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What to Offer Hosts with 3 Bookings?

um...issues and the hostess didn't want to deal with her. So I offered her a $50 credit towards her next order if she could get at least 3 bookings. I told her that I would put it on the order form at the last party. I also told her that if she didn't want to do it that she could always give the credit to the next hostess.
Gold Member
:confused: I was host coaching my host for next week. She asked what I offer to hosts who have 3 or more bookings at the start of the show. She used to work direct sales. What do you all offer for the bookings? I was speaking with one consultant and she suggested our spices and some pretty foil chocolates presented in a nice gift basket. That would be great but the party is next week. Any ideas?
How about adding a free cookbook of her choice to the hostess order?
It's up to youYou can give her whatever you want. Do you have any products from your sample package that you haven't opened and probably won't use?
Do you have any extra door prizes that you can slip into a gift bag with a nice little box of store bought chocolates, candle, lotions, soaps, etc...?

You can also add anything you want to her order as a consultant gift as Paige suggested. Plus you get to write that off in your taxes and get the host discount.

If she is very interested in earning a certain product for FREE or even half price then get a complimentary item:
Cookware - Free chef's tool
Stoneware - Free mini serving spatula and bamboo tongs
Trifle bowl - bamboo spoons

Debbie :D
Or you could just tell her 60% off at 3 different parties if you don't want to give stuff up...
I would offer something for 3 bookings! That is great! I know other companies give exclusive booking gifts, so that might be what she is talking about. I have never had a host ask for a booking gift, but if she had 3 bookings before the show I would give a $15ish item...
I don't know guys. I guess I am the voice of dissent here. PC is extremely generous with the benefits. If she feels like she worked hard to get her friends to book I wouldn't necessarily push gift I would start talking recruiting. Also, tell her what she will get from the company for the 3 bookings under PC guidelines. She may have been just asking the question...not looking for anything.
I offer a free cookbook of their choice if they get three COOKING SHOW bookings...I put it on the host's order at the LAST party, that way I know they actually hold!

Another incentive I offer is for 25 orders, they get the quick stir pitcher!

Helps increase your sales and/or bookings, even if they don't hit the majic number, if they try for it, they are usually working harder and your sales/bookings go up!
I offer an item off her wish list.. $10 for each show. So if she has 3 bookings when I show up to her party, her item is ordered when the LAST show closes. And its put on her order so she has the receipt/warranty:cool:
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I agree, PC offers a LOT more than most companies. She might just be asking!

Ok, with that sais, I do offer my hosts a $25 credit when they have three bookings within 6 months. I add it to the last (third) show and make sure the host of the last show knows I am doing this! It gives her the incentive that she can do it too! I figured I made commission on the three shows and it more than pays for itself! I also send out the "Do you love a bargin?" sheet about 1 week prior to the show with this indicated in bright colors and highlighted! My business has been booming!
  • #10
I offer a free cookbook of their choice if they get three COOKING SHOW bookings...I put it on the host's order at the LAST party, that way I know they actually hold!

I offer an item off her wish list.. $10 for each show. So if she has 3 bookings when I show up to her party, her item is ordered when the LAST show closes.

I do offer my hosts a $25 credit when they have three bookings within 6 months. I add it to the last (third) show

I would feel like a heel if I offered the host something only after the 3rd one came through. What if one flakes out (we ALL have had situations where someone wants to be the "hero" at a show only to become the "villian" in the end)

If I was going to offer incentives like this I would do a graduated prize. One booking you get X, 2 bookings you will get X (a little bigger than booking 1), Booking 3 you will get X (bigger than 2) but of course they wouldn't get it until the shows stuck.
  • #11
I encountered something similar to this at one of my shows. The hostess' mother has been in DS years past, and worked under "the more bookings, the better the rewards" system. I kindly explained that the way the PC business is set up that, that the host does not need to pressure her guests into hosting so that she can get rewards - that she gets everything that she is entitled to no matter if there are NO bookings. But I also quickly pointed out the monthly host benefit that she would be eligible for IF her guests chose to book. At first the mother (remember she wasn't the hostess) was VERY upset, to the point of being rude. But eventually her daughter began to understand.
The hostess reward system is one of the reasons that I decided to sign up with PC ----I want my hosts to have fun, not feel pressured.
  • #12
I offer them a stone of their choice for 4 bookings. Of course, they don't get the stone until the final show is held and they must be held within one year of the original show. I allow them to include their own re-booking as the 4th show.

