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What Went Wrong at My First Bridal Shower?

this just stinks. It's so bad when people go out of their way to do something like this without even considering the bride or groom. This is the worst kind of show.
Silver Member
I almost can't believe this! Those who have read my previous threads know that I was "given" a bridal shower to do...and it was yesterday. Boy, I was pumped, ready and really looking forward to doing this shower! The host and I had several conversations (i.e. host coaching). Well, when I got there, I was informed that we were doing this in the garage. (Good thing I wasn't "cooking" anything). It was cold and windy, but I got through that. Then, as all the guests are arriving, they are bringing gifts...:eek: I asked the host if she sent out PC bridal shower invites, and she said yes...and she told people that I would be there selling PC (What the bride wanted!). Did my demo, bride helped, and it went great!
Well, to make a looooooooong story short, the bride only received 4 things from her wish list, only had 3 people out of 16 order. (luckily the host had gotten outside orders from her friends...not for the bride). So, sales were only $206. I know it's better than nothing, but I just about fell over when she was opening her gifts and all the people bought her kitchen items. The host apologized to me over and over after everyone left. Yes, I was gracious and kind, but inside I wanted to scream! Thanks for letting me vent..sorry for the long rant. The next one will be better (I won't do another show that's set up by someone else.)
Oh my! I hate this happened to you. Do people NOT read the invitations!! I have one in the next few weeks that I am worried about b/c so far there are only 6 people invited. I am prodding the Bride to give the host more names.

I know some people say that some sales are better than no sales and agree if you get bookings from it but when a show is not productive for my business or pocket book I would rather not waste the time I could have spent with my family on it.
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  • #3
That's kind of how I felt...I was gone for 5 hours (on a Sunday), got no bookings, and I feel it was a waste of my time. Oh well, at least now I can say I did a bridal shower!
LOL!!! Jennifer, I hope yours is better than mine!!!
pcchris said:
LOL!!! Jennifer, I hope yours is better than mine!!!

Thanks, Me too!!:D
I'm so sorry. Some people are just clueless. Sounds like you happened onto a whole gaggle of them. I can almost guarantee that your future showers will be better.
So sorry to hear this. I feel for ya!
I have a problem with the bridal show as a rule and don't push them. I'd do one if specifically requested, but as a someone who does wedding work (I'm also a Birchcraft wedding invitation representative, I create DVD slideshows for receptions, do wedding coordination (as a hobby only) and have been an active participant on wedding planning boards), it's extremely poor etiquette to try and tell someone WHAT they are supposed to buy the bride, so throwing a shower where you take orders is horrible social etiquette. Even registries are only supposed to by a guide to guests and no one is obligated to buy from them.

I have no problem with setting up a PC registry, but doing a show specifically to get the guests to buy for the bride just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's really the only part of the PC show types that I disagree with.
And yes, I do realize that the guests still have a choice of what to buy the bride out of our catalog, but it strikes me as really holding out a hand for a gift and etiquette dictacts it be a little more discrete than that. One of my typical wedding shower gifts is a handquilled framed copy of their wedding invitation. It's never on a registry but has ALWAYS been very much appreciated.
Bridal shows work great if they will follow your lead and keep it PC related. If they want a PC slant on something THEY have in mind, it usually crashes and burns. I had a gal call me to do a bridal show on January 5, and I was so excited with a first show of the year, I said yes - it was $186, and was just bad. Neither the bride nor the grooms mother came. just ucky. The host got a stoneware pan rather than give it to the bride & groom (can you imagine?) and I was just glad to be done with it.
  • #10
Oh for crying out loud! That stinks!!! This sort of thing happened to me not too long ago for a housewarming party, except the hostess purposely didn't tell her guests that they were coming to a PC party all so she could have more attendees. And she didn't tell me they didn't know! It was awkward. They all brought gifts for her and the show sales were kind of stinky!! I'm so sorry. I know how you feel!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Wow - I'm so glad to hear that I am not the only one who's bridal shower bombed. I thought it was just me! I know for a fact that the bride-2-b had a great time. She did thank me for showing her how to make a yummy dessert! She said her kids would love that taffy apple pizza...so something good did come from it, I guess.
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  • #12
MeesMom3 said:
Oh for crying out loud! That stinks!!! This sort of thing happened to me not too long ago for a housewarming party, except the hostess purposely didn't tell her guests that they were coming to a PC party all so she could have more attendees. And she didn't tell me they didn't know! It was awkward. They all brought gifts for her and the show sales were kind of stinky!! I'm so sorry. I know how you feel!

