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What Pamper-A-Business Ideas Work for January Dieters?

In summary, The Pampered Chef is offering salons a chance to Pamper their businesses this January with food and catalogs. Whoever collects the highest order sales will win a free gift.
Gold Member
My year ended pretty well last year, but with the holidays and two kids, my vision ended with the end of the calendar year. I didn't think ahead and now have no prospects for parties, and therefore orders. I would like to Pamper a Business, but am clueless about what recipe to bring. My thoughts are that EVERYONE is on a diet in January. What can I bring that even dieters would not feel guilty eating, but still easy to transport and carry along with order forms and catalogs? TIA for any advice you can give :chef:
Good question!

Tomorrow I was going to call a local salon and offer the PAB but I wasn't sure what to offer either!!

My plan is to call one salon tomorrow and another on Tuesday (they aren't open Monday). I'll set them both up with PAB and make it a little competition that whichever salon collects the highest sales will have a free gift added on to everyone's order (I'll put a Season's Best on each order).
On Friday I'll go in with food to the first one and pick up orders. On Saturday I'll do the same with the second. I'll then contact them both after I've tallied everything up. My hope is that there will be enough to do one or maybe two seperate shows.

I'm excited because I've never done this before. If it goes well I'll continue doing two businesses a week (similar type businesses) and have them compete this way.

This week I'm going to be contacting the salons. Next week I'll do our bank (we have two seperate branch locations near us so it would be the same bank)
Not sure which one I'll do after, I may do the two elem schools that are next to us. I'm excited for this. Any ideas on other types of businesses to do?

But yes - I need recipe options too!!
Bumping this since it's a couple hrs later. Any ideas for us??
I have never done a PAB but it sounds like a lot of fun!!!!! What about doing the show in the box method like it was being talked about in another thread?
When I do the PAB I have binders made with an intro letter and I tell them I will ceck back to see if they are interested in taking a look, if they are I bring the desert when I come back to pick up the binder and the hopefully orders. So that way people are no skeptical thinking I am some nut coming into poison them lol

Here is my letter I use as a cover


  • Pamper biz sample letter.doc
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ShelbyMichalek said:
Next week I'll do our bank (we have two seperate branch locations near us so it would be the same bank)

Great ideas! I may have to try this myself! Do you have someone in each branch that you personally contact to set this up or how do you go about doing this?
sorry for the typos but you get the point :p
winklermom said:
Great ideas! I may have to try this myself! Do you have someone in each branch that you personally contact to set this up or how do you go about doing this?

Yep. With the banks, my husband has a contact at his favorite one that I'll be talking to. At the other one, I recently had to report some fraud charges and I'll be talking to the woman who helped us out with this. It's the same bank, Wells Fargo, but two different location branches.

For the salons, I'll talk to my stylist at the one - and I'll just talk to whoever answers at the other one.

I'm not sure what I'll do after the first couple weeks (or if someone says no :eek:)
This is the script I wrote up to use.
Hi! This is Shelby Michalek with The Pampered Chef. I’ve chosen your salon as part of my Pamper a Business month and I was wondering if I could bring some catalogs by later today for you and your coworkers and clients to look at. On [insert day here] I’ll come back with some [insert food here] and pick up any orders.
If you’re interested in a little competition, I’ve chosen your salon and one other salon that one of my friends goes to and I’ll be pampering both of you this week. Whichever salon collects the highest order sales will win a free gift for each person who orders.

I've put together folders with 2 catalogs, 8 Jan oofs, a sheet of the guest specials, a sheet with the Feb host special, and the Jan/Feb recruiting flyer. On the front inside panels of the folders I have a sticker on the left that covers payment types accepted and on the right a sticker that reads "Ask for more information about:" then lists registry, fundraisers, etc. I used different colored wording to help the stickers stand out (but not tacky!)

Like the original poster, however, I'm stuck on what type of food to pamper them with!
  • #10
Pamper with cheap food. I'm planning on just doing a black forest torte. You can actually get 2 seperate one's out of one set of ingredients. I know it's not healthy but I really doubt that anyone will complain and they are pretty. So even if they don't eat it - they will notice it.
  • #11
cookinforyou said:
When I do the PAB I have binders made with an intro letter and I tell them I will ceck back to see if they are interested in taking a look, if they are I bring the desert when I come back to pick up the binder and the hopefully orders. So that way people are no skeptical thinking I am some nut coming into poison them lol

Here is my letter I use as a cover

great letter - thank you for sharing. just one one typo in the the paragraph "as a thank you" change "you show" to "your show" otherwise it looks great!
  • #12
Tuxedo Brownie Truffles are a good recipe. They make a lot and are easy to make. Really any desserts in the MMP work well.
  • #13
I Pampered A Business to a Curves, ladies workout place & I brought Dill Mix & cut veggies in the Cool & Serve Square Tray
  • #14
skaugchef said:
I Pampered A Business to a Curves, ladies workout place & I brought Dill Mix & cut veggies in the Cool & Serve Square Tray

