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What should I watch for with chicken pox in a 6-month-old baby?

In summary, the conversation discussed the issue of being exposed to head lice and chicken pox, and the concerns of a 6-month-old baby who may have been exposed. The participants shared their experiences with chicken pox, including getting the vaccination and still contracting it, as well as tips for preventing scarring and managing the symptoms. They also discussed the use of coconut shampoo for lice and different methods for treating it.
As if I needed anymore on my plate right now...:rolleyes:
Payton brought home two papers today. She was exposed to head lice and chicken pox. I know ther is nothing I can really do to prevent either of them ( I do use coconut shampoo for the lice and so far so good) My question is what should I watch for as far as the chicken pox go for the baby? He is 6mo. old and I don't know if he got the shot yet or not.
Ugh! Don't have any advice - but DS (who's 4) brought home 2 papers yesterday too - one for head lice, and the other for strep throat. Just have to watch them closely I guess.

DS had the Chicken Pox vaccination, but got them from the neighbor girl anyway. It was a mild case though.
if they get chicken pox do not let them bathe
when my kids had them my youngest daughter was 6 months old the dr told us not to let them have a bath and they wouldn't scar. They had the watercolor paintbrushes and would paint caladryl on their "itchies"
None of the 3 have a single scar.
When my son (he had the shot)was 6 he came home with chicken pox... and gave it to my seven month old son. It was sad looking on a baby but it was harder on the 6 year old. The baby didn't seem to care... :confused:
I hope you get lucky and don't get either!
buckeyefan08 said:
As if I needed anymore on my plate right now...:rolleyes:
Payton brought home two papers today. She was exposed to head lice and chicken pox. I know ther is nothing I can really do to prevent either of them ( I do use coconut shampoo for the lice and so far so good) My question is what should I watch for as far as the chicken pox go for the baby? He is 6mo. old and I don't know if he got the shot yet or not.

can you get a immunization record from your pediatrician??

i had chicken pox when i was in preschool & i have a scar right inbetween my eyes....and various other places. ofcourse, 20 years later they are barely noticable.
I don't think they can get that shot for chicken pox till they are 12 mo but I could be wrong..it's been a while!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Just found out... They have to be 12mo.
I didn't get chicken pox until my late 20's.
I have never had chicken pox
  • #10
He is probably protected by your immunity at 6 months so he may be OK.I'm so sorry the creeping crud is creeping its way toward your house!Watch for itching ....
  • #11
We got a flyer a few weeks ago about lice and my daughter's school. I'm trying not to freak out about it.
Fortunately we don't have the pox going around...I didnt' get that till I was in 8th grade. I am proud to say that I started a school epidemic of pox and I have no idea how I got it.
  • #12
Teresa Lynn said:
if they get chicken pox do not let them bathe
when my kids had them my youngest daughter was 6 months old the dr told us not to let them have a bath and they wouldn't scar. They had the watercolor paintbrushes and would paint caladryl on their "itchies"
None of the 3 have a single scar.

Never heard that you shouldn't bathe them. :confused: All 3 of my kids had chicken pox, my youngest was 12 months old and none of them have scars. Caladryl didn't work, I used Aveeno® Oatmeal bath and it worked great!

Lice - totally different story:yuck: Not fun. I used Nix's®, the Pharmacist receommeded it. You have to use it a few times during the week like a shampoo and it did help get rid of them. It was the washing of everything that the child laid on that was such a pain:cry:

Related to What should I watch for with chicken pox in a 6-month-old baby?

What is the best way to prevent the spread of head lice and chicken pox?

The best way to prevent the spread of head lice and chicken pox is to practice good hygiene and avoid close contact with those who have the infections. Make sure to wash your hands regularly and avoid sharing personal items such as combs, hats, and clothing.

Can head lice and chicken pox be treated at home?

Yes, both head lice and chicken pox can be treated at home. For head lice, there are over-the-counter shampoos and treatments available. For chicken pox, over-the-counter medications can help relieve symptoms. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper treatment and to prevent complications.

Can head lice and chicken pox be transmitted through pets?

No, head lice and chicken pox cannot be transmitted through pets. These infections can only be spread through direct contact with an infected person.

What are the symptoms of head lice and chicken pox?

The symptoms of head lice include itching and visible lice or eggs (nits) in the hair. Chicken pox symptoms include an itchy rash, fever, and flu-like symptoms. Both infections can also cause fatigue and irritability.

Is it safe to go to work or school with head lice or chicken pox?

No, it is not safe to go to work or school with head lice or chicken pox. It is important to stay home until the infection has cleared to prevent spreading it to others. Consult with a healthcare professional for guidance on when it is safe to return to work or school.

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