Oh, now that sucks! That was a lousy thing to do to people! wow. I would have been po'd if I was going to a housewaming party and wasn't told it was a pc party!!! Thanks for sharing!!
  • #13
I had a bridal shower myself yesterday and it didn't go any better. I've had 5 so far and only 1 of them has been really good. I was told by so many people that bridal showers are great - I must be doing something wrong. I'm not going to push for them any more! I gave up my entire Sunday, and half of Saturday trying to get ready for it!

I am learning from them though. From now on I will be emphasizing to the host that the guests are not to bring gifts and they need to explain this when they R.S.V.P. I've explained it, but I'm going to say it MANY times. I'm going to explain that if guests arrive with gifts they may feel awkward and they don't want the guests to feel that way. I'm also going to think of a nice way to explain this is a business for me, and I don't give up my Sunday's with my family lightly (haven't decided for sure how to fit that in yet) and if they aren't commited to this being a PC shower only I don't want to do it. I'm also going to start meeting with the bride for her to make up her wish list. I want them to come to my house for a meeting so they can see all of the products in person. I want the bride to be excited about the products. I've found that many of the brides aren't really that excited - the person doing the shower is! Many of the brides just say okay to the shower becuase they don't want to be rude to ther person offering to give them a shower. The bride yesterday didn't even send the invitations to her friends, she called them!! So they didn't have a clue what was going on. Only one person brought her a recipe!!

The show ended up closing at only $230! I was so bummed. I was actually so upset I felt like quiting the business!

I just have to learn from experience and not let this happen again - if at all possible.
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  • #14
Rhonda, when you get the correct verbage you'll use for that, will you please let us know? Maybe you could say it just as you typed it, but in a nice kind of way...but I know what you mean. I guess the part of the one I did that ticked me off the most is that everyone that brought presents, brought her stuff for her kitchen.....uh, HELLO?!?!?!?!?!? whatever. no point in dwelling on other's density...LOL!!!!!!!!!!
  • #15
Are your hosts using the PC shower invitations? I think they spell things out pretty well. I suspect that some hosts either just call to invite or use their own "cuter" invitations. The PC invitations even have a recipe card for people to fill out and bring to the shower. I did have one guest bring a beautiful handmade quilt to a shower. In my opinion, that was the most impressive gift the bride received.Laura, I understand your issue with PC showers. Honestly, I struggled a bit with this at first. What I finally decided was that (1) if you're invited to a shower, you know you're expected to bring a gift; (2) many of us struggle with what to give, so having some really direct input from the bride herself is helpful; and (3) if an invited guest feels this type of shower is inappropriate, she can politely decline the invitation. To me, these are not all that different from a "kitchen shower" or "naughty shower." Finally, the guest doesn't have to buy anything for the bride at all. She can purchase something for herself. The bride gets the host benefits.
  • #16

I've been thinking of this some more, and I've decided I'm going to discuss it w/the host. I'm going to explain I've done quite a few bridal showers and I find the most successful showers are when the "bride" really WANTS PC products. I'm going to explain how it's very important guests know NOT to bring a gift and how this is very new to many people. I will talk about this each time I have a conversation with them. Again, I'm going to suggest the bride meet with me to create her wish list. We sell this stuff. I think we can get them more excited if they see the products in person. If this isn't possible, I'm going to try to get better at doing it over the phone. I received this bride's wish list and she picked some great things, but I didn't really discuss it w/her. If I feel these steps aren't going well, I think I'll say in a nice way to the host I don't feel they or the bride seem committed to a PC only shower. I'll try to explain I'm giving up a day with my family because this is a business for me. I'll explain I enjoy doing bridal showers, but I would appreciate their committment to it - something like that.


Yes, I always use the PC invitations. I know some of the guests received them and understood the concept; however, I do think the bride was told to mail some of them and chose to just call her friends. I had no way of knowing this until I arrived. You know the invitations don't say NOT to bring a gift, just they don't need to bring a gift. Some people may think it's an open option. That's why the host needs to explain to them when they R.S.V.P. Part of the problem is a lot of them don't R.S.V.P. I'm also going to have the host tell them, "(Bride's Name) really wants PC products, so please don't bring a gift. You will be able to purchase one for her at the shower." "You will be able to use cash, check or credit card."