I have only had one Host achieve this incentive. I don't think they feel the pressure to get their guests to book because we only discuss this incentive once before their show. It's a great perk if everything comes together.
  • #13
I offer a free stone (excludes deepcovered baker) at the end of the 3rd show. No one has taken me up on it yet but I still insert a flyer per each host packet. Totally up to you if you want to offer anything I agree!
  • #14
When I do the host packet I put in a "PC Gift Certificate" which states that if 3 shows are booked and held within 6 months I offer a choice of a cookbook of their choice, the small round stone or the small oval baker." I offer a choice and I think they like that".;)
  • #15
yummy4tummy said:
I would feel like a heel if I offered the host something only after the 3rd one came through. What if one flakes out (we ALL have had situations where someone wants to be the "hero" at a show only to become the "villian" in the end)

If I was going to offer incentives like this I would do a graduated prize. One booking you get X, 2 bookings you will get X (a little bigger than booking 1), Booking 3 you will get X (bigger than 2) but of course they wouldn't get it until the shows stuck.

That's why it for the last show. If she got 3 bookings for the incentive and one cancelled, I'd order the $20 item for her. Or she can save her credit for the next show she attends/hosts. *its not her fault 1 cancelled so she'll still get part of the incentive.

The majority of my bookings are within 2 weeks to 2 months of the show date, so she doesn't usually have to wait that long or she can wait for as long as she wants.

Either way she's not going to get stiffed if she had the bookings and they don't all go through as planned.
  • #16
We don't need to give any extra incentives because our company is SO generous!

But if you really want to do something how about:

1 booking she gets the PC host special.
2 bookings she gets the PC host special and HER show discount at the second show (If she earned 25% off at the show she gets 10% off from PC and 15% off from you - commission covers that).
3 bookings she gets the above and a free item valued at up to $20 (purchased under the host's name so you get a discount OR use something from your stock of extra products)
4 bookings the above but the free item would be a higher value item.

All bonuses would be given at the booked show.

I would also say that if one or more flakes she can get you a different booking to replace it (just remind her that she would not be eligible for the PC monthly host special on that one).
  • #17
I actually did this fortonights host. Right from the begining I knew she wanted the UM, I was desperate for bookings so I told her if she got me 3 I would buy it. I left the show with 2 bookings and many others to ask (outside orders).

The Host special is already a great deal, but if she can get it for free!!!!
To me the 3 bookings was worth $24. But ultimately it is up to you if you want to offer something.

Related to What to Offer Hosts with 3 Bookings?

What is the host incentive for 3 bookings?

The host incentive for 3 bookings is a special promotion where a host can earn additional rewards and discounts by booking and hosting 3 separate Pampered Chef parties.

How do I qualify for the host incentive for 3 bookings?

To qualify for the host incentive, you must book and host 3 separate Pampered Chef parties within a specific time period set by your consultant or company. Each party must have a minimum sales amount to count towards the incentive.

What are the rewards for the host incentive for 3 bookings?

The rewards for the host incentive can vary, but typically include a combination of free products, discounts on future purchases, and special host-only items. Your consultant will have more information on the specific rewards for the current incentive.

Can I combine orders from my 3 parties to count towards the host incentive?

No, in order to qualify for the host incentive, you must have 3 separate parties with their own individual sales amounts. Orders from the parties cannot be combined to reach the minimum sales amount.

How do I redeem my rewards from the host incentive for 3 bookings?

Your consultant will provide you with instructions on how to redeem your rewards once you have achieved the host incentive. This may include placing a separate order or choosing your free products at your next party.

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