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What Should I Do with an Old Uncashed Check?

well you know and then the clothes I wear once a year or so. I have a friend who just moved into a one bedroom and she is getting rid of EVERYTHING. It's a little daunting but she says it's so much easier to just go through everything once a year and get rid of what doesn't fit or isn't worn.Yep, I think getting rid of clothes would be a great idea! I'm still trying to get organized in the corner of my living room... I'll have to keep watching this thread to see if I can steal any ideas as well!!! I think I've read before that we have a few organization nuts running around here. Hopefully they'll be willing to share their ideas
Silver Member
I hate to even admit this because it will make me sound like a real goober but I need advice! We are getting ready to move and I've started the "sort through papers, clean out my office" process.

Stuck in with some old receipts, I found a check for $69.87 from Feb 06 that I never cashed! :eek: It was a host's check and I know I closed her show before receiving all the checks. I had extra money in my PC account and guess never realized it was never cashed.

If it were a small amount, I'd just forget it. I could really use this money right now. The host has become a casual friend. I hate to look so stupid by telling her and can't believe her husband didn't catch that it never cleared the bank.

What would you do?
Call her and tell her exactly what you said here.
I'd call her and just "you're not gonna believe this but..." - I'm sure she would want you to have the money - after all she did get the merchandise and you didn't hold onto it on purpose - just be honest - it happens to the best of us! As far as her husband not catching it - I've got a separate checking account from my husband- I do all the bills and balance the checkbook - so my husband would never know if this were to occur. It's your money - I'd say just tell her!
Yep, what they said...
I agree I would call her!
If it makes you feel any better, I had to double check when I started reading this to make sure it wasn't an old post of mine! I found a check for about the same amount once in my desk drawer. I called the customer and she sent me a new one. Just FYI, checks are only good for 6 months, so she will have to rewrite it.
Call her, I would hope she'd want you to have the money! After all, you gave her $70 in stuff FREE! I personally would understand if I had been the host.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Whew....thanks guys! I know that if she ever found out that I found the check and DIDN'T tell her, she'd be mad. I just feel like a real idiot for not realizing sooner.
You said it was stuck in with old receipts, it wouldn't be found until you sorted through them (or moved). Don't feel bad - it happens!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
janetupnorth said:
You said it was stuck in with old receipts, it wouldn't be found until you sorted through them (or moved).

So I guess there's a silver lining to having to pack up and move. :rolleyes: For the first time in 9 years of being a consultant, I am NOT going to have a separate room for my office. I am being brutal with old paperwork, old clothes ("if I lose 10 pounds I can wear these again" pants :D ), etc. I am going to have to put into use all the "get organized" tips I've read over the years.

Since this is my own thread, I don't mind hijacking it <<ha ha>>.....anyone have any great tips for staying organized in a small space? Like the corner of my bedroom!! Ugh!
  • #11
Nope, I don't... I'm still trying to get organized in the corner of my living room... I'll have to keep watching this thread to see if I can steal any ideas as well!!! I think I've read before that we have a few organization nuts running around here. Hopefully they'll be willing to share their ideas.
  • #12
GeorgiaPeach said:
So I guess there's a silver lining to having to pack up and move. :rolleyes: For the first time in 9 years of being a consultant, I am NOT going to have a separate room for my office. I am being brutal with old paperwork, old clothes ("if I lose 10 pounds I can wear these again" pants :D ), etc. I am going to have to put into use all the "get organized" tips I've read over the years.

Since this is my own thread, I don't mind hijacking it <<ha ha>>.....anyone have any great tips for staying organized in a small space? Like the corner of my bedroom!! Ugh!

I have plenty of advice but my hubby would die laughing because I don't take my own advice!!!! I have WAY to much stuff in our little 2 bedroom house. Of course I have way too many instruments taking up space that I just could NEVER part with!

I'd say the biggest thing is getting rid of clothes. That is my downfall...getting rid of the kids clothes when they grow out of them or getting rid of clothes that just don't fit. Of course, I REALLY need to get rid of the rest of those stirrup pants from the 80's! :eek: ...but they were just SO comfortable around the house even when they went out of style. I used to love a comfy pair of stirrups and a huge oversized sweatshirt.

My second downfall would be paperwork. I am finally getting rid of all my college papers, etc. For my daughter, I am trying to keep a few "special" things from kindergarten and get rid of the rest.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
janetupnorth said:
Of course, I REALLY need to get rid of the rest of those stirrup pants from the 80's! :eek: ...but they were just SO comfortable around the house even when they went out of style. I used to love a comfy pair of stirrups and a huge oversized sweatshirt.

I burst out laughing at your stirrup pants comment! I had a pair in EVERY color and wore them ALL the time! Today one of my friends made a comment about the cute earrings my 17 yr dd was wearing. I laughed and said that she found a box of my earrings from the 80's and LOVES the retro look! I guess some things are cool to wear years after they were originally popular. (Note to Janet....stirrup pants don't fall under this category!)
  • #14
GeorgiaPeach said:
I guess some things are cool to wear years after they were originally popular. (Note to Janet....stirrup pants don't fall under this category!)

Yeah, I know, I haven't worn them in about 10 years so when I do find a pair with clothes in a tote - I NEED TO TOSS THEM!
  • #15
Make that 15 years...I keep forgetting it is already 2007!!!!
  • #16
Stirrup Pants were sooooo Rad!!