I mentioned credit card because I do think the problem may be a money issue for some people. I've been on a tight budget most of my married life, unfortunately (sometimes much tighter then others (like only $2 left in the checkbook for a week). Some people may think they can only use cash. I'm going to explain this to the host as well. To let people know they will be able to use cash or credit cards (I put this in my ltr. to the host, but you know how they read everything!) This may also be a problem for some though. Guests may not have a credit card (or credit available on it), but may have a credit card from a local store (Target, Macy's, etc.) they would prefer to use. I guess if I were in that situation I would bring a gift and act like I didn't understand the way it worked.

These are just my thoughts. You learn as you go in this business.
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  • Thread starter
  • #17
The host of my bridal shower just showed up at my door...asked for all of the money back and she wants to cancel the show. (I was holding it open to see if she could get more orders) I almost fell over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
So, now I froze my butt off, was insluted and on top of all that, I have no show to submit! Oh, am i PISSED!
Sorry - had to vent. I'm logging off for the night. I'm going to go have a nice stiff drink and cry. Talk to you all tomorrow.
  • #18
*snugs chris I'm sorry that happened.
  • #19
WHAT??? WHAT???? WHAT???? OMG - I'm in shock!!!!
  • #20
WOW - I don't know what I would say to that! I think I would have told her it is too late, she will have to return the items to PC to get her money back just like she would have to a store if the people bought for her!!

Did she say why??
  • #21
WOW!!!! That is nervy...is that what the host wanted or is that what the bride wanted.

I'd be so tempted to honestly say that you sell PC and don't provide a catering service. You would appreciate in this case the courtesy of being compensated for your time at least. (Can we do this?????) Ask first on that one, but you gave up a ton of time and effort for this... I don't remember the history on this, sorry, but I'd also have a "chat" with whoever set this up originally about what you went through! JMHO....
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  • #22
Ok, I'm back. (I can't stay away from this place...LOL!)
She wanted to cancel it becaus they didn't get $300 in sales, and they decided to go a different route. (whatever THAT means!!)

Thanks everyone for your replies...I do believe that this chick is blessed and RELEASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(she did say that maybe ina few months she would like to do a catty show...good! Call someone else! That's juvenilistic, I know, but I think it's the least I can do!) I might be in a better frame of mind IF she calls me in a few months! I'm not holding my breath!
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  • #23
And...I don't think I'll do any more bridal showers. Registries? Sure! Just no showers.

Im still in shock. Unreal.
  • #24
OMG! I feel so bad for you! (I've been waiting to hear how you shower went, I was gone from here for a few days, and just about gagged as I read your tale!)
Here's a hug!
  • #25
pcchris said:
Ok, I'm back. (I can't stay away from this place...LOL!)
She wanted to cancel it becaus they didn't get $300 in sales, and they decided to go a different route. (whatever THAT means!!)

So is she going to tell the people that purchased items for the bride that the order is cancelled? I would be so mad if I was a guest and actually purchased something and then was told the bride cancelled my order!

Some people just make your head hurt!
  • #26
That's just bizarre!
  • #27
One more comment on Bridal Show and etiquette...I have found that most brides now days EXPECT people to buy from their registries. When talk about or I do a bridal show I stress that this is much easier for the guest, no fighting busy traffic, no confussing registry machines, and best of all you don't have to add $5 (+) for gift wrap and a card. You know the bride will love what you buy and you know you are giving a quality gift. Are all my bridal shows a huge success - NO - but neither are all my cooking shows. It all depends on the host and the guests, just do your best and forget the rest, your next bridal show could be terrific.
  • #28
Well said, Melissa.

Chris, I'm in shock. Don't feel like the only one, though. Someone once told me they did a shower where all of the guests simply gave the bride cash to purchase stuff with. She decided to take the cash and use it for something else. All I can say is that some people don't have the brains or class that God gave a turnip. Sounds like you found a prime example.
  • #29
I haven't seen the invites, so I'm guessing it is worded appropriately, but maybe since it is standard boilerplate type,people dont' read it? What about adding a hand written bit at the bottom--"no need to bring a gift, come and shop for Susie off of her registry and for yourself, and she'll reap additional rewards" then maybe run a highlighter over it or something?
  • #30

I cannot believe the nerve! I agree bless and release! And I would pray she went somewhere else for the catty show? Unless she feels so bad that she wants to have an AWESOME show for you.

