how our hard work benefits people and there is a great photo op with Doris afterwards. I was soooo looking forward to promoting to Director to attend the special Director's event after conference.

Now both of those great things are GONE!! :mad: :mad: What's the deal with that?! :eek: The Director's fun event has been changed to a business meeting before conference. WHAT?!!! The the Breakfast of Caring is no longer a special breakfast just special seating at the regular (continental) breakfast. Hello????!!!:confused:

Can someone shed some positive light on this? I am really upset about it.
Just a heads up I heard you will be Really Happy at the Director {Non-Event} this year. I hope so because I hope to walk myself.:D
  • #39
EpTxGuy said:
I'm brand new, and just finished my first show....Woohoo for me. But back on topic, they really have solid gold dancers at Conference? I might just have to reconsider going...

Anyways, is it expensive? Does anyone have a ballpark figure (just as a guideline) Thanks in advance.

Figure $175-200 for registration
$170/night for hotel split 4 ways
Oh Uh I see you are one of our few Men (look out ladies) haha
Anywho incidentals (sightseeing/shopping for yourself/friends/family)
and your flight.
I plan about $700-750 including flight HTH
  • #40
CAmomCookin4U said:
Figure $175-200 for registration
$170/night for hotel split 4 ways
Oh Uh I see you are one of our few Men (look out ladies) haha
Anywho incidentals (sightseeing/shopping for yourself/friends/family)
and your flight.
I plan about $700-750 including flight HTH

Thanks for the info, I'm going to give Conference a try! Woohoo! :)
  • #41
EpTxGuy said:
Thanks for the info, I'm going to give Conference a try! Woohoo! :)
You will get out of it what you put into it.
Go with a Positive attitude and enjoy the craziness. It really is SOOOOO Much FUN. I can't wait to get back. i wasn't able to go last year. Remeber to look on the site for what to bring as it gets closer. I also have been checking fights on a daily basis. The prices fluctuate so much. I even bought my flight one year 2 weeks b4 conference:eek: Good Luck and we hope to see you there. Laurel
  • #42
And, Guy, they don't have Solid Gold brand dancers, but there's usually a few who dance to begin the general sessions and help set an excited mood.
  • #43
chefann said:
And, Guy, they don't have Solid Gold brand dancers, but there's usually a few who dance to begin the general sessions and help set an excited mood.

Ok, as long as they're not Fool's Gold Dancers. :)
  • #44
Guy - you just finished your first show and it is $1100 - WOW! Congratulations - you're off to an AWESOME start!
  • #45
janetupnorth said:
Guy - you just finished your first show and it is $1100 - WOW! Congratulations - you're off to an AWESOME start!

Yeah, I had an awesome Host who went "above and beyond" the call of duty. Guess who I'm going to try and recruit? :)

Thanks everyone for all your kind words, I'm really loving this website.

  • #46
Welcome Guy! You're off to a great start.
  • #47
EpTxGuy said:
Ok, as long as they're not Fool's Gold Dancers. :)

Ep, is KG your hero? :D 'Cause that sounds like something he'd quip.
  • #48
It's probably a Guy thing.Yes, I was channeling KG there for a minute myself! :D
  • #49
chefann said:
It's probably a Guy thing.

Yes, I was channeling KG there for a minute myself! :D

ROFLOL! <Groan> ....just caught this one today! That was too classic...
  • Thread starter
  • #50
Chef Kearns said:
Doris was there. She may not have spoken, but she was there. I know because I got my picture taken with her. She sent me a card after my daughter was born last year and I went to her and thanked her and my friend took our picture.

The food was better than bagels and yogurt. I heard a lot of the people in the BOC complaining about the food. When faced with the alternative I much prefer french toast, sausage and eggs to dry cereal and yogurt. I HATE yogurt!!

Okay...I need to correct myself. I have been thinking hard about this and I was wrong. I got the picture with Doris after the Career Club Lunch. Same day different meal. Just thought I would throw that out there. sorry
<h2>1. What happened to the Breakfast of Caring and the Director's event at conference?</h2><p>As a company, we are constantly evaluating and making changes to our events to ensure the best experience for our consultants. While we understand your disappointment, we have decided to make some adjustments to our conference events for this year. </p><h2>2. Why was the Breakfast of Caring changed to just special seating at the regular breakfast?</h2><p>The Breakfast of Caring has been a beloved tradition at our conferences, and we wanted to continue to honor and support our charity partner. However, we also wanted to make sure that all attendees have the opportunity to experience the special breakfast menu. By offering special seating at the regular breakfast, we can accommodate everyone while still highlighting the important work of our charity partner.</p><h2>3. What is the new Director's event before conference?</h2><p>The new Director's event is a business meeting where we will discuss important updates and changes within the company. We believe that this meeting will provide valuable information and resources for our Directors to help them succeed in their roles.</p><h2>4. Will there still be a photo op with Doris at the Breakfast of Caring?</h2><p>While there won't be a dedicated Breakfast of Caring event, there will still be opportunities to meet and take photos with Doris at the conference. We are committed to providing our consultants with meaningful connections and experiences with our company leaders.</p><h2>5. Is there any positive aspect to these changes?</h2><p>We understand that change can be difficult, but we believe that these adjustments will ultimately enhance the conference experience for all attendees. We are always striving to improve and provide the best resources and support for our consultants, and we hope that you will still find value in the events and opportunities at conference.</p>

Related to What's Happening to Our Conference Traditions?

1. What happened to the Breakfast of Caring and the Director's event at conference?

As a company, we are constantly evaluating and making changes to our events to ensure the best experience for our consultants. While we understand your disappointment, we have decided to make some adjustments to our conference events for this year.

2. Why was the Breakfast of Caring changed to just special seating at the regular breakfast?

The Breakfast of Caring has been a beloved tradition at our conferences, and we wanted to continue to honor and support our charity partner. However, we also wanted to make sure that all attendees have the opportunity to experience the special breakfast menu. By offering special seating at the regular breakfast, we can accommodate everyone while still highlighting the important work of our charity partner.

3. What is the new Director's event before conference?

The new Director's event is a business meeting where we will discuss important updates and changes within the company. We believe that this meeting will provide valuable information and resources for our Directors to help them succeed in their roles.

4. Will there still be a photo op with Doris at the Breakfast of Caring?

While there won't be a dedicated Breakfast of Caring event, there will still be opportunities to meet and take photos with Doris at the conference. We are committed to providing our consultants with meaningful connections and experiences with our company leaders.

5. Is there any positive aspect to these changes?

We understand that change can be difficult, but we believe that these adjustments will ultimately enhance the conference experience for all attendees. We are always striving to improve and provide the best resources and support for our consultants, and we hope that you will still find value in the events and opportunities at conference.

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