Man, I was going to post when you were talking about the checks. I did the same thing, but with a whole show's worth of checks. It was a week that I did 4 shows in one week. I guess I just forgot this one show. I found them in a guest folder. It was the last show I used folders before I switched to lapboards. It was almost $300 in checks!! Just plain forgot about them!! I called everyone to let them know I found them and asked if there was a problem before I cashed them. A few people said, "oh I was wondering about that, but I figured you would call". They weren't going to call me!! After 5 months of enjoying the products they weren't going to tell me they were doing it for FREE!! Oh well. Everyone got called and the checks got cashed.
  • #17
I can top the stirrup pants. I had two pairs of what I want to call "genie pants." They had a tapered ankle - came right to a point - and very, very wide legs.I have no clue what I was thinking. i don't remember if I ever even saw anyone ELSE wearing them.
  • #18
Oh you must mean the MC Hammer pants!! Yeah baby! Those were too cool. I was in 7th or 8th grade with the Hammer pants.

Of course if you don't mean the Hammer pants, then I guess you went to a specialty shop?! Custom made pants? Trend setter?
  • #19
jenniferp417 said:
I can top the stirrup pants. I had two pairs of what I want to call "genie pants." They had a tapered ankle - came right to a point - and very, very wide legs.

I have no clue what I was thinking. i don't remember if I ever even saw anyone ELSE wearing them.

We called them parachute pants by us...

...and I have to admit I used to like MC Hammer...back when you could hear and understand the words to rap songs.
  • #20
Actually, unless a check says "void after..." it is good till whenever. My accountant and banker said that banks don't even look at the dates. All they are suppose to check is the amount, signature, and if there is any money in the account. However, not everyone keeps a good eye on their checking accounts so I would definately call her before cashing it. She may not even realize it hasn't been checked yet. Believe it or not some people just look at their balance according to their bank and say "yeah, I still have money"...LOL
  • #21
I think I stil have some red ones and tans ones still in my closet. They were comfortable but don't think I have even put them on since I hung them up many many years ago. School is over now (I work at a school) and I have a long list of things to do in my head. Cleaning out my closet needs to be a big part of my list. Maybe I will try to part with them if we end up doing our garage sale next weekend.
  • #22
Granted I am only 22 so I don't have decades of clothing stored up, but I have a tiny, tiny closet- really it is one of those wheeley bars. Everytime I get something new then I put an old item in the donation box. If I get a new shirt, then I pick an old shirt that I don't like, doesn't fit right, got stained, etc and chuck it. Same with pants and everything. If I buy a 6 pack of socks, 6 holey pairs go in the trash... that way I know I will always have room! Hope this helps!

I do the same thing for my kids so they don't end up with stuffed drawers. It is great!
  • #23
janetupnorth said:
We called them parachute pants by us...

...and I have to admit I used to like MC Hammer...back when you could hear and understand the words to rap songs.

Oh Janet I remember these! And I too use to like MC. I even bought the video to "Can't Touch This"!!!
  • #24
gilliandanielle said:
Granted I am only 22 so I don't have decades of clothing stored up, but I have a tiny, tiny closet- really it is one of those wheeley bars. Everytime I get something new then I put an old item in the donation box. If I get a new shirt, then I pick an old shirt that I don't like, doesn't fit right, got stained, etc and chuck it. Same with pants and everything. If I buy a 6 pack of socks, 6 holey pairs go in the trash... that way I know I will always have room! Hope this helps!

I do the same thing for my kids so they don't end up with stuffed drawers. It is great!

This is a great idea! I need to learn how to do this but I hate parting with clothes! I usually clean out summer and winter when i am changinn out my clothes for the season.
  • #25
If the host balances her checkbook, she'll know the check wasn't cashed. I would give her a call. It might give you a good laugh and an excuse to catch up.
  • #26
Same thing happened to me.
I called the host and let her know what had happened. She was very gracious.
  • Thread starter
  • #27
UpdateI contacted the host and she said it was no problem. Her husband had mentioned it in the past but never brought it up again so she thought it was fine. She purchased from my HWC fundraiser so I need to deliver her stuff this week. She said she'd give me a check when I come.

Hmmmm......now what can I do with $69.87??? :D
  • #28
Well Lisa, you may need that $ for National Conference and all the goodies that will be available there.
We're getting close.

Related to What Should I Do with an Old Uncashed Check?

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "What Would You Do...found Check"?

1. What is "What Would You Do...found Check"?

2. How can I participate in "What Would You Do...found Check"?

3. Is there a cost to participate in "What Would You Do...found Check"?

4. What happens if I find a check during "What Would You Do...found Check"?

5. Are there any rules or guidelines for "What Would You Do...found Check"?


1. "What Would You Do...found Check" is a fun and interactive game where participants can win prizes by finding hidden checks in Pampered Chef catalogs.

2. To participate, simply browse through the Pampered Chef catalog and try to find the hidden check. Once you find it, follow the instructions on the check to claim your prize.

3. No, there is no cost to participate in "What Would You Do...found Check". It is a free game for all Pampered Chef customers.

4. If you find a check during "What Would You Do...found Check", follow the instructions on the check to claim your prize. Prizes may include discounts, free products, or other rewards.

5. Yes, there are a few rules and guidelines for "What Would You Do...found Check". Participants must be 18 years or older and only one prize can be claimed per person. For the full list of rules, please refer to the official game rules on the Pampered Chef website.

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