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What Should I Bring to the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting?

In summary, the conversation revolved around a local Relay for Life Kick-off meeting where fundraising information will be offered. The participants discussed what to bring and how to set up for the meeting, as well as the benefits of participating in the fundraiser. They also talked about the Help Whip Cancer campaign and how Pampered Chef donates extra money during the month of May for Relay for Life teams. They also mentioned the importance of knowing who to make checks out to when submitting a fundraiser and shared their own strategies for fundraising. Overall, the conversation was informative and helpful for those interested in getting involved with the Relay for Life event.
Gold Member
Our local Relay for Life Kick-off meeting is this Monday, and I will be there offering fundraising information.

For those that have presented at the meetings, what do you suggest I bring, besides catalogs with fundraising packets? Do you set up a table with products? Do you present host specials? Should I bring some Help Whip Cancer info?

This will be my first time, and I am so excited.
Brenda, let me know how it goes for you... I have been wanting to get involved with some of the teams around here, but haven't known what to do to get in touch with them.
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  • #3
Krista, if you go to Relay for Life website: Relay For Life you can find the local event and contact the chairperson about the kick-off meeting, etc.
I've worked with my own team for the past couple of years. It's our last fundraiser before the Relay. We hold the 'show' in May and then we have the benefit of the pink products. It's generally a catalog type party. I set up my team members with folders. In the folders are order forms, catalogs and the monthly special flyers as well as my business card so they can contact me for questions. Also, hand outs that have instructions on how to shop/order from my website. Each team member goes out and sells and I have a friendly little competition on high sales...I give away something from my 'stash'. We usually end up ordering the Host Special for a prize or for the silent auction that our relay does during the night.
If you are making a presentation for the Relay committee, I'd definitely tell them how easy it is for the team...and how much they'll get in return. We love doing ours in May because of the extra money PC donates during the Help Whip Cancer campaign. I also offer sales incentives and then they can 'dig' into my commission based on how much they sell. I call it...make me pay! I do not feel bad about offering most of my commission for this campaign and it adds a fun little twist to it..but again..it's MY team and we are all in this together.
What do you mean they donate extra money during May? PC gives more to the fundraiser? I never knew that. How much extra do they do?
They'll have a flyer with all of the details soon. I think it was 15 or 20% instead of the usual 10%, and 25% instead of the usual 15%. It's only to the one organization though associated with the HWC campaign....not every one. The flyer will tell you the details, if someone else doesn't first. ;)
I didn't know they gave more for relay teams! I did a relay fundraiser last year for my full time job, we have our own team. I donated a PC goodie basket(very cute with the pink dots martini glasses and and the dots ice bucket) along with half of my commission so there was no tension of making money while I was on the clock. If there is more info about PC donating more for relay teams please share, it would be a good sell to have a fundraiser again.
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  • #8
FYI, The HWC fundraisers helps the breast cancer research, where as Relay for Life team is raising funds for all cancers.
So what did you end up taking??? I just got asked to take some info to the next meeting
  • #10
A separate Relay for Life question I have is who do you have the checks made out to when submitted as a Fundraiser? I have two different teams I'm working with, about 45 minutes apart, which is great. I'm in the middle of both areas. I'm very anxious to see how others do this, but really need to know about submitting the show and who the check gets written to. This is the first time I've had any teams to work with.I've started one of the teams a couple of weeks ago and will submit their first collection as a March event. New members to their team will collect more orders in April. Then we are having a large fundraiser and craft and bake sale in a hall with multiple vendors early May.My other group is going to have each member on their team compete with individual orders to earn a prize, then we'll finish it off with a cooking demo, after hours type event where each member also brings a couple of guests.I have promised each team 20% of all their sales.
  • #11
esavvymom said:
They'll have a flyer with all of the details soon. I think it was 15 or 20% instead of the usual 10%, and 25% instead of the usual 15%. It's only to the one organization though associated with the HWC campaign....not every one. The flyer will tell you the details, if someone else doesn't first. ;)

I think the money from May HWC fundraisers goed directly to the ACS, rather than the team. If you want the money to go to your team, the show needs to be set up as a generic fundraiser. The increased percentages would not be applied to the general fundraiser.
  • #12
I have attached the documents I give away at the Team Captain meetings I attend. I work with several area RFL teams and do fundraiser shows with them to raise money for their teams. When a team books a show I give them the intro letter, order forms and catalogs. I try to book cooking shows, rather than catalog shows, since they are more successful.


  • Generic letter 042910.doc
    42 KB · Views: 382
  • Tool Pool Fundraiser.doc
    36 KB · Views: 725
  • Intro letter.doc
    31 KB · Views: 486

Related to What Should I Bring to the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting?

1. What is the purpose of the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting?

The Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting is an event where members of the community come together to learn about the American Cancer Society's signature fundraising event. It is an opportunity to get informed, inspired, and involved in the fight against cancer.

2. When and where will the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting take place?

The location and date of the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting may vary depending on your local area. Please contact your local Pampered Chef consultant or visit the American Cancer Society's website to find out the specific details for your region.

3. Do I need to register for the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting?

No, registration is not required for the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting. However, we encourage you to RSVP to your local Pampered Chef consultant or the American Cancer Society's website so they can plan accordingly.

4. Who can attend the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting?

The Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting is open to everyone in the community. Whether you are a survivor, caregiver, team participant, or simply interested in learning more about the event, you are welcome to attend.

5. How can I get involved in the Relay for Life event after attending the Kick-Off Meeting?

Attending the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting is a great first step in getting involved in the event. Your local Pampered Chef consultant or the American Cancer Society's website can provide you with more information on how you can join a team, volunteer, or become a sponsor for the event.

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