- 31
I placed an order on Wed. and when placing it I never rechecked the orders forms so since I made this mistake I left off a $16 order which in return made my host lost her $600 in sales so she only got $90 in free instead of $115 I still need to get the item I forgot to order for her show but I was wondering if HO will refund her the $25 or is this my responsibilty since it was my mistake I have to call tom. because someones lid to their Deep Dish baker is cracked but i was just checking to see if anyone else has done this and what I should expect HO to tell me. I am not sure why I didn't double check I am so mad at myself because I usually tell them "oh you only need $5 for next level" when finalizing their order I was having an off day when I placed it, I will never do this again I sure learned my lesson.