My wife suggested her Curves. They are on my list for this week (Wed) along with my hair place Fantastic Sams.
  • #15
ugh! i was so excited about pampering a business...so i called my bank and realtor's office and both agreed....
i tend to always go above and beyond, so i fixed an appetizer, main dish, and dessert for each business. i left catalogs, flyers, order forms, promos...EVERYTHING!
i went back yesterday to pick up my dishes and guess how many orders i got????
ZERO! what in the world????? i don't get it!
i am doing an insurance agency today and am hoping for better luck!
  • #16
Just bring finger food for the food part - and bring it at the end.
Also, bring just catalogs and order forms. If they book a show - they'll book a show - dont waste your materials.
Bring the materials in at the beginning of the week, bring the food at the end. It leaves the expectation that you'll pick up orders. Also, it's all in the attitude. Chat up the people who work there!
Another thing, direct it more toward the business and less to their customers. You want to interest the bank employees, their customers just want the food.
  • #17
i was def all about the employees..totally chatted it up with them...told them how much they are appreciated and everything...the food wasn't even for the customers, just employees (about 20 ppl)...i had heard of some consultants bringing food before and some after, so i just chose one...maybe i should have waited and brought the food later. oh well....not giving up!
  • #18
Sprinkle the idea of placing an orders by using catalogs and order forms at the beginng of the week and bring the yummies in at the end. But only do either a desert or appatizer. My bank that I bank at does differnt businesses every month as a business of the month. And next month I was asked to be the business of the month so I am technically pampering my bank for a month. Who knows I might at the end of the month bring in an appatizer or desert for the ladies that work their as a thank you.
  • #19
So what dessert or app would you bring for say 25+ people?
  • #20
Good ideas for desserts or apps - use your Season's Best Cookbook of course!!
  • #21
Barry Carlton said:
So what dessert or app would you bring for say 25+ people?

I might consider the tiramasu cupcakes. Since the recipe calls for a half a box of cake mix, you could do two trays of it with the whole box.
  • #22
ShelbyMichalek said:
Good ideas for desserts or apps - use your Season's Best Cookbook of course!!

What I was asking was more like what is good, simple, and inexpensive for that many people. This would be for a Guy & Toni's salon school.
  • #23
Just had to share...........Last Friday I had a dentist appointment. First time at this dentist because of a cross-country move early last year. As I was setting up a follow--up appointment for a filling next week I told the lady checking me out that I was a PC consultant and I do something called Pampering a Business and I would love to bring them a little something when I came back today to bring my son in for his appointment. I didn't talk about orders or anything with her.

Today when I came in everyone was so excited and her exact words were "oh, wow! You didn't lie to me! You really brought us something" I left with three new email addresses to add to my newsletter and everyone very excited and looking at catalogs. I will go back next Friday for my appointment and pick up my dish. They were already talking about what they wanted to order when I left.

Hopefully this will turn into enough in sales to be a show so I can have my second show for January turned in early. The point I want to make is in what she said - if you say you are going to do something, DO IT! They remember if you don't.
  • #24
Barry Carlton said:
What I was asking was more like what is good, simple, and inexpensive for that many people. This would be for a Guy & Toni's salon school.

Oh, I didn't see this before I put my last post but here's what I do. The recipe for the Black Forest Torte but I use an extra can of cherries and just make two seperate cakes with one layer instead of stacking them. This way for a large group you are dropping off two cakes and if you want to do two smaller businesses you are getting them both from one recipe.
  • #25
I holy heartedly agree Sharon, if your going to pamper them .... their expecting it!!! It doesn't have to be ellborate but fun and exciting!!
  • #26
I did several pamperings last fall and always took the Smores Cups from the desserts cookbook. You can put them on the adjustable tiered tower. However, I also went around on one day, got confirmation from banks, realtors, and doctor's offices to see who would be interested. Then I delivered goodies, catalogs, and order forms the next day. I went in the morning and picked up orders at the end of their business day. That way they were on a deadline. Each time I did it I got enough orders to make a show and I now have repeat customers.
  • #27
When you do have a show out of this, what do you do with the host rewards?
  • #28
wadesgirl said:
Tuxedo Brownie Truffles are a good recipe. They make a lot and are easy to make. Really any desserts in the MMP work well.