And I agree, if I was a guest and bought from her registry and found out the bride agreed to cancel the show I would be so mad! It is different than a bride returning something generally bought from a store in my opinion. This is something she registered for and agreed to do.

People these days no longer surprise me no matter what they do. People these days............
  • #31
The Furry Guy calls them twiddleheads.
  • #32
I love bridal showers. I've had very good luck with my bridal showers. Two $800 showers during the last weekend of April. I do not use the PC bridal shower invite...instead I create one that I print on a decorative paper that I buy somewhere like Staples. I also bought some inexpensive recipe cards from Target's $1 bin and give a handful of those to the host to send with the invites.

I attached a PDF of the invite that I use (the white box behind the logo doesn't appear when I print the information directly onto the paper).


  • Bridal Invite-Megan.pdf
    222.4 KB · Views: 371
  • #33
That's great, Cindy!
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  • #34
katie0128 said:
So is she going to tell the people that purchased items for the bride that the order is cancelled? I would be so mad if I was a guest and actually purchased something and then was told the bride cancelled my order!

Some people just make your head hurt!

Yep, that's her plan! It's just such a bummer, because I know that there was one guest that ordered the new measuring cup and spoon, and was very excited about them. This whole thing was a zero from the moment I got there!

The worst part of it all is, I lost 5 hours of family time on a Sunday, and for what? N-O-T-H-I-N-G! GRRR......

I had thought about asking her for some sot of reimbursement for my time, but both my DH and my director told me I should just let it go. It's just aggravating!

oh well...nothing I can do about it now!

Thanks everyone...you always make me feel better about things!! :)
  • #35
pc_cindy said:
I love bridal showers. I've had very good luck with my bridal showers. Two $800 showers during the last weekend of April. I do not use the PC bridal shower invite...instead I create one that I print on a decorative paper that I buy somewhere like Staples. I also bought some inexpensive recipe cards from Target's $1 bin and give a handful of those to the host to send with the invites.

I attached a PDF of the invite that I use (the white box behind the logo doesn't appear when I print the information directly onto the paper).

THIS looks GREAT!! I wish I were computer savvy enought ot make it into a WORD document -- cuz I would steal it :D
  • #36
PCGINA said:
THIS looks GREAT!! I wish I were computer savvy enought ot make it into a WORD document -- cuz I would steal it :D

Here you go.

I've also created a PDF that does not have personal information so people can write in the information if they do not have word.


  • Bridal Invite-Megan.doc
    2 MB · Views: 563
  • Bridal Invite-Megan pdf.pdf
    174.3 KB · Views: 422
  • #37
pcchris said:
Yep, that's her plan! It's just such a bummer, because I know that there was one guest that ordered the new measuring cup and spoon, and was very excited about them. This whole thing was a zero from the moment I got there!

I would contact that guest that was excited about her order and maybe she will still want them, or better yet, maybe she will host a show to get them for FREE!
  • #38
Different Spin on Bridal ShowsI have had good luck with most of my Bridal Shows but I do mine a little differently. First of all, I do my own invitations and explain that guests are invited to bring a gift of cash, in an unmarked envelope, for the bride and I have a gift box for the guests to put their envelopes in. That way, people can give whatever they like and no one has to know who gave what. The bride gets to go on a PC shopping spree and choose gifts of her choice. I also explain in the invitation that everyone is welcome to purchase products for themselves, if they wish.

The bride chooses products at retail value with her cash and this goes through as a guest order, along with any other orders from guests at the show. The bride then receives the FREE product from the total sales. If the bride wishes to take advantage of the half-price benefits, she can do so with her own personal money but not from the gift money. I like to do it this way, rather than the guests trying to figure out who is buying what off the bride's wish list. I have found it to be very successful.

The only thing you have to be careful of is that the bride realizes ALL of the gift money is to be spent on PC products. Make sure the host gives the envelopes to you and you can count the money together with the bride at the end of the show. At my very first bridal show, the bride and a few girls counted the money in a bedroom and I had no idea how much she got. She had given some of the money to one of her friends to buy concert tickets. The bride ended up putting money on her VISA to make up for that. Now, when my brides ask if they have to spend all of the money on PC, I explain that yes.....the guests gave that money with the intention that the bride would use it for that purpose. I find my brides are usually thrilled with all that they get.
  • #39
Chris that is so frusterating. I wish I had some advice for you, but unfortunately (or maybe not fortunately) I haven't had a shower yet. So all I can say is good luck resolving this and may good things be in store for you in the near future!
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  • #40
Wow...I'm falling off of my chair as I type this. I just got off the phone with HO. Apparently this psycho beast that cancelled her shower orders with me not only emailed HO to complain about me, she gave all her orders to ANOTHER CONSULTANT! I guess I was "Unorganized (maybe), unprofessional (yeah, sure, right, whatever), I didn't call her back until Tuesday (but I left a msg on Monday), and only gave her 10 min notice that I had to leave. Here's the deal....was I unorganized? Maybe...but that's me. Unprofessional? No way! I had supposedly made a comment to the bride saying "I don't know why we're doing this, no one's watching". Well, maybe I did say that, I don't reember saying that, but if I did, it was jokingly...I did call her back Monday, but she did not answer, so I left a message and called her Tuesday, and during our several coaching calls, I did tell her that I had to be back home by 5:30 for a Girl Scout meeting. (I left at 5:00, it took me 25 minutes to get home.) I explained everything to the kind lady I talked to at HO, and she thanked me for calling her back. When Anna at HO told me that this psycho beast placed the orders with someone else, I lost it. I haven't cried like that in a long time. so, then I called my director and she is trying to calm me down, but honestly, I'm about ready to hang up my apron. If I don't hang it up, I will NEVER do another bridal shower. Thanks for listening.
  • #41
Oh, Chris, you have really been through it with this psycho beast. (Great moniker choice, btw.) I understand your reaction. I would be upset, too. Once you think about it, though, I think you'll realize that you are well rid of this, well, psycho beast. I mean, do you really want to have to deal with her over and over?

Trust me on this, the HO gets calls from whackos all the time. You've explained things. They've chalked her up as the nut-job she is.

Take all the time you need to whine, cry, and get this out of your system. Don't hang up your apron. I mean, she's not worth it.

It may be a while beofre you accept another shower, but I bet the next one will be with a wonderful bride who is thrilled with wonderful you.
  • #42
I am so sorry Chris! I have followed this thread from the beginning and cannot believe the disaster this has turned out to be. Not all bridal shows are bad though, my first one was great and my second one is this week, so, I guess I need to withhold judgment on that though!

I say bless and release! Although I know that is very hard b/c I would personally want to go slap this lady upside the head!!! You do have us and apparently your director behind you though! So, remember you do have people in your corner!!

Just curios, do you know the consultant she gave the orders to?
  • #43
So sorry to read all this. How horrible!! HUGS!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #44
This poor-excuse-for-a-human psycho beast does not even deserve a blessing. She's been outright released. Thank you SO much for your support. My director is going to find out who the show was given to...she thinks she knows who it might be. Still doesn't take the hurt away. for now, the apron is packed away for a while. we'll have to wait and see if it gets "hung up" for good. Again, I just want to thank all of you who have given me support through this whole disaster...I really do appreciate it.
  • #45
Oh... don't put your apron away... put it through a good batch of laundry and get it fresh and clean. Please don't let this creep steal your joy! Try to think about all the times that hosts have blessed you... and let those rise up in your thoughts instead of this sad person. We're here for you!
  • #46
Ugh chris, that really stinks. I'm so sorry. May you never go through anything like that again.
  • #47
Oh, darling, I'm so sorry that this happened on top of everything else. At least now you have a real reason to completely sever all ties with the psycho beast.Take a break if you must, but know that we're here to help you get back into the swing of things when the time is right.
  • #48
Oh wow, these situations get me so mad! I think some people just make it their mission to make others' lives miserable. I must've missed the beginning of this thread when it all happened because I was gone, but just read through it all today. I'm still shaking my head in shock.