What is an MMP??
  • #29
When you do have a show out of this, what do you do with the host rewards?
Buy products that I can use for drawings, raffles, cake mix gifts @ Christmas time, etc. Last time I had a $200 catty show like this I just got 10 Season's Bests. Time before that I got 2 SB and a couple spreaders. Just small things - they're free!!

cookingwithdawn said:
What is an MMP??
Mini Muffin Pan
  • #31
ok, question...what wording do you use, or how do you approach the invitation to Pamper a Business, especially for a business that you may not know of anyone by name?
  • #32
who is the 'host' when you are entering these into P3? Does one person at the business get to reap the host benefits? I've never done a PAB before.
  • #33
It's the same as a regular show, except if they don't give you enough to do as a show you combine it with another one.I got sick of baking for people who didn't give me any orders. So I think I will take another stab at doing it the way Shelby pointed out. I really need to do SOMETHING to get my business going!
  • #34
Hi Shelby! :)
I was trying to send you a PM but I couldn't

I would like to ask you if you ended up doing the PAB in January... Was it successful?

I would like to give it a try!

Thank you!

  • #35
I a new consultant.....always looking for ideas. This sounds like so much fun and a great way to get to know your community. Thanks for the ideas. :)
  • #36
Just wondering - how well do these REALLY work?
  • #37
mommyhugz1978 said:
I have never done a PAB but it sounds like a lot of fun!!!!! What about doing the show in the box method like it was being talked about in another thread?

Could someone please tell me what the "show in a box method" is? sounds interesting.:balloon:
  • #38
I currently have a Pamper your Business going on at our local Credit Union, I left catalogs, order forms, and a reusable shopping bag for the boss, I am going to pick up orders on Monday and I will be taking a Strawberries and Cream Trifle and plates and napkins when I arrive! :) I hope it goes good!! Fingers Crossed!! This is my first one!!
  • #39
Well, that was a flop :( Only one order that was about $50 dollars, I thought for sure they would of came up with atleast enough to turn in a show. BOO Really dissapointing. I left my Strawberries & Cream trifle in hopes they would feel guilty!! I bank there every week!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #40
Don't let it get you down. Sometimes it pans out and sometimes it doesn't. It's about getting your name out there. My first PAB I did was a bank and one teller has been a repeat two additional times since. Sometimes, you make customers for life :)
  • #41
Hunter Mom said:
Just wondering - how well do these REALLY work?
I haven't done a lot of these Pampering Businesses... I've actually only done 3 in my 2 years of business:
#1 - dentist's office - awesome! I got almost enough orders to put together a show, and about 1.5 years later held a $1200 party from the contact I made through this event.
#2 - salon - flop. No results
#3 - bank - flop. No results.

So... hit and miss, I guess. But the one that worked out really was well worth it in the end.
  • #42
Barry Carlton said:
So what dessert or app would you bring for say 25+ people?

choclate-peanut butter crunch bars in SB you can cut them small as you need to get a lot of bars

Super delicioud and pretty quick to make. ;)
  • #43
OMG ! wish I would have spell checked!!!!

Related to What Pamper-A-Business Ideas Work for January Dieters?

1. What is the Pamper-A-Business program and how does it work?

The Pamper-A-Business program is a way for consultants at Pampered Chef to boost their sales and reach new customers by hosting parties or events at local businesses. Consultants can bring a variety of products to the event and offer guests the opportunity to purchase items on the spot or place orders for later delivery.

2. How can I participate in the Pamper-A-Business program?

If you are a consultant at Pampered Chef, you can participate in the program by reaching out to local businesses and offering to host a party or event for their employees or customers. You can also ask your existing customers if they know of any businesses that may be interested in hosting a Pampered Chef event.

3. What type of recipe should I bring for a Pamper-A-Business event in January?

Since many people are on diets in January, it's a good idea to bring a healthy and delicious recipe that won't make them feel guilty. Some ideas could be a vegetable dip made with Greek yogurt, a fruit salad with a light honey dressing, or a quinoa and vegetable stir-fry. You can also offer samples of Pampered Chef products, such as our Spiral & Slice or Veggie Spiralizer, to demonstrate healthy meal prep options.

4. How do I transport and carry recipe samples, order forms, and catalogs to a Pamper-A-Business event?

To make transportation easier, you can use a large tote or basket to carry your recipe samples, order forms, and catalogs. You can also use a rolling bag or cart to make it easier to carry heavier items. It's also a good idea to pack your items in plastic containers or ziplock bags to prevent spills or messes during transportation.

5. What if I have no prospects for parties or orders for the Pamper-A-Business program?

If you are having trouble finding businesses to host events or customers to place orders, try reaching out to your friends and family and asking if they know of any businesses that may be interested. You can also offer incentives, such as a free product or discount, to encourage businesses to host an event. Additionally, utilize social media to promote your Pamper-A-Business events and reach a wider audience.

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