I would also say NOT to quit because of this numbskull!! She doesn't deserve to have the memory in your mind as to why you quit! Just take a few days to cool off and vent (this place is great for that!). Don't spend anymore energy and time focusing on this person. I do feel SOOOO badly for you because I would have been crushed too, but you've got so many other strengths to get past this. Good luck to you.:)
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  • #49
Thanks again, everyone, for helping me get through this. Now I'm beginning to think this whole thing was a"set up"...how ironic that this psycho beast has a PHD dated 5/8...the same day she supposedly "cancelled" the show. or day after, or whatever. Grrr...some people sure have a lot of nerve. (I don't have any more nerves...they are all exhausted and fried because of this.) what a dog. (female dog...you know the term...)
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  • #50
sorry - i just don't know how to let this go. :( :confused: :mad:
<h2>1. How do I plan a successful bridal shower with Pampered Chef?</h2><p>The key to a successful bridal shower with Pampered Chef is communication and planning. Make sure to discuss all details with the host, including the location, guest list, and expectations for sales and orders. It's also important to have a clear understanding of the bride's wish list and what products she would like to receive as gifts.</p><h2>2. What should I do if the host wants me to sell Pampered Chef products at the bridal shower?</h2><p>If the host wants you to sell Pampered Chef products at the bridal shower, make sure to communicate this to guests beforehand. You can do this by providing the host with PC bridal shower invites or by mentioning it in any communication leading up to the event. It's also important to have a clear understanding of the host's expectations for sales and orders.</p><h2>3. How can I ensure that the bride receives items from her wish list at the bridal shower?</h2><p>To ensure the bride receives items from her wish list at the bridal shower, make sure to communicate this to guests beforehand. You can do this by providing the host with PC bridal shower invites and clearly stating the bride's wish list. You can also remind guests to order from the wish list when they RSVP or when they arrive at the shower.</p><h2>4. What can I do if the sales and orders at the bridal shower are lower than expected?</h2><p>If the sales and orders at the bridal shower are lower than expected, it's important to remain gracious and understanding. You can thank the guests for their support and remind them that the bride will still receive the host benefits from the event. You can also offer to follow up with guests who were unable to place an order at the shower to see if they would still like to make a purchase.</p><h2>5. How can I prevent a similar situation from happening at future bridal showers?</h2><p>To prevent a similar situation from happening at future bridal showers, it's important to have a clear communication with the host and to set expectations for the event. You can also consider hosting the bridal shower yourself to have more control over the planning and sales. Additionally, you can suggest alternative ways for guests to order, such as through a personal website or by phone, to make it easier for them to make a purchase.</p>

Related to What Went Wrong at My First Bridal Shower?

1. How do I plan a successful bridal shower with Pampered Chef?

The key to a successful bridal shower with Pampered Chef is communication and planning. Make sure to discuss all details with the host, including the location, guest list, and expectations for sales and orders. It's also important to have a clear understanding of the bride's wish list and what products she would like to receive as gifts.

2. What should I do if the host wants me to sell Pampered Chef products at the bridal shower?

If the host wants you to sell Pampered Chef products at the bridal shower, make sure to communicate this to guests beforehand. You can do this by providing the host with PC bridal shower invites or by mentioning it in any communication leading up to the event. It's also important to have a clear understanding of the host's expectations for sales and orders.

3. How can I ensure that the bride receives items from her wish list at the bridal shower?

To ensure the bride receives items from her wish list at the bridal shower, make sure to communicate this to guests beforehand. You can do this by providing the host with PC bridal shower invites and clearly stating the bride's wish list. You can also remind guests to order from the wish list when they RSVP or when they arrive at the shower.

4. What can I do if the sales and orders at the bridal shower are lower than expected?

If the sales and orders at the bridal shower are lower than expected, it's important to remain gracious and understanding. You can thank the guests for their support and remind them that the bride will still receive the host benefits from the event. You can also offer to follow up with guests who were unable to place an order at the shower to see if they would still like to make a purchase.

5. How can I prevent a similar situation from happening at future bridal showers?

To prevent a similar situation from happening at future bridal showers, it's important to have a clear communication with the host and to set expectations for the event. You can also consider hosting the bridal shower yourself to have more control over the planning and sales. Additionally, you can suggest alternative ways for guests to order, such as through a personal website or by phone, to make it easier for them to make a purchase.

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